【正印家族】授權營運專案 秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成營運賺大錢! 站在成功者的肩膀上,你會看得更遠! 最快速的成功方法就是:【合法授權 100% 複製成功者經營模式】直接複製經營賺錢術 網路創業 【正印家族】 自動印鈔機賺錢術(借別人的智慧成功 - 提升您的網路競爭力!) 因為:你所需要的『網站資源』與『配套教學』【總教頭】都已經幫你準備好了! 【秘笈硬碟】:用一顆1000GB的硬碟,裝載【網站架站程式】 【超過500個軟體中文化檔案】與【教學影片課程】讓你馬上用! 密訓基地503萬訪客最期待的授權:【正印家族】授權營運方案 ! 總教頭親自示範公開網路經營的捷徑! 此原理類似武俠小說的【一甲子的功力】直接導入→ 任都二脈馬上通暢,你當然馬上成為武林高手! 傳授『授權檔案』再次加工賺錢技巧: 授權後大家都可以不一樣!總教頭會教你如何再次加工?讓它轉換成:具有你獨有特色的『自己獨家資源』! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會與無法使用的擔憂....)




– 卓越的可用性。有趣的使用,提高您的工作效率的捷徑。你需要他們的地方,簡單,直觀的工具安排。連結任何項目的任何其他事項。發信件便箋,聯繫人的任務,等
– 安全性。所有資料可密碼保護和資料庫檔案進行加密,多種加密算法,使用了先進的工業標準AES(Rijndael算法),128位密鑰,和Blowfish 448位*鍵。
– 多功能匯入和匯出功能。您可以匯入和匯出HTML,RTF,CSV,TXT和TreePad。您可以執行完整的同步與MicrosoftROutlook的**,您現在可以從Outlook Express中匯入。
– 在許多語系:保加利亞語,中文,克羅地亞語,捷克語,丹麥語,荷蘭語,愛沙尼亞語,芬蘭語,法語,德語,希伯來語,匈牙利語,意大利語,日語,馬其頓語,挪威語,波蘭語,葡萄牙語,羅馬尼亞語,俄語,塞爾維亞語,斯洛伐克語,斯洛文尼亞語,西班牙語,瑞典語,土耳其語和烏克蘭語。
– 系統托盤圖示快速鍵啟動和配置軟體。
– 即時貼放置到桌面上的任何票據,並擺脫你的辦公桌上的黃色紙!
– 開源Firebird資料庫。進階使用者和系統管理員管理資料庫得到了極大的彈性。

與Microsoft Outlook的整合同步**,進口與出口與Outlook Express。

– 像樹,靈活持有類別的結構,優先級,完成狀態,到期日,甚至提醒你。
– 快速和強大的搜尋快速找到你的清單。
– 易於整理和分類工具。
– 印刷,讓你正是你在螢幕上看到的。

多個樹 – 葉子的每個音符,讓一個強大的分層存儲。
– 資料夾和票據的數量沒有限制。不要擔心運行的空間。
– 插入照片,圖紙,什麼樣的圖片,表格,任何很好的格式化文字的字型,標/上標,彩色文字背景,多層次和編號,統一,背景圖片。
– 快速搜尋任何說明其主旨,日期,單詞或短語。
– 強大的列印輸出和儲存功能。
– 點擊(有效)在任何檔案中的超連結。

– 超越Outlook通信簿記錄數。
– 靈活的設定,讓您可以輕鬆地加入自己的領功能變數。
– 完整的匯入/匯出和Windows通信簿和CSV格式。
– 強大而快速的搜尋和排序功能。
– 可調節的意見,所以你可以看到你的訊息和你想要的模式。

– 完全支援POP3和IMAP帳戶。
– 與Conteacts和其他模組的整合。
– 簽名,信件分揀規則 – 你所需要的一切,以提高工作效率。

【文章標題】:(個人訊息管理器)EssentialPIM Pro Network 5.55
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
EssentialPIM Pro Network 5.55

EssentialPIM Pro is a Personal Information Manager (PIM) that makes it easy to control your appointments, tasks, to-do lists, notes, and contacts. With built-in email support, EssentialPIM Pro is an affordable replacement for Outlook. In addition, EssentialPIM Pro offers portability, speed, an intuitive interface, and the ability to synchronize all of your information with your WinMobile Smartphone, Palm, iPOD, MS Outlook, and Google Calendar.

EssentialPIM features:
– Excellent usability. Shortcuts that are fun to use and boost your productivity. Easy, intuitive tools arranged right where you need them. Link -any item to any other items. Email to Notes, Contacts to Tasks, etc.
– Security. All data can be password-protected and the database file is encrypted with multiple encryption algorithms, with the advanced industry standard AES (Rijndael), 128-bit key, and Blowfish 448-bit* key.
– Versatile import and export capabilities. You can import and export HTML, RTF, CSV, TXT and TreePad. You can perform complete synchronization with Microsoft® Outlook**; and you can import from Outlook Express.
– Available in many languages: Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Ukrainian.
– System tray icon with a hotkey for starting and configuring the software.
– Sticky Notes- place any of your Notes onto Desktop and get rid of yellow paper on your desk!*
– Open-source Firebird database. Advanced users and system administrators get great flexibility in managing databases.

Scheduler (Tasks):
Color-coded, easy-to-read day, week, month, year schedules, with easy set up of recurring tasks or events.
Completion date, priority, and category properties for each task.
Integrated synchronization with Microsoft Outlook** and import and export with Outlook Express.
Full drag-and-drop support for fast rescheduling.
Easy printout by days, weeks or months, with saving to HTML.

To Do List (To Do):
– Tree-like, flexible to do structure that holds category, priority, completion status, due date, and even reminders for you.*
– Fast and powerful search to find your to do list quickly.
– Easy sorting and categorizing tools.
– Printing that gives you exactly what you see on your screen. Take your to do list with you as you run out the door.

Outliner (Notes):
-Tools to organize your data the way you want! Flat, table, tree-like multilevel data structure or any combination you want. Multiple tree and –leafs* for each note allow a powerful hierarchical storage.
– No limit on the number of folders and notes. Don't worry about running out of room.
– Inserting photos, drawings, any kind of pictures, tables, any nicely formatted text: fonts, subscripts/superscripts, colored text background, multilevel bullets and numbering, Unicode, background images.
– Quick searching for any note by its subject, date, word or phrase.
– Powerful printout and save features.
– Clickable (active) hyperlinks in any document.

Contact Manager (Contacts):
– Number of records that outstrip the Outlook Address Book.
– Flexible set of fields, allowing you to easily add your own.
– Complete import/export to and Windows Address Book and CSV format.
– Powerful and fast search and sort features.
– Adjustable views so you can see your information the way you want.

– Full support for POP3 and IMAP accounts.
– Integration with Conteacts and other modules.
– Signatures, mail sorting rules,- everything you need to work efficiently.

(個人訊息管理器)EssentialPIM Pro Network 5.55| Home Page: www.essentialpim.com

(個人訊息管理器)EssentialPIM Pro Network 5.55| Size: 29.75 MB

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7



Codelobster PHP改善和簡化php開發過程。你不需要保持頭腦功能,參數,標籤及其屬性的名稱;方法等 – 我們已經實現了你的自動完完成能為PHP,HTML,JavaScript和CSS。


免費的PHP IDE的所有功能的完整清單:
形成標準的PHP和使用者的類,變量,函數,常量和關鍵字清單。開始鍵入新元素,列出了所有可能的變種完成後顯示$>和ClassName :
除錯器是一個工具包,容許開發人員在開發過程中除錯應用程式。在運行之前,你需要對其進行配置。設定必要的值偏好項「選單(」工具「 – >」偏好項「 – >」除錯)中的下列選項:
虛擬資料夾 – 一個虛擬的項目資料夾的路徑
虛擬主電腦URL – 一個虛擬資料夾
為php.ini的路徑 – 在php.ini檔案的路徑
伺服器 – Apache版本在電腦上運行。您需要選取從清單,它顯示你的機器上安裝的Apache版本。
功能踏進(F11),步過(F10),停止除錯(按Shift + F5)
展開的對象 – >在除錯

(檢視 – >視窗 – >類檢視)包括所有開啟的檔案和整個應用程式代碼元素(類,函數和變量)。

【文章標題】: ( PHP改善和簡化)CodeLobster PHP Edition Pro 4.6.1
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
CodeLobster PHP Edition Pro 4.6.1

Codelobster PHP Edition streamlines and simplifies php development process. You don't need to keep in mind names of functions, arguments, tags and their attributes; methods etc – we've implemented it for you in the autocomplete feature for PHP, HTML, JavaScript and even CSS. Also, you can always get necessary help information by F1 or using special Help control. Internal free PHP Debugger allows validating code locally. It automatically detects your current server settings and configures corresponding files in order you can use the Debugger.

Our goal is to create product which would simplify and speed up to the maximum process of developing full-featured web sites on php.
For now, it includes all standard abilities for operating with code and many advanced features for PHP developing.

The full list of all features of Free PHP IDE:
• PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS code highlighting
• PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS code collapsing
• HTML autocomplete
Autocomplete of tags, attributes for current tag, closing tags.
• HTML code inspector
Inspector makes it simple to find HTML elements buried deep in the page.
• CSS autocomplete
Autocomplete of style property names and values.
JavaScript Advanced autocomplete
Autocomplete of keywords, DOM elements and their properties.
• PHP Advanced autocomplete
This feature speeds up writing a code. Autocomplete includes wide selection of code completion listings.
Lists are formed of both standard PHP and user's classes, variables, functions, constants and keywords. Starting typing new element, lists of all possible variants for its completion are being displaying after $this-> and ClassName::
• PHP Debugger
The Debugger is a package of tools that allows a developer debugging applications during developing process. Before running, you need to configure it. Set necessary values for the following options in Preferences menu (Tools–>Preferences–>Debugger):
Virtual folder – path to a virtual project folder
Virtual host URL – url of a virtual folder
Path to php.ini – path to the php.ini file
Server – Apache version running on your computer. You need to select from the list, which displays all Apache versions installed on your machine.
Features for debugger:
Functions Step Into (F11), Step Over (F10), Stop Debug (Shift+F5)
Watch window in debugger, displaying only user's variables
Local variables window and Call stack windows
Expand of objects $this-> while debugging

SQL Autocomplete
Autocomplete of database objects (tables, fields) and SQL structures.
Context and Dynamic Help with search for work with PHP, MySQL, HTML
DynamicHelp window automatically lists all possible references for current word. You also can use ContextHelp to get information about shortcut keys.
Code folding (collapsing)
Pair highlighting
Highlighting of paired tags and attributes.
Pair selection, tags and attributes selection commands
Selects content within current block.
The tooltip enables to view values of variables marked with a mouse cursor.
Class View
(View–>Window–>Class View) contains code elements (classes, functions and variables) of all opened files and of a whole application.
You can easily navigate through your project and find all declarations for chosen element within it. In case of ambiguity solution dialogue appears.
Preview in a browser
Project manager
The project is connected with a folder on the disc. And its structure remains the same when transfers. Also there is an ability to search project's symbols and files using shortcut keys.
Incremental find
All standard functionalities for work with a code
Drupal plug-in available
Smarty plug-in available
WordPress plug-in available
Joomla plug-in available

