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Noiseware的高度讚譽,屢獲殊榮的軟體Imagenomic被設定為數字圖像降噪的標準工具。 Noiseware獨佔鰲頭的速度,質量和易用性,使用在消除數字噪聲和高ISO感光度攝影,達不到最佳的環境條件下引入不需要的斑塊,恢復圖像的保真度。



直觀,智慧:正由於它的易於使用的原則,Noiseware進一步簡化複雜的工作流成一個直觀的體驗。沒有攝像頭的配置檔需要 – 只需點選一次。 Noiseware IntelliProfileTM算法,其自學習機制,會自動校準精度的噪聲曲線,並選取為每個圖像的最佳設定。手動地區抽樣方法也可以,如果願意的話。
彩色和色調範圍|頻率| DETAILGUARD
全新獨特的功能:Noiseware內含三個新的控制組,以便廣泛的微調和卓越的輸出品質。現在,您可以通過色調和色彩範圍調整檢驗的噪聲水平以及噪音抑制水平。 Noiseware新DetailGuard保留基於色調範圍和加專案度的圖像細節,保障畫面的細節過度改變。


直觀,智慧:正由於它的易於使用的原則,Noiseware進一步簡化複雜的工作流成一個直觀的體驗。沒有攝像頭的配置檔需要 – 只需點選一次。
彩色和色調範圍|頻率| DETAILGUARD
Noiseware內含三個新的控制設定,使大範圍的微調和卓越的輸出品質。現在,您可以通過色調和色彩範圍調整檢驗的噪聲水平以及噪音抑制水平。 Noiseware新DetailGuard保留基於色調範圍和加專案度的圖像細節,保障畫面的細節過度改變。
Noiseware5在圖像降噪一個新的里程碑,並採用了第五代Imagenomic的降噪引擎。 Noiseware5不僅外觀不同,它具有足夠的表面下,改進還有:

‧的Photoshop CS4/ CS5/ CS6/ CC/ CC2014年或元素8/9/10/11/12

‧視窗XP / Vista/ Windows 7中/ Windows的8.1


【文章標題】:(數字圖像降噪工具)Imagenomic Noiseware 5.0.3
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Imagenomic Noiseware 5.0.3

Noiseware is the highly-acclaimed, award-winning software tool from Imagenomic that is setting the standard for digital image noise reduction. Noiseware leads the field for speed, quality and ease-of-use in restoring image fidelity by eliminating digital noise and unwanted artifacts introduced by high ISO photography and less than optimal environmental conditions.

The Better way to remove Noise
Noiseware is the highly-acclaimed, award-winning software tool from Imagenomic that is setting the standard for digital image noise reduction. Noiseware leads the field for speed, quality and ease-of-use in restoring image fidelity by eliminating digital noise and unwanted artifacts introduced by high ISO photography and less than optimal environmental conditions. Unlike most image processing software techniques that utilize simple methods (such as median filters) to treat digital noise in images, Noiseware features a sophisticated yet fast noise filtering algorithm. Using the adaptive noise profile capability and sharpening function, Noiseware greatly reduces the visible noise while keeping the details in the images.

Intuitive and Intelligent: True to its Easy-to-Use principle, Noiseware further streamlines sophisticated workflow into an intuitive experience. No camera profiles needed — just click once. Noiseware’s IntelliProfileTM algorithm, with its Self-Learning mechanism, will automatically calibrate a precision noise profile and choose the optimal settings for each individual image. The manual region sampling method is also available, if preferred.
New Unique Features: Noiseware includes three new control sets to enable a wide range of fine-tuning and superior output quality. Now you can adjust detected noise levels as well as noise suppression levels by tonal and color ranges. Noiseware's new DetailGuard preserves image details based on tonality range and processing degree, safeguarding picture details from excessive alteration.

The Better way to remove Noise
Noiseware is the highly-acclaimed, award-winning software tool from Imagenomic that is setting the standard for digital image noise reduction. Noiseware leads the field for speed, quality and ease-of-use in restoring image fidelity by eliminating digital noise and unwanted artifacts introduced by high ISO photography and less than optimal environmental conditions. Unlike most image processing software techniques that utilize simple methods (such as median filters) to treat digital noise in images, Noiseware features a sophisticated yet fast noise filtering algorithm. Using the adaptive noise profile capability and sharpening function, Noiseware greatly reduces the visible noise while keeping the details in the images.

Inimitable Performance: Continuing its ever-increasing performance tradition, the new Noiseware 5 boasts an additional 25% speed increase, plus multi-processor support enabling a further 4X performance improvement over its predecessor.
Intuitive and Intelligent: True to its Easy-to-Use principle, Noiseware further streamlines sophisticated workflow into an intuitive experience. No camera profiles needed — just click once. Noiseware’s IntelliProfileTM algorithm, with its Self-Learning mechanism, will automatically calibrate a precision noise profile and choose the optimal settings for each individual image. The manual region sampling method is also available, if preferred.

New Unique Features:
Noiseware includes three new control sets to enable a wide range of fine-tuning and superior output quality. Now you can adjust detected noise levels as well as noise suppression levels by tonal and color ranges. Noiseware's new DetailGuard preserves image details based on tonality range and processing degree, safeguarding picture details from excessive alteration.
Noiseware 5 is a new milestone in image noise reduction and incorporates the fifth generation of Imagenomic's noise reduction engine. Noiseware 5 not only looks different, it features plenty of improvements under the surface as well:
● Improved algorithm retains more details and is 25% more effective
● Improved multi-core support provides up to 4x processing speed increase
● Full 64bit compatibility on Mac and Windows
● New Preset Manager with unlimited number of presets, multiple categories, notes and import/export
● New History control with unlimited number of history steps

Compatible :
• Photoshop CS4/CS5/CS6/CC/CC 2014 or Elements 8/9/10/11/12

Operating system :
• Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8.1

(數字圖像降噪工具)Imagenomic Noiseware 5.0.3  | Home Page: www.imagenomic.com

(數字圖像降噪工具)Imagenomic Noiseware 5.0.3  | Size: 2.50 MB

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