【正印家族】授權營運專案 秘技傳授 +(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成營運賺大錢! 站在成功者的肩膀上,你會看得更遠! 最快速的成功方法就是:【合法授權 100% 複製成功者經營模式】直接複製經營賺錢術 網路創業 【正印家族】 自動印鈔機賺錢術(借別人的智慧成功 - 提升您的網路競爭力!) 因為:你所需要的『網站資源』與『配套教學』【總教頭】都已經幫你準備好了! 【秘笈硬碟】:用一顆1000GB的硬碟,裝載【網站架站程式】 【超過500個軟體中文化檔案】與【教學影片課程】讓你馬上用! 密訓基地503萬訪客最期待的授權:【正印家族】授權營運方案 ! 總教頭親自示範公開網路經營的捷徑! 此原理類似武俠小說的【一甲子的功力】直接導入→ 任都二脈馬上通暢,你當然馬上成為武林高手! 傳授『授權檔案』再次加工賺錢技巧: 授權後大家都可以不一樣!總教頭會教你如何再次加工?讓它轉換成:具有你獨有特色的『自己獨家資源』! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會與無法使用的擔憂....)



該計劃是專為光學顯微鏡圖像處理,配合淺景深場的問題。 Helicon是一個工具,它可以讓你建立和編輯圖像。

·產生不透明度貼圖在Adobe Photoshop中進行進一步的處理;

【文章標題】: (建立和編輯圖像程式)Helicon Focus Pro Multilingual
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Helicon Focus Pro Multilingual

Helicon Focus is a program that creates one perfectly focused image from several partially focused images. The program is designed for optic microscope image processing to cope with the shallow depth-of-field problem. Helicon Focus is a tool that will allow you to create and edit images. Heliconfocus can also be used in macrophotography. The program can automatically adjust and resize images to combine the perfectly focused image.

Here are some key features of "Helicon Focus":
· automatically adjusts and resizes images (important for stereomicroscopes and macrophotography);
· processes an unlimited number of images in the stack;
· has no limitation on image resolutions (you need at least 512M RAM to work with 8Mp+ images);
· supports "dust map" to automatically remove black points from the resulting images;
· automatically adjusts brightness of the adjacent images;
· reads RAW, 8bit and 16bit TIFFs, JPEG, JPEG 2000, BMP, etc;
· writes 8bit and 16bit TIFFs, JPEG, JPEG 2000, BMP.
· includes all the features of the Lite version;
· generates opacity maps for further processing in Adobe PhotoShop;
· adds text title and scale to the image;
· will contain more advanced features in the future.

(建立和編輯圖像程式)Helicon Focus Pro Multilingual | Size: 85.04 MB

(建立和編輯圖像程式)Helicon Focus Pro Multilingual| Home Page: heliconsoft.com

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8



– 用於讀取和寫入大參考
– 查表內的任何應用程式或檔案的定義,內含PDF,圖片或電影字幕
– 取得線上訪問您所購買的詞典
– 建立卡片記憶新單詞
– 聽的關鍵單詞的發音
– 建立您自己的翻譯詞典

ABBYY Lingvo的字典軟體是一個進階詞典時閱讀,寫作和學習外語,支援你。你可以看看在英語和俄語詞典詞的定義,詞的翻譯20種語系,獲得動詞的動詞,聽發音,創造快閃記憶體卡記憶新單詞。
ABBYY Lingvo的翻譯詞典提供的可信內容,易字尋找和靈活的軟體的組合。查詞翻譯和用法示例,得到動詞為動詞,聽發音,創造快閃記憶體卡記憶新單詞。




超過220綜合詞典權威出版社如牛津大學出版社,哈珀柯林斯出版社, ABBYY , ABBYY出版社的Russky Yazyk媒體和日俄準確的定義和翻譯超過12,600,000詞條和短語。


找翻譯從任何應用程式或檔案,內含網頁瀏覽器,電子信件,文件, PDF,圖片* ,甚至是電影字幕* ,他們只要通過簡單地指向滑鼠游標。與多個應用程式同時工作時,這是很方便,而且節省花在手動打字時間。






獲得在ABBYY Lingvo.Pro ,線上門戶網站,提供各種語系服務從ABBYY的翻譯記憶庫。






【文章標題】: (翻譯詞典軟體)ABBYY Lingvo х5 Professional 15.0.826.26
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
ABBYY Lingvo х5 Professional 15.0.826.26

Translation dictionary for 20 languages

220 dictionaries from English to Russian, Spanish, German, French, Chinese and other languages from Oxford University Press, HarperCollins Publishers and other publishers or created by ABBYY.