The latest version has the following new abilities:
– Bugs fixed:
Crash during opening files with unmatched brackets

( PHP改善和簡化)CodeLobster PHP Edition Pro 4.6.1 | Home Page: www.codelobster.com

( PHP改善和簡化)CodeLobster PHP Edition Pro 4.6.1| Size: 19.2 MB




– 運行塊分析,以發現損壞區塊
– 看到不同的磁碟卷
– 取得塊的使用情況的詳細訊息
– 取得詳細S.M.A.R.T.分析和磁碟機訊息
– 建立形象 – 寫選取的磁碟圖像檔案。當一個磁碟機出現故障,需要進行還原,或返回。
– 復原圖像 – 一個現有的圖像檔案寫入到所選的磁碟。
– 複印磁碟 – 直接選取磁碟複製到另一個目的磁碟。
– 檢視所選磁碟的十六進位編輯器,並手動進行資料搜尋。選取16進位編輯器的說明下,此選項可以檢視所選磁碟的內容。它可以讓你搜尋磁碟十六進位模式。
– 此功能容許使用者檢視和還原項目,從選取的電子信件資料庫顯示現有的和刪除的電子信件進行列印或儲存/還原硬碟。支援的電子信件用戶端Windows Live Mail的Outlook中,Outlook Express中,Mozilla中,貝基和Eudora。

PC – WindowsR2000/XP/2003/Vista/Win7/Win8的英特爾平台上運行在1.0GHz或更快
最小512 MB RAM – 更多更好


【文章標題】: (資料還原)LC-TECH FileRecovery 2013 Enterprise
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
LC-TECH FileRecovery 2013 Enterprise

FILERECOVERY® is a safe and affordable do-it-yourself data recovery solution that is designed to recover lost and deleted files from all types of media such as hard drives, optical drives, flash media drives, and multi-media or mobile devices. FILERECOVERY® recovers files whether they have been deleted from the command line, from within an application, the file system, or removed from the recycle bin or trash. In addition FILERECOVERY® recovers formatted or lost drives, drives with a severe logical file system damage, and can even reconstruct lost RAIDs!

New Features:

Disk Diagnostics
– Run block analysis to detect bad blocks
– See the different volumes of a disk
– Get details on the usage of the blocks
– Get detailed S.M.A.R.T. analysis and drive information
Disk Tools
– Create Image – write the selected disk to an image file. Good when a drive failing, needs to be recovered, or returned to service.
– Restore Image – writes an existing image file to the selected disk.
– Copy Disk – copies the selected disk directly to another destination disk. Great for copying large hard drives.
View Disk (Hex Viewer)
– View the selected disk in a hex editor and search manually for data. Choose this option to view the selected disk contents by the help of a hex viewer. It allows you to search the disk by hex patterns.
E-Mail Recovery
– This feature allows the user to view and recover items from the selected e-mail database showing both existing and deleted e-mails for printing or saving/recovering to hard disk. Supported email clients include Outlook Express, Outlook, Windows Live Mail, Mozilla, Becky and Eudora.

Recommended Hardware Configuration:
PC – Windows® 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Win7/Win8 on the Intel Platform running at 1.0GHz or Faster
Minimum of 512 MB RAM – More is better
A Storage Drive or Network Drive at least as large as the amount of data you wish to recover

(資料還原)LC-TECH FileRecovery 2013 Enterprise / Homepage: http://www.lc-tech.com/software/software.html

(資料還原)LC-TECH FileRecovery 2013 Enterprise Size: 10.46 MB






【文章標題】: (音訊錄音機)Apowersoft Streaming Audio Recorder 2.7.8
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Apowersoft Streaming Audio Recorder 2.7.8

Streaming Audio Recorder, as it is named, has the ability to record whatever streaming audio that is passing through computer’s sound card. Therefore, all you need to do is to play music and radio online and then click record to save it to your gadgets in MP3, WMA, ACC, OGG formats. If you are a musician or else, you can record any sound including your singing, voice, etc with a microphone too. Version 2.5 add features like creating schedule recording task, pause and resume recording task, auto skip silence passages etc.

Key Functions:

Record tons of millions of internet radio and online music;
Record whatever you hear from your PC;
Three great tools for recording, editing, converting audio;
Good CD Ripper and CD burner;
A virtual music downloader;
Tag ID3 tags specifically for each file.

(音訊錄音機)Apowersoft Streaming Audio Recorder 2.7.8 | Home Page www.apowersoft.com

(音訊錄音機)Apowersoft Streaming Audio Recorder 2.7.8| Size 11.8 MB



Abex Document Converter Pro是一個全合一的文件轉換工具,轉換成PDF文件,Word,Excel和PowerPoint,HTML,文字,圖片到其他格式高,質量好。 ABEX文件轉換器給你一個快速簡便的方法為PDF,DOC,DOCX,DOCM,XLS,XLSX,XLSM,PPT,PPTX,PPTM,PPS,PPSX,PPSM,HTML,HTM,文字和其他類似圖像類型之間進行轉換的檔案JPG,JPEG,BMP,PNG,PSD,TIFF,GIF,EMF,WMF,JP2,J2K,PCX等,它的目的是在您的圖像檔案中的文字識別為可編輯的Word,RTF,HTML,文字檔案。


‧您可以通過拖放操作將被轉換成的Abex Document Converter Pro檔案。
‧獨立軟體,Adobe Acrobat和Reader的不是必需的。
‧支援微軟Office 97-2003(*。DOC,*。XLS,*。PPT)和MS Office 2007 2010 2013(*。DOCX,*。DOCM,*。XLSX,*。XLSM,*。PPTX格式,*。PPTM ,*。PPSX,*。PPSM)格式的文件。
‧從1-100定制JPG JPEG圖像質量。
‧選項來特殊的Word / RTF版邊和頁面大小。


‧MS-Word 97-2003年2007年2010年2013(DOC,DOCX,DOCM)
‧MS-Excel的97-2003 2007 2010 2013(XLS,XLSX,XLSM)
‧MS-PowerPoint演示97-2003 2007 2010 2013(PPT,PPTX,PPTM,PPS,PPSX,PPSM)

‧MS-Word 97-2003年2007年2010年2013(DOC,DOCX,DOCM)
‧MS-Excel的97-2003 2007 2010 2013(XLS,XLSX,XLSM)
‧MS-PowerPoint演示97-2003 2007 2010 2013(PPT,PPTX,PPTM,PPS,PPSX,PPSM)


【文章標題】: (檔案轉換器)Abex Document Converter Pro 3.9.0
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Abex Document Converter Pro 3.9.0

Abex Document Converter Pro is an All-in-One document conversion tool that convert any PDF document, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML, Text, Image to other formats with high good quality. Abex Document Converter giving you a fast and easy way to convert documents between PDF, DOC, DOCX, DOCM, XLS, XLSX, XLSM, PPT, PPTX, PPTM, PPS, PPSX, PPSM, HTML, HTM, Text and other image types like JPG, JPEG, BMP, PNG, PSD, TIFF, GIF, EMF, WMF, JP2, J2K, PCX etc. And it is designed to recognize the text in your Image files to editable Word, RTF, HTML, Text document.

Key Features:
• It support to convert between many different Document and Image formats.
• Batch conversion supports processing dozens of document files one time.
• You can add the entire folder and sub-folder to convert.
• You can drag and drop documents to be converted into Abex Document Converter Pro.
• Standalone software, Adobe Acrobat and Reader NOT required.
• Supports MS Office 97-2003 (*.DOC, *.XLS, *.PPT) and MS Office 2007 2010 2013 (*.DOCX, *.DOCM, *.XLSX, *.XLSM, *.PPTX, *.PPTM, *.PPSX, *.PPSM) format document.
• Convert Image format to editable Word, RTF, HTML and Text.
• Able to convert password protected PDF files.
• Option to specify page range of PDF to convert.
• Retain the original layouts of your PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML document.
• Create high-quality image formats from PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML, Text.
• Generate multi-page or single-page TIFF files from PDF, PowerPoint, Word.
• Custom DPI when convert PDF to SWF, Image format.
• Convert each page of PDF, Word, RTF file into a single image.
• Support color depth and resolution settings for the created Image files.
• Custom JPG JPEG image quality from 1-100.
• Custom output image size.
• Convert all pages of PDF into one single Excel sheet.
• Option to specify Word/RTF page margin and page size.
• Supports to convert each slides of PowerPoint to single PDF.
• Merge several image files into a single multi-page PDF file during batch converting, or convert each image file into individual PDF file.
• Convert each page of Word, RTF file into a single PDF document.
• Custom to set the output PDF password for protection by user/owner password.
• Set file permissions to restrict printing, copying, and future modifications for the created PDF document.
• Create multi-page PDF from PowerPoint, Word, RTF, TIFF, GIF.
• Create multi-page PowerPoint from multi-page PDF, Word, TIFF document.
• Create multi-page PowerPoint from Excel workbook.
• Convert Text to multi-page PowerPoint.
• Merge several image files into a single PowerPoint file during batch converting, or convert each image file into individual PowerPoint file.
• Adjust image width and height to adjust the PowerPoint slide size automatically.
• Custom to set PowerPoint slide size and paper orientation.
• Convert all images to multi-frame SWF video.
• Convert all pages of a multi-page Word, RTF, PowerPoint to a singe multi-frame SWF video.
• Custom width, height and frame rate for created SWF video.
• Adjust image width and height to adjust the SWF frame size automatically.
• Supports to rename output file if file exist or overwrite the file.
• Convert each file to separate directory within output folder.
• Only a few clicks to complete the conversion with supervising the whole process on real time.

Supported File Formats:
Input Format
• MS-Word 97-2003 2007 2010 2013 ( DOC, DOCX, DOCM)
• MS-Excel 97-2003 2007 2010 2013 (XLS, XLSX, XLSM)
• MS-PowerPoint 97-2003 2007 2010 2013 (PPT, PPTX, PPTM, PPS, PPSX, PPSM)

Output Format
• MS-Word 97-2003 2007 2010 2013 ( DOC, DOCX, DOCM)
• MS-Excel 97-2003 2007 2010 2013 (XLS, XLSX, XLSM)
• MS-PowerPoint 97-2003 2007 2010 2013 (PPT, PPTX, PPTM, PPS, PPSX, PPSM)

(檔案轉換器)Abex Document Converter Pro 3.9.0 | Homepage: www.abexsoft.com

(檔案轉換器)Abex Document Converter Pro 3.9.0 | Size: 30.7 MB


 Remote Desktop Manager 遠端桌面管理器是用來管理你所有的遠端連線和虛擬機的小型應用程式。加入,編輯,刪除,共享,組織,並迅速找到你的遠端連線。相容微軟遠端桌面,終端服務, VNC , LogMeIn,團隊瀏覽器, FTP,SSH ,遠端登入,DameWare , X視窗,VMware ,虛擬PC , PC Anywhere, Hyper-V,Citrix, Radmin,微軟的遠端協助,太陽虛擬箱等等。



微軟遠端桌面(RDP )
VNC ( ultraVNC下, TightVNC, RealVNC的和內嵌式)
FTP (檔案總管, FileZilla中和WinSCP)
Putty ( SSH ,遠端登入, RAW和rlogin )
Citrix XenApp ( ICA )
Symantec PC Anywhere
微軟的Virtual PC
VMware Player , VMware工作站, VMware ESXi和VMware vSphere
Cisco VPN用戶端


【文章標題】: (遠端桌面管理器)Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise

Remote Desktop Manager is a small application used to manage all your remote connections and virtual machines. Add, edit, delete, shared, organize and find your remote connection quickly. Compatible with Microsoft Remote Desktop, Terminal Services, VNC, LogMeIn, Team Viewer, Ftp, SSH, Telnet, Dameware, X Window, VMware, Virtual PC, PC Anywhere, Hyper-V, Citrix, Radmin, Microsoft Remote Assistance, Sun Virtual Box and more.

