專業【商業商品攝影技術】教學 課程 + 技術諮詢 讓你快速學成! 用鏡頭讓商品自己說話,商品照片就是:賣相(影響網購業績與訂單!) 由商品攝影教學函授課程密訓基地【總教頭】所釋出的獨門技術密技 ! 參加了本課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 專業攝影總教頭【二十年的職業攝影秘技私授】讓你快速【出師】 教你自製攝影輔助器材: 教學中也教導學員如何利用垂手可得的物件來自製實用的攝影輔助器材,例如:反光板、透光柔光幕、背景紙、攝影台等。 教你完全能自如控制拍攝成果: 以淺顯易懂的方式解說曝光補償與白平衡,讓學員可以輕鬆控制光與影,調整商品的色調與明暗。 比對式的創新教學法: 透過【失敗照片】與【成功範例】的比對,讓學員能理解差異的原因,進而規避易犯的錯誤,累積正確的專業商品攝影技術。 二十年的專業經驗承傳:為了突顯被設商品的特色,教學時針對場景的選擇與擺設的方法做了精闢的解說,提供學員參考的方向。 讓你拍出專業的最佳效果:透過具體的實拍案例來解說佈景、照明、構圖等要點,因此學員可已配合自己想要拍攝的物品來學習各種技巧。 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)


Developer Studio Pro9 中安裝了「部分校正」和「高光/陰影個別亮度校正」





將「 Dehaze」滑塊新增到調整項中,以消除由於大氣水分或蒸汽引起的模糊圖像。






對於那些「首先嘗試RAW Development」或說「 RAW Development有很多調整選項並且不知道要做什麼的人」,建議使用「最適列高」按鈕。此外,在對大量一次圖像,可以使用「最適列高」按鈕提高編輯工作流程的效率。



深耕攝影市場數十年的永準貿易,始終致力於提供數位攝影及色彩管理的全方位解決方案,永準獨家引進業界知名的Silkypix Developer Studio Pro,讓無法滿足隨相機附贈RAW檔轉換軟體的使用者,獲得高品質的影像轉換工具。

Silkypix Developer Studio Pro是解RAW檔軟體Silkypix系列中最高階的版本,專為需大量處理RAW檔的攝影師及影像專業人士所設計。
Silkypix Developer Studio Pro可將RAW檔有效率地轉換成高品質的影像。
同時Silkypix Developer Studio Pro是套簡單易用的軟體,透過直覺操作即可讓您輕鬆擁有超高品質的影像。


更令人讚嘆的是,Silkypix Developer Studio Pro在膚色調及藍色調色彩的精彩呈現皆深受業界讚賞,內建相片風格及色調調整工具,非常適合人像及風景拍照使用,不管是業餘及專業攝影師都可輕鬆擁有令人讚嘆的高品質影像。


Silkypix Developer Studio Pro畫面呈現方式及顯像模式均可配合使用者的操作環境調整,簡單明瞭的小圖示,可讓第一次使用Silkypix的使用者,不需花長時間研究,即可善用每一功能,直接做相片的調整,讓你獲得你想要的效果。

印表機color profile支援
此外,Silkypix Developer Studio Pro支援印表機color profile,簡單套用電腦內的.icc或.icm檔案等設定,將印表機及紙張的色彩表現發揮到極致,同時可與 Spyder印表機校色器產生的profile檔案搭配使用,輕鬆進行色彩管理(配合Spyder螢幕校色器使用,可獲得更一致的精準色彩)。
Silkypix Developer Studio Pro從影像調整到印刷輸出提供更全方位的支援,讓您輕鬆擁有精彩影像創造美麗人生。

【照片.相片處理】SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro v9.0.14 網址與下載:

SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro9 for FUJIFILM is for a FUJIFILM camera limited special edition. “SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro9 for FUJIFILM” has many functions such as “Partial correction” and “The highlight/shadow individual brightness correction” installed in “SILKYPIX Developer Studio Pro9.” Finish your photo as you imagined.

Make the specified area bright and vivid
The partial correction tool changes the brightness and saturation partially in the specified area. It is also equipped with a “brush”, so free range specification is possible.

Blur the surroundings and highlight the subject
You are now able to blur the periphery of the specified range and apply sharpness.

Exposure compensation can be done freely
It possible to individually adjust the brightness of light and dark areas in the image.

Clear the Haze
Add the “Dehaze” slider to the adjustment item for the mist removement of hazy images caused by atmospheric moisture or vapor.

Ideal finish with simple tasks
– “Automatic adjustment button” that can be adjusted with one click.
– Equipped with adjustable HDR function with 1 photo.
– Fine color controller which can be used to adjust each specific color.
– Easy remove unwanted objects using the Spotting Tool, such as dust that may appear.
– Images to be adjusted can be searched from “shooting information” such as shooting date.

Dehaze function
Adjusting the hazy image with the “Dehaze” slider removes cloud-like distortions in your image caused by water vapor in the air and leaves the image with just as much clarity as if it were taken on a bright sunny day.

Individual adjustment of brightness of highlight/shadow area of photograph
The Highlight/Shadow sliders in the exposure adjustments allows you to manually adjust the brightness of the bright (highlight) and intensity of dark (shadow) portions of the image. Even when shooting subjects with intense contrast while using exposure compensation, it is sometimes still difficult to control the exposure. Here, simply adjust the “highlight/shadow” individually during RAW development to achieve a result suitable for the image of the Photographer.

Partial correction tool
Partial tone correction can be applied to specified area of the image. For example, brightness and White balance can be partially adjusted. The selection methods of the correction area include “circular correction filter”, “gradual correction filter”, “brush”, etc., and can be corrected by carefully specifying the area.

Blurred / Sharp periphery functions
You can blur or sharpen the periphery of the specified range. Blurred periphery produces a close-up effect by blurring the periphery of your subject. In addition, if the image is shot with the aperture opening value of the lens and the resolution of the peripheral area drops, the “Sharp periphery” can be used to make a good correction.

Auto adjustment button
The Auto adjustment buttons for Auto exposure bias, Auto White Balance Setting, and Automatic Level Correction, which are suitable for the respective images, have been recently added. The Auto adjustment button is recommended for those who are “having a first try at RAW Development” or say “RAW Development has so many adjustment options and don’t know what to do.” In addition, when making adjustments to a large number of images at a time, you can improve the efficiency of editing workflow by using the Auto adjustment button.

Search in thumbnails
Search in thumbnails is a function for searching and displaying images by specifying a condition such as “shooting info” such as File name or Date, comments, or ratings from specified folders. You can also specify multiple folders at the same time, which is a very useful feature for locating the desired image within a larger collection.

These include the independent placement of initialization buttons for instantaneously returning images to their pre-adjusted states, the addition of user-mark colors for image selection, and the easy transfer of images from the SILKYPIX to retouching software.

Topaz已將其Gigapixel AI調整大小軟體更新為版本4。
Keith撰寫了一篇較長的評論文章,內容涉及AI Gigapixel以及它與他的大幅面印刷有何關係。
將照片拉近多達600%,同時完美保留圖像質量。從一張簡單的iPhone照片建立80 x 60英吋的精美列印。



Topaz Gigapixel AI 4.4.4的功能:

以下是安裝Topaz Gigapixel AI 4.4.4 可以體驗的一些令人驚奇的功能,請記住功能可能有所不同,並且完全取決於您的系統是否支援它們。


應用名稱已從“ Topaz A.I. Gigapixel”到“ Topaz Gigapixel AI”。由於安裝需要,一些位置或資料夾可能仍顯示舊名稱。

在16位色深下,TIF / TIFF檔案僅支援最大輸出解析度22000 x 22000。這是需要的,以防止檔案大小超過4 GB。這是TIF / TIFF檔案容許的最大大小
修改後的邏輯會影響JPG / JPEG和TIF / TIFF檔案如何儲存到磁碟以及元資料如何從源檔案傳輸到輸出檔案的模式
由於發現了效能問題,因此刪除了“保留元資料”控件。 JPG / JPEG和TIF / TIFF檔案的元資料將被保留。將來計劃對PNG檔案提供元資料支援。

【AI調整放大照片】Topaz Gigapixel AI 4.4.4 網址:

Topaz have updated their Gigapixel AI resizing software to version 4. The new version offer improved speed and image quality with improved resizing and workflow. Keith has written a longer review covering AI Gigapixel and how it’s relevant to his making of large prints. Beautiful photo enlargements using machine learning enlarging your image without losing detail has always been impossible… until now. Upscale your photos by up to 600% while perfectly preserving image quality. Create a beautiful 80 x 60 inch print from a simple iPhone photo. Or transform your DSLR photos into sharp and ultra-detailed 100MP images.

After being trained with millions of sample images, Gigapixel can now enlarge your images with a surprising level of quality. Gigapixel performs around 2 million operations per pixel to get you results with as much detail and sharpness as possible. Breathtakingly sharp prints. High-resolution cropping in post-production. iPhone photos that look like they came out of a DSLR. No matter why you’re enlarging your photos, you always want the best possible quality for your results.

Features of Topaz Gigapixel AI 4.4.4

Below are some amazing features you can experience after installation of Topaz Gigapixel AI 4.4.4 please keep in mind features may vary and totally depends if your system support them.

