【正印家族】授權營運專案 秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成營運賺大錢! 站在成功者的肩膀上,你會看得更遠! 最快速的成功方法就是:【合法授權 100% 複製成功者經營模式】直接複製經營賺錢術 網路創業 【正印家族】 自動印鈔機賺錢術(借別人的智慧成功 - 提升您的網路競爭力!) 因為:你所需要的『網站資源』與『配套教學』【總教頭】都已經幫你準備好了! 【秘笈硬碟】:用一顆1000GB的硬碟,裝載【網站架站程式】 【超過500個軟體中文化檔案】與【教學影片課程】讓你馬上用! 密訓基地503萬訪客最期待的授權:【正印家族】授權營運方案 ! 總教頭親自示範公開網路經營的捷徑! 此原理類似武俠小說的【一甲子的功力】直接導入→ 任都二脈馬上通暢,你當然馬上成為武林高手! 傳授『授權檔案』再次加工賺錢技巧: 授權後大家都可以不一樣!總教頭會教你如何再次加工?讓它轉換成:具有你獨有特色的『自己獨家資源』! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會與無法使用的擔憂....)



 HyperSnap集一流的螢幕捕捉應用了先進的圖像編輯工具的力量 – 裹成一個易於使用的工具!這是完美的捕捉圖像,你要內含在您的說明系統,聯機教學,手冊,訓練講義,演示文稿,行銷材料,網頁,電子信件和更多。
來使用HyperSnap快速共享螢幕上的任何圖片完美表示。 HyperSnap是多用途的且極易使用。

 還可以捕捉輕鬆貼上到MS Excel中的製表符分隔的資料。
·按鈕捕捉 – 完美的專業技術作家需要捕捉並記錄幾十個按鈕!
·緊密整合與MS Windows剪貼簿自動執行重複性任務 – 甚至自動捕獲圖像貼上在需要的地方!
·延伸視窗捕獲功能在Windows XP上運行呢? 。將一個視窗,要遠遠大於前捕獲螢幕 – 在一個快人一步,不自動卷動!

2013年4月23日HyperSnap 03年7月23日發佈


【文章標題】: (捕獲Windows螢幕)HyperSnap 7.23.03 En/Ge
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
HyperSnap 7.23.03 En/Ge

HyperSnap is the fastest and easiest way to take screen captures from Windows screen, and text capture (TextSnap™) from places where normal text copy is not possible. HyperSnap combines the power of a first-class screen capture application with an advanced image editing utility – wrapped into one easy-to-use tool! It's perfect for capturing images that you want to include in your Help system, online tutorials, manuals, training handouts, presentations, marketing materials, Web pages, emails and more. Use HyperSnap to quickly share a picture-perfect representation of anything on your screen. HyperSnap is versatile and extremely easy-to-use. You can quickly customize menus and toolbars to fit your needs. Assign your own keyboard shortcuts, create instant toolbars, and even control HyperSnap with voice commands!

Top Features:
· TextSnap feature to capture editable text from almost anywhere on the screen. Can also capture tab-delimited data for easy paste into MS Excel.
· New & powerful image capture, editing, annotation and manipulation tools.
· Snags also those difficult-to-grab screens from DirectX and Glide games.
· Image stamps, frames, drop shadow, free-hand capture, FTP server uploads, more!
· Automatic color substitution!
· Non-rectangular window capture!
· Button Capture – perfect for professional technical writers who need to snap and document dozens of buttons!
· Auto-scrolls and concurrently captures long web pages and other. documents, enabling it to grab more than is visible on the screen.
· Tightly integrates with the MS Windows clipboard to automate repetitive tasks – will even automatically PASTE capture images where needed!
· Automatically saves your captures to graphics files.
· Doubles as effective image viewer, format converter (over 20 image formats supported).
· Fully customizable user interface. Rearrange menus and toolbars any way you want, assign any keyboard shortcuts you like, tear off menus to create instant toolbars, even control HyperSnap with voice commands!
· Extended Window Capture function when running on Windows XP? . Resizes a window to be much bigger than the screen before the capture – in one quick step, no auto-scrolling!

2013.04.23 HyperSnap 7.23.03 released

• Fix: The saturation slider on "Color Correction" did not work quite right.
• F12 cannot be used as a hotkey under Windows, so blocked its entry in the Hot Keys dialog box.

(捕獲Windows螢幕)HyperSnap 7.23.03 En/Ge | Home Page www.hyperionics.com

(捕獲Windows螢幕)HyperSnap 7.23.03 En/Ge / Size: 11.68 / 11.85 MB




Jutoh是寫在C + +中,以最快的速度運行 – 沒有令人沮喪的延遲。


Jutoh的配置,你可以描述你的書的版本之間的差異 – 不同的封面,不同的標題頁,不同的格式 – 所有的,而不需要單獨的項目。


Jutoh進口各種格式。使用的應用程式,例如OpenOffice.org的OpenDocument為Microsoft Word的外掛程式,您現有的字處理器檔案可以儲存在ODT(開放文件格式)匯入Jutoh。


你需要檢查你的書的電子書平台上的各種看起來很不錯。 Jutoh可以讓你加入檢視器應用程式,讓您可以輕鬆地選取所需的電子書閱讀器檢視生成的書。




說明視窗,容許您瀏覽Jutoh Jutoh內,並排側與你的工作手冊。你可以最大限度地發揮它佔用整個視窗,而閱讀的話題,或是不固定在一個視窗中顯示它自身的。








【文章標題】: (建立流行格式電子書)Anthemion Jutoh 1.67
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Anthemion Jutoh 1.67

Jutoh makes it easy to create ebooks in popular formats that you can sell on many ebook sites. Create your project in seconds from existing files using the New Project Wizard; or create your book from scratch using the built-in styled text editor. Select a book cover design from Jutoh's template, or create your own cover design with the built-in cover editor.

Jutoh Benefits:
Fast to import your existing content, whether in text, HTML, or OpenDocument.
Fast to create your Epub, Mobipocket or other format.
Fast to edit content and switch between variations of your ebooks.
Jutoh is written in C++ so runs at top speed – no frustrating delays.

Multi-platform design
Jutoh runs on Windows, Mac, Linux and various other Unix-based systems, and you can easily copy your files between machines of different kinds. One licence can be used on multiple operating systems simultaneously; and rest assured that if you buy a different kind of desktop or laptop, you don't have to leave your way of working behind and buy new software.

Create ebook variations rapidly
Thanks to Jutoh's configurations, you can describe differences between versions of your book – a different cover, a different title page, different formatting – all without needing separate projects. Just select a different configuration and click Compile. This is invaluable when you are distributing ebooks using different sites with slightly different requirements.

Ebook checking gives you confidence
Jutoh installs Adobe's EpubCheck and EpubPreflight checker programs, so you can easily check your Epub book for internal errors or problems that might arise with specific readers. The checkers are run within Jutoh, so you don't have to mess about with invoking the applications yourself.

HTML, text, ODT, and Epub import
Jutoh imports from a range of formats. Using an application such as OpenOffice.org or the OpenDocument plugin for Microsoft Word, your existing word processor files can be saved in ODT (Open Document Format) for import into Jutoh. Or you can import from plain text or HTML, or an existing Epub ebook.

'Configurations' allow extensive customisation
Jutoh's configuration facility allows you to define a version of your book that has its own cover, style sheet, and even variations in content (such as a title page with text specific to a web site or publisher).

Configurable ebook launching
You need to check that your book looks good on a variety of ebook platforms. Jutoh lets you add viewer applications so you can easily choose the desired ebook reader for viewing your generated book.

Spelling checker
Check for typos with the built-in spellchecker, available in a number of languages.

Keyboard shortcuts for high-speed editing
Use keyboard shortcuts to make editing your projects fast and natural.

Online Manual
The comprehensive online manual documents all aspects of Jutoh.

Help window
The help window allows you to browse Jutoh manuals from within Jutoh, side-by-side with your work. You can maximize it to take up the whole window while reading a topic, or unpin it to show it in a window of its own.

Scraps facility
You can keep your research and random ideas: notes, pictures, and document and web links. On Windows, use auto-paste to quickly paste scraps by copying text, graphics or web links twice in succession in any other application.

Access to tools and applications is available via the Jutoh Desktop. You can customize the desktop look, add your favourite applications and documents, and create text and picture notes. You can even create a rolling slideshow of pictures to inspire you.

USB memory key support
Jutoh has superb support for external drives, such as USB memory keys. You can use an external drive for your documents and for all your Jutoh preferences, and you can even install Jutoh entirely onto the drive for complete portability. You can then switch between different machines and operating systems, taking all your documents and settings with you.

Backup Facility
The File Manager tool gives you an easy way to back up your precious files, without resorting to an additional tool. Specify File Sets that include all files of a given type, and create a backup with just a few clicks. You can also easily restore files from a backup archive.

A global search tool helps you search all your open documents, allowing you to see all the search results in a list and step through them.

Shows your image and collage scraps in succession, in a window or full-screen.

Specify notebook and journal font styles and sizes; and brighten up window backgrounds with the supplied textures, or your own.

建立流行格式電子書)Anthemion Jutoh 1.67 | Home Page www.jutoh.com

(建立流行格式電子書)Anthemion Jutoh 1.67/ Size: 21.15 MB



其中內含一個整合的語料庫查詢系統,實時預覽,全定制性,先進的風格系統,「智慧交叉引用」追蹤和自動更新,自動引理反轉,自動編號和排序,出口到MS Word排版系統(如InDesign中,夸克和XPP),支援多使用者的管理團隊,以及更多。
發佈到印刷,Web或CD-ROM ​​/軟體。




‧使用者友好的:TLEX tlTerm不需要先進的電腦知識技能, – 如果你可以使用Microsoft Word中,您將能夠學習TLEX / tlTerm
‧完整的Unicode支援 – 支援幾乎所有的世界語系
‧網路和多使用者(組)的詞典編纂支援(支援所有主要的資料庫伺服器,如MS SQL伺服器,PostgreSQL)
Microsoft Word格式,RTF,HTML,XML,CSV
·斯瓦西裡語 – 英語字典
·北索托語 – 英語字典

【文章標題】: (詞典編纂軟體)TLex Suite
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
TLex Suite

TLex (aka TshwaneLex) is a professional, feature-rich, fully internationalised, off-the-shelf software application suite for compiling dictionaries or terminology lists. It has been adopted by many major publishers, government organisations and individuals worldwide, as it delivers excellent ROI. TLex contains many specialized features that allow you to dramatically reduce dictionary production time and costs and increase the quality and consistency of your dictionaries (from single-user projects to large teams). These include an integrated Corpus Query System, real-time preview, full customisability, advanced styles system, "smart cross-references" with tracking and auto-updating, automated lemma reversal, automated numbering and sorting, export to MS Word and typesetting systems (such as InDesign, Quark and XPP), multi-user support for managing teams, and much more. Publish to hardcopy, Web, or CD-ROM / software.