Enterprise Edition
* Share your remote connection settings inside a company database.
* Save your credentials and passwords in a database.
* Monitor user activities with the database logs.
* Faster and more secure solution.
* Available in single license, multiple licenses pack, global license or site license.

Microsoft Remote Desktop (RDP)
Microsoft Remote Assistance
VNC (UltraVNC, TightVNC, RealVNC and embedded)
Team Viewer
FTP (Explorer, Filezilla and WinSCP)
X Window
Putty (SSH, Telnet, RAW and rLogin)
Dameware Mini Remote Control
Radmin Viewer
Citrix XenApp (ICA)
Symantec PC Anywhere
Microsoft Hyper-V
Microsoft Virtual PC
Microsoft Virtual Server
Microsoft Windows Virtual PC
Sun VirtualBox
VMware Player, VMware Workstation, VMware ESXi and VMware vSphere
Cisco VPN client
SonicWall Global VPN client

(遠端桌面管理器)Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise  | Homepage: www.remotedesktopmanager.com

(遠端桌面管理器)Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise  | Size: 35 MB




»托盤 – 訊息目前所有的IP設定


【文章標題】:(網路設定管理器)NetSetMan Pro 3.7.2
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
NetSetMan Pro 3.7.2

NetSetMan is a network settings manager which can easily switch between 6 different, visually structured profiles including IP addresses, gateways (incl. Metric), DNS servers, WINS servers, IPv4 and IPv6, extensive WiFi managment, computer name, workgroup, DNS domain, default printer, network drives, NIC status, SMTP server, hosts and scripts. NetSetMan offers you a powerful, easy-to-use interface to manage all your network settings at a glance.

Main features:
» Management for network settings (LAN & WLAN)
» Tray-Info for all current IP settings
» NSM Service to allow the use without admin privileges
» Administration for defining usage permissions
» Quick switch from the tray icon
» Auto-saving of all settings
» Command line activation
» Quick access to frequently used Windows locations
» Two different user interfaces (Full & Compact)

(網路設定管理器)NetSetMan Pro 3.7.2 | Homepage: www.netsetman.com

(網路設定管理器)NetSetMan Pro 3.7.2 | Size: 3.44 MB



【文章標題】: (電子信件應用程式)The Bat! Professional Edition 5.4.0 Final
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
The Bat! Professional Edition 5.4.0 Final

The Bat is an e-mail application that supports multiple POP3 accounts, true multithreading, MIME and UUencode standards, multimedia, message templates, minimization to the system tray, message notification, APOP authorization, and PGP. You also will find a fast and comfortable message editor with text highlighting, as well as a mail dispatcher for managing messages on servers. English, Russian, German, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Italian, Lithuanian, and Romanian interfaces are built in, as is a multilingual spelling checker. The application's other features include automatic dial-up networking (configurable for multiple accounts) and the option to include a photo with each address-book entry. There also are enhancements, such as message coloring, flagging, advanced filtering, speed improvements, and virus protection.

(電子信件應用程式)The Bat! Professional Edition 5.4.0 Final | Home Page www.ritlabs.com

(電子信件應用程式)The Bat! Professional Edition 5.4.0 Final / Size: 25.32 MB




‧字幕檔案支援內定和外部:SRT,.SUB / IDX,SSA,的opensubtitles,彩色和字型選取dvbsub,並支援標籤斜體,粗體,帶DVD播放機遙控開啟/關閉
‧視訊標準的視訊輸出(NTSC,PAL),電視屏(寬屏16:9,全螢幕4:3)和DVD解析度(全D1廣播D1,HALF D1,SIF),上面列出所有的選取,或選取自動。轉換視訊NTSC,PAL或PAL,NTSC
‧改善的Windows XP / Vista的32位和64位

變化在ConvertXtoDVD 5:
– 實時預覽實時播放電流轉換(手錶+加入任何修改,字幕,音訊選取)
– 視訊編輯器(刪除廣告/視訊部分的能力)
– 介面革新,新的視訊編輯視窗(樹形檢視設定,可以編輯新的動態視窗的視覺反饋)
– 選單中增加的功能:調整音訊長度為選單,音訊同步問題糾正,寬屏和全螢幕選單
– 翻轉/旋轉視訊
– 後期處理(加入/刪除亮度/對照度)
– 更好的章節支援(從MKV +原裝章節形式的DVD +支援「一章的文字清單)
– 支援CUDA
– 更好地支援DVD和藍光電影/系列和輸入(鑑別),支援多角度的電影
– 更好的整體處理的視訊(糾正音訊/視訊同步問題)
– 更好地支援ts檔案
– 改進的多核心支援
– ** 12月16日**:硬編碼的字幕能力
– **加九月六日**:更好的音訊質量

【文章標題】:(視訊轉換軟體)VSO ConvertXtoDVD Beta
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
VSO ConvertXtoDVD Beta

ConvertXtoDVD, video conversion software, you can convert and burn all your videos and convert Avi to DVD! Backup and transfer your movies to DVD and enjoy watching them on any home DVD player. All in one conversion and burning software. This award-winning divx to dvd video converter software supports most video and audio formats for video conversion (avi, mpg, mov, wmv, mkv, ogm and more) and even handles DVD to DVD copy! Backup and transfer your movies to DVD and enjoy watching them on any home DVD player.

Key Features:
• Video formats supported: avi, divx, xvid, mov, mkv, flv , mpeg1, mpeg2, mpeg-, nsv, dvr-ms, tivo, ts, ifo, vob, asf, wmv, realmedia, rm, rmvb, ogm, existing files from digital camcorders, TV/Sat, capture cards, etc. No external codecs needed like avi codec download
• Create DVD menus with different templates available, possibility to add background video, image or audio, have chapter and audio/subtitle menus
• Conversion advisor wizard, control of the conversion speed vs. quality
• Fast and quality encoder, typically less than 1 hour for converting 1 movie, and supports Multi-Core processors!
• Included burning engine with burn speed control choice of SAO or packet writing methods, supports all DVD formats
• Custom and or automatic chapter creation with markers and preview window
• Advanced file merging possibilities
• Audio formats supported internal and external: AC3, DTS, PCM, OGG, MP3, WMA and more… Select audio output format.
• Subtitles files supported internal and external: SRT, .SUB/IDX, .SSA, opensubtitles, dvbsub with color and font selection, and supports tags like italic, bold, turn on/off with DVD player remote control
• Video output for video standard (NTSC, PAL), TV Screen (Widescreen 16:9, Fullscreen 4:3) and DVD Resolution (Full D1, Broadcast D1, Half D1, SIF), or choose automatic for all choices listed above. Also convert video from NTSC to PAL or PAL to NTSC
• Video post processing settings like video resize-pad/cropping and de-interlacing options
• Multilingual support
• Optimized for Windows XP / Vista 32bits and 64bits

Changes in ConvertXtoDVD 5:
– live preview (watch in realtime playback of current conversion + any modification, subtitles, audio selection added)
– video editor (ability to remove commercials / portions of video)
– interface revamped, new video editing window, (treeview settings can be edited in new dynamic window with visual feedback)
– menus features added: adjust audio length for menu, audio sync issues corrected, widescreen & fullscreen menus
– flip/rotate video
– post processing (add/remove brightness/contrast)
– better chapter support (from mkv + original chapters form DVDs + support chapter text lists)
– cuda support
– better support for DVD and blu-ray movies/series and input (discriminator added), multi-angle films supported
– better overall processing of videos (correcting audio/video sync issues)
– better support for ts files
– improved multi-core support
-**added 16 Dec**: ability to hardcode subtitles
– **added sept 6th**: better audio quality

(視訊轉換軟體)VSO ConvertXtoDVD Beta| Home Page www.vso-software.fr

(視訊轉換軟體)VSO ConvertXtoDVD Beta: 32.72 MB



2013 WinCatalog使得龐大的收藏管理更容易。 2013年WinCatalog索引尋找檔案和資料,而無需達到原來的CD或DVD光碟,檔案和資料夾。

資料庫驅動的WinCatalog2013年。它採用行業標準的SQLite資料庫引擎的核心。為任何規模大小,助於操作的集合。無論多少光碟或檔案存儲在您的收藏 – WinCatalog2012將處理所有這些!



2013 WinCatalog完全支援Unicode。無論在什麼樣的語系,你的檔案的命名模式。 它正確編目所有。

額外的聯繫經理和關鍵字經理,它有新的場地經理這有助於管理物理位置更容易。您可以加入所有的位置,「框1」或「2 CD包」,並在目錄中的位置,每一個項目關聯。這將有助於更快地找東西。

2013 WinCatalog具有標籤式介面,它可以同時讓你保持幾種不同的搜尋結果。


【文章標題】: (快速尋找檔案和資料工具)WinCatalog 2013 4.11
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
WinCatalog 2013 4.11

WinCatalog 2013 Makes Managing Huge Collections Much Easier. WinCatalog 2013 indexes discs, files and folders for finding files and data without having to reach for the original CD or DVD. Stop wasting time looking for a tune or movie stored on a hundred’s disc from your growing collection! Simply process your CDs and DVDs with WinCatalog once, and you’ll be able to find any file from the collection in a matter of seconds!

It operates with catalogs of any size
WinCatalog 2013 is database driven. It uses industry standard SQLite database engine in the core. This helps to operate with collections of any size. No matter how many discs or files are stored in your collection – WinCatalog 2012 will handle all of them!

It can store picture thumbnails in catalog
WinCatalog 2013 can create picture thumbnails for most popular image types (like jpeg, png, bmp and others) and store them inside the catalog. The thumbnail previews are available even without the link to the original files, so if you search for a photo or picture, you can preview it BEFORE reaching the disc!

Thumbnails for every item
The thumbnails preview picture can be associated with ANY item in the catalog (not only with picture files). For example you can create a catalog of a coin collection and every coin will have it’s own picture!

Full Unicode support
WinCatalog 2013 fully supports Unicode. No matter in what language your files are named. WinCatalog 2012 will correctly catalog all of them.

Location manager
In additional to Contact manager and Keyword manager WinCatalog 2013 has new Location manager which helps to manage physical locations easier. You can add all locations, say “box 1” or “cd wallet 2” and associate every item in the catalog with the location. This will help in finding things faster.

New professional user interface
WinCatalog 2013 has tabbed interface which allows you to keep several various search results simultaneously.

