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消除與Windows的註冊表關聯的問題,在清洗過程後,RegFix消除的問題與壞的登記的元素,如開機速度慢,機響應時間較長,外的系統崩潰BSOD(藍屏死機)系統無響應,際網路瀏覽器響應變慢,啟動您最喜愛的軟體,不只是註冊表清理 – 系統改善


不一致鍵 – 提高系統的效能和穩定性的關鍵egFix的口頭禪effeciently移除不一致,左過的的註冊表enteries,作為一支重要力量,以減少整體競爭力的操作系統。


RegFix Mantra提供一個易於理解的專家和新手使用者的掃瞄結果視窗。


【文章標題】: (系統改善)RegFix Mantra v7.0
【文章作者】: 軟體中文化教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://visdacom.com/f2blog/
【軟體中文化教學課程】: http://visdacom.com/f2blog/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/f2blog/
【版權聲明】: (原創)軟體中文化教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
RegFix Mantra v7.0
RegFix Mantra is one of the most popular software downloads in System Optimizer category, with a download count of over 5 million from over 96 countries…..and growing. RegFix Mantra comes with the best and most enhanced problem detection algorithm. The registry sections are scanned deeply with the ingenous scanning procedures to provide an error free Windows Registry to give your system much needed optimizing boost.

Elimination of problems associated with Windows registry

After the cleaning process, RegFix Mantra eliminates the problems associated with bad registry elements such as

Slow Boot up
Longer Machine Response Time
Unexpected System Crashes
BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)
Unresponsive System
Slower Internet Browser Response
Slow start up of your favorite software
Not just Registry Cleaner – its a System Optimizer

RegFix Mantra is considered best registry cleaner for the reason that it eliminates the registry problems and acts as a complete system optimizer. It counters
Incorrect Registry Keys
Inconsistent Keys and values
Useless keys
Malware keys and values
Large Registry Size
Cleaning up the keys and values which propogates system instability

With continous usage, installation and uninstallation of software, Internet browsing, downloads etc, the Windows Registry bloats up and houses keys which render the system unstable and crash-prone. RegFix Mantra finds and safely cleans the registry of such invalid , useless and potential harmful registry enteries.

Inconsistent Keys – a key to improved system performance and stability

RegFix Mantra effeciently removes the inconsistent and left-over registry enteries, which acts as a major force to decrease overall competency of the operating system.

Scans and Removes inconsistent file references and program shortcuts

Bring back the fonts in order
Complete corrects the file association

Self-explanatory Scan result window

RegFix Mantra provides an easy to understand scan result window for expert as well as novice users. Each registry error is marked with its potential danger level. This feature provides user the leverage to select the keys that should be deleted.

(系統改善)RegFix Mantra v7.0 / OS: Compatible with – Win 98, XP, 2000, 2003, Vista, Win 7 (32 & 64 bit), Win 8 (32 & 64 bit)
(系統改善)RegFix Mantra v7.0 / Size: 1,56 Mb