【正印家族】授權營運專案 秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成營運賺大錢! 站在成功者的肩膀上,你會看得更遠! 最快速的成功方法就是:【合法授權 100% 複製成功者經營模式】直接複製經營賺錢術 網路創業 【正印家族】 自動印鈔機賺錢術(借別人的智慧成功 - 提升您的網路競爭力!) 因為:你所需要的『網站資源』與『配套教學』【總教頭】都已經幫你準備好了! 【秘笈硬碟】:用一顆1000GB的硬碟,裝載【網站架站程式】 【超過500個軟體中文化檔案】與【教學影片課程】讓你馬上用! 密訓基地503萬訪客最期待的授權:【正印家族】授權營運方案 ! 總教頭親自示範公開網路經營的捷徑! 此原理類似武俠小說的【一甲子的功力】直接導入→ 任都二脈馬上通暢,你當然馬上成為武林高手! 傳授『授權檔案』再次加工賺錢技巧: 授權後大家都可以不一樣!總教頭會教你如何再次加工?讓它轉換成:具有你獨有特色的『自己獨家資源』! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會與無法使用的擔憂....)



– 卓越的可用性。有趣的使用,提高您的工作效率的捷徑。你需要他們的地方,簡單,直觀的工具安排。連結任何項目的任何其他事項。發信件便箋,聯繫人的任務,等
– 安全性。所有資料可密碼保護和資料庫檔案進行加密,多種加密算法,使用了先進的工業標準AES(Rijndael算法),128位密鑰,和Blowfish 448位*鍵。
– 多功能匯入和匯出功能。您可以匯入和匯出HTML,RTF,CSV,TXT和TreePad。您可以執行完整的同步與MicrosoftROutlook的**,您現在可以從Outlook Express中匯入。
– 在許多語系:保加利亞語,中文,克羅地亞語,捷克語,丹麥語,荷蘭語,愛沙尼亞語,芬蘭語,法語,德語,希伯來語,匈牙利語,意大利語,日語,馬其頓語,挪威語,波蘭語,葡萄牙語,羅馬尼亞語,俄語,塞爾維亞語,斯洛伐克語,斯洛文尼亞語,西班牙語,瑞典語,土耳其語和烏克蘭語。
– 系統托盤圖示快速鍵啟動和配置軟體。
– 即時貼放置到桌面上的任何票據,並擺脫你的辦公桌上的黃色紙!
– 開源Firebird資料庫。進階使用者和系統管理員管理資料庫得到了極大的彈性。

與Microsoft Outlook的整合同步**,進口與出口與Outlook Express。

– 像樹,靈活持有類別的結構,優先級,完成狀態,到期日,甚至提醒你。
– 快速和強大的搜尋快速找到你的清單。
– 易於整理和分類工具。
– 印刷,讓你正是你在螢幕上看到的。

多個樹 – 葉子的每個音符,讓一個強大的分層存儲。
– 資料夾和票據的數量沒有限制。不要擔心運行的空間。
– 插入照片,圖紙,什麼樣的圖片,表格,任何很好的格式化文字的字型,標/上標,彩色文字背景,多層次和編號,統一,背景圖片。
– 快速搜尋任何說明其主旨,日期,單詞或短語。
– 強大的列印輸出和儲存功能。
– 點擊(有效)在任何檔案中的超連結。

– 超越Outlook通信簿記錄數。
– 靈活的設定,讓您可以輕鬆地加入自己的領功能變數。
– 完整的匯入/匯出和Windows通信簿和CSV格式。
– 強大而快速的搜尋和排序功能。
– 可調節的意見,所以你可以看到你的訊息和你想要的模式。

– 完全支援POP3和IMAP帳戶。
– 與Conteacts和其他模組的整合。
– 簽名,信件分揀規則 – 你所需要的一切,以提高工作效率。

【文章標題】:(個人訊息管理器)EssentialPIM Pro Network 5.55
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
EssentialPIM Pro Network 5.55

EssentialPIM Pro is a Personal Information Manager (PIM) that makes it easy to control your appointments, tasks, to-do lists, notes, and contacts. With built-in email support, EssentialPIM Pro is an affordable replacement for Outlook. In addition, EssentialPIM Pro offers portability, speed, an intuitive interface, and the ability to synchronize all of your information with your WinMobile Smartphone, Palm, iPOD, MS Outlook, and Google Calendar.

EssentialPIM features:
– Excellent usability. Shortcuts that are fun to use and boost your productivity. Easy, intuitive tools arranged right where you need them. Link -any item to any other items. Email to Notes, Contacts to Tasks, etc.
– Security. All data can be password-protected and the database file is encrypted with multiple encryption algorithms, with the advanced industry standard AES (Rijndael), 128-bit key, and Blowfish 448-bit* key.
– Versatile import and export capabilities. You can import and export HTML, RTF, CSV, TXT and TreePad. You can perform complete synchronization with Microsoft® Outlook**; and you can import from Outlook Express.
– Available in many languages: Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Ukrainian.
– System tray icon with a hotkey for starting and configuring the software.
– Sticky Notes- place any of your Notes onto Desktop and get rid of yellow paper on your desk!*
– Open-source Firebird database. Advanced users and system administrators get great flexibility in managing databases.

Scheduler (Tasks):
Color-coded, easy-to-read day, week, month, year schedules, with easy set up of recurring tasks or events.
Completion date, priority, and category properties for each task.
Integrated synchronization with Microsoft Outlook** and import and export with Outlook Express.
Full drag-and-drop support for fast rescheduling.
Easy printout by days, weeks or months, with saving to HTML.

To Do List (To Do):
– Tree-like, flexible to do structure that holds category, priority, completion status, due date, and even reminders for you.*
– Fast and powerful search to find your to do list quickly.
– Easy sorting and categorizing tools.
– Printing that gives you exactly what you see on your screen. Take your to do list with you as you run out the door.

Outliner (Notes):
-Tools to organize your data the way you want! Flat, table, tree-like multilevel data structure or any combination you want. Multiple tree and –leafs* for each note allow a powerful hierarchical storage.
– No limit on the number of folders and notes. Don't worry about running out of room.
– Inserting photos, drawings, any kind of pictures, tables, any nicely formatted text: fonts, subscripts/superscripts, colored text background, multilevel bullets and numbering, Unicode, background images.
– Quick searching for any note by its subject, date, word or phrase.
– Powerful printout and save features.
– Clickable (active) hyperlinks in any document.

Contact Manager (Contacts):
– Number of records that outstrip the Outlook Address Book.
– Flexible set of fields, allowing you to easily add your own.
– Complete import/export to and Windows Address Book and CSV format.
– Powerful and fast search and sort features.
– Adjustable views so you can see your information the way you want.

– Full support for POP3 and IMAP accounts.
– Integration with Conteacts and other modules.
– Signatures, mail sorting rules,- everything you need to work efficiently.

(個人訊息管理器)EssentialPIM Pro Network 5.55| Home Page: www.essentialpim.com

(個人訊息管理器)EssentialPIM Pro Network 5.55| Size: 29.75 MB

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