(快速尋找檔案和資料工具)WinCatalog 2013 4.11 | Homepage: wincatalog.com

(快速尋找檔案和資料工具)WinCatalog 2013 4.11 | Size: 8.8 MB


Advanced Encryption,的登入密碼提供私密性和安全性。
實際上不僅如此!進階加密包2013,可讓您加密/解密/切絲/ SFX的.exe/ zip檔案。

八大熱門的AEP PRO功能:

‧使用公共和私有密鑰(RSA算法)必要時。 AEP PRO支援!
‧加密檔案,但短信。 AEP PRO具有特殊的文字加密助理加密通過e-mail/ICQ重要的信件被傳送。
‧自動加密任務。 AEP PRO內含全功能的指令行實用程式來處理在一個批處理檔案。

【文章標題】: (進階加密工具)Advanced Encryption Package Professional 5.80
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Advanced Encryption Package Professional 5.80

While it is well known that letters can be intercepted and phone lines can be tapped, it is not so well known that even e-mails can be easily read. In fact it is commonly believed that the login password provides privacy and security. This is not actually so! Advanced Encryption Package 2013 lets you encrypt/decrypt/shred/make sfx .exe/zip files. This program was included into PCWorld's 5 top encryption tools of the year. This program has a nice and clean user-friendly interface and full ZIP files support.

Eight Top features of AEP PRO:

• Encrypt your sensitive files using 20 encryption algorithms including well-known AES 256 bit
• Securely delete your sensitive files using 20 wiping algorithms including Peter Gutmann algorithm and NATO Data Destruction Standard.
• Create self-decrypting versions of your files (password protected) to send them via email
• Use Public and Private encryption keys (RSA algorithm) when necessary. AEP PRO supports it!
• Keep all your encryption keys on USB Flash Drives. iPOD is also supported 🙂
• Encrypt not only files but text messages. AEP PRO has special Text Encryption Assistant to encrypt important messages being sent via e-mail/ICQ.
• Automate your encryption tasks. AEP PRO includes fully featured command line utility to process files in a batch.
• Simplicity of process

(進階加密工具)Advanced Encryption Package Professional 5.80| Homepage:: http://intercrypto.com/

(進階加密工具)Advanced Encryption Package Professional 5.80/ Size: 7 Mb



‧Microsoft PhotoDraw2000年1.0

【文章標題】: (修復魔法)Focus Magic 4.00 + R
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Focus Magic 4.00 + Rus

Focus Magic uses advanced forensic strength deconvolution technology to literally "undo" blur. It can repair both out-of-focus blur and motion blur (camera shake) in an image. It is the only software that can significantly recover lost detail from blurry images.

• Microsoft PhotoDraw 1.0, 2000
• Microsoft Picture It (Digital Image Pro) 7, 10
• PhotoImpact 6

(修復魔法)Focus Magic 4.00 + R: www.focusmagic.com

(修復魔法)Focus Magic 4.00 + R: 3.68 MB



任何人都可以掌握電影製作!創造一個藝術作品看起來很容易了,掌握Wondershare Fantashow Plus也許你已經得到了一個天才的朋友。
體會Wondershare Fantashow的創造力,你只需點擊幾下,你的想像力,你可以巧妙地安排您的照片和視訊,在短短幾分鐘講述一個動人的故事!任何相機或PC的視訊和照片格式,製作精美的作品!


【文章標題】: (電影製作)Wondershare Fantashow Plus
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Wondershare Fantashow Plus

Anyone Can Master Moviemaking! Maybe you’ve got a genius friend who makes creating a work of art look easy. Well, with Wondershare Fantashow, you’re that person! With just a few clicks and your imagination, you can artfully arrange your photos and video to tell a moving story in mere minutes! Works beautifully with video and photo formats from any camera or PC!

• Combine photos and video—into something amazing
• Blend templates, text and music
• Share instantly on DVD, YouTube—anywhere

(電影製作)Wondershare Fantashow Plus www.wondershare.com

(電影製作)Wondershare Fantashow Plus 36.00 MB



PCDJ DEX是為初學者和專業DJ設計的一台電腦混合的程式。
它具有強大的Recordcase容許您輕鬆匯入,混合,和搜尋您的MP3 ,OGG,WMA , FLAC, WAV檔案,未受保護的iTunes資料庫。
 DEX支援多個M3U候補,播放清單,或板條箱混搭軌道。 PCDJ DEX是所有你需要上手成為一個DJ !據我們瞭解,一個介面並不適合每一個人。
對於我們的老學校PCDJ使用者,你會愛上所包括的基本紅5.2皮膚!您甚至可以匯入你的老紅軍5.2 Recordcase !
對於我們的VRM使用者,我們現在的所有功能,期望由紅色的VRM加一些功能的FX VRM內含紅色VRM皮膚。

PCDJ DEX是一個DJ軟體,設計的應用程式,與搬移和心靈俱樂部騎師。專門為音訊混合,其先進的使用者介面擁抱新技術與老派的感覺。

PCDJ DEX天龍DJ的DN -S1200 , DN -HD2500 , DN – HC4500 , DN – HS5500 USB MIDI控制器使用進行了改善。隨著天龍DJ的傳奇的硬體和PCDJ的世界知名軟體,你每次的完美組合……。

每個甲板上有間距滑塊,可選取的範圍從+ + -100% ,您可以預先聽的歌曲,通過使用耳機的後部出你的3D聲卡,是第二塊聲卡,通過分裂-8%左,右聲道或通過使用ASIO驅動。

PCDJ DEX有一個非常先進的BPM檢驗,這將說明你同步軌道。這很容易設定提示點,並開始完全wher你想要的歌聲。

‧傳送MTC MIDI時鐘同步與其他專案(即DMX光顯示)
‧ smartlist的功能
‧播放MP3 , WMA, OGG , FLAC, WAV,或直接從CD
‧變更間距4種不同的範圍從+ / -8 %到+ / -100 %
‧變更音量,播放和暫停(瞬間啟動) (最長2ms與ASIO低延遲,用DirectSound到10ms )
‧編輯ID3v2標籤的MP3和OGG檔案的Ogg Vorbis標籤
‧玩家1聲卡1 ,玩家2聲卡2
‧ DirectSound的或ASIO輸出


【文章標題】: (DJ軟體)PCDJ DEX 2.6.4
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
PCDJ DEX 2.6.4

PCDJ DEX is a computer mixing program for both beginner and professional DJ’s. DEX has a powerful Recordcase that allows you to Import, Mix, and Search all of your mp3, ogg, wma, flac, wav files, unprotected iTunes Library easily. DEX supports multiple m3U waitlist, play-list, or crates of mix and match tracks. PCDJ DEX is all you need to get started and become a DJ! We understand that one interface is not for everyone. So DEX includes many Skins that give you a different Look, Feel, and Feature set depending on your style of mixing. For our old school PCDJ users, you’ll love the included basic Red 5.2 Skin! You can even import your old Red 5.2 Recordcase! For our VRM user’s, we now included a RED VRM Skin with all the features you have grown to love and expect from RED VRM plus some features of FX VRM. Like Bells and Whistles? Switch to the Advanced Dunks Dark Side Skin shown below, that is capable of 4 players, effects, and more…

PCDJ DEX is a DJ Software application that was designed with both Mobile’s and Club Jocks in mind. Exclusively for audio mixing, its advanced user interface embraces new technology with an old school feel. Use any midi controller on the market and you have an excellent hands-on mixing program that rivals features on today’s top CD players.

PCDJ DEX is optimized for use with Denon DJ’s DN-S1200, DN-HD2500, DN-HC4500, DN-HS5500 USB MIDI controllers. With Denon DJ’s legendary hardware and PCDJ’s world renowned software, you have the perfect mix….every time. With Denon DJ’s legendary hardware and PCDJ’s world renowned software, you have the perfect mix….every time.

Each deck has a pitch slider with a selectable range from +-8% up to +-100% You can pre-listen to the song using headphones through the rear-out of your 3d-soundcard, with a second sound card, by splitting left and right channels or by using ASIO drivers.

PCDJ DEX has a very advanced BPM detection that will help you synchronize your tracks. It’s very easy to set a cue-point and start your song exactly wher you want. Beat-matching two tracks is also made easier by using the virtual record to speed a song up or down.

• NEW- Supports iTunes Tags
• Track rating column
• Send MTC Midi Clock for synchronizing with other programs (i.e. DMX Light-shows)
• Monkey’s Audio file format now supported
• Playlist repeat option added
• Beat-grid added (only available in FX skin right now)
• Support for New KARAOKI plug-in
• Audio Engine Upgrade
• Smartlist functionality
• Play mp3, wma, ogg, flac, wav, or directly from a CD
• Change pitch with 4 different ranges from +/-8% to +/-100%
• Change volume, play and pause (instant-start) with low latency (up to 2ms with ASIO, up to 10ms with DirectSound)
• Edit ID3v2 tags for mp3’s and the ogg vorbis tag for ogg files
• Fast and accurate automatic BPM detection
• Pre-Listening
• Through Soundcard rear-out
• Through Left/Right splitter or
• Through Second Soundcard
• Mix on an external mixer
• Player 1 to Front Out, Player 2 to Rear Out or
• Player 1 to Soundcard 1, Player 2 to Soundcard 2
• DirectSound or ASIO output
• Spectrum analyzer, stereo VU Meter
• Configurable song break and startup speed for turntable-like effects

(DJ軟體)PCDJ DEX 2.6.4 | Home Page http://pcdj.com/index.php/products/dj-software/pcdj-dex/

(DJ軟體)PCDJ DEX 2.6.4| Size 18.3 MB



該專案是建立在引入Microsoft Outlook的介面選項。它內含從Outlook匯入,匯出到Outlook,文字,HTML,XML,Excel和PDF格式。

這是他們 – 神話。大多數哥特式社區內,不僅在生活中,看到美女也死亡。我們的工作基礎上,神秘而浪漫的圖案。

【文章標題】: (內定軟體黑暗日曆)Binary House Software Dark Calendar v2.0
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Binary House Software Dark Calendar v2.0

Elder goths know the difference between cool and wannabe, therefore you dont have to be depressed with our software. It also allows you, being unconventional at heart, to be more productive in your own dark gothic way, because society will ultimately confine you. Use the Dark Calendar to schedule anything you want. This modern and extremely handy program makes schedule management a real pleasure. The program is built upon the interface options introduced in Microsoft Outlook. It includes importing from Outlook, exporting to Outlook, text, HTML, XML, Excel and PDF formats. With Dark Calendar, you can use e-mail or SMS to send appointments and reminders to friends. You can format the calendar according to your regional settings. It provides many types of views: Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year, All Days or Work Days only and vertical, horizontal timeline views. Also Print Designer system enables to you to design and print elegant reports. Access to all data is provided through a well encrypted password. Dark Calendar is a software that makes the best Halloween gift.

A calendar for people who like the gothic subculture. A complete scheduling system for your events. Whether you consider yourself a Goth or just find the Dark style appealing, you are sure to find something you like. The program begins with an aesthetic that contradicts the traditional standard of beauty. There are many myths that Gothics are obsessed with death, are depressed, suicidal, and want to cause bodily harm to themselves or those around them. That is all they are – myths. Most within the Gothic community see the beauty not only in life, but also in death. Our work is based on mystic and romantic motifs.