Two new AI networks – one faster, one higher quality
More natural looking processed images and less artefacts
More settings and customisation for your image
A significantly faster saving speed
Nicer look and cleaner workflow
Bug fixes – like no more grid on your processed images!
Application name has been changed from ‘Topaz A.I. Gigapixel’ to ‘Topaz Gigapixel AI’. A few places or folders may still show the old name due to installation needs.
Revised application icons
Revised application splash screen
Improved processing models
Moved the ‘Preview’ button from the bottom of the application to be next to the ‘Clear All’ and ‘Open’ buttons above the file list
Alignment of the ‘Input’ and ‘Output’ labels has been adjusted
The ‘Noise & Blur Reduction’ control has been split into 2 controls: ‘Suppress Noise’ and ‘Remove Blur’. Each of these controls now has 5 level settings
Revised ‘About’ dialog window
Revised ‘Graphics Information’ dialog window
When PNG is the output file type, colour profile will automatically be set to sRGB
The ‘Preferences’ window has been reorganised with groups for Application and Processing
The ‘Stop’ button should be more responsive when pressed. Additionally, the ‘Processing’ message will display ‘Stopping’ to inform the user
TIF/TIFF files will only support a maximum output resolution of 22000 x 22000 at 16-bits of colour depth. This is needed to prevent the file size from exceeding 4 GBs. This is the maximum allowed size for TIF/TIFF files
Revised logic that affects how JPG/JPEG and TIF/TIFF files are saved to disk and how metadata is transferred from the source file to the output file
Revised message box dialogs throughout the application. This unifies the look and feel across platforms
Revised language on the File Logging popup window
When on the ‘Resize By Scale’ tab, when scaling to a custom value, the label now reads: “Custom Scale (0.20 to 6.00)”
The ‘Keep Metadata’ control has been removed due to performance issues identified. Metadata for JPG/JPEG and TIF/TIFF files will be preserved. Metadata support for PNG files is planned in the future.


Photo Frame Studio已被設計為編輯和修飾數位攝影傑作。由於程式的每個畫面會顯得不同,我們的操作專案將會讓你成為一個真正快樂的你。我們提供超過100幀更有什者,他們每個人都可以通過它包括在我們的程式中的選項進行修改。該專案的inerface是使用者友好的,它已被設計成使得evryone可以操作它不會出現任何問題的方法。您可以通過加入給它一個框架,一個面具,背景,陰影或文字的模式使用一些指令裝點你的圖片。使用所有這些功能和作用,並考慮到這一事實,我們可以使用所有同時內含每一層的彩色的變化的選項,飽和度和對照度的變化,你可以毫無疑問聲稱每張圖片會有所不同。您也可以設計自己的作文。



‧出口到高解析度( 300 DPI , 600 DPI)的PDF , JPG , TIFF,BMP圖形檔案

*操作系統:Windows 2000 / XP / Vista中/視窗7/8
* CPU : Pentium處理器最低
*記憶體: 512M或以上
*免費硬碟空間: 250MB


【文章標題】:(編輯和修飾數位攝影工具)Mojosoft Photo Frame Studio 2.95
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Mojosoft Photo Frame Studio 2.95

Program PHOTO FRAME STUDIO has been designed to edit and decorate digital photographies. Thanks to the program each picture will look different and operating our program will be a real pleasure for you. We offer over 100 hundred frames and what is more, every one of them can be modified by the options which are contained in our program. The inerface of the program is user-friendly and it has been designed in such a way that evryone can operate it without any problems. You can decorate your picture using a few instructions by means of adding to it a frame, a mask, the background, a shade or a text. Using all these functions and effects and taking into account the fact that we can use all the options simultaneously including the change of colour of each layer, the change of saturation and contrast, you can undoubtedly claim that each picture will be different. You can also design your own composition.

It can be done thanks to the tools which enable us to add various elements such as figures clip-parts or striking texts. You can also calibrate pictures, so you can cut them, zoom to the view that suits you and get rid of the red-eye effect. Thanks to the program you can print pictures using your printer as well as you can save ready photos in high quality mode in order to send them to photo-labs. Moreover, you can also save pictures in lower quality mode so that they can be published in the internet.

• operating jpg, bmp, wmf , png ,tiff and more graphic formats
• a dozen or so effects which can be used while working on all objects (text , image , backgrounds) for example: shadows, textures, sepia, gradients and others
• export to high resolution (300 DPI , 600 DPI) pdf,jpg,tiff,bmp graphics file
• the appearance of the interface can be changed
• support right to left languages (like arabic,hebrew)
• support unicode
• multilanguage support

System Requirements
* Operating System: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7/8
* CPU: Pentium processor minimum
* Memory: 512M or more
* Free hard drive space: 250MB

(編輯和修飾數位攝影工具)Mojosoft Photo Frame Studio 2.95 | Home Page www.photoframestudio.com

(編輯和修飾數位攝影工具)Mojosoft Photo Frame Studio 2.95 | Size: 197.21 MB



 Album DS 一個非常重要的優勢是,它可以作為一個Photoshop外掛程式in.This讓你幾乎無限的可能性的組成和編輯。它是一個相冊設計軟體與Adobe Photoshop CS相容 CC, Windows操作系統。它可以整合在Photoshop中容許設立任何攝影專輯或拼貼像請柬,海報,感恩卡片,宣傳片,長輩和嬰兒,聖餐,洗禮專輯,當然這讓婚紗相冊設計變得容易,讓你在外面顯現你自己的獨特風格。

‧完全與Adobe Photoshop ( CS , CS2,CS3 , CS4,CS5 , CS6和CC )整合工作原理類似於Photoshop的工具列。
‧建立在PSD , JPG和TIF格式的專輯張。
‧超過1200 flipable水平/垂直模板,多重面具,背景,邊框,你可以將它們合併。只要乘以你會看到你有多少模板得到的。


【文章標題】:(相冊設計軟體)Album DS Design Software
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Album DS Design Software

A very important advantage of the program Album DS is that it works as a Photoshop plug-in.This gives you virtually unlimited possibilities of composition and editing. Album DS is an album design software compatible with Adobe Photoshop CS to CC, Windows. It works integrated in Photoshop allowing for the creation of any photographic album or collage like invitations, posters, thanks giving cards, promos, senior and babies, communion, baptism albums, and of course it makes wedding album design easy but staying out of the crowd with your own style.

Main features and advantages of Album DS
• Completely integrated with Adobe Photoshop (CS, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6 and CC) works like a Photoshop toolbar.
• Uses Photoshop working area, don 't worry about too small or too big work areas, just use Photoshop zooming capabilities.
• Creates album sheets in PSD, JPG and TIF format.
• Automatic filling of templates optimizing picture fitting or optionally fitting picture to design.
• Save your designs as templates in PSD format.
• Photo retouch capabilities included
• Templates searching from multiple folders, filtering after pictures number and position, automatic filtering for selected pictures.
• Automatically resizes any template to your album size and include trimming guides. You may also include more Photoshop guides.
• Resize, rotate and reposition your pictures many times without quality loss.
• Used pictures and templates control.
• Displays thumbnails of designed pages for easy album story following.
• Pictures are never cropped, only masked. You may resize at any time.
• Edit your pictures in Photoshop with instantly automatic Album update.
• Resize designed albums to new sizes easily and fast.
• Apply masks instantly, design your own masks and add them to the program.
• Apply frames and backgrounds easily, you may also add your own frames and backgrounds.
• Available in multiple languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Polish.
• Album to web page conversion tool.
• File seeking and renaming tools.
• More than 1200 flipable H/V templates, multiple masks, backgrounds, frames and you may combine them. Just multiply and you will see how many templates you get.
• Create picture collages easily and save them as templates
• Add styles to your pictures and layers with one click.
• Classic album facilities to add masks, frames, etc to single pictures.
• Pictures, Album sheets and templates preview. Album slideshow.
• Supplier independent album design solution.
• Mouse over preview of pictures, templates and sheets allows for bigger preview of elements without having to open them one by one.
• Predefined album sizes, just select the company and the album type and the size will be retrieved.
• Pictures can be automatically centered or positioned at top left corner.
• Autofiltering templates for selected pictures
• Preassign templates to selected pictures
• Smart automatic album design

(相冊設計軟體)Album DS Design Software / Homepage: www.albumds.com

(相冊設計軟體)Album DS Design Software / Size: 315.38 MB




PhotoScissors提供了一個非常簡單的方法來切割一個背景圖像。而不是試圖準確地附上一個區功能變數,在繁瑣的專業圖形編輯器套索或魔術棒工具,您可以快速標示要裁掉的區功能變數,和你想保留的區功能變數,然後程式會自動完成。要歸功於裁剪邊緣改善分析,你不必去尋找像素和試圖選取不想要的背景。 以最小的努力PhotoScissors容易又輕鬆去除背景!

切割出的背景從照片中是一個受歡迎的流行的圖像編輯程式。事實上,有幾十種可能的應用:上傳產品圖片給eBay ,準備照片的求職網站或交友網站,以更加美麗如畫的一個或純色代替枯燥的背景下,建立照片的笑話,拼貼,修飾旅遊照片為樂趣或為更好的印象等等。

‧支援所有流行的圖像格式( PNG,JPG … )

PhotoScissors 1.1有什麼新的


【文章標題】:(照片去背工具)TeoreX PhotoScissors 1.1
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
TeoreX PhotoScissors 1.1

PhotoScissors interactive cutout tool for foreground segmentation enables new smart ways of removing backgrounds from still images. PhotoScissors saves the day when you quickly need to cut out a person or an object to paste it to another picture, or to remove background from a photo. You don’t need any specific skills or professional software for a perfect image clip: few mouse strokes produce an accurate clipping path that can be further enhanced with fine brushes.

PhotoScissors provides an extremely easy way to cut a background an image. Instead of trying to accurately enclose a region with the Lasso or Magic Wand tools in cumbersome professional graphical editors, you quickly mark areas you want to cut out and areas you would like to preserve, and the program automatically does the rest. Thanks to optimized analysis of the clipping edges, you don’t have to hunt for pixels trying to select an unwanted background. PhotoScissors is easy background removal with minimum efforts!

Cutting out a background from photos is a popular picture editing procedure. Indeed, there dozens of possible applications: uploading product pictures to eBay, preparing photos for job seeking websites or dating sites, replacing a boring background with a more picturesque one or a solid color, creating photo jokes, collages, retouching tourism photos for fun or for better impression and many more.

