【耐錄白金套件】Nero 2019 Platinum Suite v20.0.05900 燒錄,複製,建立,編輯,播放,流媒體,翻錄和媒體轉換
Nero Platinum 既創新又可靠,為您提供經由驗證的全面功能包,內含燒錄,複製,建立,編輯,播放,流媒體,翻錄和轉換多媒體檔案的其他新功能
Nero Platinum 2019套件的新功能:
新:'DriveSpan App'
Nero 2019容許使用者輕鬆地將位於搬移裝置上,外部硬碟和存儲磁碟機上,PC上或雲中的所有媒體和資料合併和整合到一個中央存儲位置
例如, PC,外部硬碟或雲端。
通過DriveSpan App for iOS和Android使用者現在可以輕鬆控制並觸發通過相同WiFi網路連線的所有裝置的整合。
Nero Suite 2019使用者(白金版/標準版)可以訪問完整的應用程式版本並啟用所有功能。
App Stores中提供的免費版本僅限於從搬移/雲到雲的整合。
新:'Nero Start'
通過全新的Nero Start應用程式,Nero 2019的使用者可以更輕鬆地使用他們的新產品,並且比以前更快地獲得結果。
另一個亮點是「1-Click Video Story」,它整合到Nero QuickStart中。
使用者只需將照片或視訊拖放到放置區,其檔案將自動加載Nero Video內定預先設計的電影主題。
Nero Start適用於所有Nero Suite和獨立產品,還內含對Nero KnowHow PLUS的訪問權限。
新:'Nero KnowHow PLUS'和'現場指南'
許多Nero客戶已經瞭解並使用Nero學習中心的「Nero KnowHow」。
到目前為止,該應用程式僅限於Windows 10和搬移使用者(iOS / Android)。
從Nero 2019開始,任何使用者現在都可以從Windows 7,8和10下的全新「Nero KnowHow PLUS」作為新的PC應用程式受益。
這樣,使用Nero Suite變得更加簡單直觀。客戶還可以在給定的上下文中向Nero傳送直接反饋。
Nero DuplicateManager照片新增功能:尋找和刪除「相似圖片」
這就是Nero DuplicateManager Photo中全新功能「尋找和刪除類似圖像」的地方。
清理他們的重複圖像和類似圖像後,使用者將在他們的PC上獲得更多存儲空間,同時Nero MediaHome也會自動清理中央媒體存檔。
Nero MediaHome中的新功能:訪問'OneDrive檔案點播'
借助Nero 2019,Nero MediaHome使用者現在可以按需訪問「OneDrive線上檔案」,並且可以選取僅在需要時單獨下載這些檔案。
通過這種模式,他們可以在PC上節省存儲容量,同時可以通過Nero MediaHome中的下載隨時獲得照片,視訊,電影,電視節目和音樂
並且感謝Nero MediaBrowser甚至可以在任何其他Nero應用程式中使用。
Nero Video中的新內容:'Nero LifeThemes PRO'
Nero 2019的白金版配備了全新的高品質電影主題和視訊選單,還內含一套全新的垂直視訊主題,用於在智慧手機上編輯,匯出和共享9:16垂直視訊。
「Nero LifeThemes PRO」模板包括適合每個人生活中最佳時刻的動機:城市,風景,寵物,野生動物和懷舊主題。
Nero Video中的新功能:'1-Click Video Story'
Nero 2019中的Nero Video現在提供了一個非常舒適的新功能,可以說明您快速建立精美的電影和幻燈片。
只需將照片和視訊拖放到Nero Video中的放置區域,然後選取「1-Click Video Story」即可。所有檔案將自動加載到預設中。
Nero Recode中的新功能:轉換為'光碟相容格式'
現在,Nero使用者可以將不相容的源視訊檔案轉碼為完全相容的視訊檔案格式,然後再將其匯入到視訊光碟項目(DVD-Video™,AVCHD,Blu-ray Disc™)中。
轉換後,可以將檔案移交給Nero Video中的視訊編輯或創作項目。
借助Nero Recode中的這種新的預轉換功能,利用Nero SmartEncoding可以大大減少在Nero Video中編譯和燒錄視訊光碟所需的時間。
新的光碟相容配置檔對於想要利用4K源視訊進行編輯和匯出為Full HD或Blu-ray Discs™但缺乏更強大的編輯系統的使用者也是有益的。
在將視訊檔案傳送到Nero Video之前從4K轉碼到Full HD時,效能較低的系統也可以更有效地工作。
Nero BackItUp中的新功能:通過雲備份和還原
現在,Nero用戶可以使用“OneDrive”和“Google Drive”雲存儲進行在線備份。
實際上,數據也可以在線恢復,使用Nero BackItUp進行備份和恢復,而不依賴於特殊位置。
Nero Platinum 2019 Suite 套件您的數位生活全動力!無論您身處哪裡,去往何方:您的生活是數位化的。
借助 Nero Platinum 2019 套件,可以保證您掌控居家和旅途中的數位生活!
