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專業電影和視訊編輯.媒體作曲家 Avid Media Composer 6.5.0



最快的採集/編輯/顯示器/輸出的工作流程,對媒體作曲家與合成特效製作DX或Mojo的DX視訊介面和經驗的硬體加速的動力,是首屈一指的。現在,您可以自訂合成特效製作DX的Avid DNxHD的AVC-Intra晶片完全支援立體3D和HD RGB 4-4-4的工作流程。

現已全面開放的Media Composer是由於Avid開放式I / O,因此您可以與您所選取的的Avid音訊和視訊介面或第三方的視訊介面,內含AJA,Blackmagic Design的,Bluefish444的,MATROX,和MOTU。製造商可以簡單地使用Avid開放式I / O有自己的硬體工作的Media Composer,這意味著你有更多的選取來建立外掛程式。




您希望您的音訊聽起來壯觀,為您的視訊看起來。現在,您可以錄製,編輯和混音錄音室品質的音訊在多達7.1環繞右側的Media Composer。不僅如此,你可以分享與Pro Tools編輯器(AAF)的混合,甚至可以記錄和監控音訊使用Avid音訊介面的主機。

你永遠不知道什麼樣的媒體,項目和人會來到你的辦公桌或家門口。這就是為什麼使用Media Composer提供了一個開放的工作流程,所以你可以採取任何挑戰等待著。與幾乎任何媒體格式,內含磁帶和電影。捕捉和監控您所選取的Avid和第三方介面。加快編輯藝術家系列控制面。整合到任何專業的生產流水線。與Pro Tools編輯器使用視訊衛星同步項目。和您的離線線上以交響樂團或Avid DS,而不用重新工作。

基於檔案的媒體,3D立體材料,薄膜,模擬和數字磁帶 – 把它。的Media Composer提供了廣泛的功能,工作流程和選項,使你的一切,從老派的媒體,最新的相機技術。體驗業界最快的無磁帶工作流程。直接從數位相機捕捉鏡頭。或加入Avid或第三方捕獲其他的模擬或數字信號源的視訊介面。另外,支援4-4-4 HD-RGB色彩的DNxHD 444,您可以提高工作效率,同時保持品質的色彩細節,從開始到結束。

不要緊,你學會了如何編輯的Media Composer是哪兒的人離開,使您的工作速度更快,在你最舒服的模式。事實上,它的工具是ACE認證。修剪剪輯和處理轉換在飛行中使用的智慧工具(智慧工具在行動),或進行超精密的編輯使用傳統工具。混合和符合的媒體格式,幀速率,解析度,和在同一時間線上實時,無需編譯(請參閱混合和符合在行動)。編輯高清素材在實時掌握圖像質量,使用Avid DNxHD或DNxHD處理444。

讓您的項目,專業拋光使用的是捆綁和內建的設計和特效工具。建立醒目的2D和3D合成,字幕,動畫和效果,各種功能強大的創作工具,由Boris FX設計與Avid FX(又名鮑裡斯RED)。與主機內建的2D和3D效果,標題工具,轉換,關鍵和動畫效果,和更多的視覺衝擊,戲劇和深度。運動追蹤和穩定工具的重點和解決問題。與我們的第三方合作夥伴的作用,擴大你的視覺調色板,其中有許多可購買範圍內的Media Composer從Avid的市場。

節省時間和保持最高的質量生產的完全整合的10位色彩修正工具集。快速,準確的色彩相符合,每個鏡頭使用NaturalMatch。獲得更好的色彩精確度與品質4-4-4 HD-RGB色彩空間處理的支援。獲得良好的控制,在拍攝動畫的色彩校正。加快您的色彩與藝術色彩的工作。潛入大的調色板易於使用的工具,改善設定或創意。

有了Avid DVD和Sorenson Squeeze可內含在內,你可以製作DVD和改善的最高質量播放網上或光碟上的媒體。作者專業的DVD和藍光光碟,DVD,使用Avid與基於Windows的系統(內含模擬軟體在Mac上)。使用Sorenson Squeeze,您可以在各種格式(內含HD,DVD,MPEG-2,MPEG-4/H.264,Flash中,和3GPP),製作DVD和Blu-ray光碟(在Windows上),改善內容和燒錄光碟在PC或Mac。