Top Reasons to use PhotoScissors
• Instantly remove complex background from photos
• Easily separate foreground from background
• Swap background
• No limits by image size
• Cutting out objects
• Creating isolated images with colored or transparent backgrounds
• Remove background for eBay or Etsy listings
• Set background to any color include transparent
• Easy to get use & get started
• Preparing pictures of commodities for online shops
• Supports all popular graphic formats (PNG, JPG…)
• No technical or designer skills are required

What's new in PhotoScissors 1.1
Added recent files list
Added ability to make marking on both views
Added ability to move the image around while holding the space button
Custom colors saved for future use
Added option to edit feathering
GUI improvements
Added HiDPI and Retina display support
Minor bugs fixing

(照片去背工具)TeoreX PhotoScissors 1.1 | Home Page: photoscissors.com

(照片去背工具)TeoreX PhotoScissors 1.1 | Size: 9.1 MB


BatchRename (專業),可以輕鬆批次,靈活地更名檔案和資料夾。隨著BatchRename (專業) ,你可以定義各種你想要更名的規則。尤其是你可以更名MP3檔案的ID3標籤和更名的照片與EXIF資料。此外, BatchRename Pro容許您批次轉換,輕鬆地調整照片的大小。

‧支援EXIF資料 – 更名數位相機照片的EXIF資料訊息:攝影機名稱,日期的數字化,原來的日期時間, ISO感光度,曝光時間,快門速度,鏡頭光圈, F值…
‧支援更名檔案使用的殼牌詳細的屬性* – 你可以使用你在Windows資源管理器(內含視訊效能,音訊效能… )來更名檔案的列見​​。
‧支援MP3 ID3標示v1和v2 ,通過音樂的標題,專輯,藝術家,流派,位元率,頻率,字幕,語系,註釋,版權,作曲家等, …更名
‧支援更名的圖片檔案通過他們的圖像效能:解析度,彩色位數,鍵入format 。
‧最愛的命名規則 – 您可以輕鬆地儲存,拿起你最喜歡的更名規則。此外,您可能會問,我們為你建立更名的規則,從foryoursoft.com將它們下載到你喜歡的目錄。
‧快速瀏覽 – 它容許您檢視(圖片)或播放(電影或音樂)中的「快速瀏覽」視窗中選取的檔案。這樣你就可以直接看到檔案,並決定如何將它們重新命名。此外,您還可以檢視快速瀏覽區功能變數中的所有檔案的屬性內含: MP3標籤訊息,圖片的EXIF資料中,和Windows的細節資訊。有了這個,你可以很容易地決定要使用更名的檔案的屬性。
‧拖放 – 這很容易將檔案新增到清單更名,只需將他們的任何地方,並拖放到BatchRename的檔案清單。
‧支援Windows外殼上下文選單* – 選單項「 BatchRename檔案… 」被新增到Windows外殼上下文選單後安裝。選取在你的windows資源管理器的一些檔案,右鍵點選該檔案,然後從上下文選單中選取「 BatchRename檔案」 ,它會開啟「 BatchRename 」更名選取的檔案和資料夾。
‧圖像調整和編輯* – 您可以選取「 PICADJUST 」指令來調整照片的大小為特定的大小,甚至是旋轉或翻轉它們與批次更名規則。
通過將圖片轉換規則「 PICCONVERT 」 ,您可以輕鬆地轉換您的照片到最流行的格式( BMP , JPG,GIF , TIF , PNG ),並支援JPEG質量控制。
‧預覽更名 – whenyou建立檔案清單和RuleList ,你可能要預覽的結果,看它是否符合你的要求你決定要真正更名它們。
‧復原更名 – 當你更名的檔案,此功能容許您取消變更,並恢復舊名。
‧加載/儲存批處理 – 檔案清單, RuleList甚至復原狀態可以儲存到一個檔案中,這樣你就可以重複使用的規則,檢視檔案清單或負荷恢復舊的檔名儲存該批次的結果清單。


【文章標題】:(圖像調整和編輯與批次轉換)BatchRename Pro 4.511.1
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
BatchRename Pro 4.511.1

BatchRename (pro) enables you to batch rename files and folders easily and flexibly. With BatchRename (pro), you can define all kinds of renaming rules you desire. Especially you can rename MP3 files with ID3 Tags and rename pictures with EXIF data. In addition, BatchRename Pro allows you to batch convert and resize your photos easily.

Main features:
• Support EXIF data – rename digital camera pictures with the EXIF data information: Camera name, Digitized date, Original date time, ISO speed, Exposure time, Shutter speed, Lens aperture, F-Number…
• Support renaming files using their Shell detail properties* – you can use what you see on the columns of Windows explorer (including video properties, audio properties …) to rename the files.
• Support for MP3 Tag ID3 v1 and v2, rename by music's Title, Album, Artist, Genre, BitRate, Frequency, SubTitle, Language, Comment, Copyright, Composer and etc,…
• Support rename picture files by their Image properties: resolution, color bits, type format.
• Support Rename fles by the local date time format, or file's date time attribute.
• Insert specific length of digits ascending or descending to file or folder names.
• Uppercase/lowercase the first letter of each word, and Uppercase/Lowercase/Remove any specific character in the filenames.
• Support store the renamed files to a different folder by specifying destination output directory.
• Support truncate filename to a specific length.
• Favorite rename rules – you can easily save and pick up your favorite renaming rules. Also, you may ask us to build renaming rules for you, and download them from foryoursoft.com to your favorite directory.
• QuickView – it allows you view (picture) or play (movie or music) the selected file in the "QuickView" window. So you can see the files directly and decide how to rename them. Also, you can view all the file properties in the quickview area including: MP3 Tag info, Picture's EXIF data, and Windows shell details info. With this, you can easily decide which property you want to use to rename the file.
• Drag and Drop – It's easy to add files to the renaming list, just drag them anywhere and drop to BatchRename's files list.
• Support windows shell context menu* – The menu item "BatchRename files…" is added to the windows shell context menu after installation. By selecting some files in your windows explorer, right-click the files and select "BatchRename files" from the context menu, it will open "BatchRename" to rename the selected files and folders.
• Picture adjustment and editing* – You can select the "PICADJUST" command to resize your photos to a specific size, and even rotate or flip them with a batch rename rule.
• Batch picture convertsion
By adding picture convert rules "PICCONVERT", you can easily convert your pictures to most popular format (bmp, jpg, gif, tif, png) and support JPEG quality control.
• Preview Renaming – whenyou set up the FileList and the RuleList, you may want to preview the result to see whether it meet your requirements before you decide to really rename them.
• Undo Renaming – After you rename the files, this function allows you to cancel the changes, and restore the old filenames.
• Load/Save Batch – The Filelist, RuleList and the result list eve
n the Undo state can be saved to a file, so you can reuse the rules, review the file list or restore the old filenames by load the batch you saved.

(圖像調整和編輯與批次轉換)BatchRename Pro 4.511.1 | Home Page www.foryoursoft.com

(圖像調整和編輯與批次轉換)BatchRename Pro 4.511.1 | 2.71 MB


數字圖像,模擬的靈魂,現在具有背景虛化,Exposure 6的所有的創意焦點效應帶來更加模擬攝影到數位世界的有機溫暖和藝術性。從十多年的來自世界各地的業界領先的攝影師研究和投入承擔,Exposure 6為您提供了一個平台,有細微差別和膠片攝影的模擬美容灌輸你的圖片。隨著 Exposure 6 ,你的照片看起來像手動製作的,而不是電腦生成的。


我們新的預覽系統是更互動,這使得它更容易進行實驗,並迅速開拓預設。我們還發現方法來加快我們的編譯,特別是如果你使用Photoshop CS5 。 3暴露在64位的CS5已經結束快2曝光CS4中的Mac上兩次,約30 %的速度在Windows上。

Photoshop CS5的64位支援
Exposure 3 用Photoshop CS5在Macintosh和Windows的64位版本的非常專案。這使曝光獲得更多的記憶體和速度提升。

Exposure 3 現在在Adobe的Lightroom 2或更高版本。我們的嚴密的Lightroom整合方法提供批次處理,並且不需要Photoshop來進行安裝。請參閱我們的Lightroom頁的安裝和使用建議。

現在有在Exposure 3 超過500個精心設計的出廠預置。整個新類別已被加入,如攝影和老網路連線。新的設定已在幾乎所有其他類別被加入了。在適當情況下,我們加強現有設定與新的小插曲,灰塵和劃痕功能。我們有兩個視訊,通過我們的所有的出廠預置給參觀。您還可以訪問我們的示例頁面,看到許多曝光的效果。

更老式的電影已經加入,內含Technicolor電影膠片,柯達彩色的早期版本,並彩色片(第一彩色膠片的過程中的一個) 。年齡的幻覺是由如灰塵,劃痕,和護身符的新功能增強。請訪問我們的示例頁面看到這些新的效果。


玩具相機,如烙饃和的Holga是非常流行的用於建立奇特效。Exposure 3 提供了多種外觀從這個羅網路攝影,內含鏡頭模糊,扭曲的護身符,和時髦的彩色交叉處理。請訪問我們的示例頁面看到這些新的效果。






曝光支援無損worklflow ,使實驗容易。效果在Photoshop中呈現的一個新的圖層,讓你的原始圖像不變。在Photoshop中,曝光可以作為對在建立後的效果很容易的調整智慧濾鏡。批處理支援在Photoshop行動,通過在Lightroom的緊密整合。




柯達Panatomic -X
柯達的T- MAX
柯達TRI -X
克塔克羅姆EES ,G , GX和VX

羅- Fi的預設模擬廉價的塑料相機種類繁多

Exposure 6 可作為一個獨立的程式或外掛程式。當Exposure被用來作為一個外掛程式它需要這些主機應用程式之一:
‧ Adobe公司的Photoshop CS6或更高版本
‧ Adobe的Lightroom 5或更高版本
‧蘋果的Aperture 3或更高版本


【文章標題】:(模擬攝影工具)Alien Skin Exposure
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Alien Skin Exposure

Digital Images. Analog Soul. Now featuring all the creative focus effects of Bokeh, Exposure™ 6 brings even more of the organic warmth and artistry of analog photography to the world of digital. Borne from more than a decade of research and input from industry-leading photographers around the globe, Exposure 6 provides you with a platform to instill your images with the subtle nuances and analog beauty of film photography. With Exposure 6, your photo will look hand-crafted, not computer-generated.


Our new preview system is much more interactive, which makes it easier to experiment and quickly explore presets. We also found ways to speed up our rendering, especially if you are using Photoshop CS5. Exposure 3 in 64-bit CS5 is over twice as fast as Exposure 2 in CS4 on the Mac and about 30% faster on Windows.

Photoshop CS5 64-bit Support
Exposure 3 works great with the 64-bit version of Photoshop CS5 on both Macintosh and Windows. This gives Exposure access to more memory and a speed boost.