Using dedicated dictionary compilation software rather than general-purpose tools such as word processors or generic XML tools provides significant benefits in terms of both dictionary development time and output quality for both individual lexicographers as well as lexicographic (or terminology compilation) teams:

• Reduced project completion time, thanks to (amongst others) various levels of automation, such as automatic numbering, lemma reversal, cross-reference tracking/updating and error checking
• Increased consistency in the treatment of articles, thanks to features such as the article filter
• Leads to more consistent and balanced treatment of both languages in a bilingual dictionary
• Improved teamwork and team communication
• More easily scalable to larger team sizes

Primary Features
• Fast
• User-friendly: TLex and tlTerm do not require advanced computer literacy skills – if you can use Microsoft Word, you will be able to learn TLex/tlTerm
• Automatic sense numbering
• Automatic homonym numbering
• Automatic cross-reference tracking and updating of homonym and sense numbers
• Immediate WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) article preview
• Immediate preview of cross-referenced articles and cross-referencing articles
• Integrated corpus
• Full Unicode support – supports virtually all of the world's languages
• Easily enter any phonetic symbol (IPA ; phonetic extensions)
• Fully customisable and highly flexible (create any fields and structures relevant to your dictionary)
• Network and multi-user (team) lexicography support (supports all major database servers, e.g. MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL)
• Management Tools: Assign tasks to users and monitor user or team progress
• Export to:
Microsoft Word format, RTF, HTML, XML, CSV
Corel WordPerfect and OpenOffice (via RTF format)
Adobe InDesign and QuarkXPress
• Import from:
CSV (may also import corpus frequency counts)
XML or word frequency counts from corpus query software
CUSTOM: contact us for a quote for conversion of existing data in any format
• Various features for generating 'multiple dictionaries from one database'
• Customisable styles (font, colour etc.) for every field in the dictionary
• Customisable language of the meta-language
• Bilingual dictionaries: Automated lemma reversal
• Bilingual dictionaries: Side-by-side bilingual editing and "linked view" mode
• Bilingual dictionaries: "Translation Equivalent fanouts"
• Multimedia: Allows sound (e.g. pronunciation) recordings to be linked to any field
• Multimedia: Allows images to be added to entries
• IME "Windows soft-keyboard" support
• Right-to-left language support (Hebrew, Arabic etc.)
• Fast full-dictionary text search
• Filter: define criteria for viewing/exporting a subset of the dictionary based on specific characteristics
• Dictionary compare/merge feature: Integrate work done by different team members
• A unique Ruler Tool to ensure balanced treatment on multiple levels
• Automatic checking for various dictionary errors
• Electronic Dictionary (CD-ROM) software module available
• Place dictionaries online. Examples:
Online dictionary module:
· Swahili – English dictionary
· Northern Sotho – English dictionary
Direct export to "static HTML":
· James Randi Encyclopedia
• Scripting language
• Customisable DTD (dictionary grammar editor)

(詞典編纂軟體)TLex Suite | Home page:: tshwanedje.com

(詞典編纂軟體)TLex Suite | Size: 21.7 MB


TurboCADR Pro是我們的二維和三維設計,文件,詳細介紹和建模最全面的CAD產品。TurboCAD Pro,您會發現許多在同行業中最先進的技術:3D ACISRModeler的空間,Siemens PLM Software的劃分的D-Cubed模型2D DCM約束管理,Redsdk繪圖引擎的GPU加速2D和線框顯示從Redway3d模式R和LightWorks的真實感和光之設計非真實感藝術的編譯能力。白金產品內含所有必要的為建築設計和更具體的機械設計工作的進階功能。於過往年度的TurboCAD系列產品內含特定機械和建築評論。

‧DWG / DXF匯入/匯出




【文章標題】:(繪圖工具)MSI TurboCAD Pro Platinum 21.1
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
MSI TurboCAD Pro Platinum 21.1

TurboCAD® Pro Platinum is our most comprehensive CAD product for 2D and 3D design, documentation, detailing, and modeling. In TurboCAD Pro you will find many of the most advanced technologies in the industry: 3D ACIS® Modeler from Spatial, Siemens PLM Software division’s D-Cubed 2D DCM constraint manager, the Redsdk drawing engine for GPU-accelerated 2D and Wireframe display modes from Redway3d®, and LightWorks photorealistic and non-photorealistic artistic rendering capabilities from Lightwork Design. The Platinum product includes all of the advanced features necessary for both architectural design and more specific mechanical design tasks. In prior years the TurboCAD product series included specific Mechanical and Architectural Editions.

Key features:
• Advanced Drawing Tools
• Select Copy & Editing Tools
• Annotation Tools
• Parametric Parts, Blocks & Symbols
• Block Attributes
• NEW XREF Manager
• Hatches Patterns and Line Styles
• Improved ACIS Solid Modeling Engine
• Improved LightWorks
• Render Styles and Style Editor
• Desktop Customization
• Style Manager for Architectural Designs
• Sections/Elevation Tools
• Additional Mechanical Tools
• DWG/DXF Import/Export
• Google SketchUp File Import/Export
• OBJ and 3DS files Import/Export

In addition to including all the tools found in TurboCAD Pro the Platinum version includes additional advanced mechanical and architectural design tools such as:

• Easy to use Quick Pull tool
• Advanced Pattern Constraints
• History enabled editing of ACIS objects
• Numerous parametrically controlled modifiers
• Advanced Parametric Parts, and parametric symbols including the Weld Tool, Adhesive Tool, and newly updated Geometric Tolerance Tool
• Comprehensive door and window styles, now with Window Muntins
• Parametric Stairs, and enhanced Rails and Rail Styles
• New x,y,z data input in the Terrain Tool
• and so much more

(繪圖工具)MSI TurboCAD Pro Platinum 21.1 | Home Page www.turbocad.com

(繪圖工具)MSI TurboCAD Pro Platinum 21.1 | Size: 994.36 MB / 1.01 GB


The Cleaner 9.0的設計,讓您的電腦和資料免受惡意軟體的安全專案的系統。
通過主動監控您的電腦上的檔案和程式可以檢驗到病毒的行動,並抓住它之前,保護你的寶貴資料不會受到任何損害。如果您巡航網際網路或傳送和接收電子信件,永遠不會再擔心信件開啟,或是你運行程式受到威脅 – The Cleaner 9.0清潔工檢驗系統會打理一切,這樣你就不必擔心了!

‧ TCMonitor忽略清單
‧ TCMonitor編輯器
‧增強的字型在TCActive !

我們已經降低了資料庫的大小由96 %的大部分資料搬移到雲。


【文章標題】: (清潔和檢驗系統工具)The Cleaner Datecode 22.11.2013
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
The Cleaner Datecode 22.11.2013

The Cleaner 9 is a system of programs designed to keep your computer and data safe from malware. It removes and blocks all manner of malware including Trojan Horses, Worms, Spyware, Adware, Ransomware, Keyloggers, Backdoors, Password Stealers and many more. The Cleaner 9 also works hand-in-hand with your anti-virus and firewall to complete your security. Millions of people around the world depend on MooSoft and The Cleaner to keep their data safe and help them recover from malware infections. By actively monitoring files and processes on your computer it can detect a virus in action and catch it before it has a chance to do any damage to your valuable data. If you cruise the internet or send and receive e-mail, you can’t afford to be without The Cleaner! Never again worry about e-mails you open, or programs you run – The Cleaner 9 detection system will take care of business so you don’t have to!

Features of The Cleaner:
• Malware Protection
• Live Updates
• Registry Monitoring
• Active Scanning
• Stealth Mode
• Quarantine Manager
• Scheduler
• In-Program File Submission
• Command Line File Testing
• Email Alerts
• Admin Message Alerts
• TCMonitor Ignore List
• TCMonitor Editor
• Active Scanner Ignore List
• Encrypted Configuration Data
• Expanded Scan Information
• Scan Pause/Resume
• Enhanced Fonts In TCActive!

What's New in The Cleaner 9

What’s New in The Cleaner 9
Updated User Interface

We’ve improved the interface to be easier to use.
Faster Scanning

With a new more efficient database scans finish faster than ever!
Smaller Database

We have reduced the size of the database by 96% by moving most the data to the cloud.
Faster Updates

Because there is so much less information to update you will get your updates much faster!

(清潔和檢驗系統工具)The Cleaner Datecode 22.11.2013 | Home Page: www.moosoft.com

(清潔和檢驗系統工具)The Cleaner Datecode 22.11.2013 | Size: 326.1 MB

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8


Okdo檔案專業轉換 – 現在Okdo Document Converter Professional是最先進的轉換器。擁有世界上最強大的轉換功能。
你可以批次轉換任何檔案,圖像, PDF ,網頁等提供方便的轉換。該軟體具有高輸出質量和速度非常快的轉換。它是一個獨立的程式,並不需要Adobe Acrobat軟體支援。直接用自己Okdo SOFWARE系列中的所有功能即可。

以預設的模式輸出PDF , PDF格式輸出以文字模式;輸出PDF格式通過圖像的模式。
轉換多頁的PowerPoint時,Word ,RTF ,TIFF和GIF到多頁的PDF 。
轉換的PowerPoint到Word / RTF / Excel的預設模式;儲存幻燈片的頁面佈局模式,提取幻燈片的字元轉換模式,通過圖像的模式轉換的幻燈片內容。
Word / RTF的每一頁內容轉換為單個檔案。
自訂的PDF /字/ RTF版邊。
轉換Word / RTF到PowerPoint / Excel的預設模式,儲存原始檔案的佈局;提取的Word / RTF格式的字元進行轉換。
支援合併轉換後的圖像到一個單一的PDF /簡報/ GIF / TIFF檔案。
轉換多頁PDF到多頁的Word / RTF /簡報/的GIF,準確地保留原來的文字,表格,圖形和佈局。
轉換一個多頁的PDF /簡報/字/ RTF到一個多頁TIFF ,而不會失去任何內容,佈局等。
轉換PDF /簡報/字/ RTF格式的檔案到SWF與保留原來的文字,圖像,佈局等。
TXT檔案內容轉換成多個幀的SWF 。
TXT檔案轉換為一個多頁簡報/ TIFF 。
轉換多頁TIF格式/ gif若要多頁的PowerPoint /字/ RTF / Excel中。
TIFF / GIF的每個頁面轉換為一個單一的圖像檔案。
設定ICO色彩深度為預設彩色,灰色, 16色( 4位) , 256色( 8位) ,真彩色( 24位或32位) 。


將PDF轉換成Word,Excel和PowerPoint,文字, JPEG,TIFF ,GIF ,圖示, PCX等與精確保留原來的文字,表格,圖形和佈局。
支援轉換DOCX, DOCM , XLSX , XLSM , PPTX ,為Office 2007的PPTM 。
支援Win98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista ( x64)的/ Windows 7的平台。

【文章標題】: (檔案轉換工具)Okdo Document Converter Professional 5.2
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Okdo Document Converter Professional 5.2

Okdo Document Converter Professional – Now Okdo Document Converter Professional is the most advanced converter. Own the most powerful conversion function. you can batch convert among any document, image, PDF, website etc with ease. The program can convert with high output quality and very fast speed. It is a standalone program which does not need Adobe Acrobat software support. Own all the functions of Okdo Sofware series.

Advanced Features:
Batch convert any format file once to save your time.
Support lots of formats as doc,docx,docm, xls, xlsx, xlsm, ppt, pptx, pptm, pdf, rtf, txt, htm, html, url, jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, tif, wmf, emf, png, jp2, j2k, pcx, rle, tga, ico, swf video etc.
Support encrypted PDF.
Output PDF by default way; Output PDF by text way; Output PDF by image way.
Custom to set the output PDF password for protection by user/owner password.
Convert multi-page PowerPoint,Word,Rtf, TIFF, and GIF to multi-page PDF.
Convert each slide of PowerPoint to one single PDF file.
Convert PowerPoint to Word/Rtf/Excel by default way; Save the slides page layout way; Extract the character of the slides to convert way; Convert the slides content by image way.
Extract the text of PDF to convert.
Convert each page content of Word/Rtf to single file.
Support merge each sheet of one Excel file to one file.
Automatically adjust the sheet page size of Excel to adapt the output page.
Custom the PDF/Word/Rtf page margin.
Convert Word/Rtf to Powerpoint/Excel by default way; Save the original document layout; Extract the character of Word/Rtf to convert.
Support merge multi-URL snapshot images to one PowerPoint file.
Custom to adjust the PowerPoint slide size and direction.
Custom to use the image as PowerPoint background.
Support merge the converted images to one single PDF/Powerpoint/Gif/Tiff.
Convert multi-page PDF to multi-page Word/Rtf/Powerpoint/Gif with accurately preserving the original Text, Tables, Graphics & Layout.
Convert one multi-page PDF/Powerpoint/Word/Rtf to one multi-page TIFF without losing any content, layout etc.
Convert to SWF video: Allow to play automatically; Use Flash6 format to compress; Automatically adjust image size as SWF size.
Convert PDF/Powerpoint/Word/Rtf format files to SWF with preserving the original text,image,layout etc.
Convert TXT file content to multiple frames SWF.
Convert TXT file to one multipage Powerpoint/Tiff.
Convert multi-page Tif/Gif to multi-page PowerPoint/Word/Rtf/Excel.
Convert each page of Tiff/Gif to one single Image file.
Support merge multi-page PowerPoint slides to one HTM by default mode,by extract the character mode,by image mode;
Adjust the output image quality.
Set the image watermark.
Set the output image size.
User-defined Ico transparent color.
Set ICO color depth as default color,gray,16 color(4 bits),256 color(8 bits),true color(24 bits or 32 bits).