(內定軟體黑暗日曆)Binary House Software Dark Calendar v2.0 /

Homepage: http://www.binaryhouse.com/darkcalendar.html

(內定軟體黑暗日曆)Binary House Software Dark Calendar v2.0:

Windows XP and Windows Vista/7/8

(內定軟體黑暗日曆)Binary House Software Dark Calendar v2.0 / Size: 28.01 Mb




Jutoh是寫在C + +中運行,以便以最快的速度 – 沒有令人沮喪的延遲問題。


由於Jutoh的配置,你可以描述你的書的版本之間的差異 – 不同的封面,不同的標題頁,不同的格式 – 所有,而無需單獨的項目。只需選取一個不同的配置,然後點選編譯。這是無價的,當你使用不同的站台略有不同的要求分發電子書。

Jutoh安裝Adobe EpubCheck和EpubPreflight檢查程式,讓您可以輕鬆地檢查EPUB書就可能產生與特定的讀者,內定錯誤或問題。查驗是在Jutoh運行,所以你不必呼叫自己的應用程式。

從一系列格式Jutoh輸入。使用諸如OpenOffice.org或為OpenDocument外掛程式為Microsoft Word的應用程式,您現有的字處理器檔案可以匯入到Jutoh儲存在ODT(開放文件格式)。也可以匯入純文字或HTML,或現有的EPUB電子書。


你需要檢查你的書看起來好各種電子書平台。 Jutoh可以讓你加入瀏覽器的應用程式,因此您可以輕鬆地選取所需的電子書閱讀器用於檢視生成的書。













【文章標題】:(封面編輯器)Anthemion Software Jutoh 2.17
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Anthemion Software Jutoh 2.17

Jutoh makes it easy to create ebooks in popular formats that you can sell on many ebook sites. Create your project in seconds from existing files using the New Project Wizard; or create your book from scratch using the built-in styled text editor. Select a book cover design from Jutoh's template, or create your own cover design with the built-in cover editor.

Jutoh Benefits:
Fast to import your existing content, whether in text, HTML, or OpenDocument.
Fast to create your Epub, Mobipocket or other format.
Fast to edit content and switch between variations of your ebooks.
Jutoh is written in C++ so runs at top speed – no frustrating delays.

Multi-platform design
Jutoh runs on Windows, Mac, Linux and various other Unix-based systems, and you can easily copy your files between machines of different kinds. One licence can be used on multiple operating systems simultaneously; and rest assured that if you buy a different kind of desktop or laptop, you don't have to leave your way of working behind and buy new software.

Create ebook variations rapidly
Thanks to Jutoh's configurations, you can describe differences between versions of your book – a different cover, a different title page, different formatting – all without needing separate projects. Just select a different configuration and click Compile. This is invaluable when you are distributing ebooks using different sites with slightly different requirements.

Ebook checking gives you confidence
Jutoh installs Adobe's EpubCheck and EpubPreflight checker programs, so you can easily check your Epub book for internal errors or problems that might arise with specific readers. The checkers are run within Jutoh, so you don't have to mess about with invoking the applications yourself.

HTML, text, ODT, and Epub import
Jutoh imports from a range of formats. Using an application such as OpenOffice.org or the OpenDocument plugin for Microsoft Word, your existing word processor files can be saved in ODT (Open Document Format) for import into Jutoh. Or you can import from plain text or HTML, or an existing Epub ebook.

'Configurations' allow extensive customisation
Jutoh's configuration facility allows you to define a version of your book that has its own cover, style sheet, and even variations in content (such as a title page with text specific to a web site or publisher).

Configurable ebook launching
You need to check that your book looks good on a variety of ebook platforms. Jutoh lets you add viewer applications so you can easily choose the desired ebook reader for viewing your generated book.

Spelling checker
Check for typos with the built-in spellchecker, available in a number of languages.

Keyboard shortcuts for high-speed editing
Use keyboard shortcuts to make editing your projects fast and natural.

Online Manual
The comprehensive online manual documents all aspects of Jutoh.

Help window
The help window allows you to browse Jutoh manuals from within Jutoh, side-by-side with your work. You can maximize it to take up the whole window while reading a topic, or unpin it to show it in a window of its own.

Scraps facility
You can keep your research and random ideas: notes, pictures, and document and web links. On Windows, use auto-paste to quickly paste scraps by copying text, graphics or web links twice in succession in any other application.

Access to tools and applications is available via the Jutoh Desktop. You can customize the desktop look, add your favourite applications and documents, and create text and picture notes. You can even create a rolling slideshow of pictures to inspire you.

USB memory key support
Jutoh has superb support for external drives, such as USB memory keys. You can use an external drive for your documents and for all your Jutoh preferences, and you can even install Jutoh entirely onto the drive for complete portability. You can then switch between different machines and operating systems, taking all your documents and settings with you.

Backup Facility
The File Manager tool gives you an easy way to back up your precious files, without resorting to an additional tool. Specify File Sets that include all files of a given type, and create a backup with just a few clicks. You can also easily restore files from a backup archive.

A global search tool helps you search all your open documents, allowing you to see all the search results in a list and step through them.

Shows your image and collage scraps in succession, in a window or full-screen.

Specify notebook and journal font styles and sizes; and brighten up window backgrounds with the supplied textures, or your own.

(封面編輯器)Anthemion Software Jutoh 2.17 | Home Page www.jutoh.com

(封面編輯器)Anthemion Software Jutoh 2.17 / Size: 24.6 MB



Multi-Page TIFF Editor進行檢視,編輯,建立和轉換多頁TIFF檔案的完整解決專案。該程式可用於檢視或編輯掃瞄的文件(傳真,商業檔案等)非常有用 – 它是一個絕對必要的工具,以TIFF格式的文件。這個程式容許插入,編輯,提取或刪除TIFF文件的頁面。此外,您可以建立,編輯或刪除註解(以文字形式的筆記,高亮顯示區功能變數等)的多頁TIFF文件的任何頁面上。註釋(註釋) – 可以用密碼保護,這樣就可以使它們只能在特定數量的使用者可見。


– 為了提高檔案讀取(特別是大型TIFF檔案)的速度,這個程式使用「並行」(「多執行緒」)頁面閱讀使用多個資料 – 它同時可加載多個頁面。
– 它可以快速開啟大型檔案 – 無法讀取它們的,許多替代專案。
– 這個程式容許你建立從通常的圖形檔案(BMP,JPEG,TIFF等),或從掃瞄器新的多頁TIFF檔案。
– 加入或刪除頁面。
– 改變頁面順序。
– 每一頁(或一組頁)可以調整大小,旋轉,裁剪。
– 每個頁面可以被編輯以內建或是外置的BMP編輯。
– 拖曳和拖放可用於重新排序現用的文件中的網頁或搬移檔案的頁面。
– 新的頁面可以從另一個圖形檔案插入,從掃瞄器或從剪貼簿。
– 多頁的TIFF檔案的每一頁(或一組頁)可以被萃取到一組一頁檔案(BMP,JPEG,TIFF,PDF等),以及對單個多頁的TIFF或PDF檔案。
– 該程式容許你合併多個圖形檔案成一個單一的多頁檔案。
– 它可以附加在現用的檔案到另一個TIFF檔案頁面。
– 一個多頁TIFF檔案可以轉換為PDF(使用Adobe Acrobat)和EPS中(PostScript)。
– 王(柯達影像)註釋進行讀取和寫入的支援。您可以輕鬆地加入註釋對象,如文字,高光區功能變數,彩盒,寫意的言論,甚至點陣圖到你的多頁TIFF文件的每一頁。
– 這個計劃的一個特點是,註釋可以用密碼進行保護。密碼保護的註釋不能被顯示在任何其它軟體。
– OCR(光學字元識別)工具。
– 從圖像OCR條碼識別。目前支援的條碼類型有:EAN/ UPC(EAN-13,EAN-8,UPC-A,UPC-E,ISBN-10,ISBN-13),128碼,39碼和5交錯2。
– 批次圖章工具 – 它使插入預定義的圖像或註釋(郵票)到選取的頁面(S)。
– 靜默安裝選項 – 它可以用於網路安裝。
– 選取網頁或整個檔案可以通過e-mail使用傳送內建的SMTP用戶端或Microsoft Outlook。


【文章標題】: (多頁TIFF編輯器)Adeo Multi-Page TIFF Editor
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Adeo Multi-Page TIFF Editor

Multi-Page TIFF Editor is a complete solution for viewing, editing, creating and converting multi-page TIFF files. This program can be useful for viewing or editing scanned documents (faxes, business papers etc.) – it is an absolutely necessary tool to work with documents in TIFF format. This program allows to insert, edit, extract or remove pages of TIFF document. Plus, you can create, edit or delete annotations (notes in the form of text, highlighted areas etc.) on any page of your multipage TIFF document. Annotations (notes) – can be protected with password so that you can make them visible only for a certain number of users.

The main features of Multi-Page TIFF Editor:
– To increase the speed of file reading (especially for large TIFF files), this program uses "parallel" ("multi-thread") page reading using several streams – it loads several pages at the same time.
– It opens large files quickly – many of the alternative programs can not read them at all.
– This program allows you to create new multi-page TIFF files from usual graphic files (BMP, JPEG, TIFF etc.) or from scanner.
– Adding or removing pages.
– Changing page order.
– Each page (or group of pages) can be resized, rotated and cropped.
– Each page can be edited with built-in or external BMP editor.
– Drag-and-Drop can be used to reorder pages in the current document or to move pages between documents.
– New pages can be inserted from another graphics file, from a scanner or from the clipboard.
– Each page (or group of pages) of a multi-page TIFF file can be extracted into a set of single-pages files (BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PDF etc…) as well as to single multipage TIFF or PDF file.
– The program allows you to merge several graphic files into a single multipage file.
– It can append pages from the current file to another TIFF file.
– A multipage TIFF file can be converted to PDF (Adobe Acrobat) or EPS (PostScript).
– Wang (Kodak Imaging) annotations are supported for reading and writing. You can easily add annotation objects such as text, highlight areas, color boxes, freehand remarks and even bitmaps to each page of your multipage TIFF document.
– A unique feature of this program is that annotations can be protected with password. Password-protected annotations cannot be displayed in any other software.
– OCR (Optical character recognition) tool.
– OCR barcode recognition from images. Currently supported symbologies are: EAN/UPC (EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A, UPC-E, ISBN-10, ISBN-13), Code 128, Code 39 and Interleaved 2 of 5.
– Batch Stamp Tool – it enables to insert pre-defined images or annotations (stamps) onto selected page(s).
– Silent setup option – it can be used for network installation.
– Selected page(s) or whole file can be sent by e-mail using built-in SMTP client or Microsoft Outlook.

