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Connectify Hotspot PRO是一個易於使用的軟體路由器,讓你的Windows電腦,變身為一個Wi – Fi熱點,你的筆記型電腦因此就可以共享一個Internet連線 – 例如有線乙太網,3或4G卡或配接器,甚至是另一個Wi-Fi網路 – 與您的朋友,同事,和搬移裝置共享。用Connectify的熱點專業,你可以把你的Windows電腦變成一個真正的Wi-Fi熱點共享與任何其他Wi-Fi單3G/4G連線功能的裝置。你會最大限度地提高您的3G/4G卡的價值,並讓所有的外圍裝置聯機的同時!


現代化旅客,網際網路連線的是一條生命線。機場,酒店和咖啡廳已經知道這一點,負責相應的Wi-Fi接入或只給你提供一個乙太網介面,這讓僅Wi-Fi裝置和智慧手機處在黑暗中。用Connectify的熱點專業為你的軟體,只有旅行路由器,可以連線到任何可用的網路連線(內含3G , 4G和搬移寬頻) ,開始一個熱點,同時讓所有的裝置在網上,而且這只是一小部分的成本。


– 無限熱點標準運行時間 – 沒有時間限制,運行Connectify的熱點24/7 。
– 分享的Wi-Fi從3G/4G網路 – Connectify Hotspot PRO支援從3G/4G卡除了各種各樣的其他USB卡和軟體共享上網。把你的3G或4G的USB磁碟變成一個真正的旅行路由器。
– 完全可定制的SSID – 任何你想要的名字你的熱點! (熱點精簡版需要您的熱點名字開始與「 Connectify的 – ') 。
– 無線網路連線延伸模式 – 延伸您的家庭或辦公室的Wi-Fi的範圍內,只需要您點擊幾下。
– 拖放檔案傳輸 – 輕鬆共享任何大小的檔案,直接連線到你的熱點兩台裝置,並在同一網路上的其他Connectify的熱點使用者。
– AutoInternet選取 – 自動配置熱點的共享上網設定。
– 調度整合 – 分享您超快速的連線調度與Connectify的熱點專業。

【文章標題】: (軟體路由器)Connectify Hotspot & Dispatch Pro
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Connectify Hotspot & Dispatch Pro

Connectify Hotspot PRO is an easy to use software router for your Windows computer that lets you transform your laptop into a Wi-Fi hotspot so you can share a single Internet connection – such as wired ethernet, a 3 or 4G card or adapter, even another Wi-Fi network – with your friends, co-workers, and mobile devices. With Connectify Hotspot PRO, you can turn your Windows computer into a real Wi-Fi hotspot that shares that single 3G/4G connection with any other Wi-Fi enabled devices. You'll maximize the value of your 3G/4G card and get all your peripherals online at the same time!

On the Road
For the modern traveler, Internet connectivity is a lifeline. Airports, Hotels, and Coffee Shops know this and charge accordingly for Wi-Fi access or only supply you with an ethernet jack, which leaves Wi-Fi only devices and smart phones in the dark. With Connectify Hotspot PRO as your software-only travel router, you can connect to ANY available Internet connection (including 3G, 4G, and mobile broadband), start a hotspot, and get all of your devices online simultaneously, and at a fraction of the cost.

PRO Version Features:
– Unlimited Hotspot Uptime – No time restrictions, run your Connectify Hotspot 24/7.
– Share Wi-Fi from 3G/4G Networks – Connectify Hotspot PRO supports sharing Internet from 3G/4G cards in addition to a wide variety of other USB cards and dongles. Turn your 3G or 4G USB stick into a real travel router.
– Fully Customizable SSID – Name your hotspot whatever you want! (Hotspot Lite requires your hotspot name to start with 'Connectify-').
– Wi-Fi Extender Mode – Extend the range of your home or office Wi-Fi with just a few clicks.
– Drag & Drop File Transfers – Easily share files of any size, directly to both devices connected to your hotspot, and to other Connectify Hotspot users on the same network.
– AutoInternet Selection – Automatically configure your hotspot's Internet sharing settings.
– Dispatch Integration – Share your Super-Fast Dispatch Connection with Connectify Hotspot PRO.

(軟體路由器)Connectify Hotspot & Dispatch Pro | Home Page: www.connectify.me

(軟體路由器)Connectify Hotspot & Dispatch Pro | Size: 8.5 Mb

 OS: Windows 7/8