Key Features:

User-friendly interface.
Support add the entire folder to convert.
Extract the characters of PDF file to convert.
Convert PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Text, Jpeg, Tiff, Gif, icon, pcx and so on with accurately preserving the original Text, Tables, Graphics & Layout.
Save List: Save the converted files to a list
Load List: Load the saved list files directly to convert.
Precise control the output quality with user-defined parameters settings.
Support convert Docx, Docm, Xlsx, Xlsm, Pptx, Pptm of office 2007.
Support Win98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista (x64)/Windows 7 platforms.

(檔案轉換工具)Okdo  Document   Converter   Professional   5.2   | Homepage: www.okdosoft.com

(檔案轉換工具)Okdo Document Converter Professional 5.2  | Size: 35.7 MB


你也可以在預覽視窗中觀看視訊。 Gilisoft視訊編輯器是很值得一試。



【文章標題】: (視訊編輯器)GiliSoft Video Editor 5.2.0
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
GiliSoft Video Editor 5.2.0

No need to be worried about formats, frame rate or file sizes, the functions of video join, split and cut can be easily achieved by Gilisoft Video Editor. The video editing software allows you to edit video files in various formats like AVI, MPEG, H.264, SWF, MOV, WMV, etc. for playback on popular devices like iPod, iPhone, PSP, PS3, and so on. The three processes, video join, split and cut, can run in background without too much space occupation. As a video joiner, splitter and cutter, Gilisoft Video Editor has an intuitive interface and makes it easy to turn original videos into works of art. And also you can watch the video in the preview window. Gilisoft Video Editor is well worthy of having a try.

Key features include:
•Join multiple videos and combine them into one
•Split one video into several segments
•Cut off the unwanted segments of your video
•Crop off the unwanted regions of your video
•Add subtitle and watermark to your video

(視訊編輯器)GiliSoft Video Editor 5.2.0 | Homepage: gilisoft.com/product-video-cutter-joiner.htm

(視訊編輯器)GiliSoft Video Editor 5.2.0 | Size: 14.59 MB


Translation Office 3000是一種先進的會計工具,兼職翻譯和小型翻譯公司。 TO3000輕鬆,無縫地整合到專業的兼職翻譯的商務生活。它轉換翻譯業務的複雜性和多樣化的世界變成在軟體中實現一個可管理的概念。對兼職翻譯此之上會計工具用於在90個國家語系的專業人士。概括地說,有那些人僱用Translation Office 3000 …


由於更好的規劃,你將永遠不會再錯過最後期限(這樣做你不會再需要道歉)。你將不必擔心工作,你忘了做的TO3000將始終保持幫你追蹤。 TO3000目前正在在世界各地共有5,257兼職翻譯。
當然,對於他們的客戶,Translation Office 3000說明翻譯追蹤和管理他們的翻譯工作,發票,付款等。這種靈活的工具已經建立,以說明你在一個簡單的模式組織你的工作的許多方面作為兼職翻譯。














【文章標題】:(會計工具)Translation Office 3000 11.0.3
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Translation Office 3000 11.0.3

Translation Office 3000 is an advanced accounting tool for freelance translators and small translation agencies. TO3000 easily and seamlessly integrates into the business life of professional freelance translators. Translation Office 3000 transforms the complex and diverse world of the translation business into a manageable concept implemented in software. This top Accounting Tool for Freelance Translators is used by language professionals in 90+ countries. In a nutshell, those translators who employ Translation Office 3000 …

TO3000 will save you time at every stage of your work; it will automate many manual operations for you and eliminate hundreds of routine operations. What’s more, it will provide you with a complete picture of your translation business.
With Translation Office 3000 at your fingertips, you’ll be able to see all the information you ever need. You’ll consequently be able to plan your work better (and rest more peacefully as a result).

Thanks to better planning, you’ll never miss a deadline again (and you won’t need to apologize for doing so either). You won’t need to worry about a job you forgot to do as TO3000 will always keep you on track. TO3000 is currently being used by 5,257 freelance translators worldwide.
Translation Office 3000 helps translators track and manage their translation jobs, invoices, payments and, of course, their clients. This flexible tool has been created to help you organize most aspects of your work as a freelance translator in a simple way.

General Features:

Multiple Volume Units

With Translation Office 3000 you can calculate your work amount in words, lines, characters and any other text volume units (e.g. page of 1800 characters with spaces, page of 1500 characters without spaces, line of 50, 55 or 60, or 62 characters).

Easily Manageable Price-List

There are two purposes for a price-list. First, it is useful alone for reference purposes and for sending it to prospective clients at their requests. Secondly, when you make a new job quote to a translation agency, Translation Office 3000 automatically suggests the price for the given language pair from the price-list, if it is listed there.

Optimum Client and Contact handling

With Translation Office 3000 you can communicate more consistently keeping track of all the important things, which happen in your freelance translation business. For every translation agency or direct translation job client you can have a clear view of all the important information (client profile, translation quotes, translation jobs, invoices issued, payments received).

Built-in powerful word counters

Translation Office 3000 incorporates advanced content count tools: AnyCount and CATCount. Obtain quick and accurate word, line, page, character and even custom unit counts with the help of built-in AnyCount tool. Count easily Computer Assisted Translations with a single click, using built-in CATCount tool.

Visualized intuitive project and work tracking

Always have the clearest view of pending projects and jobs, using advanced features of Translation Office 3000 like schedules of projects.

Invoicing, Quoting and more
Invoices and quotes no longer consume time. Issue invoices and quotes with multiple jobs, markups, discounts, comments and even CATCount result tables, add or remove jobs from them with a single click. Save your invoices, quotes and price lists using fully customizable templates in .rtf or .doc files.

(會計工具)Translation Office 3000 11.0.3 | Homepage:: www.to3000.com

(會計工具)Translation Office 3000 11.0.3 | Size: 67.2 MB




刪除的資料,使用Shift+ Del鍵


在某些磁碟或Windows嚴重崩潰,你可能無法啟動您的電腦,並進入Windows。 Lazesoft資料恢復可以燒錄引導資料恢復CD/ USB磁碟,並容許您重新啟動您的電腦和營救你的資料。


【文章標題】: (資料恢復軟體)Lazesoft Recovery Suite Unlimited Edition 3.4.1
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Lazesoft Recovery Suite Unlimited Edition 3.4.1
Lazesoft Data Recovery offers home users and businesses complete solutions to recover deleted files or lost due to the format or corruption of a hard drive, virus or Trojan infection, unexpected system shutdown or software failure. With easy to use interfaces and the most powerful data recovery software engine, you can using Lazesoft Data Recovery recover data by yourself, preview recovered files while the search is in progress.

Easy recovery in all major data loss cases.
Accidentally deleted files or emptied from recycle bin
Formatted media/disk drive/partitions/dynamic volumes
Logically crashed disk
Data deleted using Shift+Del keys
Files corrupted due to virus attacks
Software crash
Power faults
partition with corrupt file systems, etc.
Recover files even when your computer cannot boot up and cannot enter Windows.

Easily recover data from Windows!
Windows Version of Lazesoft Data Recovery.
Native support for Windows 64 bit.
Added support for Windows 8 New!

Recover Data When Windows Cannot Boot up normally!
On some disk or Windows serious crashed, you might not be able to boot up your computer and enter Windows. Lazesoft Data Recovery can burn a bootable data recovery CD/USB disk and allow you to boot up your computer and rescue your data.
Boot from various brands of desktops, laptops like Dell, ThinkPad, Hp, Sony, Toshiba, Acer, Samsung, etc.
With WinPE-based and linux-base bootable disk builder, Lazesoft Recovery Suite has best hardware compatibility.
Boot up computer from CD or usb disk.
User friendly Boot Media Builder interface

(資料恢復軟體)Lazesoft Recovery Suite Unlimited Edition 3.4.1 | Homepage: www.lazesoft.com/lazesoft-data-recovery.html

(資料恢復軟體)Lazesoft Recovery Suite Unlimited Edition 3.4.1 | Size: 172.2 MB


Advanced SystemCare提供了一個永遠線上的,自動化,所有功能於一身的PC保健服務與反間諜軟體,隱私保護,效能調整視窗,和系統的清洗能力。這種強大的和屢獲殊榮的精密工具修復頑固的錯誤,清除雜波,改善了網際網路和下載速度,確保人身安全和自動保持最大的電腦的效能。專為最新的Windows系統環境,並加快您的PC,並提供更高的可靠性。安全地清除註冊表垃圾,壓縮註冊表發生膨脹​​和碎片整理整個註冊表的最高效能。尋找並修復註冊表錯誤與我們的「深度掃瞄」技術。
Advanced SystemCare V6的新功能,新介面,新功能,改進的掃瞄,清理,修復和改善,三重備份機制和更快的加載。隨著新系統的技術,它使您能夠有效地比任何其他系統實用程式更快運行你的電腦,更穩定。


‧一鍵解決多達10個常見的電腦問題。它繼承了易用性,使用以前的版本,具有更強大的功能。只需一次點擊,它會掃瞄並修復10 PC的問題,並保護您的電腦免受隱藏的安全威脅。
‧與ActiveBoost功能實時改善。 ActiveBoost,技術,積極在後台運行智慧管理系統資源的實時,不斷檢驗不活動的資源和改善CPU和RAM使用。
‧超過20私人的智慧工具,為日常電腦維修。Advanced SystemCare整合的IObit的最新工具箱,有超過20私人的智慧工具進行日常PC維護以及進階需求。工具箱功能對系統清潔工具,改善和修復,安全增強工具和工具用於完全控制的PC系統。
‧新的UI技術,更快的啟動和更少的資源使用!隨著新的UI技術,Advanced SystemCare將啟動更快使用更少的系統資源。
‧新的架構和重新編寫原始碼的32位/ 64位系統!這些改進將讓您的電腦工作更高效,穩定,穩定甚至舊的系統。
‧強大的硬碟碎片整理。快速,有力和非常有效的磁碟碎片整理功能來整理硬碟 – 高達10倍,比其他碎片整理工具的速度更快。

Advanced SystemCare Pro 8.2有什麼新的
+預設程式工具增加了對閱讀器(win8),Windows照片檢視(win8)Xbox音樂(win8),照片(win8),Corel PaintShop Pro,MediaMonkey,Ashampoo Photo,SumatraPDF。
+改善一鍵改善啟動管理器來加速系統啟動時間。Default Programs Tool added support for Reader(win8), Windows Photo View(win8), Xbox Music(win8), Photos(win8), Corel PaintShop Pro, MediaMonkey, Ashampoo Photo, and SumatraPDF.
+增強的隱私掃為Chrome 41.0,Firefox 37.0,Opera 28.0,PowerArchiver 15.0,Flash Player17.0,Adobe AIR 17.0,查殺免費掃毒軟體15.0,WildTangent的遊戲應用,訊連科技YouCam 6.0,訊連科技Power2Go 10.0,origin 9.5,等等。


【文章標題】:(PC保健服務與反間諜軟體)Advanced SystemCare Pro DC
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
Advanced SystemCare Pro DC 13.04.2015

Advanced SystemCare provides an always-on, automated, all-in-one PC Healthcare Service with anti-spyware, privacy protection, performance tune-ups, and system cleaning capabilities. This powerful and award-winning precision tool fixes stubborn errors, cleans out clutter, optimizes internet and download speeds, ensures personal security and maintains maximum computer performance automatically. Designed for the latest Windows system environment and to speed up your PC and provide more reliability. Safely cleans registry junk, compacts registry bloats and defragments the whole registry for maximum performance. Find and fix the registry errors others miss with our "Deep Scan" technology.
Advanced SystemCare v6 has New Features, New Interface, New Functions, Improved Scanning, Cleaning, Repairing, and Optimizing, Triple Backup Mechanism and Faster Loading. With the novel system technology, Advanced SystemCare empowers you to run your computer faster, more stably and more efficiently than with any other system utilities.