(多頁TIFF編輯器)Adeo Multi-Page TIFF Editor | Home Page: www.yukudr.com

(多頁TIFF編輯器)Adeo Multi-Page TIFF Editor | Size: 22.2 MB

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7


我們的GUI指令處理器,與其他本地GUI程式在桌面上運行相同的外觀和感覺。你就好像得到最好的兩個世界 – 真正的指令行功率,並且能夠使用熟悉的圖形和使用者介面來編寫處理檔案。

指揮是相容現有的Windows指令提示符的指令和CMD批處理檔案,同時加入了數以千計的新功能。 (並採取指令運行CMD處理檔案比CMD快!)
20-200%的速度比標準的CMD指令提示符顯示輸出速度快 。
使用者介面是在英語,法語,德語,意大利語,俄語和西班牙語。 (線上說明目前只有英文版本。)

腳本語系的CMD指令提示符的指令,是一個巨大的超182的內定指令,290的內定功能,以及177系統變量。幾乎所有的CMD指令提示符的指令(如DIR,COPY,DEL,DIR,START等)增強了數以百計的附加選項,增加了140多個新的指令。以指令通常可以在一或兩行,數十名在Windows CMD指令行(如果它能夠做到這一點的話)。
指定多個檔名,檔案處理指令提示符的指令(即,COPY,DEL,DIR,MOVE,等)。 (COPY甚至支援多個目的,以及多個來源。)
腳本語系內含了一套完整的流程控制結構,內含IF-THEN-ELSE,DO FOR迴圈開關,子程式,批次庫等。
建立整合的圖形IDE和除錯你的批處理腳本。 IDE內含標籤編輯視窗和先進的除錯,單步,斷點,語法著色,工具提示,書籤,標籤變量和手錶視窗。 Windows批處理檔案寫程式從未如此簡單或更強大的!
展開你的腳本,與內定支援Perl中,紅寶石,REXX,Python和Tcl / Tk的,任何Active腳本語系。你甚至可以在批處理腳本結合多種語系。

【文章標題】: (指令處理器)Take Command 15.01.45 (x86/x64)
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Take Command 15.01.45 (x86/x64)

Take Command, our GUI command processor, runs on the desktop with the same look and feel as other native GUI programs. You get the best of both worlds — real command line power, and the ability to write batch files using a familiar GUI.

Take Command combines the power of the command line with the ease of use of Explorer. You can manipulate files in the tabbed command prompt windows and graphically see the results.
Take Command is compatible with your existing Windows command prompt commands and CMD batch files, while adding thousands of new features. (And Take Command runs your CMD batch files faster than CMD!)
The integrated and familiar environment means you are immediately more productive with your interactive command prompt and batch file programming tasks.
The consistent command prompt commands syntax reduces your learning and development time.
The comprehensive help (including context-sensitive popup help for command line commands syntax), speeds your development time and reduces syntax errors.
Create and debug your batch scripts in a fraction of the time with the integrated editor and batch file debugger.
It's fast – 20-200% faster at displaying output than the standard CMD command prompt.
Take Command is fully customizable, including multiple themes, colors, menus, toolbars, and windows.
You can redefine your commands through aliasing, create new commands and functions for your regular tasks, and assign frequently used commands to a single keystroke.
The user interface is available in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. (Online help is currently in English only.)

You can run multiple command prompts and GUI applications simultaneously in tabbed windows, including our own Take Command Console (TCC), CMD, bash and PowerShell.
The integrated file explorer allows you to examine directories and drag and drop files to the tabbed command prompt windows.
The programmable tabbed toolbar lets you create up to 20 tabs with up to 50 toolbar buttons on each. Toolbar buttons can start new tabs or windows, or send commands or text to existing tabs.
The TCC scripting language is a massive superset of the CMD command prompt commands, with 182 internal commands, 290 internal functions, and 177 system variables. Almost all of the CMD command prompt commands (e.g. DIR, COPY, DEL, DIR, START, etc.) are enhanced with hundreds of additional options, and TCC adds more than 140 new commands. Take Command can usually do in one or two lines what requires dozens of lines in Windows CMD commands (if it can do it at all).
Most interactive commands (such as COPY, DIR, DEL, MOVE, etc.) have command dialogs that allow you to select filenames and options and see your command line before executing it. The most powerful Windows command processor is also the easiest to use!
Take Command includes the best text and binary file viewer available for Windows, including bidirectional scrolling, hex listings, fixed and floating rulers, grid lines, extensive searching and printing features, and much more.
Select or exclude files by date, time, size, owner, description, and extended wildcards or regular expressions for extraordinary flexibility in file management.
Specify multiple filenames for most file processing command prompt commands (i.e., COPY, DEL, DIR, MOVE, etc.). (COPY even supports multiple targets as well as multiple sources.)
The scripting language includes a complete set of flow control structures including IF-Then-Else, DO and FOR loops, SWITCH, subroutines, batch libraries, etc.
Create and debug your batch scripts with the integrated graphical IDE. The IDE includes tabbed edit windows and a sophisticated debugger with single stepping, breakpoints, syntax coloring, tooltips, bookmarks, tabbed variable and watch windows. Windows batch file programming has never been easier or more powerful!
The built-in screen scrollback buffer lets you review or print command line output from past commands, and find text in any tabbed window.
You have multiple types of redirection, including redirecting and piping to STDERR, "here-document" and "here-string" redirection, and TEE and Y pipe fittings.
Browse command line and directory history, filename and directory completion, and use numerous cut and paste options (even with Windows command line applications that have no internal cut and paste support) with the advanced line editor.
Customize filename completion for any internal or external command or alias. This allows Take Command to intelligently select and display filenames based on the command line you are entering.
The optional command prompt input window (with full undo/redo) allows you to create and edit commands before sending them to the active tabbed command line windows.
Send keystrokes to tabbed windows, command prompt windows, or GUI windows .
Find any directory on your system by entering only part of its name with extended directory searches.
You can access FTP, TFTP and HTTP (including SSL and SSH) directories and files in all command line file-handling commands (COPY, DEL, MOVE, etc.).
Send SMTP, SMPP, and SNPP messages from your batch files or the command line.
Take Command includes internal compression and extraction commands and variables for GZIP, TAR, and ZIP files.
Monitor your system's hardware and software events, and execute commands when an event is triggered. You can monitor the clipboard, directory changes event logs, network connections, processes, services, and USB and Firewire connections.
Easily query the WMI (Windows Management Interface) to retrieve system configuration information.
Expand your scripts with the internal support for Perl, Ruby, REXX, Python, Tcl/tk, and any Active Scripting language. You can even combine multiple languages in your batch scripts.
Create your own variables or commands with plugins, or use one of the many third-party plugin libraries.
And many thousands more — see our online help for all the details.

(指令處理器)Take Command 15.01.45 (x86/x64) | Home Page: jpsoft.com

(指令處理器)Take Command 15.01.45 (x86/x64): 14.85 / 15.74 MB



OpenCloner Stream-Cloner是一個全功能於一身的領先功能,強大速度又快的下載器。它可以讓你在網上下載電影,電視節目,閃光燈和捕獲視訊流/音訊。隨著OpenCloner Stream-Clone,下載的線上電影和捕獲視訊流/音訊可以轉換各種視訊和音訊格式自由地享受在時尚各種媒體裝置。下載的線上電影和捕獲視訊流/音訊可以被儲存並在電腦上直接播放。所捕獲的視訊流/音訊被容許根據個人喜好,如設定視訊的參數和音訊檔案以及快速鍵進行編輯。有了這個易於使用的工具,即使是新手也可以通過使用Express介面,只要一點擊完成所需的媒體視訊下載和捕捉。





轉換下載的線上電影和流媒體捕捉視訊/音訊到各種視訊格式如AVI , MKV , MP4,MOV, 3GP , ASF,WMV , MPG , TS , VOB , FLV , SWF和音訊格式,如MP3 , MP2 , AC3 , OGG , AAC,M4A , WMA,WAV , AIFF ,AU等享受上流行的媒體裝置。

支援各種視訊網站如YouTube , IMDB , Blip.tv ,或是Vimeo , Video.google , Movieweb , Video.yahoo 1,等下載。
支援所有的視訊網站內含Netflix , iTunes中,紅盒子1,等捕獲。
開始未完成的任務( S)流 – 複製成影像檔開始時。


【文章標題】:(下載器)OpenCloner Stream-Cloner 2.20
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
OpenCloner Stream-Cloner 2.20

Stream-Cloner is an all-in-one leading stream downloader with powerful functions and fast speed. It allows you to download online movies, TV shows, flash and capture streaming video/audio whenever you want from the Internet. With Stream-Cloner, the downloaded online movies and captured streaming video/audio can be converted to various video and audio formats for freely enjoying on various media devices in fashion. The downloaded online movies and captured streaming video/audio can be saved and played back directly on your PC. The captured streaming video/audio is allowed to be edited according to individual preferences such as setting the parameters of video and audio files as well as the hot keys. With this easy-to-use tool, even a novice can accomplish the desired streaming video download and capture by using the Express interface with only one click.


Download Movies
Downloads online movies, streaming video, online flash and interactive VOD.
Always selects the video with the maximum size after analysis.
With only one click, you can download online movies by the express interface.

Capture Movies
Captures anything playing on your PC whenever you want.
Drags a region for capture manually
Picks an object for capture automatically
With only one click, you can capture streaming video/audio by the express interface.

Manage the files
Converts the downloaded online movies and captured streaming video/audio to various video formats such as AVI, MKV, MP4, MOV, 3GP, ASF, WMV, MPG, TS, VOB, FLV, SWF and audio formats such as MP3, MP2, AC3, OGG, AAC, M4A, WMA, WAV, AIFF, AU, etc for enjoying on popular media devices.
Adjusts the parameters of the downloaded or captured movies.
Plays the downloaded online movies and captured streaming video/audio directly.
Converts and plays multiple tasks simultaneously

Other features
The Express interface is for novices to download and capture streaming video with only one click, and the Main interface is for advanced users to customize their downloaded and captured streaming video.
Supports various video websites such as Youtube, IMDB, Blip.tv, Vimeo, Video.google, Movieweb, Video.yahoo¹, etc for download.
Supports all video websites including Netflix, iTunes, Redbox¹, etc for capture.
Plays sound when the download is completed.
Begins the unfinished task(s) when Stream-Cloner starts.

