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Excel的支票簿是一個自訂的個人理財為Microsoft Excel編寫的應用程式。
它內含一個基於Palm OS的同伴的應用程式,讓您輸入您的Palm手持裝置上的交易,並同步為Excel的支票簿。

‧增強的Palm OS的支票簿Companion應用程式同步支票簿為Excel。

【文章標題】:(理財應用程式)Checkbook For Excel v6.0b
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Checkbook For Excel v6.0b

Checkbook for Excel is a custom personal finance application written for Microsoft Excel. It provides all the necessary features for managing your financial accounts without all the excess baggage and overhead associated with the popular personal finance packages. It includes a Palm OS based companion application that lets you enter transactions on your Palm handheld and synchronize them with Checkbook for Excel.

• The ability to add an unlimited number of income and expense categories.
• The ability to track 50 separate financial accounts.
• The ability to split transactions across up to ten different categories.
• The ability to designate categories as tax related and reference tax forms and tax worksheets.
• Custom tax report that summarizes tax related transactions by category and related tax form.
• The ability to add and store address information and print addresses on checks.
• The ability to import data from Quicken Interchange Format (.QIF) files.
• Seamless importing of downloaded Paypal transactions.
• The enhanced Palm OS based Checkbook Companion application with synchronization to Checkbook for Excel.
• Enhanced expense and income reports.
• New "Electronic Funds Transfer" transaction type.
• The ability to schedule recurring transactions.
• The ability to individually customize ledger formatting.
• The ability to modify the ledger color scheme.
• Enhanced international date and currency formatting.
• Additional options for archiving old transactions from the program ledgers.
• Ability to rename the sheet tabs for Ledger sheets.
• Ability to create a copy of Ledger(s) with splits displayed.
• Automatically locates cell cursor in entered and or edited transactions upon entry.
• Adds a Checkbook menu and dialog box hot keys for improved voice recognition functionality.
• New improved Checkbook Toolbar.
• Improved Category and Transaction Account Editing.
• New double-click functionality.
• New Feature to Export Ledgers and reports.
• A host of other minor ease of use and usability enhancements.

(理財應用程式)Checkbook For Excel v6.0b| Home Page www.djicomputer.com

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