有什麼新的Media Composer 6.5



I / O硬體版本
切換到軟體的唯一模式,無需中斷硬體和共享Avid開放式I / O硬體與其他軟體在一個單一的點擊。



操作系統:Windows 7專業版SP1(64位)(仍然需要瞭解更多有關的Media Composer 5.5的32位?)
處理器:英特爾Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz處理器或更快
記憶體:4 GB的RAM(6 + GB RAM的建議適用於Windows 7和Windows Vista)
顯卡:NVIDIA®(英偉達™)Quadro:FX family3(FX 560或更高)
內定硬碟機:最低80 GB 7200轉硬碟

Media Composer is the top choice for professional film and video editing in the industry. Whether you edit movies, TV shows, commercials, or other video, this
industry-standard nonlinear editor provides 64-bit performance, easy-to-use video editing tools, and streamlined HD, file-based, and stereo 3D workflows. Its open platform enables you to work with the gear you have or want and integrate into any workflow. Plus, it’s designed to eliminate bottlenecks, enabling you to work faster than ever.

Full 64-bit power
Fast gets even faster with native 64-bit operation, so even when you layer together the most complex effects, things will still feel snappy. Experience smoother playback, faster rendering performance, and better handling with large bins—and say goodbye to the old memory limitations of the 32-bit operating systems.

Better performance—and 3D—with Avid hardware
For the fastest capture/edit/monitor/output workflows, pair Media Composer with a Nitris DX or Mojo DX video interface and experience hardware-accelerated power that’s second to none. You can now even customize Nitris DX with up to two Avid DNxHD or AVC-Intra chips to fully support stereoscopic 3D and HD RGB 4-4-4 workflows.

Open for business
Media Composer is now fully open thanks to Avid Open I/O, so you can work with your choice of Avid audio and video interfaces or third-party video interfaces, including those from AJA, Blackmagic Design, Bluefish444, Matrox, and MOTU. Manufacturers can simply create plug-ins using Avid Open I/O to have their hardware work with Media Composer, meaning you’ll have even more choices to come.

Sleek new look and Avid Marketplace
Modern, smart, and sexy. Media Composer has a whole new look, but its familiar editing workflow stays the same. Work faster through the tabbed interface (no more window clutter!). Customize window configurations with Workspaces. Browse the Avid Marketplace for stock footage, video and audio plug-ins, software and hardware options, training materials, and more—right from within the app. You can even access user guides and other documentation without having to scour our website.

Work with 3D
Edit stereoscopic 3D material as quickly and easily as you do with standard 2D footage, with a full set of new features and workflows. Capture, edit, and manage the complete 3D end-to-end workflow. Mix and match 2D and stereoscopic 3D clips on the same track. Plus, work with full frame and frame-compatible sources, full-fledged editing tools, video effects, and more.

Go hands-on with Artist Color
Accelerate your color correcting and grading with Artist Color. With its highly responsive feel, you can keep your eyes on the picture instead of the interface while you make adjustments. And since you can tweak multiple parameters at once, you dramatically gain more speed and efficiency to complete time-consuming tasks quickly.

Mix in surround sound
You want your audio to sound as spectacular as your video looks. Now you can record, edit, and mix studio-quality audio in up to 7.1 surround—right in Media Composer. Not only that, you can share mixes with Pro Tools editors (using AAF), and even record and monitor audio using a host of Avid audio interfaces.

Open to anything
You never know what kinds of media, projects, and people will arrive at your desk or doorstep. That’s why Media Composer offers an open workflow, so you can take on whatever challenge awaits. Work with practically any media format, including tape and film. Capture and monitor with your choice of Avid and third-party interfaces. Accelerate editing with Artist Series control surfaces. Integrate into any professional production pipeline. Sync projects with Pro Tools editors using Video Satellite. And take your offline online to Symphony or Avid DS—without redoing work.

