網站要『用動畫讓網站整個動起來』漂亮、有趣、讓訪客忍不住要點閱! 最新推出:網站動畫製作秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成! 進入HTML5的時代Flash動畫技術已經走入歷史! 如何在自適應網頁網站(RWD)架構下『用動畫讓網站整個動起來』是必學的秘技! 傳授 jQuery 廣告看板(3D 轉場.多版面輪播) 『自己製作 wordpress 動畫看板外掛程式』的獨家秘技! 網站登入頁面藉助『動畫助手』與『吸睛看板』收集潛在客戶名單的秘訣 讓您網站能擁有流量與訂單! 傳授如何將動畫短片轉成GIF動畫,讓整個網站更有有趣! (無師不一定會自通!有拜師當然就一定會通) 提供 JavaScript 廣告模版,讓你快速套用自己的廣告,並快速發佈於網站上! 教導藉助『網頁編輯器』強大模組功能,不需記住一大堆語法(快速動態展示圖片輪播特效) 傳授『網頁廣告看板設計軟體』套用模版,不是美工出身也能輕鬆搞定! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)


ObjectRescue Pro專業恢復丟失的資料,從一大堆的多媒體裝置 – 從數位相機,錄音機, MP3和WMA播放器, PC , PDA和搬移電話。
程式支援從硬碟機恢復,CF卡( I / II型) , IBM微型硬碟, SmartMedia卡,多媒體卡(MMC ) ,安全數字(SD )存儲卡和記憶棒,並與另外任何其他存儲裝置的廣泛檔案支援格式: DOC,XLS, ZIP , RAR , JPEG , AVI , MOV , MP3 , WMA , WAV ,等。

對像救援 – 數字的救援隊。檔案恢復工具。 ObjectRescue Pro採用創新的恢復算法,並包括先進的資料恢復功能,使您可以搜尋各種檔案類型,內含音樂檔案,圖像,視訊,檔案,信件或任何東西。正如你所知道的,現代化的數字裝置容許檔案被刪除,並在媒體上的空間重用。
所以有時你的資料被刪除或做廢,無論是物理損壞介質(如快閃記憶體卡崩潰) ,或是是因為有人按錯了按鈕。通過一時不慎,可能會丟失重要的檔案,在瞬間。媒體也可以批次擦除或格式化後,從存儲介質中刪除所有。當然,你不想失去你的無價的資料。ObjectRescue Pro在這裡輕鬆找到它,快速,絕對可靠地重建丟失的檔案。

– 恢復刪除和損壞的檔案
– 恢復格式化的媒體資料
– 從損壞的媒體恢復資料
– 支援所有格式的多媒體,歸檔和文件檔案*
– 支援所有媒體格式的數字裝置所使用的
– 相容所有的數字裝置和讀卡器
– 易於使用的,直觀的精靈驅動的介面
– 支援所有現代版本的Windows ,內含Windows R NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
– 還有更多!


【文章標題】: (檔案恢復工具)ObjectRescue Pro 6.10 Build 961
【文章作者】: Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/flash/
【Flash 動畫製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/flash/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/flash/
【版權聲明】: (原創)Flash 動畫製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
ObjectRescue Pro 6.10 Build 961

Digital ObjectRescue Professional recover lost data from whole host of multimedia devices – from digital cameras, audio recorders, MP3 & WMA players to PC, PDAs and mobile phones. Program support recovery from Hard Drives, CompactFlash cards (type I/II), IBM Microdrives, SmartMedia cards, MultiMedia cards (MMCs), Secure Digital (SD) cards and Memory Sticks, and any other storage device with the addition of wide range file format support: DOC, XLS, ZIP, RAR, JPEG, AVI, MOV, MP3, WMA, WAV, etc.

Object Rescue – your digital rescue team. File recovery tools. ObjectRescue Pro features innovative recovery algorithms and contains advanced data recovery capabilities that allow you to search various file types including music files, images, video, documents, mail or just about anything. As you know, modern digital devices allow files to be erased and the space on the media reused. So sometimes your data gets erased or crippled, either by physical damage to the media (e.g. a flash card crash), or because someone clicked the wrong button. Through momentary carelessness, valuable files can be lost in an instant. The media can also be bulk-erased or formatted, removing everything from the storage media. Of course you don't want to lose your priceless data. And there it is our ObjectRescue Pro is here to easily, quickly and absolutely reliably reconstruct the missing files.

– Recovers deleted and corrupted files
– Recovers data from formatted media
– Recovers data from corrupted media
– Supports all formats of multimedia, archive and document files *
– Supports all formats of media used by digital devices
– Works with all digital devices and card readers
– Easy to use, intuitive wizard-driven interface
– Supports all modern Windows versions, including Windows® NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
– and many more!

(檔案恢復工具)ObjectRescue Pro 6.10 Build 961 | Homepage:www.objectrescue.com/products/objectrescuepro

(檔案恢復工具)ObjectRescue Pro 6.10 Build 961 | Size: 5.24 MB
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