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【專業音樂.音訊創作軟體】Waves Ultimate 14 v31.05.23(效果器 / 外掛程式)

Waves Ultimate 14 具有 64 位支援、更快的掃瞄、更快的加載和更快的處理,開闢了高效能外掛程式功能的新維度。
從混響、壓縮、降噪和 EQ 等基本要素到建模模擬硬體、環繞聲和後期製作工具、藝術家簽名收藏等等,Wαves Bundles 擁有最好的 Wαves GRAMMY 獲獎外掛程式。


Waves Ultimate 14 是一組音訊外掛程式,可用於產生新的音樂創意。


所有八個 Renaissance 外掛程式的新更新版本內含全新設計的介面,具有三種皮膚選取:Light、Dark 和 Legacy。
為了提高效率和更專業的工作,在 R-EQ 和 R-Channel 外掛程式中加入了實時頻率分析器。
同樣,此更新中還為音訊編輯器加入了 700 多個領先藝術家的新預設。

Waves Ultimate 14 的特點:

與最新的主要 DAW 和操作系統完全持續相容
實時頻率分析器新增到 R-EQ 和 R-Channel 外掛程式
獲得領先藝術家的 700 多個新預設,使工作變得簡單且步入正軌
相容所有最新的主要 DAW 和操作系統

【專業音樂.音訊創作軟體】Waves Ultimate 14 v31.05.23(效果器 / 外掛程式)官網:

Featuring 64-bit support, faster scanning, faster loading, and faster processing, Waves opens up new dimensions of high-performance plugin power. From essentials like reverb, compression, noise reduction, and EQ to modeled analog hardware, surround and post-production tools, artist signature collections, and beyond, Wαves Bundles feature the best of Wαves GRAMMY award-winning plugins.

Waves 12 is a collection of audio plugins which can use to generate new musical ideas. It has every plugin that any sound engineer or musician wants to have. It is the world’s largest selection of pro-quality audio plugins, from its most popular equalizers, compressors, and analog models, to award-winning reverbs, delays, effects, virtual instruments, surround sound tools, and more. Using these tools and features, audio editors, musicians, sound engineers, and sound producers can take their work to the next height.

This new updated version of all eight Renaissance plugins includes freshly designed interfaces with three skin choices: Light, Dark, and Legacy. For efficiency and more professional work, added Real-time frequency analyzers to the R-EQ and R-Channel plugins. Similarly, 700+ new presets by leading artists are also added in this update for audio editors.

Features of Waves

A complete package for sound engineers and professional musicians
Full ongoing compatibility with the latest major DAWs & operating systems
Packs with the world’s largest selection of pro-quality audio plugins
Designed with an extremely clear and ergonomic interface with three skin choices
Real-time frequency analyzers added to the R-EQ and R-Channel plugins
An excellent collection that supports creativity in audio production
Got 700+ new presets by leading artists to make the work simple and on track
Helps you to find and audition presets instantly using the new lightning-fast preset browser
Compatible with all the latest major DAWs and operating systems



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