【PHP程式設計+MySQL資料庫+PHPMaker整合教學+技術諮詢】 本月特價優惠中! 動態的架站程式時代,要自訂PHP程式頁面有那麼難嗎? MySQL『資料庫』與『資料表』,用PHP程式有那麼難控制嗎? 你不用死背『PHP程式』與『MySQL資料庫』語法也能獨自設計完成! 這是自動化軟體程式的年代 (用PHPMaker 設計在彈指之間就能自動生成整個 PHP 程式系統) 這不是:神話!程式軟體模組取代了這一切複雜的工程。 你可以自己建構自己專屬的: 訂購表單、會員名單、擴增購物車特殊頁面 →POS 系統、CRM 系統、ERP 系統、HRM 系統...等等 (更可以加入數據資源銷售賺錢!) 該是:【見證奇蹟】的時候了! 非親眼所見....真的無法相信此神兵利器!


UNIBLUE  PowerSuite是為您的電腦完整的解決專案,是一套全面的清理維修工具,修復和改善您的PC效能。
它的優點結合三等獎獲獎產品,為客戶提供完整的UNIBLUE經驗: RegistryBooster , DriverScanner和SpeedUpMyPC的的下一個統一的介面,加入了特殊的預定掃瞄功能進行自動維護。
 RegistryBooster合併, DriverScanner和SpeedUpMyPC下一個單一的介面後,它促進和保護群體,速度和穩定的關鍵系統元件。

UNIBLUE , SpeedUpMyPC旨在提高您的電腦效能,通過一系列不同的技術:禁用不必要的服務,清理垃圾檔案,改善您的Internet設定和運用一台主機的有用的註冊表調整。





【文章標題】: (PC修復和改善工具)Uniblue PowerSuite 2013
【文章作者】: PHP程式設計+MySQL資料庫+Dreamweaver整合教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/php/
【PHP程式設計+MySQL資料庫+Dreamweaver整合教學課程】: http://por.tw/php/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/php/
【版權聲明】: (原創)PHP程式設計+MySQL資料庫+Dreamweaver整合教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Uniblue PowerSuite 2013

Uniblue PowerSuite 2013 is the complete performance solution for your PC, comprehensive set of maintenance tools for cleaning up, repairing and optimising your PC. Uniblue PowerSuite 2013 combines the benefits of three award winning products to deliver the full Uniblue experience: RegistryBooster, DriverScanner and SpeedUpMyPC under a unified interface, adding a special scheduled scan feature for automatic maintenance. Merging RegistryBooster, DriverScanner and SpeedUpMyPC under a single interface, PowerSuite 2013 boosts and protects vulnerable but critical system elements tied to speed and stability. With Uniblue’s three award winning programs working together in sync, Uniblue PowerSuite 2013 guarantees a clean and defragmented registry, regular driver updates, and fully optimized resource management and system settings. After giving your PC a full performance boost, PowerSuite 2013 can schedule unobtrusive background scans to ensure that your system continues to run at its best.

And Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC aims to improve your PCs performance through a range of different techniques: disabling unnecessary services, cleaning up junk files, optimising your Internet settings and applying a host of useful Registry tweaks. You get three bonus "Speed tools", too: a CPU manager stops runaway processes from grabbing all your CPU time; the proactive thumbnail generator accelerates Explorer navigation by generating thumbnail images in advance; and Software quick-starter claims it can help applications launch more quickly from the Start menu.

There's plenty of functionality on offer, then, but well-designed and clear interfaces mean it's all very easy to access, even if you're a PC novice. And the emphasis is constantly on your safety, so for instance most of the programs will save your original settings before they make any changes. If there are any problems then you can usually restore those previous settings at a click, quickly returning your PC to normal.

The new Uniblue PowerSuite ships with these new features:
-Now has intelligent tabulation
-Improved Detailed view in scan report
-Improved user customisation feature to persist ticks across the whole application.
-Intelligent tabulation throught the whole application
-Improved drivers installation on multiple languages
-Intelligent tabulation throught the whole application
-Improved error logging mechanism

(PC修復和改善工具)Uniblue PowerSuite 2013 | Home Page www.uniblue.com

(PC修復和改善工具)Uniblue PowerSuite 2013 / Size: 21 MB

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