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Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 13是一款方便實用的應用程式,可用於色彩校正和視訊整理。
這個驚人的Magic Bullet Suite具有一些非常強大的功能和色彩校正工具,它們將通過Adobe Premiere Pro中的Mercury Playback支援提供實時效能。

上述所有工具均已更新,並加入了新工具Magic Bullet Renoiser。使用此工具,您可以在素材上獲得電影般的紋理和顆粒感。

使用Magic Bullet Colorista IV,您可以校正彩色,該工具主要由製片人使用。
Magic Bullet Denoiser III進行了重大改進,現在它為您提供了使用視訊降噪器的更快,更輕鬆的方法。
總而言之,我們可以說Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 13是一個令人印象深刻的工具,可用於彩色校正和視訊整理。

Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 13.0.12的功能:

通過Adobe Premiere Pro中的Mercury Playback支援提供實時效能。

Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite是紅巨星出品的調色套裝,包括以下外掛程式

Magic Bullet Looks 4 Looks調色外掛程式
Magic Bullet Colorista III 調色師3
Magic Bullet Film 1.2 電影質感調色
Magic Bullet Mojo II 快速調色外掛程式
Magic Bullet Cosmo II 潤膚磨皮外掛程式
Denoiser III 降噪外掛程式
LUT Buddy LUT調色工具

【視訊色彩校正】Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 13.0.12 網址:

Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 13 is a handy and imposing application which can be used for color correction as well as for finishing your videos. This amazing Magic Bullet Suite has got some very powerful features and the color correction tools which will deliver the real time performance through Mercury Playback support in Adobe Premiere Pro. You can also download Red Giant VFX Suite Windows and MacOS.

All the above mentioned tools have been updated and a new tool Magic Bullet Renoiser has been added. You can get the cinematic texture as well as grain on your footage with this tool. With Magic Bullet Colorista IV you can correct the colors and this tool is mostly used by the filmmakers. Magic Bullet Denoiser III has seen major overhauling and now it provides you with the faster and easier means to use the video denoiser. On a conclusive note we can say that Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 13 is an impressive tool which can be useed for color correction and for finishing the videos. You can also download Red Giant Shooter Suite 13 Windows and MacOS.

Features of Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 13.0.12 Free Download Windows and MacOS

Below are some amazing features you can experience after installation of Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 13.0.12 Free Download Windows and MacOS please keep in mind features may vary and totally depends if your system support them.

Impressive application for color correction and finishing your videos.
Delivers real time performance through Mercury Playback support in Adobe Premiere Pro.
Got some very powerful color correction tools.
Got 6 updated and one brand new tool.
Gives your footage cinematic texture as well as grain which is more authentic than anything else.