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選取合適的辦公套件,你會立刻變得更有效率。選SoftMaker Office Professional 2012 ,你會在更短的時間完成這項工作,用更好的成績,並以大幅降低的成本比使用微軟Office 。
如果您需要與同事和業務合作夥伴交換Word文件, Excel表格或PowerPoint演示文稿,你不再依賴高價微軟Office : SoftMaker Office絕對2012讀取和寫入所有您的Word , Excel和PowerPoint檔案無縫。


SoftMaker Office絕對的讀取和寫入Microsoft Word , Excel和PowerPoint檔案無縫地 – 並且收費是微軟Office的一小部分。

相容:讀取和寫入所有的Microsoft Word , Excel和PowerPoint檔案無縫。


TextMaker 2012 ,讀取和寫入的Microsoft Word檔案,順利的可靠和友好的文字處理器。

PlanMaker 2012年,完全相容Excel的電子錶格,可以讓你創造出最精細的工作表。


BasicMaker 2012 ,腳本語系和環境,可以讓你自動重複執行的任務。



沒有人喜歡等待。你不應該容忍緩慢的辦公軟體! SoftMaker Office絕對啟動快如閃電,工作快如閃電的和快速的計算。吻合起來的數字,你的檔案已經完成!

它絕對不僅速度快:它也有最低硬體要求。 SoftMaker Office絕對削減罰款數字甚至上網本。

您也可以在USB記憶棒安裝SoftMaker Office Professional 2012 。這樣一來,你總是有你的辦公套件和你在一起,準備使用。

相容。微軟Office, OpenDocument的,等等。

當您從同事或客戶收到的檔案,你要與你的辦公套件編輯它們。這就是為什麼SoftMaker Office絕對的讀取和寫入的Word ,Excel和PowerPoint檔案具有最高的保真度。你甚至可以設定您的預設檔案類型為「字」 , 「創先爭優」和「 PowerPoint的」 ,並且再也不必擔心再交換檔案!

InfoWorld的雜誌說: 「 SoftMaker Office絕對顯示了與微軟Office格式超強的相容性,而OpenOffice.org 3.1降至持平。 」

TextMaker還支援開放文件標準的OpenDocument ,使其與OpenOffice.org相容。另外, SoftMaker Office絕對出口檔案,工作表及簡報為PDF格式。

【文章標題】: (辦公軟體)SoftMaker Office Professional 2012 rev 682 Multilingual
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
SoftMaker Office Professional 2012 rev 682 Multilingual

Your office suite is the most important application on your PC for document creation, both at work and for personal tasks.
Choose the right office suite, and you will become more productive immediately. Choose SoftMaker Office 2012, and you will get the job done in less time, with better results, and at a drastically lower cost than with Microsoft Office.
If you need to exchange Word documents, Excel sheets, or PowerPoint presentations with colleagues and business partners, you are no longer dependent on high-priced Microsoft Office: SoftMaker Office 2012 reads and writes all your Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files seamlessly.

Choose SoftMaker Office 2012 as your office suite, and you will get the job done in less time and with better results.

SoftMaker Office reads and writes Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files seamlessly – and costs only a fraction of Microsoft Office.

Everything speaks for SoftMaker Office 2012:
Powerful: Sophisticated office software for business and home users alike.
Compatible: Reads and writes all Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files seamlessly.
Fast: Starts and works blazingly fast. Slow is out.
Reliable: Does what you want. No nasty surprises.

SoftMaker Office 2012 comes with the following applications:

TextMaker 2012, the reliable and friendly word processor that reads and writes Microsoft Word files without a hitch.

PlanMaker 2012, the fully Excel-compatible spreadsheet that lets you create the most elaborate worksheets.

SoftMaker Presentations 2012, the presentation graphics program that simply creates better-looking presentations than Microsoft PowerPoint.

BasicMaker 2012, a scripting language and environment that lets you automate recurring tasks.

All programs are a perfect match. They not only provide consistent menu and dialog box arrangements, but can also exchange data smoothly with each other.

Fast. Nobody wants to wait.

Nobody likes to wait. You should not put up with slow office software – period! SoftMaker Office starts lightning fast, works lightning fast and calculates lightning fast. While the competition still tallies up the figures, your document is already done!

But SoftMaker Office is not only fast: it also has minimal hardware requirements. SoftMaker Office cuts a fine figure even on netbooks.

You can also install SoftMaker Office 2012 on a USB stick. That way, you always have your office suite with you, ready for use.

Compatible. Microsoft Office, OpenDocument, and many more.

When you receive documents from colleagues or customers, you want to edit them with your office suite. That's why SoftMaker Office reads and writes Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files with highest fidelity. You can even set your default file types to "Word", "Excel", and "PowerPoint", and never worry about exchanging documents again!

InfoWorld magazine says: "SoftMaker Office shows superior compatibility with Microsoft Office formats, while OpenOffice.org 3.1 falls flat."

TextMaker also supports the open document standard OpenDocument, making it compatible with OpenOffice.org. In addition, SoftMaker Office exports documents, worksheets, and presentations to PDF format.

Release history

(辦公軟體)SoftMaker Office Professional 2012 rev 682 Multilingual | Home Page – www.softmaker.com

(辦公軟體)SoftMaker Office Professional 2012 rev 682 Multilingual: 289.13 MB

ОС: Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/7/8