Lightroom Support
Exposure 3 now works in Adobe Lightroom 2 or later. Our method of tight Lightroom integration provides batch processing and does not require Photoshop to be installed. See our Lightroom page for installatio
n and usage advice.

Over 500 Presets
There are now over 500 carefully designed factory presets in Exposure 3. Entire new categories have been added, such as Cinematography and Lo-Fi. New settings have been added in almost every other category too. Where appropriate, we enhanced existing settings with the new vignette, dust, and scratches features. We have two videos that give a tour through all of our factory presets. You can also visit our examples page to see many of Exposure’s effects.

Aging and Vintage Films
More vintage films have been added, including Technicolor movie film, early versions of Kodachrome, and Autochrome (one of the first color film processes). The illusion of age is enhanced by new features like dust, scratches, and vignettes. Visit our examples page to see these new effects.

Lo-Fi Photography
Toy cameras such as Lomo and Holga are extremely popular for creating odd special effects. Exposure 3 provides a wide range of looks from this Lo-Fi photography, including lens blur, warped vignettes, and funky colors from cross processing. Visit our examples page to see these new effects.

Ease of Use
The entire user interface has been rewritten from scratch. Here are some of the most noticeable results.
The preview image updates much faster.
Settings can now have comments that appear as hover help. We added comments to some of the factory presets to help explain the best way to use them. You can add comments to your own saved settings too.
The mouse scroll wheel lets you quickly zoom to arbitrary levels.
You can duplicate a factory preset by dragging it into the User Settings list.

What’s Already Great

Realistic Grain
Exposure’s grain is carefully researched and realistic, unlike the digital speckles rendered by other software. Like actual grain, it clumps and is strongest in the midtones. Grain size scales with your image size, just like real photographic enlargement.

Non-Destructive Editing
Exposure supports a non-destructive worklflow, making experimentation easy. Effects in Photoshop are rendered on a new layer, leaving your original image untouched. In Photoshop, Exposure can be run as a Smart Filter for easy tweaking of the effect after it is created. Batch processing is supported with actions in Photoshop and through tight integration in Lightroom.

Exposure takes advantage of multiple processors and multiple cores in order to run fast on modern computers. The more cores, the faster Exposure runs.

Huge Range of Effects
The best way to see what Exposure can do is to check out our examples, videos, and try it yourself for free. For a quick overview, here are some of the techniques of film photography that Exposure handles. These are just the tip of the iceberg.
Black & White Films
Agfa APX
Agfa Scala
Fuji Neopan
Ilford Delta
Ilford HP5
Kodak PLUS-X
Kodak Panatomic-X
Kodak T-MAX
Kodak TRI-X
Kodak Technical Pan
Color Print Films
Fuji Pro C, S, and H
Fuji Reala
Kodak Portra NC
Kodak Portra VC
Kodak Ultra Color UC
Color Slide Films
Fuji Astia
Fuji Provia
Fuji Velvia
Ektachrome EES, G, GX, and VX

Other Effects
Kodachrome, every variation from 1936 to the present day
Polaroid, including Polapan and Polachrome
Early photographic processes, including Autochrome, Calotype, and Daguerreotype
Color toning for B&W photos, many variations including split toning
Blur caused by plastic lenses
“Glamour Shots” soft focus
Vignette, wide range of shapes
Dust & Scratches
Cross processing, many variations
Wide range of Lo-Fi presets to simulate cheap plastic cameras
Wide range of fading and aging effects
Bleach Bypass

Host Requirements
Exposure 6 may be used as a standalone program or a plug-in. When Exposure is used as a plug-in it requires one of these host applications:
• Adobe Photoshop CS6 or newer
• Adobe Lightroom 5 or newer
• Apple Aperture 3 or later

(模擬攝影工具)Alien Skin Exposure | Home Page www.alienskin.com

(模擬攝影工具)Alien Skin Exposure | Size: 122.99 MB



‧亮度 – 對照度



【文章標題】:(圖形編輯器)Photoinstrument 6.7
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Photoinstrument 6.7

PhotoInstrument is a powerful and easy-to-learn raster graphics editor used to process digital photographs. With only a few clicks, anyone can solve most digital photo problems: Photo Editing; Photo Retouch; Draw MakeUp. Make your photo looks like its taken by professional photographer. If you ever wonder to touch up your photo, so you look more beautiful on your facebook or friendster or even on myspace, well this software is answer your question.

Current version includes these tools:
• Liquify
• Clone
• Smudge
• Skin Cleaner
• Glamour Skin
• Dodge / Burn
• Brush
• Blur
• Sharpen
• Colorize
• Rotate / Scale
• Red Eye Removal
• Brightness-Contrast
• Adjust Color Levels
• Glow
• Healing Brush
• Denoise
• Object Removal

Supported languages:
• English
• Bulgarian
• Czech
• Dutch
• French
• German
• Hungarian
• Italian
• Korean
• Polish
• Portuguese
• Russian
• Serbian
• Spanish
• Simplified Chinese
• Turkish

(圖形編輯器)Photoinstrument 6.7 | Home Page: www.photoinstrument.com

(圖形編輯器)Photoinstrument 6.7 | Size: 4.5 MB

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8


Digital PhotoRescue專業恢復,丟失的資料的多媒體裝置一大堆 – 從數位相機到PDA和行動電話。 PhotoRescue Pro支援CF卡(I / II型),IBM微型硬碟,SmartMedia卡,多媒體卡(MMC卡),安全數字(SD)卡,記憶棒,和所有其他存儲裝置(當然還有,「標準」的硬碟和軟碟磁碟)。
無論你無意中刪除您的假期卡扣或格式化的圖片資料介質上,或已經拉出來一個寫操作過程中,不要擔心 – PhotoRescue Pro這裡是方便,快捷,絕對可靠地重建丟失的資料。
– 恢復刪除,損壞的檔案
– 從格式化的介質恢復資料
– 恢復從損壞的媒體資料
– 支援所有的圖像檔案格式*
– 支援媒體使用的數位相機所有格式
– 適用於所有的數位相機和讀卡器
– 易於使用,直觀的精靈驅動的介面
– 支援所有現代的Windows版本,內含WindowsRNT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista

【文章標題】:(多媒體恢復資料工具)PhotoRescue Pro 6.11 Build 1024
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
PhotoRescue Pro 6.11 Build 1024

Digital PhotoRescue Professional recovers lost data from a whole host of multimedia devices – from digital cameras to PDAs and mobile phones. PhotoRescue Pro supports CompactFlash cards (type I/II), IBM Microdrives, SmartMedia cards, MultiMedia cards (MMCs), Secure Digital (SD) cards, Memory Sticks, and any other storage devices (of course, “normal” Hard Disks and Floppy Disks too).
Modern cameras and other digital devices allow files to be erased and the space on the media reused. Through momentary carelessness, valuable pictures can be lost in an instant. The media can also be bulk-erased or formatted, removing everything from the storage media. Now, you won’t loose it all because somebody clicked the wrong button.
Whether you unintentionally deleted your holiday snaps or formatted pictures on your data medium or have pulled it out during a write operation, not to worry – PhotoRescue Pro is here to easily, quickly and absolutely reliably reconstruct the missing data.
Program features
– Recovers deleted and corrupted files
– Recovers data from formatted media
– Recovers data from corrupted media
– Supports all image file formats *
– Supports all formats of media used by digital cameras
– Works with all Digital Still Cameras and card readers
– Easy to use, intuitive wizard-driven interface
– Supports all modern Windows versions, including Windows® NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
A sample of the file formats that can be recovered:
Epson Raw File (ERF)
Mamiya RAW (MEF, MOS)
Photoshop Document (PSD)
Corel Draw (CDR)
JPEG Image (JPG)
Bitmap (BMP)
GIF Image (GIF)
QuickTime Movie (MOV)
Windows Audio (WAV)

(多媒體恢復資料工具)PhotoRescue Pro 6.11 Build 1024 | Homepage: www.essentialdatatools.com

(多媒體恢復資料工具)PhotoRescue Pro 6.11 Build 1024 | Size: 3.86 MB



GiliSoft Slideshow Movie Creator是software.With它易於使用且功能強大的照片幻燈片,您可以將照片組合成的音樂和2D/3D轉場特效的視訊與您的朋友分享,你可以輕鬆地將您的照片集,以個性化的視訊為AVI , MPEG,WMV , DivX,MP4 , H.264/AVC , AVCHD , MKV , RM, MOV ,XviD格式或3GP格式。



支援多種圖像格式,內含JPG,JPEG , PNG,BMP 。
支援匯入MP3,WAV , WMA,OGG , FLAC , M4A ,AU檔案,甚至可以匯入支援的視訊格式內含AVI,MPEG , WMV,MP4 , FLV,MKV , H.264/MPEG-4 AVC ,AVCHD等。
支援視訊輸出的AVI , MPEG,WMV , DivX,MP4 , H.264/AVC , AVCHD , MKV , RMVB , MOV ,XviD格式或3GP格式。


【文章標題】:(照片幻燈片工具)GiliSoft Slideshow Movie Creator 7.1.0
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
GiliSoft Slideshow Movie Creator 7.1.0

GiliSoft SlideShow Movie Creator is the easy-to-use yet powerful photo slide software.With it,you can combine your photos into video with music and 2D/3D transition effects for sharing with your friends,and you can easily turn your photo collections to personalized videos in format of AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD or 3GP.

Easy-to-operate with a friendly interface, you are enabled to create more personalized photo videos by appending background music from imported audios, add transitional effects between images, adjust the orientation and display sequence of the imported photos and etc. What you can imagine, you can have it all with GiliSoft Slideshow Movie Creator.

Features and Benefits:
• Support Multiple Photo Formats
Support multiple image formats, including jpg, jpeg, png, bmp.
• Keep photo apsect
Support auto-adding black area to keep the original photo aspect.
• Easy to edit photo
You can adjust the photo direction and add photo description.
• Support Various Audio Files
Support import MP3,WAV,WMA,OGG,FLAC,M4A,AU files,even can import video formats supported include AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, FLV, MKV, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AVCHD, etc..
• Many 2D/3D transition effect
Support more than 300 different 2D/3D video transition effects.
• User-defined header and trailer
Support designing the header and trailer of slideshow video, you can choose the picture or video clip as the material.
• Instant and Convenient Preview
Support real-time previewing photo slideshows,you can view any settings change.
• Support to export various video format
Support exporting videos in format of AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RMVB, MOV, XviD or 3GP.

