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每次使用你的電腦,垃圾檔案和其他不必要的檔案存儲在您的電腦硬碟。這些積累的資料終究可以一分一秒減緩你的電腦。要加快你的電腦,你需要「碎片整理」您的及時硬碟。 Amigabit磁碟碎片整理是能幫你最好的人。這種快速和強大的磁碟碎片整理工具,可以分析一下,電腦碎片整理和改善磁碟的峰值效能。這是很容易與直觀的介面來使用。

. 給你選取的硬碟( S)一鍵式碎片整理選項,當你在趕時間或是沒有多少時間的時候。
. 合併零散的自由空間到一個連續的塊,避免新建立的檔案的碎片。

. 你可以整理多個磁碟或選取單個磁碟碎片整理,或預設略過磁碟碎片整理過程中一些巨大的檔案。提供了一個有效的模式來儲存,而不是每次都對整個電腦的所有磁碟進行碎片整理的時間。

. 這是從來沒有這麼容易而又能及時碎片整理的磁碟。安排您的電腦磁碟碎片整理,當你不在電腦前,無論在晚上早上或任何時間,甚至在你睡覺的你的時候,只要告訴您的電腦,您需要碎片整理的磁碟(一次,每天或每週),您就能得到一個速度更快的電腦。


. 啟動您的電腦自動關機時,碎片整理過程完成。當你離開可以保留磁碟碎片整理。
. 掃瞄和找出比你期望在硬碟上(前10 , 50 , 100 , 200或1000最大的檔案)的檔案較大。
. 把手與檢驗到的大檔案模式:檢視詳細訊息,訪問目的資料夾,從電腦中刪除到回收站,或搬移到其他位置

. 自動更新 – 讓你總是喜歡最新版本
. 免費線上說明單證 – 得到一步一步的介紹如何使用Amigabit磁碟碎片整理指南


【文章標題】: (磁碟碎片整理工具)Amigabit Disk Defrag 1.0.2
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Amigabit Disk Defrag 1.0.2

Each time you use your computer, junk files and other unnecessary files are stored on your PC's hard disk. These accumulated data finally can slow your computer down to a crawl. To speed up your computer, you need "defragment" your hard disk timely. Amigabit Disk Defrag is the best one to help you. This fast and powerful disk defrag tool allows to analyze, defrag computer and optimize disks for peak performance. It is easy to use with its intuitive interface.

Quick and Optimized Disk Defragmentation
>> Give your selected hard disk(s) a one-click defrag option, when you are in a hurry or do not have much time.
>> Merge scattered pieces of free space into a contiguous block, avoiding fragmentation of newly created files.

Single or Multiple Disk Defragmentation
>> You can defragment multiple disks or select individual disk for defragmentation, or preset to skip some huge files during the disk defragmentation. Offer an effective way to save your time instead of defragmenting the all disks on whole computer every time.

Schedule Disk Defragmentation
>> It's never so easier to defrag disks timely. Schedule your computer to defrag disk at night, early in the morning, or any time when you are not at PC. Just tell your computer when you need defrag disks (once, every day, or every week), get a faster computer even in your sleep.

Shut Down Computer After Disk Defragmentation
>> Enable your computer to shut itself down automatically when the defragmentation process is complete. Free up your hand when you want to keep the disk defragmentation while you're going away.
Find Out Large Files on Hard Disks
>> Scan & find out the larger files than your expect (the top 10, 50, 100, 200 or 1000 biggest files) on hard disks.
>> Handle with the detected big files by: view details, access to destination folder, delete from computer to Recycle Bin, or move to other locations

More Features
>> Auto update – keep you always enjoying the latest version
>> Free online help documentations – get step-by-step guide on how to use Amigabit Disk Defrag

(磁碟碎片整理工具)Amigabit Disk Defrag 1.0.2 | Homepage: www.amigabit.com/disk-defrag/

(磁碟碎片整理工具)Amigabit Disk Defrag 1.0.2 | Size: 2.3 MB