– Great references for reading and writing
– Look-up definitions within any application or file, including PDFs, images, or movie subtitles
– Get online access to the dictionaries you purchased
– Create flashcards to memorize new words
– Listen to pronunciation of key words
– Create your own translation dictionary

ABBYY Lingvo Dictionary Software is a premium dictionary which supports you when reading, writing and learning foreign languages. You can look up word definitions in English and Russian dictionaries, word translations for 20 languages, get conjugations for verbs, listen to pronunciation and create flash cards to memorize new words.
ABBYY Lingvo Translation Dictionary delivers a combination of trusted content, easy word look-up and flexible software. Look up word translations and usage examples, get conjugations for verbs, listen to pronunciation and create flash cards to memorize new words.

Languages: English, Russian and others

Dictionary supports 20 languages: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Russian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Kazakh, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Tatar, Turkish, and Ukrainian languages. The most comprehensive dictionary sets are offered for English and Russian languages.

Dictionaries: general, medical, law and others

More than 220 comprehensive dictionaries from authoritative publishers such as Oxford University Press, HarperCollins Publishers, ABBYY, ABBYY Press, Russky Yazyk Media and Russo with accurate definitions and translations for more than 12,600,000 headwords and phrases.

Instant Translation within Any Application

Get translation from within any application or file including web-browsers, e-mails, documents, PDFs, images* and even movie subtitles*, by simply pointing the mouse cursor at them. This is convenient when working with several applications simultaneously, and it saves time spent on manual typing.

Custom Dictionary for Effective Work

Create your custom dictionaries for preserving the integrity of terminology when translating corporate documents. Custom dictionaries can be added to the existing dictionary collection and become available for all users across the organization. You can enhance your custom dictionaries with pictures* of the described objects to provide more information on a specific term for easier translation processes.

Support when learning a foreign language

• Listen to the pronunciation of key words recorded by native speakers
• Create and review flashcards to memorize new words
• View verb conjugations
• Collection of samples for official correspondence in English, German, French and Spanish*
• More than 1,000 illustrations in the New Oxford American Dictionary*

Direct Access to a Million Word-Use Examples

Gain access to the Translation Memory database at ABBYY Lingvo.Pro, an online portal that offers various language services from ABBYY.

The Translation Memory database contains over one million examples of common usage of words and phrases selected from books, Web sites, technical publications and legal documents in English, Russian, German, and French.

This service allows users to find out if a certain combination of words is really used in the language and which words usually accompany each other in the text, thereby providing unique material for both language translation and learning.

Includes Online Access

12 months' online access to the dictionary you have purchased at any time and from any place. Once the dictionary license is activated, this service is available free of charge.

Networking Features
• Automated Network Installation
• Suitable License Management
• Terminal Server Support
• Flexible Licensing Policy
• Attractive Discount Structure

(翻譯詞典軟體)ABBYY Lingvo х5 Professional 15.0.826.26 | Home Page: www.abbyy.com

(翻譯詞典軟體)ABBYY Lingvo х5 Professional 15.0.826.26 | Size: 2.59 GB

ОС | OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 (32-bit / 64-bit).


TLEX (又名TshwaneLex )是一家專業的,功能豐富,完全國際化的,現成的軟體應用套件,詞典編纂或術語清單。它已經通過了全球眾多主要出版商,政府組織和個人,為它提供了出色的投資回報率。 TLEX包括了許多特殊功能,讓您大大減少字典生成時間和成本,提高詞典的質量和一致性(從單使用者項目,大型團隊) 。其中內含一個整合的語料庫查詢系統,實時預覽,全定制彈性,先進的風格體系, 「智慧交叉引用」具有追蹤和自動更新,自動引理反轉,自動編號和排序,匯出到MS Word和排版系統(such as InDesign,以及更多如InDesign,Quark和XPP ) ,多使用者支援。發佈到印刷,網頁,或CD-ROM /軟體。




‧使用者友好: TLEX和tlTerm並不需要先進的電腦知識技能 – 如果您可以使用Microsoft Word ,您將能夠學習TLEX / tlTerm
‧完整的Unicode支援 – 支援幾乎所有的世界語系
‧輕鬆進入任何注音符號(IPA ;拼音延伸)
‧網路和多使用者(團隊)詞典編纂的支援(支援所有主要的資料庫伺服器,如MS SQL伺服器,Oracle , PostgreSQL的)
Microsoft Word格式, RTF,HTML , XML,CSV
Corel公司的WordPerfect和OpenOffice (通過RTF格式)
Adobe InDesign和QuarkXPress
CSV (也可以匯入語料庫的頻數)
‧可定制的樣式(字型,彩色等) ,每場在字典
‧雙語詞典: 「翻譯等效扇出」
‧電子詞典(CD-ROM )的軟體模組
·斯瓦西裡語 – 英語字典
·北索托語 – 英語字典
直接出口到「靜態HTML 」 :
‧可自訂的DTD (字典語法編輯器)