(照片幻燈片工具)GiliSoft Slideshow Movie Creator 7.1.0 | Homepage: www.gilisoft.com

(照片幻燈片工具)GiliSoft Slideshow Movie Creator 7.1.0 | Size: 28 MB


Phase One Media Pro是一款專業的照片管理器,可以方便地管理您的照片和視訊資產。內建要快,直觀,它是一個強大的攝影助理,將增壓你找到方法,組織和共享你的圖片和視訊無論您的檔案存儲。Phase One Media Pro和視訊檔案來自超過100個不同的攝像頭和內建管理大型照片庫。


– 可視目錄
– 拖放進口
– 支援圖像和視訊來自100多個攝像頭
– 評價和比較高品質的RAW圖像
– 快速匯入
– 螢幕大小的預覽
– 任何地方的尋找檔案
– 斷線工作流程
– 分層關鍵字

– 原始格式
– Windows和Macintosh
– 行業標準的元資料
– ICC彩色配置檔
– 拖放標籤
– 批次轉換和腳本
– 備份和歸檔
– 共享目錄

– 基本的圖像編輯
– 先進的圖像編輯
– 色彩管理
– 多顯示器光表

– 專業的演示文稿模板
– 出口及再利用資產
– 幻燈片放映
– 網路畫廊


【文章標題】: (照片管理器)Phase One Media Pro
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Phase One Media Pro

Phase One Media Pro is a professional photo manager that makes it easy to manage your photo and video assets. Built to be fast and intuitive, it is a powerful photography assistant that will supercharge the way you find, organize, and share your images and videos wherever your files are stored. Media Pro supports photo and video files from more than 100 different cameras and is built to manage large photo libraries.


Effortless organization
– Visual catalogs
– Drag and drop importing
– Support for image and videos from 100+ cameras
– Evaluate and compare high quality raw images
– Fast import
– Screen-size previews
– Find files anywhere
– Offline workflow
– Hierarchical keywords

Seamless workflow integration
– Raw formats
– Windows and Macintosh
– Industry-standard metadata
– ICC color profile
– Drag and drop tagging
– Batch conversion and scripting
– Backup and archiving
– Shared catalogs

Image editing
– Basic image editing
– Advanced image editing
– Color management
– Multi-Monitor light table

Professional presentations and delivery
– Professional presentation templates
– Export and repurpose assets
– Slide shows
– Web galleries

(照片管理器)Phase One Media Pro / Homepage: www.phaseone.com

(照片管理器)Phase One Media Pro / Size: 106.91 MB

ОС: Windows XP® SP3 (32bit only), Windows Vista® SP2 (32 and 64bit), Windows 7® SP1 (32 and 64bit), Windows 8 (32 and 64bit)

該應用程式提供3D對象,加載視訊,Google / Bing地圖和跳出視窗等功能,這些功能非常適合房地產,旅遊勝地以及酒店和餐廳的演示文稿。
Tourweaver Standard為您提供了最基本但非常有用的功能,例如地圖,熱點,跳出視窗以及各種元件,可生動地使您的虛擬之旅成為現實。
支援多種虛擬遊覽輸出格式,例如基於Web的Flash,iPhone / iPad的HTML5和獨立的SWF。

可以將熱點和動作新增到Google 2D和3D地圖中,而可以將多邊形熱點新增到2D地圖中。
HTML5瀏覽器現用的支援Google Street View。

Easypano Tourweaver Professional 7.98.181016的功能
只需幾個步驟,您就可以在Facebook上與朋友分享您的虛擬之旅。 Easypano在www.ieasypano.com上提供免費託管。



Flash VR和Swf可以輕鬆插入您的網頁中。獨立exe可以燒錄到CD並傳輸給您的使用者端。 iPhone / iPad的HTML5虛擬導覽



Flash和視訊可用於顯示豐富的內容。可以將Flash(* .swf)和Video(* .flv)新增到虛擬遊覽外觀(在MainWindow上),跳出視窗和場景圖像中。



iPad / iPhone / iPod的HTML5虛擬導覽:


控制整個虛擬遊覽的速度。可以將其新增到虛擬遊覽中以控製播放速度。控制器是一個* .swf檔案,可以訂做。


在此版本中,已開啟一些API和JS API,使您可以無限制地進一步訂做虛擬遊覽。


全景發佈格式內含基於HTML的Flash VR,QuickTime電影(* .mov),獨立swf(* .swf)和Easypano虛擬遊覽播放器(需要Java平台),用於iPhone,iPad的HTML5全景。


拼接大量全景圖非常耗時,但是我們可以通過批次拼接功能輕鬆實現。 它可以一次自動將數百張圖像拼接成單獨的全景圖。 按資料夾匯入圖像以及批處理裝訂支架曝光圖像也是一種有效的方法。


擁有有效API密鑰的使用者可以使用Google地圖。 必應地圖適用於所有使用者。

向後搬移三腳架約3英尺,並將水平軸傾斜60°以拍攝人造地板。 加入一些符合點,然後使用“遮罩”將三腳架設定為不可見區域。

【建立360度交談式Flash虛擬導覽】Easypano Tourweaver Professional 7.98.181016 網址:

Tourweaver is an application that can help you create 360 degrees interactive Flash virtual tours. The application provides features like 3D objects, loading video, Google / Bing maps and popup windows that are perfect for real estate properties, tourism resorts and hotel and restaurant presentations. Tourweaver Standard provides you with the most basic yet very useful features like maps, hotspot, popup window and various components for making your virtual tour vividly. Several virtual tour output formats are supported, such as web based Flash, HTML5 for iPhone/iPad and standalone SWF.

You can add multiple maps with walkthrough effect to create a video tour. The application allows you to use dynamic text, an active panel and hundreds of different actions for components. Hotspot and action can be added to both Google 2D & 3D maps while polygonal hotspot can be added in 2D map. Google Street View is currently supported in HTML5 tour.

Features of Easypano Tourweaver Professional 7.98.181016

Below are some amazing features you can experience after installation of Easypano Tourweaver Professional 7.98.181016 please keep in mind features may vary and totally depends if your system support them.

Share on Facebook:

Just by a few steps, you can share your virtual tour on Facebook with your friends. Easypano provides free hosting at www.ieasypano.com.

FLV for Loading Window:

You can use FLV file in loading window. With this feature, the tour won’t play only after the FLV has finished playing.

Hotspot and Radar:

Hotspot / Polygonal hotspot can be added to scene, map and Google map. Radar can indicate and show the location of the scene on map andthe position of the scene currently being played.

Virtual tour formats:

Flash VR and Swf are easily inserted in your webpage. Standalone exe can be burned to CD and sent to your clients. HTML5 virtual tour for iPhone/iPad

Selection tool:

Normal and Flash thumbnails, Listbox and Combobox can list virtual tour scenes for selection view. Not only scenes, but also map and movie can be listed.

Popup Window:

Popup window helps to make virtual tour more interactive. Almost all the tour components can be added on popup window, and place a button on MainWindow to trigger the popup.

Media components:

Flash and Video can be used to show rich content. Flash (*.swf) and Video (*.flv) can be added to virtual tour skin (on MainWindow), popup window and scene image.

Description components:

Use Text, Image and TextArea to show information. They can show description for each scene, map, movie and component hint as well as trigger various actions.

3D Object:

3D modeling object is supported in Popup window and Main window. It should be in the format of .3ds.

HD AVI Virtual Tour:

You can export your virtual tour into High definition video format, which can be played on your TV and any other displays direcly. FLV virtual tour is also supported.
HTML5 Virtual Tour for iPad/iPhone/iPod:
In this version, cylindrical panorama has been supported for HTML5 tour as well as added more new features.

Multilingual Tour:

You can add six languages to the same tour: English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish and Italian.

Speed Control:

Control the speed of the whole virtual tour. It can be added to virtual tour to control the playing speed. The controller is a *.swf file, which can be customized.

Customization of right-click menu:

Company Name and website address can be added to right-click menu of the virtual tour. This is quite helpful for leading more visits to the specified website.

Open AS API and JS API:

In this version, some API and JS API have been open, which enable you to further customize your virtual tour without limit.

AS API JS API Control buttons:

Buttons, movie controller, compass,speed controller and sound controller are supported.Various actions can be applied to button.
Panoweaver contains the publish feature which enable you to stitch and view panorama in 2D mode, it can also help you to publish a 3D immersive tour and view it on your phone and tablets. You can enter the immersive world at anytime and anywhere.

VR Publish

Panorama publishing formats include Html based Flash VR, QuickTime movie (*.mov), standalone swf (*.swf), and Easypano virtual tour player (Java platform needed), HTML5 panorama for iPhone, iPad.

Branding FREE

Set your own website link in the right click menu is actually the feature you want, we provide this feature in Pro version to introduce your company, nevertheless, it’s free without extra charge.

Batch Stitching

Stitching numerous panorama is time consuming, but we make it easy with the batch stitching feature. It can automatically stitch hundreds of images into separate panoramas at one time. Import image by folder is also an efficient way, as well as batch stitching bracket exposure images.


When you take photos for moving objects, it is difficult to retouch the image after stitching, don’t worry, hide the overlapped part by Masking, just circle and omit it, so easy.


Google map is available to users who have already had valid API key. Bing map is for all users.

Remove the Tripod by Viewpoint Correcting

Move the tripod backward for about 3 ft and incline the horizontal axis 60° to shoot the artificial floor. Add some matching points and set the tripod as invisible area with Mask.


輕鬆建立以迅雷不及掩耳的速度令人驚嘆的HDR圖像,並具有專業特色的成果。您可以快速選取16 HDR風格,輕鬆地給自己更多的編輯選項。改變了你的圖像的外觀,從現實到藝術到未來。你甚至可以修改它們並儲存自己的自訂樣式!




Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3的改進定位算法糾正問題,當你的相機晃動括號內的幀之間。

幾乎所有的HDR暗室3的處理控制是實時性,使得Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3在市場上速度最快的處理的HDR軟體與實時處理作為標準功能。不用坐在電腦前花費你的時間,利用省下的時間從這裡走出去,並拍攝更多更美好的!




Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3支援從150多個型號的相機的RAW檔案,內含佳能,尼康,索尼,奧林巴斯和松下,以及使用Adobe ( DNG )等幾十種加入了這個最新版本!




【文章標題】:(圖像修正工具)Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.1.0
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.1.0

Easy creation of stunning HDR images at lightning speed and results with professional features. Choose from 16 HDR Styles to quickly and easily give yourself more editing options. Change up the look of you image, from realistic to artistic to futuristic. You can even modify them and save your own Custom Styles!

Cutting-edge Local/Global Tone Mapping technology
Using our Local/Global Tone Mapping technology, you will produce the most spectacular photo-realistic results in seconds. We also give you control of the Tone Mapping parameters if you want even more advanced results. And as always, we give you all the best photo editing tools, from exposure, contrast, and saturation to more advanced features like curves and lens correction.

Ghost Reduction Technology
If an object moves through the scene while you are taking multiple shots, our Ghost Reduction technology corrects the problem of "ghosting" when the images are combined.

Alignment Technology
HDR Darkroom 3's improved alignment algorithm corrects problems when your camera moves slightly between the bracketed frames.

Real-Time Processing
Nearly all of the processing controls in HDR Darkroom 3 are real time, making HDR Darkroom 3 the fastest-processing HDR software on the market with real-time processing as a standard feature. Don't spend your time sitting in front of a computer. Get back out there and shoot more!

Powerful Batch Processing
Our Batch Processing Engine automatically handles multiple sets of photos according to your unique preferences. Apply styles and adjustments and let us do the work for you. Harness the power of batch processing to save yourself countless hours of manual adjustments.

Camera RAW File Converter
HDR Darkroom 3 supports RAW files from more than 150 camera models, including Canon, Nikon, Sony, Olympus and Panasonic, as well as Adobe (DNG), etc. Dozens added with this latest release!

(圖像修正工具)Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.1.0 | Homepage: www.everimaging.com

(圖像修正工具)Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.1.0 | Size: 53.7 MB



Replay Media Splitter 是一個非常簡單的方法來提取或刪除的音訊和視訊檔案的部分。安裝完成後,會被切割和切塊以分鐘為單位的媒體檔案。


新 – 現在加入檔案呢!





【文章標題】:(媒體配置器)Applian Replay Media Splitter 2.2.1409
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Applian Replay Media Splitter 2.2.1409

Replay Media Splitter is a really easy way to extract or remove portions of audio and video files. Once it's installed, you'll be slicing and dicing media files in minutes.

Intuitively Include or Exclude any Part of Your Media File

Once you've loaded a video or audio file, you can include or exclude segments of your media file by setting markers at segment boundaries. Numerous navigation options give you precise control, including frame-by-frame, time based, and even K-Frames (new camera shots).
NEW – Now Join Files Too!

Use the join manager to join files of the same file type. It's fast and easy!

Supports The Popular Audio and Video Formats

Replay Media Splitter edits these popular video and audio formats:

(媒體配置器)Applian Replay Media Splitter 2.2.1409 | Home Page www.applian.com

(媒體配置器)Applian Replay Media Splitter 2.2.1409 | Size: 16 MB




當您完成編輯後,從30多幀的選取,讓您的照片複雜的一個額外的程度。我們的Everimaging Photo Effect Studio Pro,他們將提升精美度進而提高您的工作效率。





進階色彩管理,內含: sRBG ,AdobeRGB和ProPhoto色彩空間。


【文章標題】:(照片特效工具)Everimaging Photo Effect Studio Pro
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Everimaging Photo Effect Studio Pro

Nearly 100 effects for whatever look you can imagine! Our powerful photo effects are carefully developed with professional photographers and graphics designers for your every image editing need. We pride ourselves on making some of the most exciting filters available today with more on the way. Let your inner Artist free, create unlimited photo effects and share your vision with the world!

* Nearly 100 effects for whatever look you can imagine
* Liftoff with more navigation options and smoother interface
* Allow for many levels of fine tuning
* Combine color effects and textures freely
* Multiple Color Management

Add Frames for that finishing touch
When you're done editing, select from more than 30 frames to give your photo an extra degree of sophistication. Designed by our artists, they'll beautifully enhance your work.

Liftoff with more navigation options and smoother interface
Our new version has been beta tested by leading photographers, graphics designer and Mac users all around the world to ensure that everything any photo enthusiast would ever need is included.

Allow for many levels of fine tuning
It's all there, including: Exposure, Brightness, Saturation, Rotate, Curve adjustment, Color Balance, Color Temperature and Tint adjustment, Lens Correction, Highlight/Shadow adjustment, White and Black point adjustment, plus many fine tuning options.

Combine color effects and textures freely
Huge number of highly customizable Effects, Vignettes and Frames, which can be combined using our unique overlapping, layered technology. Select any FX photo effect from nearly 100 base designs, then add a texture and complete your creation with the frame of your choice.

Multiple Color Management
Superior Color management including: sRBG, AdobeRGB, and ProPhoto color space.

(照片特效工具)Everimaging Photo Effect Studio Pro / Homepage: www.everimaging.com

(照片特效工具)Everimaging Photo Effect Studio Pro / Size: 102.11 MB


StudioLine Photo Classic 3 Plus是為方便管理及廣泛的圖像集合編輯任何數位攝影使用者一個同樣強大且易於使用的軟體。 它管理所有常見的圖形格式的圖像在一個安全的「圖片檔案」資料庫。在系統描述符或您自己的使用者描述符任意長度的文字描述分類你的圖片,或是指定關鍵字和評級。在此之後,定位單個圖像或圖像尋找符合一定的主題將是一個簡單的任務。

由GPS資料記錄器或數位相機提供的位置資料的說明下,照片可以顯示在數字地圖或衛星圖像。手動地理標示是拖每張照片到預期的位置在數字地圖上一樣簡單。 StudioLine自動將查詢位置的詳細訊息,如國家,城市,甚至可能是街道名稱的GeoNames的Web服務。這使得照片收藏可以快速尋找,過濾和排序的城市,風景區或其他地名。

StudioLine Photo Classic 3 Plus一起提供專業的編輯工具,一系列令人印象深刻。通過幾個簡單的步驟,你可以把一組圖像到幻燈片放映,出版他們作為一個Web畫廊,燒錄CD / DVD或他們通過電子信件傳送給朋友和家人。還內建有豐富的列印功能的任何格式和大小可以想像,也可以列印聯繫表,賀卡,日曆和CD封面。



【文章標題】:(圖像編輯軟體)StudioLine Photo Classic Plus
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
StudioLine Photo Classic Plus

StudioLine Photo Classic 3 Plus is an equally powerful and easy to use software for the convenient management and editing of extensive image collections for any digital photography user. StudioLine Photo Classic 3 Plus manages images of all common graphics formats in a secure "Image Archive" database. Categorize your images with textual descriptions of any length in system descriptors or your own user descriptors, or assign keywords and ratings. After that, locating individual images or finding images to match a certain theme will be a trivial task.

Convenient Geotagging
With the help of location data supplied by GPS data loggers or digital cameras, photos can be displayed on digital maps or satellite images. Manual geotagging is as easy as dragging each photo to its intended location on a digital map. StudioLine automatically queries the GeoNames web service for location details such as country, city, and possibly even street names. This allows photo collections to be quickly searched, filtered and sorted by cities, sights or other place names.

Image Editing and Archiving
StudioLine Photo Classic 3 Plus comes with an impressive array of professional editing tools. With a few simple steps you can turn a set of images into a slide show, publish them as a web gallery, burn a CD/DVD or send them to friends and family via Email. Also built-in are extensive print functions for any format and size imaginable, or you can print contact sheets, greeting cards, calendars and CD-covers.

View your images in your own albums, in the advanced Timeline Explorer or by keywords and categories. Avoid data loss by backing up your image archive, with all metadata and image edits, to CD, DVD or secondary hard disk.

(圖像編輯軟體)StudioLine Photo Classic Plus | Home Page www.studioline.biz

(圖像編輯軟體)StudioLine Photo Classic Plus | Size 75.76 MB



更快,更容易的好萊塢風格的電影。匯入和編輯高清和立體3D檔案,使用合成和色彩校正工具,適用於5.1環繞聲混音,等等。提供你的電影你想要的任何模式。它們上傳到YouTube 和Pixelcast( Sony開發的一種新的網站,共享和合作) ,將它們燒錄到藍光光碟,或作者的DVD與自訂選單和圖形。憑藉其迷人的介面,直觀的工作流程,以及令人印象深刻的編輯工具,它把專業級的電影製作就掌握在您的指尖。


你拍你的Bloggie,數位攝錄機,GoPro,和手機視訊,現在你想要把所有剪輯在一起,製作成電影。是很簡單的!匯入多個檔案類型為Movavi Video Suite和編輯同一個時間軸上。排序匯入的剪輯來決定哪個最適合您的項目。


發佈電影Pixelcast 無需離開應用程式!構建一個視訊或幻燈片的假期,一個家庭或與親朋好友的故事。然後把連結發給其他人檢查你的經驗或邀請他們通過上傳照片和自己的視訊合作。

開始你的項目出來的權利。使用New Project對話框,以確保每個項目設定了需要產生令人驚嘆的電影,每一次的準確設定。選取最適合您的視訊( AVCHD ,藍光光碟,立體3D,以及更多),它可以設定你適合的選項屬性。

圓了你的電影夢,令人興奮的配樂和美麗的標題。從CD或MP3 ,記錄儀器匯入自己的音樂直接進入該程式,或從20選取內含索尼音響系列:製作音樂的音訊檔案,以建立完美的音樂。在影片中動畫的文字與標題和文字工具或建立的NewBlue蒂特勒EX 3D遊戲。是你可以選取的!