Key Benefits:
• Keeps your PC running at peak performance. Fully optimizes Windows for ultimate system performance and top Internet speed by unleashing the built-in power of your system, based on how you use your PC and your network configuration. It turns your PC into a business PC, a productive workstation, an entertainment center, a game machine, or a scientific computing PC.
• Defends PC security with extra protection. Detects and analyzes Windows security environment. Scans and removes spyware and adware using up-to-date definition files in order to prevent spyware, hackers and hijackers from installing malicious programs on your computer. Erases and updates your PC’s activity histories.
• One click to solve as many as 10 common PC problems. Advanced SystemCare inherits the ease-of-use from previous versions, with more powerful capabilities. With one click, it scans and repairs ten PC problems and protects your PC from hidden security threats.
• Real-time optimization with ActiveBoost function. ActiveBoost, technology that actively runs in the background intelligently managing system resources in real-time, constantly detects inactive resources and optimizes CPU and RAM usage.
• More than 20 dedicated smart tools for everyday PC maintenance. Advanced SystemCare integrates IObit’s latest Toolbox, with more than 20 dedicated smart tools for everyday PC maintenance as well as advanced needs. The Toolbox feature has tools for system cleaning, optimizing and repairing, tools for security enhancement, and tools for full control over the PC system.
• Cloud technology to keep database up-to-date. The new “Cloud” technology ensures the database is kept updated at all times so that you can benefit from the latest definitions and configurations.
• Boost your PC for working and gaming. You now have two Turbo Boost options, Work Mode and Game Mode. In addition, you can now adjust the configuration of each mode from the main screen.
• Next-generation registry deep clean and optimizer. Safely cleans registry junk, compacts registry bloats and defragments the whole registry for maximum performance. Finds and fixes the registry errors that other utilities miss with “Deep Scan” technology.
• Automatically works in the background. This powerful utility works continuously, automatically and quietly in the background on your PC. You can set the program on a regular schedule or just let it work automatically when your PC is idle.
• New UI technology for quicker start and less resource usage! With the new UI technology, Advanced SystemCare will start up faster using fewer system resources.
• New architecture and re-written source codes for 32bit/64bit system! These improvements will make your PC work more efficiently and steadily, stabilizing even older systems.
• Improved Care module with more powerful clean and optimization functions. The new developments in the “Care” module include features such as “Start-up Optimization”, which will scan and clean your PC much more effectively.
• Powerful hard drive defragmentation. Fast, powerfully and incredibly effective Disk Defrag function to defragment hard drives – up to 10 times faster than other defragmentation tools.
• FREE, Award-winning Customer Support for All Users. 100% free 24×7 Technical Support and community support.

What's New in Advanced SystemCare Pro 8.2:
+ Simpler and easier installation process.
+ Software Updater supported updating software automatically.
+ Performance Monitor supported customizing hotkeys for screenshot.
+ Default Programs Tool added support for Reader(win8), Windows Photo View(win8), Xbox Music(win8), Photos(win8), Corel PaintShop Pro, MediaMonkey, Ashampoo Photo, and SumatraPDF.
+ Optimized 1-click optimize in Startup Manager to accelerate system boot time.
+ Optimized the support for 4K screen.
+ Disk Optimization supported correcting drive type manually.
+ Malware Removal supported the clean for Super Fish.
+ Enhanced the privacy sweep for Chrome 41.0, Firefox 37.0, Opera 28.0, PowerArchiver 15.0, Flash Player 17.0, Adobe Air 17.0, Avira Free Antivirus 15.0, WildTangent Games App, CyberLink YouCam 6.0, CyberLink Power2Go 10.0, origin 9.5, etc.
+ Updated and expanded database for Startup Manager, Registry Fix, Privacy Sweep, and Surfing Protection.
+ Updated various translations.
+ Fixed bugs in previous version.

Languages: English, Arabic, Belarusian, Bulgarian, ChineseSimp, ChineseTrad, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Polish, Portuguese (PT-BR), Portuguese (PT-PT), Russian, Serbian (cyrillic), Serbian (latin), Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese.

(PC保健服務與反間諜軟體)Advanced SystemCare Pro DC | Home Page www.iobit.com

(PC保健服務與反間諜軟體)Advanced SystemCare Pro DC / Size: 47.20 MB


惡意軟體是不好的,Anvi Smart Defender是大到對雨後春筍般的威脅,內含木馬, rootkit,間諜軟體,流氓軟體,勒索等防守。 「一個乾淨,漂亮的圖形使用者介面。非常好的 eary到use.It花費低系統資源的使用和lowmemory RAM的使用。這是真的很好,因為它確實阻止所有惡意軟體!而且它保持每天更新資料庫。」

為了使您的電腦系統免受雨後春筍般威脅,Anvi Smart Defender Pro 2.0整合了全方位的積極後衛,內含檔案系統後衛,後衛網路及新增防黑客,防漏洞。它不僅可以保護您的電腦系統被破壞或丟失,由於感染,同時也可以防止通過遠端訪問守衛你的電腦被感染,遠端執行警衛和反剝削。


– 檢驗和刪除多個惡意軟體,例如病毒,木馬,流氓軟體,間諜軟體,勒索等。
– 瀏覽器修復工具等等。
– 基本檔案系統後衛和後衛網路,內含檔案衛隊,登記員,開機員,網路衛士,隱私衛士和下載衛隊。
– 在更新每天的資料庫對在野外最新威脅。
– 防止您的電腦通過漏洞被攻擊
– 使病毒掃瞄,定期在計劃的時間。
– 雙引擎掃瞄(本地引擎和雲引擎)的最大病毒掃瞄效率。
– 從通過檢查和修復所有關聯的系統服務和設定猖獗的黑客攻擊保護您的電腦。
– 防止您的電腦被感染的惡意檔案中插入的USB驅動程式
– 避免系統損壞和資料丟失從人的任何潛在風險的操作
– 保護您的電腦系統,當你在網上購物的敏感訊息。
– 防止您的電腦上用漏洞攻擊。
– 攔截惡意廣告跳出式廣告或橫幅廣告導致廣告軟體安裝。
– 通過遠端訪問禁用任何黑客攻擊或刪除執行


【文章標題】: (檢驗和刪除惡意軟體工具)Anvi Smart Defender Pro
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Anvi Smart Defender Pro

Malware are bad and Anvi Smart Defender is big to defend against mushrooming threats including trojans, rootkits, spyware, rogueware, ransomware and more. "A clean and nice GUI. Very good and eary to use.It takes low system usage resources and lowmemory RAM usage. That's really good. And finally, it really blocks all malware! It keeps to update database daily.."

All-round Positive Guard
To enable your computer system immune to mushrooming threats, Anvi Smart Defender v2.0 integrates all-round positive guard including file system guard, network guard and the newly added anti-hacker and anti-exploit. It can not only protect your PC system from damages and loss due to infections but can also prevent your computer getting infected via remote access guard, remote execute guard and anti-exploit.

Various hacking activities flood the cyberspace. And the newly added Anti-hacker in this version will check all related system services and settings to ensure the computer system is safe from potential hacker attacks. If any risky items detected, one-click solution is provided to help fix all, while you can also choose the item to ignore as per your personal needs.

Features of Pro Version:
– Detecting and removing multiple malware, e.g. viruses, Trojans, rogueware, spyware, ransomware, etc.
– Browser Repair Tool and more.
– Basically file system guard and network guard including File Guard, Registry Guard, Startup Guard, Web Guard, Privacy Guard and Download Guard.
– Update the database on daily basis to defend against latest threats in the wild.
– Preventing your computer being attacked through exploits
– Make virus scan at a scheduled time on regular basis.
– Double engine scan (local engine and cloud engine) for utmost virus scan efficiency.
– Protecting your computer from rampant hacker attacks by checking and fixing all related system services and settings.
– Preventing your computer getting infected from malicious files in inserted USB driver
– Avoiding system damages and data loss from any potentially risky operation by person
– Protecting your PC system and sensitive info when you are shopping online.
– Preventing your computer attacked using exploits.
– Blocking malicious ads popups or banners resulted from adware install.
– Disabling any hacker attack through remote access or remove execute

(檢驗和刪除惡意軟體工具)Anvi Smart Defender Pro / Homepage: www.anvisoft.com

(檢驗和刪除惡意軟體工具)Anvi Smart Defender Pro / Size: 32.25 MB


True Launch Bar是一個進階更換為標準的快速啟動欄。在快速啟動介紹的所有功能也可在True Launch Bar。然而,它是快速啟動完全相容,因為它使用相同的資料夾的捷徑。但有一個巨大的差異。它容許您將快捷鍵結合成組。這個功能看起來像跳出式選單。這大大提高了你的捷徑管理和儲存在桌面上的工作空間。通過使用真正的啟動欄,你加快你的​​應用前所未有的開展。


全面支援Windows XP視覺樣式
Windows 7相容
在Windows Vista / 7的Aero玻璃效果



【文章標題】: (快速啟動欄)Tordex True Launch Bar 6.6.3
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Tordex True Launch Bar 6.6.3

True Launch Bar is a Superior replacement for the standard Quick Launch bar. All functions presented in Quick Launch are also in True Launch Bar. However, the True Launch Bar is fully compatible with Quick Launch because it uses the same folder for shortcuts. But there is one huge difference. True Launch Bar allows you to combine your shortcuts into groups. This feature looks like popup menus. This vastly improves the management of your shortcuts and save working space on your desktop. By using True Launch Bar, you speed up the launching of your applications like never before.

True Launch Bar features
Compatibility with standard Quick Launch (unique)
Grouping links into popup menus
Full support of Windows XP Visual Styles
Windows 7 compatible
The Aero Glass Effects for Windows Vista/7
Improved separators (unique)
Virtual Folders (unique)
Drag & Drop
Hot keys
Run your shortcuts without click (unique)
Fast toolbar switching (unique)
Related Links (unique)
Protection (unique)
Plugins (unique)
Recently accessed button
Thumbnails View (unique)
Auto-sensing toolbar (unique)
Overlay Images on menu (unique)
Hot keys manager
Backup/Restore toolbar
Improved tips (unique)
Support PNG images as icon
Using 3 state PNG image as button (unique)
Redistributing toolbars
Context menu templates
Integration with StartKiller (unique)
Changing default command
Customizing buttons and menu items
Improved Custom Colors
Tear Off Menu (unique)

6.6.3 beta April 25 2014
Invisible text in some menus with word wrap

(快速啟動欄)Tordex True Launch Bar 6.6.3 | Homepage: www.truelaunchbar.com

(快速啟動欄)Tordex True Launch Bar 6.6.3 | Size: 11 MB


Ashampoo Home Designer Pro是一個專業的3D規劃軟體,該軟體可以規劃和提供一個房間,甚至整個房子。
為您的項目有更廣泛的元素,以及大型目錄的對象,材料和紋理。您的PC變成一個設計工作室,規劃,使用Ashampoo家居設計師Pro 2,外觀和內飾設計和裝飾你夢想中的房子。


角度,長度,面積或體積 – 著力建設Ashampoo的家居設計師Pro 2做數學,計算自動發生。

不要只是空房間定居! 它配備了一個綜合性的對象目錄,內含門窗,電器及更多。




【文章標題】: (3D規劃軟體)Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2.0.0
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2.0.0

Ashampoo Home Designer Pro is a professional 3D planning software with which you can plan and furnish a room, flat or even a whole house. For your project there is a wide range of elements as well as large catalogues with objects, materials and textures available. Turn your PC into a design studio and plan, design and decorate the exterior and interior of your dream house with Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2.