【文章標題】: (詞典編纂軟體)TLex Suite
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
TLex Suite

TLex (aka TshwaneLex) is a professional, feature-rich, fully internationalised, off-the-shelf software application suite for compiling dictionaries or terminology lists. It has been adopted by many major publishers, government organisations and individuals worldwide, as it delivers excellent ROI. TLex contains many specialized features that allow you to dramatically reduce dictionary production time and costs and increase the quality and consistency of your dictionaries (from single-user projects to large teams). These include an integrated Corpus Query System, real-time preview, full customisability, advanced styles system, "smart cross-references" with tracking and auto-updating, automated lemma reversal, automated numbering and sorting, export to MS Word and typesetting systems (such as InDesign, Quark and XPP), multi-user support for managing teams, and much more. Publish to hardcopy, Web, or CD-ROM / software.


Using dedicated dictionary compilation software rather than general-purpose tools such as word processors or generic XML tools provides significant benefits in terms of both dictionary development time and output quality for both individual lexicographers as well as lexicographic (or terminology compilation) teams:

• Reduced project completion time, thanks to (amongst others) various levels of automation, such as automatic numbering, lemma reversal, cross-reference tracking/updating and error checking
• Increased consistency in the treatment of articles, thanks to features such as the article filter
• Leads to more consistent and balanced treatment of both languages in a bilingual dictionary
• Improved teamwork and team communication
• More easily scalable to larger team sizes

Primary Features
• Fast
• User-friendly: TLex and tlTerm do not require advanced computer literacy skills – if you can use Microsoft Word, you will be able to learn TLex/tlTerm
• Automatic sense numbering
• Automatic homonym numbering
• Automatic cross-reference tracking and updating of homonym and sense numbers
• Immediate WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) article preview
• Immediate preview of cross-referenced articles and cross-referencing articles
• Integrated corpus
• Full Unicode support – supports virtually all of the world's languages
• Easily enter any phonetic symbol (IPA ; phonetic extensions)
• Fully customisable and highly flexible (create any fields and structures relevant to your dictionary)
• Network and multi-user (team) lexicography support (supports all major database servers, e.g. MS SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL)
• Management Tools: Assign tasks to users and monitor user or team progress
• Export to:
Microsoft Word format, RTF, HTML, XML, CSV
Corel WordPerfect and OpenOffice (via RTF format)
Adobe InDesign and QuarkXPress
• Import from:
CSV (may also import corpus frequency counts)
XML or word frequency counts from corpus query software
CUSTOM: contact us for a quote for conversion of existing data in any format
• Various features for generating 'multiple dictionaries from one database'
• Customisable styles (font, colour etc.) for every field in the dictionary
• Customisable language of the meta-language
• Bilingual dictionaries: Automated lemma reversal
• Bilingual dictionaries: Side-by-side bilingual editing and "linked view" mode
• Bilingual dictionaries: "Translation Equivalent fanouts"
• Multimedia: Allows sound (e.g. pronunciation) recordings to be linked to any field
• Multimedia: Allows images to be added to entries
• IME "Windows soft-keyboard" support
• Right-to-left language support (Hebrew, Arabic etc.)
• Fast full-dictionary text search
• Filter: define criteria for viewing/exporting a subset of the dictionary based on specific characteristics
• Dictionary compare/merge feature: Integrate work done by different team members
• A unique Ruler Tool to ensure balanced treatment on multiple levels
• Automatic checking for various dictionary errors
• Electronic Dictionary (CD-ROM) software module available
• Place dictionaries online. Examples:
Online dictionary module:
· Swahili – English dictionary
· Northern Sotho – English dictionary
Direct export to "static HTML":
· James Randi Encyclopedia
• Scripting language
• Customisable DTD (dictionary grammar editor)

(詞典編纂軟體)TLex Suite | Home page:: tshwanedje.com

(詞典編纂軟體)TLex Suite | Size: 41.91 MB


 AVG PC效能改善,為您提供服務,讓您使用到最棒的電腦。


改善您的Internet connectionInternet

此工具會加快你的際網路連線,通過改善設定 – 內含最大MTU和埃爾文 – 專為您使用的Internet連線類型。此外,網路改善你的連線設定。

AVG PC效能改善,配備裝置齊全的檔案還原工具,讓您可以在Windows中已損壞或意外刪除的檔案還原。





Google 翻譯企業版:譯者工具包網站翻譯工具全球商機搜尋器

【文章標題】: (AVG PC效能改善)AVG PC Tuneup 12.0.4020.3
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
AVG PC Tuneup 12.0.4020.3

You already know how AVG can protect you online. Now we take that expertise one step further by fixing problems that slow you down. AVG PC Tuneup is your one-stop shop to help you get the most out of your PC.