從標準溶解到轟動3D ,場景,視訊轉換之間加入藝術風格。與視訊或音訊事件的一個簡單的拖放改變每個過渡的持續時間。

最多可加入20個視訊和20個音訊軌道,每一個Movavi Video Suite 項目。建立一個影片有多個視訊層的合成或子母畫面風格的場景。您還可以錄製多軌音訊直接進入該程式,創造完美大氣的配樂。


【文章標題】:(電影編輯工具)Movavi Video Suite 12.0.0
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Sony Movie Studio Platinum 13.0

Make Hollywood-style movies faster and easier. Import and edit HD and stereoscopic 3D files, use compositing and color-correction tools, apply 5.1 surround sound mixing, and more. Deliver your movies any way you want. Upload them to YouTube™ and Pixelcast™ (a new website from Sony for sharing and collaboration), burn them to Blu-ray Disc™, or author DVDs with custom menus and graphics. With its inviting interface, intuitive workflow, and impressive editing tools, Movie Studio Platinum puts professional-grade moviemaking right at your fingertips.

Capture the action
You've shot video on your Bloggie®, Handycam, GoPro®, and phone, and now you want to bring all the clips together and make a movie. Easy! Import multiple file types into Movie Studio Platinum and edit them on the same timeline. Sort the imported clips to decide which work best in your project.

New ways to share
Publish movies to Pixelcast™ without ever leaving the application! Construct a video or slideshow of your vacation, a family event, or a get together with friends. Then send a link to others to check out your experience or invite them to collaborate by uploading photos and video of their own.

Easy project creation
Start your project out right. Use the New Project dialog to ensure that each project is set up with the exact settings you need to produce stunning movies, every time. Select the option that best matches your video (AVCHD, Blu-ray Disc™, stereoscopic 3D, and more) and Movie Studio sets your Project Properties for you.

Sounds and titles
Round out your movie with exciting soundtracks and beautiful titles. Import your own music from CD or MP3, record instruments directly into the program, or select from the 20 included Sony Sound Series: Production Music audio files to create the perfect music bed. Animate text in your movies with the Titles & Text tool or create 3D titles with NewBlue Titler EX. The choice is yours!

Up the excitement
Boost colors, apply slow motion, or add other effects to enhance any video project. Add effects to an entire track or to individual events, and view your changes instantly in the Preview Window.

Transitions and dissolves
From standard dissolves to sensational 3D, add artistic style between scenes with video transitions. Change the duration of each transition with a simple drag of the video or audio event.

Build something great
Add up to 20 video and 20 audio tracks to each Movie Studio Platinum project. Create a movie with multiple video layers for compositing or picture-in-picture-style scenes. You can also record multitrack audio directly into the program to create the perfect atmospheric soundtrack.

(電影編輯工具)Movavi Video Suite 12.0.0 | Size: 471.8 Mb // 480.27 Mb

(電影編輯工具)Movavi Video Suite 12.0.0 | Home Page: www.sonycreativesoftware.com


利用新的Topaz Clean 2 Photoshop外掛程式的廣泛平滑功能控件加入夾持一 – 一類增強任何照片。經歷了廣泛的從高效邊緣銳化獨特的效果,以優美藝術效果。

國家的最先進的Topaz Clean的邊緣,整合平滑算法的能力使其非常適用於高品質的銳化,但為什麼要停止呢?
有意藝術超額認購的Topaz Clean 2 的創新平滑函數可以建立一個跳出右鍵在頁面的圖像。它保留了輪廓和整體形象的完整性,同時改善去除次要的細節。
‧ 16位支援 – Topaz Clean 2同時支援8位和16位RGB色彩模式。
‧ PS CS4的相容 – Topaz Clean 2是用Photoshop CS4 Mac和Windows的完全相容。這也是在Windows 64位的Photoshop CS4完全相容。
‧智慧濾鏡 – 黃玉清潔2是一個聰明的過濾器,並使用Photoshop智慧對像支援非破壞性編輯。
‧ MULIT核心改善 – Topaz Clean 2與多個CPU的處理速度更快的電腦完全改善。


【文章標題】: (圖像優美工具)Topaz Clean 3.1.0 Plug-in for Photoshop
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Topaz Clean 3.1.0 Plug-in for Photoshop

Take control of the extensive smoothing capabilities of the new Topaz Clean 2 Photoshop plug-in to add gripping one-of-a-kind enhancements to any photo. Experience a wide range of unique effects from highly effective edge sharpening to graceful artistic effects.

Powerful Stylized Image Cleaning
Take control of the extensive smoothing capabilities of the new Topaz Clean 2 Photoshop plug-in to add gripping one-of-a-kind enhancements to any photo.
Experience a wide range of effects from highly effective edge sharpening to graceful artistic effects that leave viewers breathless.
Smooth and Unique Edge Manipulation
Topaz Clean's state-of-the-art edge algorithms with integrated smoothing capabilities make it ideal for high-quality sharpening, but why stop there?
Highly Selective Texture Control
Take highly precise control over the manipulation of texture and detail. Choose the nature of desired texture and let Topaz Clean 2 do the rest.
Artistic Detail Flattening
Intentional artistic over-application of Topaz Clean 2's innovative smoothing function can create an image that pops right off the page. Clean 2 preserves the contours and overall image integrity while optimally removing the less-desired details.
Enjoy an efficient presets architecture
The fully-featured Presets architecture makes it easy to take full advantage of the creative power that Topaz Clean 2 puts in your hands.
Applying a preset to your image is as simple as clicking the preview. The extensive collection of included presets range from mild adjustments to deep enhancements, all of which can serve to jump-start any photo enhancement.
In addition to the included default presets, Topaz Clean 2 also gives the option to save your own individual presets and share them with your friends. Many online Topaz communities also pass around widely-used custom presets.
• 16-bit Support — Topaz Clean 2 supports both 8-bit and 16-bit RGB color modes.
• PS CS4 Compatible — Topaz Clean 2 is fully compatible with Photoshop CS4 on both Mac and Windows. It is also fully compatible with Windows 64-bit Photoshop CS4.
• Smart Filter — Topaz Clean 2 is a smart filter and supports non-destructive editing by using Photoshop smart objects.
• Mulit-core optimized — Topaz Clean 2 is completely optimized for computers with multiple CPUs for faster processing.

(圖像優美工具)Topaz Clean 3.1.0 Plug-in for Photoshop | Home Page: www.topazlabs.com/clean/

(圖像優美工具)Topaz Clean 3.1.0 Plug-in for Photoshop | Size: 33.5 MB

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8








【文章標題】:(照片濾鏡和效果工具)InPixio Photo Filters and Effects 5.01.23833 Multilingual
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
InPixio Photo Filters and Effects 5.01.23833 Multilingual

This application is an easy-to-use digital photo studio. You can capture images from a variety of sources and organize photos to be readily accessible. You use this digital photo studio to import, edit and enhance photos on the Edit tab.

The application includes these features:
* Edit and enhance photos.
* Add text to images.
* Save photos in a variety of image formats.

Languages: DE, EN, ES, FR, IT

(照片濾鏡和效果工具)InPixio Photo Filters and Effects 5.01.23833 Multilingual/Homepage: www.avanquest.com

(照片濾鏡和效果工具)InPixio Photo Filters and Effects 5.01.23833 Multilingual/Size: 103.95 MB


GiliSoft幻燈片電影Creator是software.With它易於使用且功能強大的照片幻燈片,您可以將照片組合成的音樂和2D/3D轉場特效的視訊與您的朋友分享,你可以輕鬆地將您的照片集,以個性化的視訊為AVI , MPEG,WMV , DivX,MP4 , H.264/AVC , AVCHD , MKV , RM, MOV ,XviD格式或3GP格式。


支援多種圖像格式,內含JPG,JPEG , PNG,BMP 。
支援匯入MP3,WAV , WMA,OGG , FLAC , M4A ,AU檔案,甚至可以匯入支援的視訊格式內含AVI,MPEG , WMV,MP4 , FLV,MKV , H.264/MPEG-4 AVC ,AVCHD等。
支援視訊輸出的AVI , MPEG,WMV , DivX,MP4 , H.264/AVC , AVCHD , MKV , RMVB , MOV ,XviD格式或3GP格式。


【文章標題】:(照片幻燈片)GiliSoft SlideShow Movie Creator Pro 7.0 DC 20.02.2014
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
GiliSoft SlideShow Movie Creator Pro 7.0 DC 20.02.2014

GiliSoft SlideShow Movie Creator is the easy-to-use yet powerful photo slide software.With it,you can combine your photos into video with music and 2D/3D transition effects for sharing with your friends,and you can easily turn your photo collections to personalized videos in format of AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD or 3GP.

Easy-to-operate with a friendly interface, you are enabled to create more personalized photo videos by appending background music from imported audios, add transitional effects between images, adjust the orientation and display sequence of the imported photos and etc. What you can imagine, you can have it all with GiliSoft Slideshow Movie Creator.

Features and Benefits:
• Support Multiple Photo Formats
Support multiple image formats, including jpg, jpeg, png, bmp.
• Keep photo apsect
Support auto-adding black area to keep the original photo aspect.
• Easy to edit photo
You can adjust the photo direction and add photo description.
• Support Various Audio Files
Support import MP3,WAV,WMA,OGG,FLAC,M4A,AU files,even can import video formats supported include AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, FLV, MKV, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, AVCHD, etc..
• Many 2D/3D transition effect
Support more than 300 different 2D/3D video transition effects.
• User-defined header and trailer
Support designing the header and trailer of slideshow video, you can choose the picture or video clip as the material.
• Instant and Convenient Preview
Support real-time previewing photo slideshows,you can view any settings change.
• Support to export various video format
Support exporting videos in format of AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RMVB, MOV, XviD or 3GP.

(照片幻燈片)GiliSoft SlideShow Movie Creator Pro 7.0 DC 20.02.2014 | Homepage: www.gilisoft.com

(照片幻燈片)GiliSoft SlideShow Movie Creator Pro 7.0 DC 20.02.2014 | Size: 27.7 MB


銳化模糊的圖像,去除噪聲,改善低質量的圖片,照亮黑暗的照片。 Photoupz將迅速改善和修復您的照片。


【文章標題】: (改善圖片工具)Photoupz 1.7.1
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Photoupz 1.7.1

Photoupz improves your photos. Magically remove objects from photos, erase wrinkles and blemishes and get rid of tourists from your holiday images using powerful guiding line tool. Sharpen blurry images, remove noise to improve low quality pictures, brighten dark photos. Photoupz will quickly improve and repair your photos.