Intuitive project wizard
Quickly get through the formalities including contractor, planner location and basic settings such as number of floors and roof shape with the project wizard that comes with Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2.

Calculations happen automatically
Angles, lengths, areas or volumes – focus on building while Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2 does the math.

Furniture and appliances included
Don't just settle for empty rooms! Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2 comes with a comprehensive object catalog that includes doors, windows, electrical appliances and more.

New features
Extended project wizard
Step 1: Enter project data such as building contractor, planner and project location.NEW
Step 2: Select measuring units, scale and floor plan shape.
Step 3: Specify dimensions.
Step 4: Edit number of floors with adjustable heights.NEW
Step 5: Select the roof from pre-defined shapes or customize each roof side individually.NEW

Catalog: New 2D symbols to add more detail to 2D views, e.g. vehicles
Support for 2D angle dimensioning
Angle measurements
Measurements through polygons
Photovoltaic panels: New grid input and additional 3D modules
Shadow simulation: Specify geographic location and start/end times to track shadow distributions across fixed timespans, e.g. to facilitate planning of photovoltaic systems
Automatic area and length calculation for roofs, eaves, gorges, ridges and verges
Support for area and volume calculation

(3D規劃軟體)Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2.0.0 | Home Page: ashampoo.com

(3D規劃軟體)Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 2.0.0 | Size: 1.22 Gb


4K YouTube to MP3是專門創造提取來自YouTube,或是Vimeo或是Facebook的音訊並儲存為MP3,M4A,OGG格式。沒有惱人的和複雜的設定來處理,只是一個乾淨,友好和功能介面。下載簡單而直接:只要複製從您的瀏覽器的連結,然後點選「選取性貼上網址」。完成了!沒有工具列,沒有廣告,沒有惡意軟體。在任何地方,任何時間,享受你的音效當然,即使您處於斷線狀態!



【文章標題】: (提取視訊音訊工具)4K YouTube to MP3 2.9
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
4K YouTube to MP3 2.9

4K YouTube to MP3 was specifically created to extract audio from YouTube, Vimeo or Facebook and save it in MP3, M4A, OGG. No annoying and complicated settings to deal with, just a clean, friendly and functional interface. Downloading is simple and straightforward: just copy the link from your browser and click 'Paste Url'. Done! No toolbars, no adware, no malware. Enjoy your audio anywhere, any time, and of course even when you are offline!

Extract audio from YouTube videos and save it in MP3, M4A or OGG in high quality.
Download full YouTube playlists or channels and generate m3u files.
Transfer downloaded tracks automatically into iTunes and upload them on your iPhone or iPod.
Listen music via native built-in music player.
Download and extract audio tracks from SoundCloud, Vimeo, Flickr and DailyMotion videos.
Download audio books from YouTube.
Extract audio tracks even from embedded in HTML page videos.
Use 4K YouTube to MP3 on your PC, Mac or Linux, doesn’t matter what OS you prefer.

(提取視訊音訊工具)4K YouTube to MP3 2.9  | Home Page: 4kdownload.com

(提取視訊音訊工具)4K YouTube to MP3 2.9  | Size: 22.5 MB



Connectify Hotspot PRO是一個易於使用的軟體路由器,讓你的Windows電腦,變身為一個Wi – Fi熱點,你的筆記型電腦因此就可以共享一個Internet連線 – 例如有線乙太網,3或4G卡或配接器,甚至是另一個Wi-Fi網路 – 與您的朋友,同事,和搬移裝置共享。用Connectify的熱點專業,你可以把你的Windows電腦變成一個真正的Wi-Fi熱點共享與任何其他Wi-Fi單3G/4G連線功能的裝置。你會最大限度地提高您的3G/4G卡的價值,並讓所有的外圍裝置聯機的同時!


現代化旅客,網際網路連線的是一條生命線。機場,酒店和咖啡廳已經知道這一點,負責相應的Wi-Fi接入或只給你提供一個乙太網介面,這讓僅Wi-Fi裝置和智慧手機處在黑暗中。用Connectify的熱點專業為你的軟體,只有旅行路由器,可以連線到任何可用的網路連線(內含3G , 4G和搬移寬頻) ,開始一個熱點,同時讓所有的裝置在網上,而且這只是一小部分的成本。


– 無限熱點標準運行時間 – 沒有時間限制,運行Connectify的熱點24/7 。
– 分享的Wi-Fi從3G/4G網路 – Connectify Hotspot PRO支援從3G/4G卡除了各種各樣的其他USB卡和軟體共享上網。把你的3G或4G的USB磁碟變成一個真正的旅行路由器。
– 完全可定制的SSID – 任何你想要的名字你的熱點! (熱點精簡版需要您的熱點名字開始與「 Connectify的 – ') 。
– 無線網路連線延伸模式 – 延伸您的家庭或辦公室的Wi-Fi的範圍內,只需要您點擊幾下。
– 拖放檔案傳輸 – 輕鬆共享任何大小的檔案,直接連線到你的熱點兩台裝置,並在同一網路上的其他Connectify的熱點使用者。
– AutoInternet選取 – 自動配置熱點的共享上網設定。
– 調度整合 – 分享您超快速的連線調度與Connectify的熱點專業。

【文章標題】: (軟體路由器)Connectify Hotspot & Dispatch Pro
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Connectify Hotspot & Dispatch Pro

Connectify Hotspot PRO is an easy to use software router for your Windows computer that lets you transform your laptop into a Wi-Fi hotspot so you can share a single Internet connection – such as wired ethernet, a 3 or 4G card or adapter, even another Wi-Fi network – with your friends, co-workers, and mobile devices. With Connectify Hotspot PRO, you can turn your Windows computer into a real Wi-Fi hotspot that shares that single 3G/4G connection with any other Wi-Fi enabled devices. You'll maximize the value of your 3G/4G card and get all your peripherals online at the same time!

On the Road
For the modern traveler, Internet connectivity is a lifeline. Airports, Hotels, and Coffee Shops know this and charge accordingly for Wi-Fi access or only supply you with an ethernet jack, which leaves Wi-Fi only devices and smart phones in the dark. With Connectify Hotspot PRO as your software-only travel router, you can connect to ANY available Internet connection (including 3G, 4G, and mobile broadband), start a hotspot, and get all of your devices online simultaneously, and at a fraction of the cost.

PRO Version Features:
– Unlimited Hotspot Uptime – No time restrictions, run your Connectify Hotspot 24/7.
– Share Wi-Fi from 3G/4G Networks – Connectify Hotspot PRO supports sharing Internet from 3G/4G cards in addition to a wide variety of other USB cards and dongles. Turn your 3G or 4G USB stick into a real travel router.
– Fully Customizable SSID – Name your hotspot whatever you want! (Hotspot Lite requires your hotspot name to start with 'Connectify-').
– Wi-Fi Extender Mode – Extend the range of your home or office Wi-Fi with just a few clicks.
– Drag & Drop File Transfers – Easily share files of any size, directly to both devices connected to your hotspot, and to other Connectify Hotspot users on the same network.
– AutoInternet Selection – Automatically configure your hotspot's Internet sharing settings.
– Dispatch Integration – Share your Super-Fast Dispatch Connection with Connectify Hotspot PRO.

(軟體路由器)Connectify Hotspot & Dispatch Pro | Home Page: www.connectify.me

(軟體路由器)Connectify Hotspot & Dispatch Pro | Size: 8.5 Mb

 OS: Windows 7/8


我們的主要目的第二版的發展更穩定,速度快,功能豐富的程序,而不會失去其最重要的美德 – 而易於使用。

如果你是一個用戶貝基! Ver.1的,你會發現很多東西都跟VER.1不同。
有些人可能會喜歡的方式貝基! Ver.1。但是,我們相信你會很高興,如果你使用的第2版比VER.1,會找到了很多有用的功能。
貝基! VER.1和第2版可以共存於同一台計算機上,這意味著每個程序都有獨立的數據目錄。


Ver.2.64.06 – > Ver.2.65(2013年4月16日)
– 現在的CardDAV支持。您可以參考Gmail的聯繫人更新
– “通知”選項被添加到查詢對話框,向用戶通知
– Windows8的觸摸屏界面,可以多個郵件項目
– 添加了一個選項,要將刪除標記的郵件(即是
– “重組”將使用提供的消息進行排序日期日期時。
– 字體大小的樹/列表視圖現在可以配置在“常規設置”>
– 修正:當創作窗口是開放的“重定向”命令,單擊“
– 修正:當粘貼文本,而不返回代碼沒有顯示出
– 修正:清除標誌從其他的IMAP4客戶端的消息不同步

【文章標題】: (互聯網電子郵件的軟體)Becky! Internet Mail 2.65.03
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Becky! Internet Mail 2.65.03

Becky! Internet Mail is the software specifically designed for the Internet e-mail. Since its birth in 1996, we kept improving its functionalities listening to the users' feedback. And it has become one of the most successful shareware e-mail products. Now, we totally renewed the program as Becky! Ver.2. Our main aim for ver.2 is developing more stable, fast, and feature rich program without losing its most important virtue – Ease of use.

After three years of the development, we finally accomplished a total revision of "Becky! Internet Mail". The main aim of this revision is providing more fast, stable and feature rich mail program with ease of use. Although it is still called "Becky! Internet Mail", it is completely a new program. If you are an user of Becky! Ver.1, you may find many things are different from Ver.1. Some might prefer the way Becky! Ver.1 does. But, we are sure you will be happy if you use Ver.2 and find a lot more useful features than in Ver.1. Becky! Ver.1 and Ver.2 can coexist on the same computer, which means each program has separate data directory. So, if you already have a lot of e-mail data and want to migrate those data from Ver.1 to Ver.2, be careful that you are not running out of disk space.

» You can create not only multiple mailboxes but also create multiple profiles for each mailbox
» It supports POP3, IMAP4, SMTP (with or without SSL).
» For its features, the program size is unbelievably compact
» You can view and write HTML mail within Becky! using Microsoft IE's inline component
» The useful "Template" feature allows you to create templates for everyday's fixed work, that will incredibly save your time
» The friendly "Reminder" feature allows you to deliver messages from you to you on the scheduled date
» The powerful filtering manager allows you to create very flexible filtering rule that can contain almost infinite And/Or conditions and various filtering actions
» The "Mailing lists Manager" can manage many mailing list that you have subscribed in one window
» Its "Plug-in Interface" allows the third parties to create powerful add-on programs
» You can bring out your Becky! in your USB memory using "Sync With Portable Media" functionality
» Its "Query" feature searches strings in any folders, and this Query result can be saved as a folder
» Its unique "Agents" feature can manage non-urgent work like "Need Reply in Xdays", "Wait for Reply", etc

Ver.2.64.06 -> Ver.2.65 (2013/4/16)
– CardDAV is now supported. You can refer and update Gmail's contact from
Becky!'s address book.
– "Notify" option is added to Query dialog, which notifies the user that
either Query is finished or a first item is found when doing Query
– With Windows8's touchscreen interface, multiple mail items can be
highlighted by touching the icon part of the mail list.
– Added an option to either move the delete-marked messages (that are
deleted on the offline IMAP4 folder) to Trash or permanently delete
when the IMAP4 account becomes online.
– "Reorganize" will use the delivered date to sort messages when Date
header is missing.
– Font size of tree/list view now can be configured in "General Setup" >
"Tree/List" > "Size%".
– BUGFIX: When Compose window is open by "Redirect" command, clicking
"Headers" button and OK cleared the From field.
– BUGFIX: When pasting long text without return code did not show the
scroll bar immediately on Compose window.
– BUGFIX: Clearing flags on messages from other IMAP4 client did not sync
Becky!'s IMAP4 folder.