(下載器)OpenCloner Stream-Cloner 2.20 | Homepage: www.stream-cloner.com

(下載器)OpenCloner Stream-Cloner 2.20 | Size: 17.1 MB


DrawPlus 5233提供了完整的繪圖和編輯體驗。簡單的向量繪圖工具可以讓您建立自訂線條,形狀和曲線,用先進的工具進行有針對性的繪圖,合併和混合。而且由於最終的圖像是一個向量繪圖,你可以很容易地重新調整的藝術品,而不會失去質量。 DrawPlus 5233帶給您的設計夢想的生活與複雜的形狀,彩色和效果。有繪製圓弧和三角形加一個新的樣板索引片提供了多種選取的現成的模板,非常適合在所有的設計中增加影響的新工具。


放在一起非常好看的圖畫和藝術品是只有一半的樂趣; DrawPlus 5233還提供了各種創造性的模式來把你的想法生活。它是如此容易看到你的圖紙在令人驚嘆的3D與即時的3D工具,適用於照明和表面效應,創造醒目的文件和標誌與藝術文字和框架。如需詳細的技術圖紙,連線器工具和透視平面讓您自由建立流程圖,縮放地板佈局和軸測圖。







作為一個完整的設計專案, DrawPlus 5233可以很容易地在您的圖紙或影像計劃,提高他們的專業品質的效果。全面的PhotoLab ,切割和自動追蹤工作室讓你增強圖像,進行準確的照片切口,並立即把照片轉換成向量插圖。

應用非破壞性的調整,銳化你的圖片加消除紅眼和瑕疵 – 沒有必要切換到一個單獨的照片編輯器! DrawPlus支援多種檔案類型,如JPEG,PNG和GIF以及使用Adobe R PhotoshopR中的檔案。


DrawPlus 5233內含多種選取的水彩,粉彩,木炭等逼真的畫筆。照片質量的噴霧畫筆容許你加入油漆提示圖示,閃爍,鮮花,還有更多的裝飾效果。



給你的網站有醒目的網頁圖形和動畫專業的觸摸 -在於DrawPlus 5233 輕鬆建立 。建立與被內嵌HTML和Flash廣告,將立即抓住你的訪問者的注意力翻轉圖形像素完美的網頁按鈕。

要創造出高品質的動畫,甚至電影?使用關鍵幀或停止幀的方法來捕捉搬移的幀。讓你滿意你的動畫, DrawPlus 5233可以很容易地將其匯出為SWF , MOV,AVI或WMV視訊檔案。


DrawPlus 5233有一個內建的出口改善器,無論您選取,展示您的設計支援超過18匯出檔案格式,這意味著你達到最高品質的輸出。

希望得到您的藝術品專業印刷? PDF匯入,編輯和輸出意味著你可以準備你的作品,並將它隨時可以走在幾分鐘內!

DrawPlus 5233支援PDF/X1 , 1a and,for the first time, PDF/X-3 :通過一些專業的印表機所需的檔案類型。

編輯現有文件:開啟和編輯現有的PDF ,EPS, SVG和AutoCAD檔案。

【文章標題】: (繪圖和編輯工具)Serif DrawPlus X6
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Serif DrawPlus X6

DrawPlus X6 offers the complete drawing and editing experience. Simple vector drawing tools help you create custom lines, shapes and curves, with advanced tools for targeted drawing, merging and blending. And because the final image is a vector drawing, you can easily rescale artwork without losing quality. DrawPlus X6 brings your design visions to life with intricate shapes, colours and effects. There are new tools for drawing arcs and triangles plus a new Stencils Tab offering a wide selection of ready-made templates that are perfect for adding impact across all your designs.

Bring your designs to life

Putting together great looking drawings and artwork is only half the fun; DrawPlus X6 also offers a variety of creative ways to bring your ideas to life. It’s so easy to see your drawings in stunning 3D with the Instant 3D tool, apply lighting and surface effects and create eye-catching documents and logos with artistic text and frames. For more technical drawings, connector tools and perspective planes give you the freedom to create flowcharts, scaled floor layouts and isometric drawings.

Want your text to stand out? No problem. Experiment with classic filter effects like outline or drop shadow and, for the first time, set text to flow around objects.

Achieve professional looking results

Easy-to-use features help you achieve precise results. Whether you’re drawing, painting, tracing or editing, accurate colour management options, that support CMYK and RGB documents, ensure you’ll achieve colour consistency across all the media you design for.

Build up designs with layers that you can edit individually, apply non-destructible Graphic Styles, that won’t permanently change your original work, and use the special multi-level Solo Mode to isolate and work on specific elements of the same image.

Plus there are creative options like Blend Modes; which allow you to control how objects interact and the new Palette Creator, which automatically generates a palette of colours from an image.

Develop your photo editing skills

As a complete design package, DrawPlus X6 makes it easy to include images in your drawings or plans and improve them with professional-quality effects. The comprehensive PhotoLab, Cutout and AutoTrace studios allow you to enhance images, perform accurate photo cut-outs and instantly turn photos into vector artwork.

Apply non-destructive adjustments to sharpen up your images plus remove red eye and blemishes – there’s no need to switch to a separate photo editor! DrawPlus supports multiple files types such as JPEG, PNG and GIF as well as Adobe® Photoshop® files.

Authentic painting techniques

DrawPlus X6 includes a wide selection of watercolour, pastel, charcoal and other realistic-looking brushes. Photo-quality spray brushes allow you to add paint splats, glitter, flowers and many more decorative effects.

Plus with support for graphics tablets and a built-in Pressure Studio for controlling the sensitivity of brush strokes, your digital art skills will feel more realistic.

Striking web graphics and animations

Give your websites that professional touch with striking web graphics and animations – easy to create in DrawPlus X6. Create pixel-perfect web buttons with rollover graphics that are HTML embedded as well as Flash banners that will instantly grab the attention of your visitors.

Want to create high quality animations or even movies? Use keyframe or stop frame methods to capture movement frame-by-frame. When you’re happy with your animation, DrawPlus X6 makes it easy to export it as a SWF, MOV, AVI or WMV video file.

Share your designs and artwork

DrawPlus X6 has a built-in export optimiser and supports over 18 export file formats meaning you achieve the highest-quality output however you choose to showcase your designs.

Want to get your artwork professionally printed? PDF import, editing and export means you can prepare your artwork and have it ready-to-go in minutes!

DrawPlus X6 supports PDF/X1, 1a and, for the first time, PDF/X-3: a file type required by some professional printers.

Drawing software that’s so easy-to-use
Quick starter: Get started with a wide range of templates for posters and greeting cards.
Ignite your creativity: Over 4000 ready-made pieces of vector art and sample designs to get you started.
So easy-to-use: Enjoy a quick and simple interface and customisable tabs to suit the way you work.
Faster than ever: Native support for 32 and 64-bit computers gives you the fastest design experience yet.
Edit existing documents: Open and edit existing PDFs, EPS, SVG and AutoCad files.

(繪圖和編輯工具)Serif DrawPlus X6 | Home Page: www.serif.com

(繪圖和編輯工具)Serif DrawPlus X6 | Size: 601.72 MB

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8


MedCalc是最使用者友好的軟體受試者操作特性曲線( ROC曲線)分析。該軟體還內含柔和和奧特曼的情節,通過和Bablok和戴明回歸的方法的比較研究。


匯入Excel時,Excel 2007中, SPSS ,質資料庫和Lotus檔案,並在SYLK , DIF或純文字格式的檔案。
PDF格式的手冊(去下載區) 。
在曲線(AUC )與標準誤,95 %可信區間, P值下的面積。提供德隆等人的方法之間的選取。 (1988)和漢利和麥克尼爾( 1982 ,1983)。
ROC曲線圖, 95%的置信區間。
ROC曲線下面積,標準誤差, 95%置信區間和P值之間的差異:高達6 ROC曲線比較。
轉到MedCalc中手冊的有關ROC曲線分析在MedCalc中的詳細訊息, ROC曲線分析部分。



電腦與Windows 2000 , Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista或Windows 7 ( 32位和64位版本) 。
512 MB的記憶體。
20 MB的可用空間在硬碟上。


【文章標題】: (統計程式)MedCalc
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!

MedCalc is a complete statistical program for Windows designed to closely match the requirements of biomedical researchers. It is fast, user-friendly and reliable.
MedCalc is the most user-friendly software for Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (ROC curves) analysis. The software also includes Bland & Altman plot, Passing and Bablok and Deming regression for method comparison studies.

MedCalc for Windows description

Data management
Integrated spreadsheet with 16384 columns and up to 100000 rows.
Correct handling of missing data.
Outliers can easily be excluded.
Built-in WYSIWYG text editor.
Imports Excel, Excel 2007, SPSS, DBase and Lotus files, and files in SYLK, DIF or plain text format.
Easy selection of subgroups for statistical analysis.
Comprehensive help file.
Manual in PDF format (go to download area).
Complete HTML manual on MedCalc web site.
Context help in dialog boxes.
ROC curve analysis
Area under the curve (AUC) with standard error, 95% confidence interval, P-value. Offers choice between methodology of DeLong et al. (1988) and Hanley & McNeil (1982, 1983).
List of sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, and positive and negative predictive values for all possible threshold values.
ROC curve graph with 95% Confidence Bounds.
Threshold values can be selected in an interactive dot diagram with automatic calculation of corresponding sensitivity and specificity.
Plot of sensitivity and specificity versus criterion values.
Interval likelihood ratios.
Comparison of up to 6 ROC curves: difference between the areas under the ROC curves, with standard error, 95% confidence interval and P-value.
Sample size calculation for area under ROC curve and comparison of ROC curves.
Go to the ROC curve analysis section of the MedCalc manual for more information on ROC curve analysis in MedCalc.
Lots of graphs, see Graph gallery.
Data point identification in graphs.
Draw text boxes, lines, arrows and connectors.
Name, save and recall graphs and statistics.
Statistical info in graph windows.

System requirements
PC with Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista or Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit versions).
512 Mb of memory.
20 Mb free space on the hard disk.

(統計程式)MedCalc | Homepage: http://www.medcalc.org

(統計程式)MedCalc | Size: 16.1 MB / 17.1 MB





– 確保在加密存儲的密碼和個人數據
– 生成隨機的,幾乎是不可能破解強密碼
– 虛擬鍵盤使用鼠標點擊,而不是可追溯擊鍵
– 非常方便,你要記住只有一個主密碼
– 自動完成登錄和長長的網頁形式
– 便攜式版本,可以保存到閃存驅動器和安全使用多台電腦上


卡巴斯基密碼管理器會自動填充登錄名和密碼。它支持主流瀏覽器包括Internet Explorer,Firefox和Windows應用程序。
所以你再也不用記住您的用戶名和相關密碼 – 只有一個主密碼。







【文章標題】: (密碼管理器)Kaspersky Password Manager
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Kaspersky Password Manager

Kaspersky Password Manager is an indispensable tool for the active Internet user. It fully automates the process of entering passwords and other data into websites and saves the user going to the trouble of creating and remembering multiple passwords.

When you use Kaspersky Password Manager to log in, you can rest assured that your data is safe. The software creates exceptionally strong passwords and prevents your login information from being stolen. All confidential data is encrypted and kept in a dedicated database on your computer.

Kaspersky Password Manager makes your web experience safer, quicker and more convenient.  
 Phrase Expert

Key Features
– Secures passwords and personal data in an encrypted vault
– Generates random, strong passwords that are nearly impossible to crack
– Virtual Keyboard uses mouse-clicks instead of traceable key strokes
– Extremely convenient with only one master password for you to remember
– Automatically completes log-ins and long web forms
– Portable version can be saved to a flash drive and safely used on multiple PCs

Secure storage of passwords and personal data
Kaspersky Password Manager securely stores your passwords and personal data in an encrypted vault on your computer. The vault can only be accessed by a master password or other authentication method that you define, ensuring that your passwords are always safe.

Easy website log-in
Kaspersky Password Manager fills logins and passwords automatically. It supports major browsers, including Internet Explorer and Firefox, and Windows applications. So you no longer have to remember all of your usernames and their associated passwords – just one master password.

