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‧加載和重新解釋的Adobe Photoshop *層的PSD檔案





匯入Adobe Photoshop項目
另一個意想不到的是,你實際上可以從Adobe Photoshop PSD分層檔案重新建立項目。

訓練車輪關閉!一個完整的進階別C + +語法的語系是直接建立在軟體中。語系其中內含支援多型態,腳本完全是可選取的。



光反應器可以呼叫其他軟體,如Adobe Photoshop做的工作的一部分,在需要的時候自動更新的過程。

【文章標題】: (圖像編輯器)Mediachance Photo-Reactor 1.0 Public Beta
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Mediachance Photo-Reactor 1.0 Public Beta

Finally an image editor for 21st century! Photo-Reactor is a brand new highly optimized dynamic image editor and effect processor with absolutely unlimited possibilities and fantastic effects. Applying one static effects after another is so last century. Instead everything you do in Reactor is fully dynamic, always ready to be tweaked or rearranged.


In a Nutshell:
• A software that can truly create new image effects and processes
• Very visual
• Highly optimized, fast software for both 32 and 64-bit Windows platforms
• Self-Documenting Flow
• Versatile, any type of effects is possible from brilliantly adjusted photos to painting and graphics
• Easy way to share new effects
• Scriptable with high level language
• Loads and re-interprets Adobe Photoshop *.PSD files with layers
• Call other graphic applications from within the interface
• Extendable with SDK and plug-ins (such as QR Code Generator plug-in)

Extremely powerful
Once you start working with the software you will discover its huge power that lies in the logic of nodal editing and the simplification of effects.
It does look different at first sight, but in a short time things become very logical and you will realize how the old way of image editing is incredibly limited.

Grows with you but doesn't get old
You can use what you need and then slowly keep discovering new things as you progress. The software doesn't require you to learn everything right away. You can walk before you run.

Share and learn
You probably tried to repeat some effects from books or online tutorials where you had to follow many pages of step-by-steps.
That is all in the past. With Photo-Reactor the effect flow is self explanatory, it is not obfuscated in a pile of layers with multitude of mystery effects applied in completely unknown sequence.

Easy to Follow
It is very easy to follow how some advanced effects work. A simple click on any effect will show how the image processing at that stage and you can easily trace the idea of the effect object by object.

Import Adobe Photoshop projects
Another unexpected feature is that you can actually re-create project from Adobe Photoshop PSD layered files. That is right, just import PSD file and the layers will turn into a Photo-Reactor flow.

Scripting for the adventurous types
The training wheels are off! A full high level c++ syntax language is build directly in the software. The fast language supports polymorphism, inheritance or multidimensional arrays among other things. You have no idea what this all means? No problem, the scripting is completely optional.

Extendable by third parties
We created a very easy to use SDK, but even more importantly the software itself can generate the source code project for its plug-in where you set up everything visually and then fill-up the blanks with your image processing. The interface, the sliders and data serialization is all done for you.

Add a new dimension to your creative tool-box
Designer professionals, home users or educational institution can appreciate the new creative dimension that Photo-Reactor opens.

Plays nice with others
Photo-Reactor can call other software such as Adobe Photoshop to do part of the work and automatically update the process when needed.

(圖像編輯器)Mediachance Photo-Reactor 1.0 Public Beta/Homepage: www.mediachance.com

(圖像編輯器)Mediachance Photo-Reactor 1.0 Public Beta/Size: 23.37 MB / 23.87 MB
