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【錄音、音頻編輯和母帶製作】MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro 首選的創意音頻編輯工具

MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro 15 是錄音、音頻編輯和母帶製作的標準。
您最喜歡的工程師最喜歡的工具 SOUND FORGE Pro,30 多年來一直是首選的創意音頻編輯工具。其廣泛的專業功能使其成為全球許多製作人和音響工程師的首選。

使用行業領先的 DSP 算法掌握您的音頻素材。使用創新效果優化錄音的響度,而不會犧牲透明度。創建針對 Spotify、Apple Music 或 Tidal 等流媒體服務優化的紅皮書母版、DDP 和母版文件。


Magix Sound Forge Pro 15 功能概述:

可定制的界面:4 個顏色級別,新的圖標設計和對接
新的 VST 引擎和 ARA2 支持以 64 位/384 kHz 錄製
使用 iZotope 插件進行母帶處理和恢復:Ozone 8 Elements 和 RX 7 Elements
用於電平測量的峰值表 V2
zplane élastique Timestretch 與新的 élastiquePro v3 引擎

【錄音、音頻編輯和母帶製作】MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro 官網:

The Standard for Recording, Audio Editing, and Mastering. Your favorite engineer’s favorite tool, SOUND FORGE Pro, has been the creative audio editing tool of choice for over 30 years. Its extensive range of professional features makes it the go-to for many producers and sound engineers worldwide. The new workflow improvements let you effortlessly record, edit, restore, and master.

Master your audio material with industry-leading DSP algorithms. Use innovative effects to optimize the loudness of your recordings without ever sacrificing transparency. Create red book masters, DDPs, and master files optimized for streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, or Tidal.

Improved export functions help you work effectively and efficiently. Save your favorite export variations (including post-processing effects) as presets and use once-defined exports for future tasks. Save valuable time for your production.
Overview of Magix Sound Forge Pro 15 Features

32-channel file recording, editing and processing
64-bit architecture
Customizable interface: 4 color levels, new icon design & docking
New VST engine & ARA2 support Record at 64-bit/384 kHz
Numerous audio effects & plug-ins
Mastering and restoration with iZotope plug-ins: Ozone 8 Elements & RX 7 Elements
Peak Meter V2 for level measurement
zplane élastique Timestretch with new élastiquePro v3 engine



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