Work with any media
File-based media, analog and digital tape, stereoscopic 3D material, film — bring it on. Media Composer offers a wide range of features, workflows, and options that enable you to work with everything, from old-school media to the latest camera technologies. Experience the fastest tapeless workflows in the industry. Capture footage directly from digital cameras. Or add an Avid or third-party video interface to capture from other analog or digital sources. Plus, with support for 4-4-4 HD-RGB color and DNxHD 444, you can work efficiently while preserving the full-quality color detail from beginning to end.

Take storytelling to the cutting edge
It doesn’t matter how you learned to edit—Media Composer goes where others leave off, enabling you to work faster and in ways you’re most comfortable. In fact, its tools are ACE-certified. Trim clips and manipulate transitions on the fly using the Smart Tool (see the Smart Tool in action), or perform ultra-precise edits using traditional tools. Mix and match media formats, frame rates, resolutions, and more in the same timeline—in real time—without rendering (see Mix and Match in action). And edit HD material in real time—in mastering picture quality—using Avid DNxHD or DNxHD 444.

Design and dazzle with visual effects
Give your projects that professional polish using the bundled and built-in design and effects tools. Create eye-catching 2D and 3D composites, titles, animation, and effects with Avid FX (aka Boris RED), a powerful collection of creative tools designed by Boris FX. Add visual impact, drama, and depth with a host of built-in 2D and 3D effects, title tools, transitions, key and motion effects, and more. Add focus and fix issues with motion tracking and stabilization tools. And expand your visual palette with our third-party partners' effects, many of which can be purchased within Media Composer from the Avid Marketplace.

Color correct and grade with precision
Save time and maintain the highest quality production with the fully integrated 10-bit color correction toolset. Quickly and accurately match colors from shot to shot using NaturalMatch. Gain better color precision with support for full-quality 4-4-4 HD-RGB color space processing. Get fine control over shots with animatable color correction. Speed up your color work with Artist Color. And dive into the large palette of easy-to-use tools to refine settings or get creative.

Design and deliver
With Avid DVD and Sorenson Squeeze included, you can author DVDs and optimize media for the highest-quality playback—online or on disc. Author professional DVDs and Blu-ray Discs using Avid DVD, which works with Windows-based systems (including emulation software on Macs). With Sorenson Squeeze, you can optimize content in a variety of formats (including HD, DVD, MPEG-2, MPEG-4/H.264, Flash, and 3GPP), author DVDs and Blu-ray Discs (on Windows), and burn discs on a PC or Mac.

What's new in Media Composer 6.5
Avid Media Authoring
Create AS-02 and other volumes for archive, and write sequences back to the original source media with AMA.

AFD support
Establish the intended viewing experience with the Active Format Description setting.

Advanced relink support
Reconnect clips to the original or new media using common metadata fields.

I/O hardware release
Switch to software-only mode without disconnecting hardware, and share Avid Open I/O hardware with other software in a single click.

Advanced audio keyframing
Edit and replicate audio keyframes across clips fast, with copy and paste ease.

64-voice audio support
Monitor more audio tracks with greater flexibility and ease.

Minimum requirements for Avid video editing software
Computer: Avid-qualified Windows-based computer or laptop2 (see details)
OS: Windows 7 Professional SP1 (64-bit) (Still need 32-bit? Learn more about Media Composer 5.5)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33 GHz processor or faster
Memory: 4 GB of RAM (6+ GB of RAM recommended for Windows 7 and Windows Vista)
Graphics Card: N
VIDIA Quadro FX family3 (FX 560 or higher)
Internal Hard Drive: Minimum 80 GB 7200 rpm hard disk

專業電影和視訊編輯.媒體作曲家 Avid Media Composer 6.5.0
  | Size: 1.87 Gb

ОС | OS: Windows 7 (64-bit)

專業電影和視訊編輯.媒體作曲家 Avid Media Composer 6.5.0  | Home Page: www.avid.com