(改善圖片工具)Photoupz 1.7.1 | Home Page www.photoupz.com

(改善圖片工具)Photoupz 1.7.1 | Size 1.55 MB


以迅雷不及掩耳的速度,輕鬆建立令人驚嘆的HDR圖像,並具有專業特色的成果。您可以選取16 HDR風格快速,輕鬆地給自己更多的編輯選項。改變了你的圖像的外觀,從現實到藝術到未來。你甚至可以修改它們並儲存自己的自訂樣式!




幾乎所有的Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 的處理控制是實時性,使得它是在市場上速度最快的處理HDR軟體與實時處理作為標準功能。不用坐在電腦前花你的時間。從這裡走出去,並拍攝的更多!


Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3支援從150多個型號的相機的RAW檔案,內含佳能,尼康,索尼,奧林巴斯和松下,以及使用Adobe ( DNG )等幾十種加入了這個最新版本!


【文章標題】: (照片編輯工具)Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.0.2
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.0.2

Easy creation of stunning HDR images at lightning speed and results with professional features. Choose from 16 HDR Styles to quickly and easily give yourself more editing options. Change up the look of you image, from realistic to artistic to futuristic. You can even modify them and save your own Custom Styles!

Cutting-edge Local/Global Tone Mapping technology
Using our Local/Global Tone Mapping technology, you will produce the most spectacular photo-realistic results in seconds. We also give you control of the Tone Mapping parameters if you want even more advanced results. And as always, we give you all the best photo editing tools, from exposure, contrast, and saturation to more advanced features like curves and lens correction.

Ghost Reduction Technology
If an object moves through the scene while you are taking multiple shots, our Ghost Reduction technology corrects the problem of "ghosting" when the images are combined.

Alignment Technology
HDR Darkroom 3's improved alignment algorithm corrects problems when your camera moves slightly between the bracketed frames.

Real-Time Processing
Nearly all of the processing controls in HDR Darkroom 3 are real time, making HDR Darkroom 3 the fastest-processing HDR software on the market with real-time processing as a standard feature. Don't spend your time sitting in front of a computer. Get back out there and shoot more!

Powerful Batch Processing
Our Batch Processing Engine automatically handles multiple sets of photos according to your unique preferences. Apply styles and adjustments and let us do the work for you. Harness the power of batch processing to save yourself countless hours of manual adjustments.

Camera RAW File Converter
HDR Darkroom 3 supports RAW files from more than 150 camera models, including Canon, Nikon, Sony, Olympus and Panasonic, as well as Adobe (DNG), etc. Dozens added with this latest release!

(照片編輯工具)Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.0.2 / Homepage: www.everimaging.com

(照片編輯工具)Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.0.2 / Size: 53.47 MB


PhotoZoom Pro 5不僅創造了比任何其他軟體(高達1億100萬像素)拉近圖像,它也產生更高質量的結果。PhotoZoom Pro 5的配備S – 樣條最大,獨特的,專利的圖像大小調整技術,擅長於維護乾淨的邊緣,清晰度和細節。

即使嘈雜,壓縮原稿可順利擴大。通常情況下,噪聲和JPEG壓縮失真變得令人不安時,PhotoZoom Pro 5它提供了消除這些扭曲的工具。您將通過細節的數量PhotoZoom Pro 5是能夠處理亂七八糟的部份,而令人感到驚訝。

大量的圖像可以調整大小一氣呵成,通過批次處理。多處理器支援, 64位支援,以及新的GPU加速附帶,它保證減少你處理的時間。它的作品無論是作為一個獨立的應用程式和外掛程式的各種主機程式,如Adobe Photoshop ,Adobe公司的Photoshop R R元素,Corel R PHOTO-PAINT ,和Corel R Pro的油漆車間。改善列印和螢幕上的目的,的PhotoZoom Pro 5的是一個絕對必須擁有的人誰想要在盡可能高的質量來調整圖像。

– 最新的S – 樣條插值算法
– 更高質量的圖像拉近和更高質量的瘦身
– 各種預設為不同類型的圖像
– 先進的微調工具:建立自己的預置和調整配置檔
– 降低( JPEG)壓縮失真和噪聲低質量的原稿
– 批次處理
– 支援多處理器和GPU加速
– 強大的裁切工具
– 專案作為獨立的應用程式
– 專案作為一個外掛程式,用於Adobe  Photoshop  ,Adobe公司的Photoshop 元素,Corel  PHOTO-PAINT ,Corel PaintShop Pro
– 極端拉近:高達1億100萬像素!
– 高端影像廣泛支援
– 相容Windows , Mac的最新版本,和Adobe Photoshop (所有64位和32位)

PhotoZoom Pro 5有什麼新的
– 拉近併圖像尺寸減小在盡可能高的質量,通過BenVista最新的S – 樣條插補技術。還擅長降低( JPEG)壓縮失真和噪聲低質量的原稿。
– GPU加速:高達5倍的速度圖像處理!
– 調整配置檔:選取你最喜歡的大小調整方法預置,並與一個單一的點擊大小設定合輯
– 改進裁剪:調整圖像的特定部分從未如此簡單!
– 新的,更靈活的介面佈局
– 對彩色配置檔支援改進
– 用於Mac OS X 10.8 (山獅) , Windows 8,和Photoshop CS6官方支援


【文章標題】: (拉近圖像工具)Movavi Video Suite 12.0.0Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 5.1.2 Multilingual
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Movavi Video Suite 12.0.0Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 5.1.2 Multilingual

PhotoZoom Pro 5 not only creates larger images than any other software (up to 1 million by 1 million pixels), it also produces higher quality results. PhotoZoom Pro 5 is equipped with S-Spline Max, a unique, patented image resize technology which excels at preserving clean edges, sharpness, and fine details.

Even noisy, compressed originals can be enlarged successfully. Normally, noise and JPEG compression artifacts become disturbingly visible during enlargement. PhotoZoom Pro 5 however offers the tools to eliminate these distortions. You'll be amazed by the amount of detail PhotoZoom Pro 5 is able to dig up from below the mess.

Large quantities of images can be resized in one go, through batch processing. Multi-processor support, 64-bit support, and the new GPU acceleration included with PhotoZoom Pro 5 ensure reduced processing time. PhotoZoom Pro 5 works both as a stand-alone application and as a plug-in for various host programs, such as Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® Photoshop® Elements, Corel® PHOTO-PAINT, and Corel® PaintShop Pro. Optimized for both printing and on-screen purposes, PhotoZoom Pro 5 is an absolute must-have for anyone who wants to resize images at the highest possible quality.

– The latest S-Spline interpolation algorithms
– Higher quality image enlargements & higher quality downsizing
– Various presets for different types of images
– Advanced fine-tuning tools: create your own presets and resize profiles
– Reduces (JPEG) compression artifacts and noise from low quality originals
– Batch processing
– Multi-processor support and GPU acceleration
– Powerful crop tool
– Works as stand-alone application
– Works as a plug-in for Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® Photoshop® Elements, Corel® PHOTO-PAINT, and Corel® PaintShop Pro
– Extreme enlargements: up to 1 million by 1 million pixels!
– Extensive support for high-end images
– Compatible with the latest versions of Windows, Mac, and Adobe Photoshop (all 64-bit & 32-bit)

What's new in PhotoZoom Pro 5
– Enlarges and downsizes images at the highest possible quality, through BenVista's latest S-Spline interpolation technology. Also excels at reducing (JPEG) compression artifacts and noise from low quality originals.
– GPU acceleration: up to 5 times faster image processing!
– Resize profiles: select your favorite compilations of resize method presets and size settings with a single click
– Improved cropping: resizing specific portions of images has never been easier!
– New, more flexible interface layout
– Improved support for color profiles
– Official support for Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion), Windows 8, and Photoshop CS6

(拉近圖像工具)Movavi Video Suite 12.0.0Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 5.1.2 Multilingual | Home Page: www.benvista.com

(拉近圖像工具)Movavi Video Suite 12.0.0Benvista PhotoZoom Pro 5.1.2 Multilingual | Size: 23.44 Mb

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8



AhaView是一個方便的圖像瀏覽器和轉換器。 AhaView顯示圖像在所有流行的格式: JPEG,GIF , PNG,BMP , ICO , CUR , ANI , PCX , PSD,TGA等AhaView有一個縮略圖模式,可讓您快速通過大量的圖片檔案瀏覽,開啟其中的任何全大小用滑鼠按兩下,和圖像轉換為JPEG , PNG,GIF和BMP格式。

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【文章標題】: (圖像瀏覽器和轉換器)Aha-Soft AhaView 4.47
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Aha-Soft AhaView 4.47

AhaView is a handy image viewer and converter. AhaView displays images in all popular formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, ICO, CUR, ANI, PCX, PSD, TGA etc. AhaView has a thumbnail mode and lets you quickly browse through numerous image files, open any of them full-size with a double mouse click, and convert images to JPEG, PNG, GIF and BMP formats. AhaView can help you to create icons from images. Simply click the folder you wish to view, and all image files are immediately displayed as thumbnails. Highlight the thumbnail to display a larger image. Double-clicking the thumbnail will open the corresponding image in the full-screen mode. You can run a slide show to automatically browse in full-screen mode all images stored in certain folders. You can check image properties in the taskbar and assign your descriptions to images stored on your hard drive. You can also move, copy, duplicate and rename files, create icons and copy images to the clipboard.

With AhaView you can:
Browse images in thumbnail mode
View images in full-screen mode
Convert images to BMP, GIF, JPEG, TGA, TIFF, XPM and PNG formats
Create icons from images
Attach descriptions to files
Show a sequence of images as a slide show
Explore image properties
Copy images to the clipboard
Copy, move, duplicate and rename files
Print images
Use command line interface

(圖像瀏覽器和轉換器)Aha-Soft AhaView 4.47 | Home Page www.aha-soft.com/ahaview/index.htm

(圖像瀏覽器和轉換器)Aha-Soft AhaView 4.47 | Size 6 MB