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FairStars Recorder是一個實時的音訊記錄,提供了對WMA,MP3,OGG,APE和WAV格式的全面支援專業錄音功能。它容許您直接從您的聲卡錄製音效,內含來自麥克風或線路輸入插孔的高品質。它可以用來抓取任何音效,內含音樂,從電影對話,遊戲音效,流媒體音訊或其他任何東西。所捕獲的音效可以直接儲存到WMA,MP3,OGG,APE或WAV格式,而無需暫存檔。此外,該專案內含一個ID3標籤編輯器和錄音計劃。其他功能還內含無聲跳躍(靜音檢驗),檔案大小限制,錄製精靈等等。



FairStars錄音機和FairStars MP3錄音機之間的區別是什麼?
FairStars MP3 Recorder是FairStars錄音機的精簡版版本。 FairStars MP3錄音機不能支援WMA和FLAC格式輸出,無音訊刀具,也沒有支援錄音錄像時間表,等等。


【文章標題】:(音訊記錄工具)FairStars Recorder 3.70
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
FairStars Recorder 3.70

FairStars Recorder is a real-time audio recorder, offering professional recording features with full support for WMA, MP3, OGG, APE and WAV formats. It allows you to record sound directly from your sound card, including from a microphone or a line-in jack at high quality. It can be used to grab any sound, including music, dialogs from movies, game sounds, streaming audio or anything else. The captured sound can be saved directly to WMA, MP3, OGG, APE or WAV format, without the need for temporary files. In addition, the program includes a ID3 tag editor and recording schedule. Additional features include silent skip (Silence Detector), file size limits, recording wizard and more.

Main features:
• Record audio from sound card directly to WMA, MP3, OGG, APE or WAV format with high quality.
• Record sound directly from plackback device(only for Vista).
• Real-time sound monitor before recording, easy to select record device and adjust the volume(you may enable it on the Advance page of Record Option panel).
• Skip silent passages, stop recording or record to a new file automatically after a set time silence (Silent Detector).
• Stop recording or record to a new file automatically when reaching a set file length, size or time (File Limitation).
• Add files to File List automatially (File Append).
• Remove environmental noise automatically with the option Filters Setting.
• Support writing of ID3 tag when recording and showing when playback.
• Support ID3 tag view, import, edit, or transfer to the file in File List with TAG Editor and Tag Option.
• Recording Schedule for automatic recordings.
• Easy Set feature for silent sensitivity.
• Recording Wizard for beginner.
• Easy-to-use user-friendly interface, and skin support.
• Record control with hotkeys.

88KHz / 96KHz and 24Bit support only for WAV and FLAC formats now. Also, Not all audio device could be albe to support 24bit recording.
When you record from a microphone or a line-in jack, mark the option "Autosetting" in "Advance" page may remove the environmental noise automatically.
What is the difference between FairStars Recorder and FairStars MP3 Recorder?
FairStars MP3 Recorder is the lite version of FairStars Recorder. FairStars MP3 Recorder cannot support WMA and FLAC format output, no audio cutter tool, also not support Recording Recording Schedule, etc.

(音訊記錄工具)FairStars Recorder 3.70 | Home Page:www.Fairstars.com

(音訊記錄工具)FairStars Recorder 3.70 | Size: 3 MB
