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Cubase Pro將Steinberg將近三十年的發展凝結為最先進的DAW。
Cubase Pro被明星製作人和音樂家用來作曲,錄製,混合和編輯音樂,它結合了出色的音訊質量,直觀的處理模式和一系列進階音訊和MIDI工具。
無論您是錄製樂隊,大型現場搖滾表演還是在工作室中的樂隊,Cubase Pro的含義都是無與倫比的。

Cubase 11 使音樂製作比以往任何時候更具啟發性,直觀性和彈性。

在去年11月首次發布Cubase 11之後,我們現在提供Cubase 11.0.10的第一個維護更新,它改善了應用程序不同區域的功能和穩定性
例如Groove Agent SE,Retrologue,MixConsole,編輯器和各種工具。

我們的明確建議是建議Cubase Pro,Artist和Elements版本11的用戶閱讀發行說明以獲取詳細說明,並儘快安裝此更新。

通過Steinberg Download Assistant下載並安裝Cubase 11.0.10核心應用程序。

【音樂製作】Steinberg Cubase Pro 11 功能概述:


【音樂製作】Steinberg Cubase Pro 11 官網下載:

Cubase Pro condenses almost three decades of Steinberg development into the most cutting-edge DAW anywhere. Used by star producers and musicians for composing, recording, mixing and editing music, Cubase Pro combines outstanding audio quality, intuitive handling and a collection of highly advanced audio and MIDI tools. Whether you record an orchestra, a huge live rock show, or a band in the studio, Cubase Pro is sublime in every sense of the word.

Cubase delivers many impressive new features in a remarkably powerful software package. It includes many new tools to enhance your creativity and speed your workflow. There is also a new, modern user interface and enhanced audio quality. Cubase 10 makes music production more inspiring, intuitive and flexible than ever before.

Overview of Steinberg Cubase Pro 11 Features

Ultimate control of your audio, with more creative tools and Smart Controls to speed up workflow.
Channel strip overhaul offers better metering and functionality.
Many improvements and a new user interface enhance the best drum production tool.
Enhanced tools for video soundtrack production.
The Cubase audio engine delivers ultimate, no-compromise quality.
The included sound content is brought to you by six highly acclaimed producers.
Experience a wide range of usability, performance and quality improvements.
Stack and match recordings quickly, easily synchronizing them to a reference track.
Exchange multimedia data with all the most commonly used applications.
Easy and convenient setup of MPE controllers.
Know exactly where — and how much — latency is occurring, quickly and easily.