(互聯網電子郵件的軟體)Becky! Internet Mail 2.65.03| Home Page www.rimarts.co.jp

(互聯網電子郵件的軟體)Becky! Internet Mail 2.65.03| Size 3.8 MB



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無論您正在尋找檢視,建立,編輯,安全,修改,或在PDF文件合作,PDF Pro 10的直觀介面可以很容易地採取任何可移植文件格式的完整通用性的優勢!






【文章標題】: (PDF編輯工具)PDF Pro 10.8.0410
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
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(PDF編輯工具)PDF Pro 10.8.0410 | Homepage:: www.pdfpro10.com

(PDF編輯工具)PDF Pro 10.8.0410 / Size: 49.27 MB



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【文章標題】: (PDF到Excel轉換工具)Solid Converter PDF 8.2.3739.18
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Solid Converter PDF 8.2.3739.18

Solid Converter PDF converts PDF to Word, Excel and creates PDFs from ANY program that prints. Convert your PDF files to Microsoft® Word documents for easy editing. PDF to Excel Conversion. Convert tables from your PDF files to Micrsoft® Excel spreadsheets. Select pages or entire document. WYSIWYG Content Extraction. Convert selected tables or images from a PDF file. Creates tables in Word or Excel or image files. Quality Conversions. No need to waste hours reformatting and reworking your files. PDF Creation. Simply drag and drop. Easily create PDFs from your documents. WYSIWYG user interface. Batch-Process Conversions. Save time by using batch conversion palettes in the UI or using scripts from the command line.

(PDF到Excel轉換工具)Solid Converter PDF 8.2.3739.18 | Home Page www.soliddocuments.com

(PDF到Excel轉換工具)Solid Converter PDF 8.2.3739.18: 95.61 MB


你是否厭倦了不斷尋找開啟或儲存檔案所需的資料夾?一個個的對話框常常惹惱你嗎?與Actual File Folders,你可以讓期望的資料夾快許多倍之間滑鼠操作切換。這將大大提高您的工作效率。此外,Actual File Folders,您可以返回您執行的任何操作的資料夾。只要在資源管理器對話框中兩個額外的標題按鈕就可促進與電腦的工作。它與任何軟體和Windows操作系統相容。






相反,Actual File Folders儲存瀏覽歷史記錄全球範圍內,無論哪個程式使用了資料夾。這意味著,例如,你可以從一些資料夾中開啟Microsoft Word中的文件,切換到Microsoft Excel,然後前往那裡使用最近的歷史資料夾相同的資料夾。



【文章標題】: (資料夾管理器)Actual File Folders 1.1.3
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Actual File Folders 1.1.3

Are you tired of constantly looking for your desired folder to open or save a file? Does a common dialog box annoy you? With Actual File Folders, you can switch between desired folders many times faster without long mouse manipulations. It will greatly increase your work productivity. In addition, Actual File Folders allows you to return to folders where you performed any actions. Just two additional title buttons for the Explorer dialog box will facilitate your work with PC at times. Actual File Folders is compatible with any software and Windows operating systems.

The Favorite Folders is a file folders extension lets you create the list of shortcuts to the folders you use the most often. Then, you can invoke this list in any file-related window of any program and access any of your favorite folders instantly in a single click. This is a good replacement for the tedious clicking to navigate to the required folder through the folders hierarchy. This resembles a list of bookmarks for your favorite websites in your web browser: instead of typing the URL each time you'd like to open your favorite website, you invoke the list of bookmarks and click that site's bookmark to get to it instantly.

You can manage the list of Favorite Folders shortcuts on the Favorite Folders panel. Then, you can invoke this list by clicking the special title button . When enabled, this button will be added to the title bar of any supported window.

Because most of Windows applications use the system dialogs for such operations as opening a file, saving a file and browsing for a folder, you can create the Favorite Folders list of shortcuts once and then use it virtually in any program.

The Recent Folders is a file folders extension tracks automatically which folders you have been visiting recently and keeps the the list of shortcuts to those folders so that you could get back to them instantly in a single click. This resembles the browsing history in your web browser: you can quickly return to a web page you visited some time ago if circumstances require.

Most of file manager programs (including Windows Explorer itself) offer such service; however, the browsing history is available either while the window remains open or in that particular file manager only.

Instead, Actual File Folders keeps the browsing history globally, no matter which program you have used the folder in. This means that, for example, you can open the document in Microsoft Word from some folder, switch to Microsoft Excel and then jump there to the same folder using the Recent Folders history.

You can adjust the Recent Folders options on the Recent Folders panel. The list of recent folders can be invoked by clicking the special title button . When enabled, this button will be added to the title bar of any supported window.

(資料夾管理器)Actual File Folders 1.1.3 | Homepage: www.actualtools.com/filefolders/

(資料夾管理器)Actual File Folders 1.1.3 | Size: 8.7 MB



 Windows中使用檔案配置表( FAT)或新技術檔案系統(NTFS )檔案系統,有系統地儲存/讀取從硬碟或像筆式磁碟機等存儲介質中的資料。
存儲在硬碟或其他任何存儲介質使用的FAT / NTFS檔案系統很容易受到損失,由於類病毒的攻擊,註冊表損壞,硬碟格式化, MBR丟失原因的資料,系統突然關閉等,

Kernel for Windows Data Recovery,輸出驅動,巨大的和複雜的FAT和NTFS的資料恢復軟體,可以恢復所有資料,即使從您的電腦的硬碟機這些資料已丟失的情況下。這個奇妙的Windows資料恢復軟體,甚至可以恢復被按下SHIFT鍵刪除的檔案(S )或資料夾(S ) + DELETE鍵。
被刪除的檔案正在使用Windows資料恢復 – FAT和NTFS軟體為他們易於識別顯示為紅色。該軟體內含不同的掃瞄模式來說明你完全恢復基於各種資料丟失的情況和每一個丟失的資料。

Kernel for Windows Data Recovery資料恢復(FAT & NTFS)
Kernel for Windows Data Recovery資料恢復軟體的主要特點:
由於分區結構, Windows檔案系統(S )的損壞或軟體故障的損壞或刪除丟失恢復資料
復甦檔案(S )和資料夾(S )丟失因意外或故意刪除

快速掃瞄:這是一個快速恢復模式,這確保被刪除的檔案,檔案,由於壞扇區丟失,引導扇區損壞, FAT損壞,索引損壞,分區刪除, MFT損壞,病毒攻擊,媒體錯誤等資料的恢復最近刪除的檔案( s)被有效地回收該模式恢復。

Kernel for Windows Data Recovery資料恢復軟體,可以掃瞄和恢復從連線到您的電腦的物理裝置或從可用的邏輯磁碟機上的資料。根據您選取的掃瞄模式,選取的物理裝置或邏輯磁碟機上的Windows資料恢復軟體檢索資料。在完成掃瞄過程中,軟體會顯示如結構樹可恢復資料,以紓緩搜尋資料夾之間可恢復資料的過程。


Kernel for Windows Data Recovery資料恢復軟體,您還可以預覽選取的檔案。您也可以在啟動掃瞄程式,掃瞄的基礎上,配置的設定可用的物理裝置或邏輯磁碟機之前,配置軟體的設定。該軟體的設定,您可以配置如下:

【文章標題】: (資料庫恢復軟體)Kernel for Windows Data Recovery 13.06.01
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Kernel for Windows Data Recovery 13.06.01

Best range of data recovery software, file repair, email migration tools, database recovery software, and password recovery tools for our users. Download Free evaluation version of the Kernel range software to experience best of the file recovery and file repair. Microsoft Windows is the most preferred operating system among individuals and professionals working in organizations. Windows use File Allocation Table (FAT) or New Technology File System (NTFS) file system to systematically store/fetch data from hard disk or other storage media like PEN drive. The data stored on hard disk or any other storage media using FAT/NTFS file system is vulnerable to loss due to reasons like virus attack, registry corruption, hard disk formatting, loss of MBR, abrupt system shut down, etc.

Kernel for Windows Data Recovery, an output-driven, stupendous, and sophisticated FAT and NTFS data recovery software enables you to recover all data, which has been lost from your computer's hard disk drive. This wonderful Windows Data Recovery software can even recover the file(s) or folder(s) that are deleted by pressing the SHIFT + DELETE key. The deleted files that are recovered using Windows Data Recovery – FAT and NTFS software are displayed in Red color for their easy identification. The software comprises different scanning modes to help you completely recover the every bit of lost data based on various data loss situations.

Kernel for Windows data recovery (fat & ntfs)
Key Features of Kernel for Windows Data Recovery software:
Successfully recovers data lost due to accidental or intentional formatting of hard disk partitions
Recovers data lost due to damage or deletion of partition structures, corruption of Windows file system(s), or software failure
Recovers file(s) and folder(s) lost due to accidental or intentional deletion
Recovers data lost due to Windows registry corruptions or unexpected system shutdown

Scanning modes embedded in the Windows Data Recovery software are:
Quick Scan: It is a fast recovery mode, which assures data recovery of deleted files, files lost due to bad sectors, boot sector corruptions, FAT corruptions, index corruptions, partition deletions, MFT corruptions, virus attacks, media errors, etc. The recently deleted file(s) are effectively recovered by this mode of recovery.
Extensive Scan: It is an advanced recovery mode, which recovers data lost due to partition format, partition deletion, and re-formatting of hard disk partitions. This mode should be selected when you want to recover the files and folders that were deleted long time ago. You can also select this mode when the Quick scan mode does not recover the desired files and folders.
File Trace: It is the slowest but the most effective mode amid available scanning modes in the software. This mode searches hard disk sector by sector for finding the lost data. This mode should be selected when both Quick Scan and Extensive Scan modes get failed to recover the lost data.

Kernel for Windows Data Recovery software enables you to scan and recover the data from physical devices attached to your computer or from the available logical drives. Based on the scanning mode you select, astonishing Windows Data Recovery software searches data on selected physical device or logical drive. On completing the scanning process, the software displays the recoverable data in a tree like structure to ease the process of searching folders amongst the recoverable data.

After completing the scanning process the software displays thousands of files and folders. Searching a specific file or files based on a specific file format can be tedious and time consuming. Therefore, to reduce the time required to search a specific file or files based on a particular file format, Find Files and File Filter options are embedded in the software. Using these options, you can quickly and easily find specific files from thousands of the files recovered by the software.

