【數位錄音必備的好軟體】LinPlug MorphoX 1.1.0

【數位錄音必備的好軟體】LinPlug MorphoX 1.1.0
– 聲音能夠在兩個單獨的聲音,包括使用調製輪效應之間不斷演變。
– 經營性消減聲音引擎具有許多非凡的調製方案(它的一個LinPlug )功能強大且易於
– 同時具有低通,帶通和高通濾波器立體聲和FM濾波器
– 調製矩陣( 10路線, 20 +源代碼, 40多個目的地)
– 用戶可編程16步琶音
– 微音程支持( TUN文件導入)
Simplicity is the key
Dont get stuck in complexity, with you just need the modulation wheel and the keys to experience yet unheard expression and transformation in sound. Morphing made simple, in realtime, drastic changes in sound, right at your morph wheel.
Simplicity is the wheel
When you play and hear you wont believe its just a quite simple subtractive synth with chorus, delay and an arpeggiator. Its dead easy to create your own morphing sounds.
To get you started we hired some of the finest sounds designers to create 400 factory presets.
– the sound can be continuously morphed between two individual sounds including effects using the modulation wheel.
– powerfull yet easy to operate subtractive sound engine with many extraordinary modulation options (its a LinPlug)
– Stereo Filter with simultaneous low pass, band pass and high pass and Filter FM
– Modulation Matrix (10 routings, 20+ sources, 40+ destinations)
– user programable 16 step Arpeggiator
– Microtonal support (TUN file import)
AU, RTAS (Mac only) or VST2 host software
1 GHz, 512 Mb RAM, 1024 x 768 screen
PC: , Windows XP or newer
Mac: Mac OSX 10.4 or newer
2 GHz, 1 Gb RAM, 1280 x 960 or better screen
PC: Windows XP or newer
Mac: Mac OSX 10.4 or newer
【數位錄音必備的好軟體】LinPlug MorphoX 1.1.0 / Homepage: https://www.linplug.com/Instruments/MorphoX/morphox.htm
【數位錄音必備的好軟體】LinPlug MorphoX 1.1.0 / Size: 11.8 MB