軟體中文化實戰教學影片 + 技術諮詢(影片示範)讓你順利出師! 史上真正頭一遭 ! 本年度最新密訓課程 由軟體中文化教學基地【總教頭】所釋出的獨門技術密技 ! 參加了本課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 全部課程有提供技術諮詢及售後服務,學成後你就是:軟體王! 讓你使用的英文軟體中文化成為繁體:軟體看得懂,就比較會用,可省去買大量的書籍或補習費用。 中國簡體版也可以繁體中文化:簡體亂碼程式編碼修正,親自影片實戰教學絕非一般網路文章可相比擬。 日文版軟體或遊戲軟體也可以中文化:解決您網路有軟體卻不能用的窘境讓,日文版軟體或遊戲軟體也可以中文化! 出現亂碼的國外電子書也可以中文化:解決您軟體下載到軟體或電子書出現亂碼無法使用的困擾! 程式偵測分類教學:軟體直接偵殼→破除障礙→程式分類教學→標準資源與非標準資源中文化→回寫→自動中文化程式封包。 不會可問這可要有真功夫:買書學習只有圖片與文字,只有影片+技術諮詢,你才有可能完全無盲點! (有些密技除非拜師否則很難:無師自通!) 你不用每星期跑補習班,趕著時間跟老師上課!百分之百的上課實際操作錄製的教學影片! 不論是學生、電腦使用者、美工、或是一般民眾,不論從事那一種行業;只要有軟體中文化需求,都絕對需要這份秘技課程!


GMX- Photopainter是一個獨立的軟體,在短短的幾年內,將您的數位照片轉換成一個藝術家的品質的繪圖。
 GMX – Photopainter的關鍵特徵之一是,它是獨立的解析度,因此,使用者可以使圖像在任何規模大小。

一個真正的繪畫軟體, 它由許多重疊的筆觸。您可以自由選取,並結合自己的設定,但在同一時間將指導繪畫的過程中,通過自動選取筆觸的彩色和方向。
使用者可以調整畫筆,紋理,過濾,彩色變化和更多 – 總計超過40個可調參數 – 並儲存為新樣式的調整。

現實的模仿傳統媒體: Aquarela餐廳,油,蠟筆和其他。
‧高解析度輸出的圖像:由於每個行程的大小,位置和方向記錄,這讓GMX- Photopainter還呈現在任何解析度的圖片。


【文章標題】: (繪圖軟體)Gertrudis GMX-PhotoPainter
【文章作者】: 軟體中文化教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://visdacom.com/f2blog/
【軟體中文化教學課程】: http://visdacom.com/f2blog/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/f2blog/
【版權聲明】: (原創)軟體中文化教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Gertrudis GMX-PhotoPainter

GMX-PhotoPainter (formerly Gertrudis Pro) is a standalone software which will transform your Digital Photo into an Artist Quality Drawing in just a few minutes. It includes a Variety of Styles: Pen and Ink, Crayon, Oil, Watercolor, Pastels, and user defined styles like Van Gogh, Seurat, Pointillism, and many others. One of the key features of GMX-PhotoPainter is that it is independent of the resolution, therefore, the user can render the picture at any size. GMX also it gives the option of rendering the output at any resolution without loss of quality or pixelation.

As a real painting, GMX paintings are composed of many overlapped brushstrokes. You have the freedom to choose and combine your own settings, but at the same time will guide the process of painting by automatically choose the colors and directions of the brushstrokes. Users can adjust brushes, textures, filtering, color variation and more – totaling over 40 adjustable parameters – and save the adjustments as new styles.

Key Features:
• Realistic imitations of the traditional media: Aquarela, Oil, Crayon, and others.
• Advanced Style Management: It lets creating variations of the existing styles or create new styles from scratch.
• Easy of use: The designer can choose the option of giving the direction of the strokes in an automatic way this is done by our exclusive flow analysis algorithm.
• High resolution pictures output: Since the size, position and direction of each stroke is recorded, this lets GMX-PhotoPainter to render the picture at any resolution.
• You can specify slightly color variations in the brushstrokes, obtaining a more natural aspect.
• The Variant and Fixed color modes works in a different way that it has proven be more useful to the user.
• User’s interface was reorganized to make it easier and intuitive.

(繪圖軟體)Gertrudis GMX-PhotoPainter | Homepage: www.gertrudisgraphics.com

(繪圖軟體)Gertrudis GMX-PhotoPainter | Size: 15.4 MB