Kernel for Windows Data Recovery software also enables you to preview the selected file. You can also configure software settings before starting the scanning process to scan the available physical device or logical drive based on the configured settings. The software settings that you can configure are:
Sectors to be read in one attempt
Rename, overwrite, or skip the duplicate files
Include deleted files in the search, exclude deleted files from recovered files, or only recover the deleted files
Number of retries on bad sectors

(資料庫恢復軟體)Kernel for Windows Data Recovery 13.06.01 | Homepage:: http://www.nucleustechnologies.com/

(資料庫恢復軟體)Kernel for Windows Data Recovery 13.06.01 / Size: 3.4 Mb



EASEUS Todo Backup Advanced Server是Windows Server備份和災難恢復,物理和虛擬Windows伺服器環境下的系統遷移解決專案。


·備份系統 – 一鍵系統備份。回來了,內含操作系統和的即時安裝的應用程式,而無需中斷工作中的Windows
·備份所有檔案 – 網路共享檔案,特殊的檔案和資料夾和各種檔案類型可以是完全或有選取地備份
·備份的Exchange / SQL Server資料庫 – 快速,可靠的備份和災難恢復解決專案,以充分保護您的Exchange / SQL資料庫。
·備份資料到磁帶 – 備份硬碟,分區,檔案和資料庫訊息到磁帶裝置。
·計劃備份 – 按小時/天/週/月建立計劃為您的伺服器備份和自動定期備份的「設定它和忘記它」備份
·差分磁碟和檔案備份 – 擷取變更自上次完全磁碟/分區或檔案備份,以節省磁碟空間。
·增量磁碟和檔案備份 – 備份您的檔案的變化,因為最後一個磁碟/分區或檔案備份,節省存儲空間
·基於事件的備份 – 建立基於事件或狀況像/註銷系統啟動/關閉,使用者日誌備份
·電子信件知會 – 電子信件知會和報告,以監控完成或失敗
·備份到FTP伺服器,進行雙重保護 – 備份伺服器的操作系統和檔案到遠端FTP伺服器,雙保護您的伺服器,即時異地備份
·磁碟和分區備份 – 備份整個硬碟,分區或動態卷的系統保護或遷移

·選取性檔案復原 – 選取恢復檔案和資料夾從備份映像恢復​​不完整圖像
·通用恢復( P2P) – 一鍵復原。輕鬆的系統和檔案復原到不同的硬體配置,硬體更換,或使用一鍵恢復通用快速完成遷移。
·磁碟和分區恢復 – 快速恢復整個硬碟或分區到原來的或不同的硬體升級和遷移硬碟。
·瀏覽備份映像檔案 – 探索,複製並直接從Windows資源管理器的備份映像復原檔案和資料夾。

·刪除舊圖像 – 自動刪除/根據版本或數天根據自己的時間設定,以節省磁碟空間覆蓋舊圖像。
·壓縮 – 壓縮備份來改善您的存儲空間。
·分割備份 – 分割備份映像檔案轉換為大小,以適應媒體。
·更新備份 – 及時保護更新備份的變化。
· P2V轉換圖像檔案轉換支援 – 直接硬碟或分區映像檔案到VMware或虛擬PC格式的虛擬機上運行。
·前/後指令 – 定義指令(腳本)之前或之後的備份任務執行的指令。
·靈活的備份存儲 – 如果發生災難時,備份系統或資料到本地硬碟機,外部硬碟機,USB磁碟機或CD / DVD的雙重保護。
·日誌報告 – 記錄並檢視該伺服器的所有操作。

·磁碟複製成影像檔 – 建立硬碟的確切映像副本,正是所有檔案遷移到另一個。
·分區/動態卷複製成影像檔 – 建立分區或動態卷的精確副本,圖像,準確的所有檔案轉移到另一個。
·檢查圖像 – 檢查映像檔案的完整性,並確保備份可以完成地被恢復。
·安裝/卸載映像 – 掛載的磁碟和分區映像到虛擬分區(工作作為普通的,邏輯磁碟機)中它來探索或複製檔案。

·密碼保護的備份映像 – 保護您的備份映像從未經授權的訪問。
·擦除資料 – 如果有必要永久清除所有敏感或機密檔案。

·支援Pre – OS復原環境


【文章標題】: (備份進階伺服器)EASEUS Todo Backup Advanced Server Build 20131114
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
EASEUS Todo Backup Advanced Server Build 20131114

EASEUS Todo Backup Advanced Server is the Windows Server backup and disaster recovery, system migration solutions for both physical and virtual Windows Server environments. It provides companies and organizations with powerful data backup & recovery features such as fast system & files backup, disaster recovery, advanced backup scheduler and universal restore. It will simplify both basic and advanced server backup & recovery management while minimizing server downtime as well as ensuring business continuity.

Here are some key features of "EaseUS Todo Backup Advanced Server":

· Backup system – one-click system backup. Back, including the operation system and installed applications on-the-fly without interrupting Windows work
· Backup all files – Network shared files, specified files & folders and kinds of file types can be full or selectively backed up
· Backup Exchange/SQL Server database – fast and reliable backup and disaster recovery solution to full protect your Exchange/SQL database.
· Backup data to tape – back up hard disk, partition, files and database information to tape devices.
· Schedule backup – create plans for your server backups by hour/day/week/month and automate regular backups for a "set it and forget it" backup
· Differential disk and file backup – capture the changes since the last full disk/partition or file backup to save disk space.
· Incremental disk and file backup – backup the changes of your files since last disk/partition or file backup and save the storage space
· Event-based backup – create backups based on events or conditions like system startup/shutdown, user log on/logout
· Email notification – Email notifying and reporting to monitor success or failure
· Back up to FTP server for double protection – backup server operating system and files to remote FTP server and double protect your server with immediate offsite backup
· Disk & Partition backup – backup the entire hard disk, partition or dynamic volume for a system protection or migration

· Selective file restore – selectively recover files & folders from a backup image without recovering entire image
· Universal restore (P2P) – one-click universal restore. Easily restore the system and files to dissimilar hardware configuration for hardware replacement or use one-click universal restore to quickly complete migration.
· Disk & partition recovery – fast recover the whole hard disk or partition to original or different hardware to upgrade & migrate hard disk.
· Explore backup image file – explore, copy and restore files and folders directly from a backup image in Windows Explorer.

Comprehensive Backup Management:
· Delete old images – automatically delete/overwrite old images based on versions or days to save disk space according to your own time-setting.
· Compression – compress backups to optimize your storage space.
· Splitting backups – split backup image files into sizes to fit media.
· Edit, View, Delete backup task/plan in the centralized management console.
· Update backup – update backup changes for timely protection.
· P2V image files convert support – directly hard disk or partition image file to VMware or virtual PC format to run on a virtual machine.
· Pre/post commands – define commands (scripts) to execute the commands after or before backup tasks.
· Flexible backup storage – backup system or data to a local hard drive, external hard drive, USB drive, or CD/DVD for double protection if disaster occurs.
· Log reporting – record and view all operations for the servers.

Advanced Backup & Disk Tools:
· Disk clone – create an exact image copy of hard disk and exactly migrate all files to another.
· Partition/dynamic volume clone – create an exact image copy of partition or dynamic volume and exactly transfer all files to another.
· Check image – check integrity of image file and make sure the backups can be restored successfully.
· Mount/Unmount image – mount a disk and partition image to a virtual partition (working as ordinary, logical drives) to explore or copy files in it.

· Password-protection for backup images – protect your backup images from unauthorized access.
· Wipe data – wipe all sensitive or confidential files permanently if necessary.

Multiple Working Environment:
· Support WinPE based bootable disk
· Support Pre-OS recovery environment

(備份進階伺服器)EASEUS Todo Backup Advanced Server Build 20131114 | Homepage: www.easeus.com

(備份進階伺服器)EASEUS Todo Backup Advanced Server Build 20131114 | Size: 122 MB


Ashampoo Burning Studio 14 – 錄製CD-RW , DVD-RW , DVD + RW和Blu -ray光碟的通用程式的新版本。這是超過十四年的開發多媒體軟體進行錄製經驗的結果。更簡單,更強大,更可靠 – 經歷有史以來它是最好的!該軟體容許你建立項目和記錄的CD / DVD (內含MP3 – CD,VCD , S-VCD和藍光) 。該專案支援長檔名( 127個字元的DVD和Blu-ray和64 CD ) ,自動配置設定,儲存和加載項目,實現圖像的建立,簡單的檔案管理與DragandDrop等等。和大多數錄音裝置。

Ashampoo Burning Studio 14 適合新技術,以隨時滿足您的需求。因此,它不僅對你的寫作任務的標準功能,同時也為智慧手機,社交網路,雲服務和現代的多核心處理器的理想解決專案。

‧轉換的MP3檔案一樣簡單WMA和WAV ;
‧從格式MP3 , WAV,FLAC, WMA和Ogg Vorbis檔案建立音訊CD ;
‧多檔案備份和CD / DVD /藍光壓縮和密碼保護的恢復;
‧儲存磁碟映像大於2 GB ,在檔案系統FAT32格式;
‧現在,您可以使用您的視訊光碟的Apple QuickTime ;
‧從您的DVD -幻燈片的動畫圖形選單令人驚嘆的圖像。


‧從燒錄CD , DVD或Blu- ray光碟
‧錄製圖像格式的ISO , CUE / BIN和特殊格式的Ashampoo – ASHDISC

‧建立和燒錄藍光高清和全高清視訊光碟( 16:9 , PAL和NTSC )
‧建立視訊CD( VCD )
‧建立一個超級視訊CD ( SVCD )
‧錄製的視訊檔案到CD , DVD或Blu- ray光碟

‧燒錄CD , DVD或Blu- ray光碟帶MP3或WMA
‧燒錄播放清單(格式: M3U , XSPF ,wpl, VLC媒體播放器, Windows媒體播放器)


‧燒錄在CD , DVD或Blu -ray光碟的檔案和資料夾
‧加入外部裝置或線上資源,如Facebook , Dropbox的,智慧手機或數位相機檔案
‧更新的CD , DVD或Blu- ray光碟


‧您的個人訊息應保持完全一樣 – 個人!在Ashampoo Burning Studio 14  ,我們對行業標準的內嵌式硬碟加密,所以您的資料將只提供給你。

‧在翻錄, Ashampoo Burning Studio 14會自動尋找最適合蓋您的軌道。你不必自己做。

‧使用Ashampoo Burning Studio 14,您不再需要手動複製檔案,如圖片,從您的智慧手機或平板電腦。只需將其插入到你的電腦 – 它會幫你做所有的工作。它支援所有現代裝置,內含在Android和iOS ( iPod,iPhone和iPad的)的智慧手機和平板電腦。

‧Ashampoo Burning Studio 14 有許多改進,將讓您的生活更輕鬆。它僅顯示那些適用於現用的的任務,一個虛擬的樹型結構,它提供了將記錄資料夾的層次結構檢視,以及其他一些改進檔案的智慧檔案選取對話框。



【文章標題】: (燒錄工具)Ashampoo Burning Studio 14 Build Final
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Ashampoo Burning Studio 14 Build Final

Ashampoo Burning Studio 14 – a new version of the universal program for recording CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD RW and Blu-ray discs. This is the result of more than fourteen years of experience in developing multimedia software for recording. Even easier, more powerful and more reliable – experience the best ever created Burning Studio! The program allows you to create projects and record CD / DVD (including MP3-CD, VCD, S-VCD and Blu-ray). The program supports long filenames (127 characters for DVD and Blu-ray and 64 for CD), automatic configuration settings, saving and loading project, the creation of images, simple file management with DragandDrop and more. Works with most recording devices.

Ashampoo Burning Studio 14 fits the new technology to always meet your needs. Therefore, it not only has the standard features for your writing tasks, but also an ideal solution for smartphones, social networks, cloud services and modern multi-core processors.