現在裝備了全新的功能! 改善適用於 Windows 10、Windows 8.1、 Windows 8、Windows 7系統。
Nero Video 2019:這一視訊剪輯程式現在為您的電影項目提供充分的創造力、簡單的操作和最佳的效果。
通過快捷或進階視訊編輯功能,800 多種特效和電影模板,內含特效拖放視窗吸引您的觀眾。
Nero Burning ROM 2019:通過 Nero 快速入門指南,可非常直觀地開啟 Nero 樂享,快速取得其最重要的任務。
而且同樣迅速地繼續:無論是音訊 CD、DVD 或藍光光碟™,使用成熟的 Nero 技術均能夠複製和燒錄照片、視訊、音樂和資料,實現長期儲存。
如果您要確保安全,SecurDisc 4.0 則提供了密碼保護和 256 位加密功能,任何人無法讀取您的私密內容!
Nero MediaHome 2019:一切盡在掌握:您失去了對電腦中存檔照片的掌控?多次複製的照片復件?
全新的 Nero DuplicateManager Photo (僅在 Nero 2019 Platinum 中)在這方面將為您提供快速說明。
它能夠快速而安全地找到重複的照片資料夾和照片復件,使您的照片存檔重新有序,釋放寶貴的存儲空間並同時整理您的媒體中心 Nero MediaHome。
您可以播放所有內容,無論是視訊 DVD、音樂 CD、音樂檔案、照片、幻燈片、視訊、電影還是電視劇。
您的 360 度全景圖片現在也可以方便地通過新版 Nero 360 VR Player 顯示。
Nero Recode 2019:將屬於同一系列的整合在一起:您可以匯入所有格式,甚至是高品質 HEVC (H.265) 格式,並可以將其轉換為任何您需要的格式。
翻錄視訊 DVD*、AVCHD* 和藍光光碟 ™*,並方便地在新項目中繼續使用這些檔案。
使用一鍵轉換,可以將音訊 CD 直接傳輸到您所連線的搬移裝置上。由此 Nero 將自動確保最簡單的轉換並保證最佳的音效效果。
Nero BackItUp 2019:使用整合的 Nero BackItUp,儲存您重要的媒體檔案。您確信所有檔案均得到了良好的儲存。
現在使用 Nero BackItUp,保護您的電腦或筆記本中的所有回憶:
您可以將您的檔案自動儲存在三種目的介質上,例如儲存在 USB 硬碟上。設定儲存您只需點擊一個按鍵——您的檔案即可以要求的儲存週期進行備份。
Nero BackItUp 也可進行持續的資料備份,從而在您更新資料時持續保護新檔案。
Music Recorder: Nero 2019 Platinum 中所包括的 Music Recorder 是您進入音樂世界的入場券:
聆聽您最喜歡的樂隊的流行單曲,通過與 100,000 多個網路電台的連線發現新曲目以及數以千計的音樂會、音樂視訊和歌迷內容。
Music Recorder 將音樂錄製為無 DRM 保護的 MP3 檔案。然後您甚至可以將這些檔案複製到您的搬移終端裝置上!
【耐錄白金套件】Nero 2019 Platinum Suite v20.0.05900 燒錄,複製,建立,編輯,播放,流媒體,翻錄和媒體轉換 官網:
Both innovative and reliable, Nero Platinum provides you with a proven and comprehensive power package of additional new features for burning, copying, creating, editing, playing, streaming, ripping, and converting your multimedia files – with top-quality results on virtually any device!
What's New in Nero Platinum 2019 Suite:
NEW: ‘DriveSpan App’
Nero 2019 lets users easily merge and consolidate all of their media and data located on mobile devices, on external hard discs and storage drives, on a PC or within the cloud to one central storage location, e.g. a PC, an external hard disc or the cloud. Via DriveSpan App for iOS and Android users can now comfortably control and trigger the consolidation of all devices connected via the same WiFi network. When the consolidation is finished all data are clean, i.e. duplicate media and data are being identified within the consolidation process and will not be copied. Nero Suite 2019 users (Platinum/Standard) have access to the complete App version with all features enabled. The free version available in the App Stores is restricted for consolidation from mobile/cloud to cloud only. Users that want to include their PC and even their Mac into the consolidation can buy this feature via In-App-Purchase.
