【室內設計師的3D神器】SketchUp Pro 2014 14.0.4900(3D設計工具軟體)中文化版
SketchUp Pro 2014 14 是一個可讓您在 3D 環境中探索和表達想法的簡單且強大的工具。
SketchUp Pro 做到了傳統 CAD 軟體無法做到的功能,不僅容易學習,而且易於使用。

【室內設計師的3D神器】SketchUp Pro 2014 14.0.4900(3D設計工具軟體)中文化版
建立 3D 模型:使用 SketchUp Pro,即可從頭開始或藉由現有資料建立 3D 模型。
匯入繪圖、CAD 設計圖、照片、空照圖像和其他資訊,然後使用 SketchUp Pro 的建模工具,以 3D 模型展現您的想法。
將您的資料新增至模型:透過 SketchUp Pro,您能夠以動態元件的模式將屬性新增至模型。隨時建立摘要說明模型屬性資料的報告。
匯出和分享:某些項目需要使用傳統的 CAD 應用程式或繪製應用程式,才能建立構造圖和如照片般真實的圖像,或是分享資訊。
SketchUp Pro 能夠以多種 2D 和 3D 格式匯出 3D 模型,以用於其他應用程式。
簡報和檔案:對於您大多數的項目,內建 LayOut 的 SketchUp Pro 提供您所需的一切功能。
LayOut 是 SketchUp Pro 的 2D 輔助,可建立許可證繪圖和構造圖、簡報檔案以及全螢幕幕數字簡報等成品
SketchUp Pro 2014 Portable v13.0.4812 單檔案綠色便攜破解版
Google Sketchup是一套直接面向設計專案創作過程的設計工具,其創作過程不僅能夠充分表達設計師的思想而且完全滿足與客戶即時交流的需要,它使得設計師可以直接在電腦上進行十分直觀的構思,是三維建築設計專案創作的優秀工具。
SketchUp是全球最受歡迎的3D模型之一,2014年就構建了3000萬個模型,SketchUp在Google經由多次更新並呈指數增長,不過考 慮到Google目前涉足領功能變數太多,從廣告到社交網路,一個不漏,而Trimble則專注於一種用於定位,建築,海上導航等裝置的位置與定位技術,也許更 適合SketchUp,但不可否認的是,Google確實將SketchUp的技術 帶給了許多人,比如木工藝術家,電影製作人,遊戲開發商,專案師,讓更多人知道了SketchUp有這麼一種技術。
Google SketchUp is software that you can use to create 3D models of anythinsg you like. Most people get rolling with SketchUp in just a few minutes. Dozens of video tutorials, an extensive Help Center and a worldwide user community mean that anyone who wants to make 3D models with SketchUp, can. Redecorate your living room. Design a new piece of furniture. Model your city for Google Earth. Create a skatepark for your hometown, then export an animation and share it on YouTube. There's no limit to what you can create with SketchUp. You can build models from scratch, or you can download what you need. People all over the world share what they've made on the Google 3D Warehouse. It's a huge, searchable repository of models, and it's free.
Google SketchUp Pro 8 is a suite of powerful features and applications for streamlining your professional 3D workflow. All the intuitive modeling, visualization and collaboration features of SketchUp 8, plus exporters for a long list of 2D and 3D vector file formats. Also, generate tabular reports based on the entities in your models. Link your models to multi-page 2D presentation documents, add images, text and graphics, and share your designs as high-resolution prints, digital exports and onscreen slide shows. Teach components to animate and scale like they do in real life. Add custom attributes that extend your models' usefulness. Build configurable components that are easy for everyone to use.
• Edges and Faces: Thats all there is to it
• Push/Pull: Quickly go from 2D to 3D
• Accurate measurements: Work with precision
• Follow Me: Create complex extrusions and lathed forms
• Paint Bucket: Apply colors and textures
• Groups and Components: Build smarter models
• Shadows: Perform shade studies and add realism
• Sections: See inside your models
• Scenes: Save views and create animations
• Look Around and Walk: Explore your creations firsthand
• Dimensions and Labels: Add information to your designs
• The Instructor: Catch on quickly
• Layers and the Outliner: Stay organized
• Google Earth: See your models in context
• Sandbox tools: Work on terrain
• 3D Warehouse: Find models of almost anything you need
• Import DXF, DWG and 3DS: Get a headstart on your modeling
• Import images: Paint walls with photos
• Export TIFF, JPEG and PNG
• Export DXF and DWG: 2D line drawings and 3D models
• Export PDF and EPS: 2D vector images
• Export 3DS, OBJ, XSI, FBX, VRML and DAE
【室內設計師的3D神器】SketchUp Pro 2014 14.0.4900(3D設計工具軟體)中文化版 | Homepage: www.sketchup.com
【室內設計師的3D神器】SketchUp Pro 2014 14.0.4900(3D設計工具軟體)中文化版 | Size: 83 MB