• Record video directly from any video files;
• Add additional files, copying discs, make modified copies of bootable discs;
• Convert MP3 files as easy as WMA and WAV;
• Choose archive size, restore individual files;
• Create bootable discs from boot area, choose the settings file system;
• Create audio CDs from files of format MP3, WAV, FLAC, WMA and Ogg Vorbis;
• multi-file backup and restore on CD / DVD / Blu-ray with compression and password-protected;
• Rapid destruction and recycling of multimedia;
• Save disk images larger than 2 GB, on file systems FAT32;
• An interactive assistant troubleshooting and solving problems with hardware and carriers;
• Save project files for later dubbing;
• Built-in support for multi-record with the ability to record more than 1700 sessions;
• Now you can use for your video discs Apple QuickTime;
• Create stunning images from your DVD-slideshows with animated graphical menus.
• and more …

View, create and burn disc images:
• Burn CD, DVD or Blu-ray discs from
• Create a CD, DVD or Blu-ray discs
• Create a disk image of the project
• Recording images formats ISO, CUE / BIN and special format Ashampoo – ASHDISC
• Viewing the disk image: browse the contents of the disk image, and remove the files from it

Video recording:
• A completely new and improved file selection window
• Also, the addition of external devices or online resources such as Dropbox or Smartphone
• Support for multi-core processors for high speed when rendering / video encoding
• Burn DVD and Blu-ray discs directly from prepared video folders
• Create and burn Blu-ray HD and Full HD video discs (16:9, PAL and NTSC)
• Selection of the soundtrack based on the system language
• Video files are automatically converted to the required format
• Create Video CD (VCD)
• Creating a Super Video CD (SVCD)
• Record video files to CD, DVD or Blu-ray discs

Converting and recording of music:
• Create Audio CD
• Burn CD, DVD or Blu-ray discs with MP3 or WMA
• Convert Audio CD and save it to your hard drive
• Converting multiple Audio CD one by one
• Burn playlists (formats: m3u, xspf, wpl, VLC Media Player, Windows Media Player)
• Print or export the track list to a text file
• Tags when converting stored
• Support for audio files from 48kHz to 96kHz
• Normalize all audio tracks in the playlist
• Normalize audio discs with MP3 and WMA
• When converting Audio CD automatically creates a folder for the artist and album
• Add files from external devices or online resources such as Dropbox, or smartphones
• Compact mode for fast disc burning with WMA and MP3

Burn files and folders:
• Burn files and folders on a CD, DVD or Blu-ray discs
• Compact mode for quick and easy disc burning without changing
• Add files from external devices or online resources such as Facebook, Dropbox, smart phones or digital cameras
• Update CD, DVD or Blu-ray discs
• Creating automatically runs data discs with interactive self-menu or a menu through a browser
• Menu disk with one or more pages
• Add background music to your menus (multiple formats supported)
• Ready-to-use themes for menus, splash screens and buttons
• Adding a screen saver with your own content
• Create your own menu with a powerful graphical editor
• Preview while creating
• 3D buttons with tooltips, icons, ready-to-use templates
• Automatically generate buttons for files and folders
• Animated transitions between pages
• Ability to run programs, open documents and folders, create email. letters, etc., at the start or the link button and
• Scan function to produce images from a scanner
• Define icons to be used for your disk
• Launch a web browser and go to the page
• You can automatically generate a menu entirely, or create it yourself

New features:
• New design, new, and express navigation menu
• Improved functionality and convenience
• A new module for recording encrypted disks
• Automated cover during ripping
• Backup of portable devices in one click

Protect sensitive data from prying glah by encrypting drives
• Your personal details should remain exactly as – personal! In Ashampoo Burning Studio 14, we embedded disk encryption on industry standards, so your data will be available only to you.

Ripp audio CDs stylishly
• During ripping, Ashampoo Burning Studio 14 is automatically looking for the most suitable cover for your tracks. You do not have to do it yourself.

Backup mobile devices at the touch of a button
• With Ashampoo Burning Studio 14, you no longer need to manually copy the files, such as images, from your smart phone or tablet PC. Just plug it into your PC – Ashampoo Burning Studio 14 does all the work. It supports all modern devices, including smartphones and tablets on the Android and iOS (iPod, iPhone, iPad).

Get the job done faster thanks to a powerful user interface improvements
• Ashampoo Burning Studio 14 has a number of improvements that will make your life easier. It has a smart file selection dialog which display only those files that are suitable for the current task, a virtual tree structure that provides a hierarchical view of folders that will be recorded, as well as a number of other improvements.

(燒錄工具)Ashampoo Burning Studio 14 Build Final/Homepage: www.ashampoo.com

(燒錄工具)Ashampoo Burning Studio 14 Build Final/Size: 170.7 MB


Canvas X Pro 16是專門設計技術圖形的,比以往更快,更強大,這是讓專案師,小企業主,技術圖形專業人士更有信心。

現在,隨著64位技術,Canvas X Pro 16已經微調的表現。迎合了廣泛的專業人士 – 從圖形設計師專案師 – 這款升級技術使更多的記憶體,有更快的效能,並且是DPI感知趁今天」最先進的硬體。其結果是急劇增加的檔案的速度和最佳的圖形顯示。Canvas X Pro 16還內含用於富集的使用者體驗的新現代化介面。

為什麼要嘗試新的 Canvas X Pro 16?
現在,在64位可用,Canvas X Pro 16是我們最強大的產品更新。

現在,改善,支援64位操作系統本身,Canvas X Pro 16快速,行動敏捷,能夠在與文件與超過100萬的對象。使用它最常用的操作功能起來的速度,通過你要的項目會更快更有效地。 UI改進以便更順暢,更清潔的對象編輯。並與DPI設定支援高解析度顯示器,即使在大螢幕上,您的項目會顯得清晰和明確。
憑借改進的CGM進出口字型大小的轉換和弧線,以及最新的AutoCAD DWG / DXF檔案2013的支援,Canvas X Pro 16是真正的專案師和技術插圖。

使用WindowsR 7,8 Windows,或 Windows 8.1(所有64位操作系統)


【文章標題】: (圖形設計工具)ACD Systems Canvas X Pro 16.2115
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
ACD Systems Canvas X Pro 16.2115

Faster and more powerful than ever before, Canvas X Pro 16 is specially designed to make it possible for engineers, small business owners, and technical graphics professionals to illustrate and communicate with confidence.

Now with 64-bit technology, Canvas X Pro 16 has been fine-tuned for performance. Catering to a wide range of professionals — from graphics designers to engineers — this upgraded technology allows for more memory, faster performance, and is DPI-aware to take advantage of today’s most advanced hardware. The result is drastically increased document speed and the best graphics display available on the market. Canvas X Pro 16 also includes a new modernized interface for an enriched user experience.
Canvas X Pro 16’s unique and integrated design environment makes it possible for users to work with and combine all graphical elements, and to apply high-end effects in a single document. Technical illustrators can now open and manipulate documents with over one million objects in seconds vs. minutes.

Why try the new Canvas X Pro 16 ?
Now available in 64-bit, Canvas X Pro 16 is our most powerful product to date.
The upgraded technology allows for more memory, faster performance, and is DPI-aware to take advantage of today’s most advanced hardware.
Tuned for improved performance. Caters to a wide range of professionals, allowing them to analyze, enhance, and share illustrations with ease and precision.
Technical illustrators can now open and manipulate documents with over one million objects in seconds vs. minutes.
Unique and integrated design environment makes it possible for users to work with and combine all graphical elements and apply high-end effects in a single document.
New modernized interface for an enriched user experience.

What's New
Now optimized to support 64-bit operating systems natively, Canvas X Pro 16 is quick, agile, and capable of working with documents with over 1 million objects. With the speed of Canvas X’s most commonly-used operations amped up, you will fly through your projects quicker and more efficiently. UI improvements allow for smoother, cleaner object editing. And with support for DPI settings for high resolution monitors, your projects will look crisp and clear, even on the big screen.
With improved CGM import and export font size conversion and arcs, and support for the latest AutoCAD DWG/DXF 2013 files, Canvas X Pro 16 is truly provisioned for engineers and technical illustrators.

Windows® 7, Windows® 8, or Windows® 8.1 (all 64-bit OS)

(圖形設計工具)ACD Systems Canvas X Pro 16.2115 | Home Page: www.canvasx.com/en/products/canvasx-pro-16

(圖形設計工具)ACD Systems Canvas X Pro 16.2115 | Size: 166 MB



 YouCam Deluxe 6是所有功能於一身的攝像頭和攝像頭應用程式。你可以有IM聊天或視訊錄製與你的攝像頭加入各種有趣的視訊效果。您的平板電腦變成創意相機捕捉美妙的HDR和全景照片。此外,您可以使用YouCam會產生專業的商務視訊演示。

享受樂趣即時通信聊天和視訊錄製,在YouCam會超過200個有趣的效果 – 內含令人驚嘆的3D增強現實,臉部追蹤頭像和粒子效果! 它還內含50個新的動畫表情,動畫幀和臉部追蹤小工具,提供了比以往任何時候都最好玩的攝像頭體驗!

它支援主流的即時通信軟體,內含Skype和雅虎通。種類繁多的新樂趣特效打動了所有線上聯繫人 – 視訊聊天從未如此方便和樂趣!

使用網路攝像頭錄製視訊問候最酷effects.You可以增加魔法粒子,打扮自己與清涼的小工具,覆蓋表情符號對象,並通過Facebook和YouTube分享您的視訊錄像!它包括超過50個全新的效果,你也可以從DirectorZone得到上千個免費的效果 。

訊連科技獨有的TrueTheater R增強技術將最適列高照明和清晰度有一個按鈕,只要按一下。您也可以手動調整降噪,對照度,亮度和圖像增強水平。

CyberLink YouCam Deluxe是一個有趣的小工具,將你的攝像頭變成一個化妝鏡。





給你照片的專業畫龍點睛加入您所選取的相框。 它內含各種專門設計的框架。

與YouCam Deluxe 6的手繪畫工具,個性化您的照片。對你的照片畫自由地使用各種大小和彩色的畫筆。用你的手指上的觸摸屏電腦直接繪製。






【文章標題】:(攝像頭應用程式)CyberLink YouCam Deluxe 6.0.2728
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
CyberLink YouCam Deluxe 6.0.2728

YouCam 6 Deluxe is the all-in-one WebCam & Camera app that makes the most out of your PC camera. You can add various fun video effects when having IM chat or video recording with your webcam. Your tablet PC turns into creative camera for capturing fantastic HDR and panorama photos. Moreover, you can use YouCam to produce professional business video presentations.

Enjoy fun Instant Messenger chats and video recordings with over 200 fun effects in YouCam – including the amazing 3D augmented reality, face-tracking avatar and particle effects! YouCam 6 also includes 50 new animated emoticons, animated frames and face-tracking gadgets, providing the most fun WebCam experience than ever!

Entertaining Instant Messenger Chat
YouCam 6 supports major instant messenger software, including Skype and Yahoo! Messenger. Impress all your online contacts with the huge variety of new fun effects – video chatting never been so easy and fun!

Fun with Video Recording
Use your WebCam to record video greetings with coolest effects.You can add magic particles, dress up yourself with cool gadgets, overlay emoticon objects, and share your video recordings via Facebook and YouTube! YouCam 6 Deluxe includes over 50 brand new effects, you can also get thousands of FREE effects from DirectorZone.

Best Video Quality
CyberLink’s unique TrueTheater® Enhancement Technology will auto-adjust the lighting and sharpness with just a click of a button. You can also manually adjust the level of noise reduction, contrast, brightness and image enhancement.

Use Your WebCam as a Makeup Mirror
YouCam makes the most out of your WebCam. The YouCam Mirror is a fun gadget that turns your WebCam into a makeup mirror.

Various Photo Shooting Modes
YouCam 6 transforms your PC into a creative camera. You can take Panorama and HDR shots with your front or rear camera. Use the new Burst mode to capture up to 10 continuous photos in once click.

Dual Camera Support
YouCam 6 supports video and photo capture from both front and rear cameras of your Tablet PC and you can overlay these dual camera shots in real-time. Create your own photo montage even when traveling alone.

Stunning Panorama Photos
Use your tablet PC's camera to capture stunning Panorama shots. Capture multiple photos and stitch them into a wide-angle Panorama photo.

Dramatic HDR Photos
Apply real-time HDR effects when taking photos in low lighting or high contrast scenes. Enhance the shadow and highlight of your photos, and bring out more details in your photo.

Stylish Photo Frames
Give you photo a professional finishing touch by adding the photo frame of your choice. YouCam 6 includes a wide variety of specially designed frames.

Paint on Your Photos
Personalize your photo with YouCam 6's hand paint tools. Draw on your photos freely using a range of brush size and color. Directly draw with your fingers on your touch-screen PCs.

Photo Crop & Rotate
Extract the best part of your photos with easy crop and rotate tools. Choose from different ratio sets to crop your photo, or freely rotate the photos to get the perfect angle.

One-Click Photo Presets
Apply one-click photo presets to your photos to instantly change the atmosphere. You can also download unlimited presets from CyberLink's DirectorZone.com online community.

and much more …

(攝像頭應用程式)CyberLink YouCam Deluxe 6.0.2728 | Home Page: www.cyberlink.com

(攝像頭應用程式)CyberLink YouCam Deluxe 6.0.2728 | Size: 464.81 MB