【多功能圖片照片軟體】Ashampoo Photo Commander 11.1.1 多國語系(繁體中文)版
【多功能圖片照片軟體】Ashampoo Photo Commander 又推出新版本了!
這就是Ashampoo Photo Commander 10,一套全能完整的照片軟體。

【多功能圖片照片軟體】Ashampoo Photo Commander 11.1.1 多國語系(繁體中文)版
Ashampoo Photo Commander 功能概覽:
4、創作自己的帶有背景音樂 的圖片幻燈;建立並列印相片日曆、拼貼畫、賀卡以及帶相框的照片
Ashampoo Photo Commander 歷史悠久!
在其第 10 代產品中,Ashampoo Photo Commander 能夠處理家庭日常使用或是一般辦公中遇到的所有圖片處理任務。
易用的工具讓你能方便的編輯圖片,創造出一流的效果。例如,您可以切割圖片、移除紅眼、一鍵改善圖片等等… 這一圖片編輯軟體還能處理多種複雜任務,如批次轉換圖片(批次轉換),非常實用。
讓你自由發揮您的創造力。例如,可以建立幻燈片或是拼貼畫。您還可以嘗試使用多種不同的圖片效果,建立更精美的圖片。Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 使創造唯美的藝術照變成無比容易。
您可以列印圖片、用 Email 傳送圖片、燒錄圖片到光碟上,甚至還有一個易用的精靈讓您上傳圖片到網路上,如 Facebook、YouTube 和 Picasa。
Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 能處理各種各樣的圖片任務 – 從將圖片從數位相機匯出,到管理和編輯圖片,甚至內含列印和上傳圖片到網上。
Ashampoo Photo Commander 重要功能一覽:
大家在安裝時或是在設定語系(Language)時選取Chinese Traditional(繁體中文) 即可。
Everything out of the box: view, organize, edit, present and share your photos. Ashampoo Photo Commander 11 combines menus, ribbons, side-panes and wizards into an intuitive user interface with customizable view modes for easy handling. And thanks to mini maps, scrolling within large images no longer requires dragging separate scrollbars.
Among other features there is the new dual-view modefor the comparison of an original picture and that picture while editing. Additionally, the optimization tools and video functions were improved, new effects were added and lots more. When handling your digital pictures you』ll never want to do without Ashampoo Photo Commander 9 again.
Ashampoo Photo Commander Fetaures:
‧ Miniature view with grouping function. With the grouping function in the improved miniature view you can get a better overview of your pictures by filtering them according to certain terms (tags), model of the camera, file format etc.
‧ Tagging. You can now tag your photos, this means that you assign certain terms to your photos. These will be saved to the IPTC meta data and simplify for example the detection or grouping of pictures.
‧ Batch processing. Batch processing significantly reduces the amount of effort when editing photos. You can convert several pictures into a new format at once or apply effects to a bunch of pictures.
‧ Editing and optimization of photos. In the quick-fix mode you can optimize a photo with one click, adjust contrast and colors, add effects, resize the photo, remove red eyes etc. Furthermore, objects such as speech bubbles, shapes or arrows, can be added in the editing mode.
‧ HTML albums, slideshows, collages… Stunning HTML albums, slideshows (with music), collages, calendars, frames for pictures, greeting cards, photo mixes and TIFF multi pages of your pictures can be created in next to no time.
‧ Audio and video. Audio and video collections can be managed just as easily as picture collections. Additionally, the program offers an integrated playback function so that you can play all your multimedia files with Ashampoo Photo Commander 9.
‧ Burn discs, send e-mails and create PDFs. With just a few clicks photos can be burned on CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disc, send in an e-mail or be exported as PDF.
‧ Import from cameras and scanners. With the import tool you can select and import pictures directly from your digital camera or a scanner. This tool also enables the automatic rotation of photos, if the digital camera provides this information.
‧ Skins and plug-ins. Use the included skins to give your Ashampoo Photo Commander 9 a personal look. Plug-ins for handling additional file formats are supported.
New features and improvements in Ashampoo Photo Commander 10:
‧ Improved image adjustment with a new gradation curve tool, histogram and improved controls
‧ Repair tool
‧ Focus effect tool
‧ Flood fill tool
‧ Upload pictures or photo albums to Facebook, YouTube, Picasa etc.
‧ Improved printing for multiple copies of an image on one page
‧ Faster program start up
‧ Less memory consumption
‧ Accelerated photo browser
New features and improvements in Ashampoo Photo Commander 11:
‧ NEW! Go back in time and reverse image modifications through the integrated backup feature
‧ NEW! Achieve faster results with performance-enhanced viewing and optimization routines
‧ NEW! Apply effects with pixel-precision through the Effect Pen tool and enjoy live previews for instant visual feedback
‧ NEW! Turn your photos into stunning miniature scenes with the Tilt-Shift tool
‧ NEW! Use auto-detection to select and remove unwanted image elements and scratches
‧ NEW! Work with 3D images
‧ NEW! Load, save and view Adobe XMP metadata information
WindowsR XP, Windows VistaR; WindowsR 7, WindowsR 8. For users of WindowsR XP we recommend Service Pack 2 or later.
【多功能圖片照片軟體】Ashampoo Photo Commander 11.1.1 多國語系(繁體中文)版 | Home Page: https://www.ashampoo.com
【多功能圖片照片軟體】Ashampoo Photo Commander 11.1.1 多國語系(繁體中文)版 / Size: 156.8 MB