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輕鬆建立以迅雷不及掩耳的速度令人驚嘆的HDR圖像,並具有專業特色的成果。您可以快速選取16 HDR風格,輕鬆地給自己更多的編輯選項。改變了你的圖像的外觀,從現實到藝術到未來。你甚至可以修改它們並儲存自己的自訂樣式!




Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3的改進定位算法糾正問題,當你的相機晃動括號內的幀之間。

幾乎所有的HDR暗室3的處理控制是實時性,使得Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3在市場上速度最快的處理的HDR軟體與實時處理作為標準功能。不用坐在電腦前花費你的時間,利用省下的時間從這裡走出去,並拍攝更多更美好的!




Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3支援從150多個型號的相機的RAW檔案,內含佳能,尼康,索尼,奧林巴斯和松下,以及使用Adobe ( DNG )等幾十種加入了這個最新版本!




【文章標題】:(圖像修正工具)Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.1.0
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.1.0

Easy creation of stunning HDR images at lightning speed and results with professional features. Choose from 16 HDR Styles to quickly and easily give yourself more editing options. Change up the look of you image, from realistic to artistic to futuristic. You can even modify them and save your own Custom Styles!

Cutting-edge Local/Global Tone Mapping technology
Using our Local/Global Tone Mapping technology, you will produce the most spectacular photo-realistic results in seconds. We also give you control of the Tone Mapping parameters if you want even more advanced results. And as always, we give you all the best photo editing tools, from exposure, contrast, and saturation to more advanced features like curves and lens correction.

Ghost Reduction Technology
If an object moves through the scene while you are taking multiple shots, our Ghost Reduction technology corrects the problem of "ghosting" when the images are combined.

Alignment Technology
HDR Darkroom 3's improved alignment algorithm corrects problems when your camera moves slightly between the bracketed frames.

Real-Time Processing
Nearly all of the processing controls in HDR Darkroom 3 are real time, making HDR Darkroom 3 the fastest-processing HDR software on the market with real-time processing as a standard feature. Don't spend your time sitting in front of a computer. Get back out there and shoot more!

Powerful Batch Processing
Our Batch Processing Engine automatically handles multiple sets of photos according to your unique preferences. Apply styles and adjustments and let us do the work for you. Harness the power of batch processing to save yourself countless hours of manual adjustments.

Camera RAW File Converter
HDR Darkroom 3 supports RAW files from more than 150 camera models, including Canon, Nikon, Sony, Olympus and Panasonic, as well as Adobe (DNG), etc. Dozens added with this latest release!

(圖像修正工具)Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.1.0 | Homepage: www.everimaging.com

(圖像修正工具)Everimaging HDR Darkroom 3 Pro 1.1.0 | Size: 53.7 MB