A choice of authentication methods
Kaspersky Password Manager helps you control access to your password vault with a master password, or by using a flash drive or Bluetooth device, such as your mobile phone. Simply configure your password vault so that it is only available when your mobile phone is connected to your computer via Bluetooth. If you leave your computer and take your phone with you, the vault will lock automatically.

Generation of random, strong passwords
The security of your data depends directly on the strength of your passwords. And many people use similar, if not identical, passwords for multiple accounts, leaving you vulnerable if a single password is cracked. Kaspersky Password Manager can generate random, strong passwords for you that are extremely difficult to crack.

Automatic completion of lengthy forms
Websites often ask you to enter your personal information, such as your full name, date of birth, gender, email address, mailing address and phone number. Kaspersky Password Manager helps you save time by automatically entering this information for you.

Effective protection against keyloggers
A keylogger is a malicious program that can track keystrokes on your computer to illegally capture personal data, such as passwords. Since Kaspersky Password Manager enters passwords without actually using the keyboard, your passwords are protected. And with the Virtual Keyboard feature, you don't even need to use keystrokes to enter your master password.

Protection from phishing attacks
Phishing is a type of hostile activity whereby you're invited to visit a phony, but authentic-looking website in the hopes that you'll divulge account information. Kaspersky Password Manager effectively counters phishing attacks by ensuring that a URL is authentic before logging you on to the website.

New features and improvements:
* Support for Google Chrome
* Secure memos that alllow you to store your personal records securely
* Synchronization with the Portable Version database
* Secure exchange of account details, which allows sharing the login and password with family and friends
* Multilevel authentication, including PIN code authorization for connected USB and Bluetooth devices
* Option to use one account for several websites or applications
* Option to store several banking cards and accounts in one Identity

(密碼管理器)Kaspersky Password Manager | Home Page: www.kaspersky.com

(密碼管理器)Kaspersky Password Manager / Size: 12.30 MB


作為專業的,全面的PDF格式轉換器,4Videosoft PDF可以輕鬆轉換PDF檔案到圖像,文字,Word,Excel和PowerPoint,EPUB,HTML等憑藉先進的OCR技術,此PDF轉換器可以轉換圖像為基礎的掃瞄PDF文字為基礎的文字,Word,HTML,EPUB轉換自如。為了說明您完全自訂輸出檔案,它容許您定義佈局,文字編碼,圖像格式/質量/解析度為文件檔案以及設定大小及彩色的圖像檔案。您也可以指定輸出頁(s)和輸出資料夾。

– 將PDF轉換為Word /圖片/文字/Excel / PowerPoint,等等。
– 定義PDF頁面(S)你想轉換和設定輸出參數
– 支援OCR技術轉換成基於圖像掃瞄的PDF
– 支援批次轉換

– 4Videosoft PDF可以讓你轉換PDF到Word的DOC或RTF供您閱讀和編輯微軟97-2003,2003年,2007年和2010年檔案的形式。
– 您可以使用此PDF轉換器轉換PDF到文字,那麼你就可以充分享受在寫字板的檔案。此外,它可以將PDF轉換為其他檔案格式,如Excel 97-2003,Excel 2007,2007簡報,HTML,EPUB等。
– 有了這個PDF格式轉換器,您可以輕鬆地將PDF轉換為圖像JPEG,PNG,GIF,BMP,TGA,PPM,和JPEG2000和TIFF與高品質。
– 它使您可以在要轉換的輸出資料夾定義頁(s)和頁面範圍(S)。您可以選取將所有的網頁或特定頁(s)。
– 批次轉換可以讓你輸入多個PDF檔案在同一時間,然後將其轉換為不同的輸出格式。
– 有了這個PDF格式轉換器,你可以檢查,以保持原有的佈局。和你啟用特殊的文字編碼,圖像格式/質量/解析度等。
– 對於文件檔案,OCR技術與此PDF轉換終極可以說明你從基於圖像的PDF檔案識別文字轉換為基於文字的檔案。它支援不同的識別語系供你選取輸出語系,從而提高輸出文件檔案的準確性。

– 本PDF轉換器支援多語系的PDF檔案,內含英語,土耳其語,泰國語,拉丁語,韓文,希臘文,西裡爾文,阿拉伯文,日文和中國等。
– 四種介面語系英語,日語,法語和德語方便來自不同語系地區的使用者。
– 4Videosoft PDF具有直觀的介面和簡單的過程,這是很容易使用,即使是初學者,而這個軟體可以轉換PDF檔案高的速度和質量。


【文章標題】: (PDF格式轉換器)4Videosoft PDF Converter Ultimate 3.1.22
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
4Videosoft PDF Converter Ultimate 3.1.22

Acting as the professional and comprehensive PDF Converter, 4Videosoft PDF Converter Ultimate can easily convert PDF files to Image, Text, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, ePub, HTML, etc. With the advanced OCR technology, this PDF Converter can convert image-based scanned PDF to text-based TEXT, Word, HTML, ePub freely. To help you fully customize the output file, this PDF Converter Ultimate allows you to define the Layout, Text Encoding, Image Format/Quality/Resolution for the document file as well as setting Size and Color for the image file. Also you can specify the output page(s) and output folder.

– Convert PDF to Word/Image/Text/Excel/Powerpoint, etc.
– Define the PDF page(S) you want to convert and set output parameters
– Support OCR technology to convert image-based scanned PDF
– Support batches conversion

Versatile Converting Function
– 4Videosoft PDF Converter Ultimate can help you convert PDF to Word in the form of .doc or .rtf for you to read and edit the file on Microsoft 97-2003, 2003, 2007 and 2010.
– You can use this PDF Converter to convert PDF to Text, then you can fully enjoy the files on WordPad. Also it can convert PDF to other document formats like Excel 97-2003, Excel 2007, Powerpoint 2007, HTML, ePub, etc.
– With this PDF Converter, you can easily convert PDF to Image JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TGA, PPM, and JPEG2000 and TIFF with high quality.
– This PDF Converter Ultimate allows you to define the page(s) and page range(s) you want to convert the output file folder. You can choose to convert all pages or specific page(s).
– Batches conversion helps you input multiple PDF files at the same time and then convert them to different output formats.
– With this PDF Converter, you can check to keep the original layout. And you are enabled to specify the Text Encoding, Image Format/ Quality/ Resolution and so on.
– For document file, the OCR technology with this PDF Converter Ultimate can help you recognize the text from image-based PDF file to convert to text-based file. It supports different recognition languages for you to choose output languages so as to improve the accuracy of the output document file.

Convenient and Efficient
– This PDF Converter supports multi-language PDF files, including English, Turkish, Thai, Latin, Korean, Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic, Japanese, and Chinese, etc.
– Four interface language English, Japanese, French and German is convenient for users from different language regions.
– 4Videosoft PDF Converter Ultimate has the intuitive interface and simple process, which is easy to use for even beginners without much computer knowledge. And this software can convert PDF files with high speed and quality.

(PDF格式轉換器)4Videosoft PDF Converter Ultimate 3.1.22 | Home Page: www.4videosoft.com

(PDF格式轉換器)4Videosoft PDF Converter Ultimate 3.1.22 | Size: 332.4 MB


更重要的是,SSD的實用工具套件是一個積極的支援工具,使您能夠有關您的資料做出明智決定的能力 – 無論將它備份起來,安全地刪除它,或使用TRIM指令改善的磁碟機。
這個設計,以實現更快的效能,以及通過監測你的固態硬碟在MicrosoftR作業系統的壽命預測生命的盡頭。 SSD的工具套件,您可以訪問一些內建到今天的固態磁碟機的獨特功能。

‧磁碟機訊息工具 – 在您的系統,這將顯示每個磁碟機的基本訊息。顯示的訊息將內含硬碟型號,序號,韌體版本,連接埠號,磁碟機的大小, ATA版本,支援的功能,磁碟機溫度,磁碟機使用壽命。
‧超額工具 – 超額工具將容許使用者在SSD上配置的自由空間中的部分內的某些準則在SSD中使用的控制器。在磁碟機上建立了這個過度配置空間將容許控制器能夠更好地管理和維護的SSD磁碟機的效能和壽命。
‧磁碟複製成影像檔工具 – 磁碟複製成影像檔工具複製所選的源磁碟機到所選取的目的磁碟機的內容。
‧改善微調工具 – 改善工具發出TRIM指令,它告訴SSD哪些資料塊不再使用,例如由被刪除的檔案留下的固態硬碟。經常使用TRIM指令將有助於維持SSD的最佳效能。我們內含微軟AHCI和英特爾矩陣存儲管理器支援所有的MS操作系統 。
‧ SMART狀態工具 – 這會顯示現用的的SMART (自我監測,分析和報告技術)狀態的磁碟機整體以及驅動的個別屬性的狀態。
‧安全磁碟機擦除 – 安全擦除工具將容許使用者安全地刪除磁碟機的全部內容。此功能將會把磁碟機在其原來的未格式化的RAW狀態,沒有任何檔案系統。你的硬碟上的資料無法運行的安全擦除後恢復。作為一項安全功能,在安全擦除工具將不容許使用者刪除他們的引導磁碟機的內容。

【文章標題】: (固態磁碟機工具)LC Technology Solid State Doctor
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
LC Technology Solid State Doctor

The SSD (Solid State Drive) Utility Suite is an essential tool to provide performance enhancement, optimization, cloning capability, data security and firmware management for Solid State drives. More importantly, the SSD utility suite is a proactive support tool, giving you the ability to make informed decisions regarding your data – whether to back it up, erase it securely or optimize the drive using the TRIM command. This suite is designed to enable faster performance, as well as predict end of life by monitoring the lifespan of your Solid State Drive on Microsoft® Operating Systems. The SSD Utility Suite gives you access to some of the unique features built into today’s Solid State Drives.

• Drive information Tool – This will show you the basic information of every drive in your system. The information displayed will include the drive model number, serial number, firmware version, port number, drive size, ATA version, supported features, drive temperature, lifetime drive usage.
• Overprovision Tool – The overprovision tool will allow the user to allocate a portion of the free space on the SSD to be used by the controller in the SSD within certain guidelines. This overprovisioned space created on the drive will allow the controller to better manage and maintain the performance and longevity of the SSD drive.
• Disk Clone Tool – The disk cloning tool copies the contents of the selected source drive to the selected destination drive.
• Optimize TRIM Tool – The Optimize Tool issues a TRIM command to the SSD which tells the SSD which data blocks are no longer in use, such as those left by deleted files. Regular use of the TRIM command will help the SSD maintain maximum performance. We include support for Microsoft AHCI and Intel Matrix Storage Manager on all MS OS’s*.
• S.M.A.R.T Status Tool – This will display the current S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) status of the drive overall as well as the status of individual attributes of the drive.
• Secure Drive Wipe – The Secure Wipe Tool will allow the user to securely delete the entire contents of the drive. This feature will place the drive in its original unformatted RAW state without any file system. The data on your drive cannot be recovered after running a secure wipe. As a safety feature, the Secure Wipe Tool will NOT allow the user to erase the contents of their boot drive.

(固態磁碟機工具)LC Technology Solid State Doctor | Homepage: www.lc-tech.com

(固態磁碟機工具)LC Technology Solid State Doctor | Size: 6.21 MB
