(無線局功能變數網管理.安全專家,網路WLAN流量全貌)TamoSoft CommView for WiFi 7.0.771
(無線局功能變數網管理.安全專家,網路WLAN流量全貌)TamoSoft CommView for WiFi 7.0.771
TamoSoft支援WiFi CommView 7.0.771

(無線局功能變數網管理.安全專家,網路WLAN流量全貌)TamoSoft CommView for WiFi 7.0.771
支援WiFi CommView是一個功能強大的無線網路監控和分析儀的802.11 a / b / g標準/ N網路。
載入有許多人性化的功能,支援WiFi CommView結合了效能和與易用性在業界無與倫比的彈性。
支援WiFi CommView捕捉每一個封包上的空氣來顯示,如接入點和站名單的重要資訊,每個節點和每個通道的統計資料,信號強度,封包和網路連線的清單,協定分佈圖等。
通過提供此資訊,支援WiFi CommView可以說明您檢視和檢查封包,找出網路問題和故障排除軟體和硬體。
支援WiFi CommView內含用於深入的分析,記錄和重放SIP和H.323的語音通信的一個VoIP模組。
報文可以被解密,利用使用者定義的WEP或WPA – PSK密鑰和解碼下降到最低層。
在企業,政府和教育部門的一些案例研究,描述了對WiFi CommView的現實世界的應用。
支援WiFi CommView是一個全面的和負擔得起的工具,用於無線局功能變數網的管理員,安全專家,網路程式員,或任何人誰希望有WLAN流量的全貌。
此應用程式在Windows XP / Vista的/ 7/8或Windows Server 2003 ( 32 – 位和64位版本),並且需要一個相容的無線網路配接卡。
捕獲的802.11a , 802.11b的, 802.11g和802.11n WLAN流量。
檢視詳細的IP連線數統計: IP位址,連接埠,會話等。
匯入和匯出封包嗅探器R , EtherPeek能™ , AiroPeek的™ ,觀察R , NetMon中, tcpdump的,十六進位和文字格式。
誰需要支援WiFi CommView
CommView for WiFi is a powerful wireless network monitor and analyzer for 802.11 a/b/g/n networks. Loaded with many user-friendly features, CommView for WiFi combines performance and flexibility with an ease of use unmatched in the industry. CommView for WiFi captures every packet on the air to display important information such as the list of access points and stations, per-node and per-channel statistics, signal strength, a list of packets and network connections, protocol distribution charts, etc. By providing this information, CommView for WiFi can help you view and examine packets, pinpoint network problems, and troubleshoot software and hardware.
CommView for WiFi includes a VoIP module for in-depth analysis, recording, and playback of SIP and H.323 voice communications.
Packets can be decrypted utilizing user-defined WEP or WPA-PSK keys and are decoded down to the lowest layer. With over 70 supported protocols, this network analyzer allows you to see every detail of a captured packet using a convenient tree-like structure to display protocol layers and packet headers. Additionally, the product provides an open interface for plugging in custom decoding modules.
A number of case studies describe real-world applications of CommView for WiFi in business, government, and education sectors.
CommView for WiFi is a comprehensive and affordable tool for wireless LAN administrators, security professionals, network programmers, or anyone who wants to have a full picture of the WLAN traffic. This application runs on Windows XP / Vista/ 7 / 8 or Windows Server 2003 / 2008 / 2014 (both 32- and 64-bit versions) and requires a compatible wireless network adapter.
What you can do with CommView for WiFi
Scan the air for WiFi stations and access points.
Capture 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n WLAN traffic.
Specify WEP or WPA keys to decrypt encrypted packets.
View detailed per-node and per-channel statistics.
View detailed IP connections statistics: IP addresses, ports, sessions, etc.
Reconstruct TCP sessions.
Configure alarms that can notify you about important events, such as suspicious packets, high bandwidth utilization, unknown addresses, rogue access points, etc.
View protocol “pie” charts.
Monitor bandwidth utilization.
Browse captured and decoded packets in real time.
Search for strings or hex data in captured packet contents.
Log individual or all packets to files.
Load and view capture files offline.
Import and export packets in Sniffer®, EtherPeek™, AiroPeek™, Observer®, NetMon, Tcpdump, hex, and text formats.
Export any IP address to SmartWhois for quick, easy IP lookup.
Capture data from multiple channels simultaneously using several USB adapters.
Capture A-MPDU and A-MSDU packets.
Simulate access points.
And much more!
Who needs CommView for WiFi
WLAN administrators.
Security professionals.
Home users who are interested in monitoring their WLAN traffic.
Programmers developing software for wireless networks.
An evaluation version is available in the Download Area.
To purchase this product, add it to the shopping cart (see the link at the top right corner of this page) or visit the Product Catalog. If you purchased this product in the past and would like to purchase an upgrade to the latest version, please visit the Upgrades page.
Sniffer® is a registered trademark of Network General Corporation. EtherPeek™ and AiroPeek™ and trademarks of WildPackets, Inc. Observer® is a registered trademark of Network Instruments, LLC. Microsoft®, Windows®, and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other product names and brand names are trademarks of their respective holders.
(無線局功能變數網管理.安全專家,網路WLAN流量全貌)TamoSoft CommView for WiFi 7.0.771 | Home Page https://www.tamos.com
(無線局功能變數網管理.安全專家,網路WLAN流量全貌)TamoSoft CommView for WiFi 7.0.771 | Size 47 MB