NEW: ‘Nero Start’
Via the brand new Nero Start application users of Nero 2019 will get going with their new product much more easily and achieve result even faster than before. The new user interface with completely updated design and workflows now includes animated buttons, which make the former next/previous page behavior superfluous, and also integrates a last used application function. Another highlight is ‘1-Click Video Story‘, that integrates into Nero QuickStart. Users simply drag & drop photos or videos into the drop zone and their files will load automatically with a pre-designed movie theme inside of Nero Video. Nero Start is available for all Nero Suite and standalone products and also includes access to Nero KnowHow PLUS.
NEW: ‘Nero KnowHow PLUS’ and ‘Live Guide’
Many Nero customers already know and utilize the Nero learning center ‘Nero KnowHow’. So far, the app was limited to Windows 10 and mobile users (iOS/Android). Starting with Nero 2019 any user can now benefit from the brand new ’Nero KnowHow PLUS‘ under Windows 7, 8, and 10 as a new PC application. A unique and very comfortably integrated feature is the new ‘Live Guide‘ which simply gives context sensitive help for the application in use and for the given use case via FAQ, manual page and video tutorial. This way, utilizing the Nero Suite becomes even more easy and intuitive. Customers can also send direct feedback to Nero within the given context.
NEW in Nero DuplicateManager Photo: Find & Remove ‘Similar Images’
Many users have a whole bunch of similar images sitting on their PC, be it due to photo editing, HDR series shots, resizing, format conversion, and more. It is so easy to get lost in one’s photo archive that has heaped up on the PC over years. This is where the brand new feature ‘find & remove similar images’ in Nero DuplicateManager Photo comes into place. The new function finds similar images and automatically sorts it into categories of similarity types: “Places, Series, Motive, Resized, Format, Other “. This way, users get a fast and comfortable overview of their similar images and can easily decide which ones to delete and which ones to keep. Getting their duplicate images and similar images cleaned up, users will gain more storage space on their PCs and at the same will have Nero MediaHome as their central media archive cleaned automatically, too.
NEW in Nero MediaHome: Access ‘OneDrive Files on Demand’
With Nero 2019 Nero MediaHome users can now access their ‘OneDrive online files on demand’ and have the option to individually download these, only when needed. This way, they can save storage capacity on their PC while having photos, videos, movies, TV shows, and music available anytime via download in Nero MediaHome, and thanks to Nero MediaBrowser even in any other Nero application.
NEW in Nero Video: ‘Nero LifeThemes PRO’
The Platinum version of Nero 2019 comes with a complete new package of high-quality movie themes and videodisc menus, and additionally includes a brand new set of vertical video themes for editing, exporting, and sharing a 9:16 vertical video on the smartphone. The pack also includes high-quality royalty-free music, which can be used independently in any video project. The ‘Nero LifeThemes PRO’ templates consist of motives suiting the best moments of everybody’s life: Cities, Landscapes, Pets, Wild Animals, and Nostalgia themes.
NEW in Nero Video: ‘1-Click Video Story’
Nero Video in Nero 2019 now comes with a very comfortable new feature that helps creating polished movies and slideshows in a snap. Simply drag & drop photos and videos to the drop zone in Nero Video and select ‘1-Click Video Story’. All files will automatically be loaded into a pre-designed video project complete with intro and outro sequence, effects, captions and matching music. Simply preview the video project, export, and share it.
NEW in Nero Recode: Convert to ‘Disc-compatible Formats’
Now, Nero users can transcode non-compliant source video files to fully compatible videodisc file formats prior to importing them into videodisc projects (DVD-Video™, AVCHD, Blu-ray Disc™). After conversion, the files can be handed over to video editing or authoring projects in Nero Video. Thanks to this new pre-conversion function in Nero Recode the time needed for rendering and burning a videodisc in Nero Video can be drastically reduced by utilizing Nero SmartEncoding. The new Disc-compatible profiles are also beneficial for users that want to utilize 4K source video for editing and exporting to Full HD or Blu-ray Discs™ but lack a more powerful editing system. When transcoding from 4K to Full HD before sending the video files to Nero Video, also lower performing systems will work more effectively.
NEW in Nero BackItUp: BackUp and Restore via the Cloud
Now, Nero users can do their online backups with ‘OneDrive’ and ‘Google Drive’ cloud storage. Actually, data can also be restored online, making backing up and restoring with Nero BackItUp independent of a special location.