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媒體檔案尤其是電影和音訊盜版是一個很大的問題花費每年的電影和音樂行業數十億美元,但現在解決這個大問題就在眼前。Copy Protect,您可以通過將它們轉換成複製保護的應用程式防止媒體檔案非法複製和分發。它也可以讓你安全地燒錄複製保護的應用程式到你的硬碟,讓您可以分發它們沒有盜版的恐懼。


*防止圖像盜竊,盜版,非法傳播,並從CD / DVD或USB磁碟機的資料洩漏給任何其他磁碟機。
*與Windows XP 32位作業,XP 64位,Vista 32位,Vista 64位Windows 7操作系統。


【文章標題】: (複製保護應用程式)NewSoftwares Copy Protect 2.0.1
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
NewSoftwares Copy Protect 2.0.1

Up to this day, there is no real way you can prevent copying of your most precious creative works, arts, documents or presentations. Anything you create and distribute over the internet is for anyone for grabs. In such an environment, a solution that converts your creative works into logically controlled executables that know where to run and where to stop is a way to go. Copy Protect offers you tamper proof copy protection technology for your media files and documents and ensures complete security against piracy and illegal copying.

Piracy of media files especially movies and audios is a big problem costing movies and music industries billions of dollars every year, but now the solution to this big problem is at hand. With Copy Protect, you can prevent illegal copying and distribution of your media files by converting them into copy protected applications. It also lets you securely burn copy protected applications to your disks so that you can distribute them without the fear of piracy.

Some of the features of Copy Protect are listed below:
* Unbreakable copy protection for your videos, audios, pictures and documents.
* Burn copy protected data to your own CD or DVD for distribution without the fear of data being copied illegally.
* Easy to use and navigate graphical user interface that does not require any additional programming skills.
* Simple and effective data copy protection procedures.
* Protect your media files and art work from illegal copy from one computer to another.
* Securely distribute your films, songs, files, documents, reports and other copyright material on any distribution media like CD, DVD, Blu-ray disc, USB drive, external drive etc.
* Highly customized copy protection application to tailor your needs.
* Play copy protected videos and audios directly from the destination drive where you have saved them.
* No need to install the application at other end to run the copy protected files and documents.
* Prevent image theft, piracy, illegal distribution and leakage of your data from your CD/DVD or USB drive to any other drive.
* Work well with Windows XP 32-bit, XP 64-bit, Vista 32-bit, Vista 64-bit, Windows 7.

(複製保護應用程式)NewSoftwares Copy Protect 2.0.1 | Home Page: www.newsoftwares.net

(複製保護應用程式)NewSoftwares Copy Protect 2.0.1 | 23.22 MB