* Fix issues affecting your PC’s performance and enjoy a faster running PC
* Get rid of tell-tale traces of your activity and files you hoped were gone for good

Great features:

Optimize your Internet connectionInternet optimizer

Internet optimizer automatically tunes your Internet connection settings to speed up your online life.
This tool will speed up your internet connection by optimizing settings – including Max MTU and RWIN – specifically for the type of internet connection you use. In addition, the internet optimizer will test your connection settings before applying any changes.
Recover accidentally deleted filesFile recovery

AVG PC Tuneup comes fully equipped with a file recovery tool so that you can recover files that have been damaged or accidentally deleted within Windows.
This tool will recover accidentally deleted files or files that have been damaged. File recovery also allows you to preview photos and documents while browsing through the list of found files.
Permanently delete files and wipe disksFile shredder and disk wiper

Deleting files or folders removes references to them but doesn’t remove the actual data stored within the file. This means that files you think you've deleted can easily be retrieved.
File shredder permanently deletes files so your personal data cannot be restored. It provides four different shredding options, ranging from fast to military-level safety shredding. The disk wiping tool can be used to wipe entire drives and to provide extra security. You can also turn off system restore while wiping a disk to ensure no file copies are created during wiping.
Protect your privacy Track eraser

Lots of information about your activities is recorded on your PC. Track eraser will help you protect your privacy by removing this personal information from your computer.
When you surf the internet, open documents or run programs, your activity is recorded. Track eraser hides these traces so that no one can see which web sites you have visited or which documents you have recently opened.
Make your PC more stable and free up disk spaceDisk and registry cleaner

Clean up old files, duplicate files and broken registries to get the most out of your PC.
Disk cleaner scans your hard drives for files that waste disk space and slow down your computer. These may include temporary files, internet browser cache or junk files. Registry cleaner scans your registry to fix problems that cause your computer to slow down, freeze or even crash.
Improve your disk speedDisk and windows registry defragmenter

Disc defragmentation optimizes your file system to get the most out of your hard drive. Enjoy a faster hard disk and a more stable and smooth running computer.
Disk defragmenter reorganizes files on your disks so that they can be read and written faster. This improves application response time, system boot speed and overall computer performance. A similar tool cleans up your Windows registry by rewriting it to eliminate fragmentation, slack spaces and structural defects
Monitor your hard drive health and space usageDisk doctor and disk explorer

With these two tools it will be easy for you to keep your data organized and safe from being lost due to hard disk failure.

(AVG PC效能改善)AVG PC Tuneup 12.0.4020.3 | Home Page: www.avg.com/ww-en/avg-pctuneup

(AVG PC效能改善)AVG PC Tuneup 12.0.4020.3| Size: 58.43 MB

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8



Adobe Illustrator CC 18 軟體是跨媒體設計行業標準的向量繪圖環境,表達你的創意與形狀,彩色,效果和排版。 Adobe Illustrator CC適用於速度和穩定性上大型的,複雜的檔案,並有效地搬移設計之中Adobe的創造性應用。熟悉的任務現在精簡,從圖層名稱的行內編輯,以精確的色彩取樣。 它內含Adobe的水星效能系統,與Mac OS和Windows的原生64位支援供電等任務的開啟,精心設計儲存和匯出大檔案和預覽。Adobe Illustrator的CC新的觸摸型工具為您提供了更多的控制類型:搬移,縮放和旋轉單個字元,在任何時候知道你可以變更字型或複製。

‧圖像中的畫筆。塗料與從照片做成的刷子刷。藝術,圖案,以及散佈畫筆可以包括光柵圖像,因此您可以快速建立複雜的有機設計 – 用簡單的筆觸。如同所有的Adobe Illustrator CC刷,你的行程可以被重新塑造和修改的意願。
‧字型搜尋,尋找完美的字型 – 快速,在字元面板中,鍵入一個樣式,例如「大膽」或「斜體」字型系列,或字型名稱的任何其他部分。你會得到一個篩選檢視,可以讓你看到的只是符合條件的字型。
‧同步字型,同步字型會改變你的工作與類型的模式。快速尋找從的Adobe Typekit字型庫日益完善的字型,它同步到你的系統,並立即可供使用。
‧多檔案的地方。匯入多個檔案到您的Adobe Illustrator CC佈局的同時,與新的控制。現在,你可以定義你的檔案的位置和規模 – 圖像,圖形和文字 – 並使用新的縮略圖檢視檢視每個檔案將要去哪裡以及如何。

‧同步彩色,捕捉色彩主題在世界使用Adobe的Kuler iPhone應用程式。分享你的主題,探索成千上萬的其他人提供網站上的Kuler,同步你喜愛的主題,他們會在Adobe Illustrator CC直接訪問。

‧Behance整合,直接從Adobe Illustrator CC儲存工作,Behance展示完成的項目或共享工作正在進行中。當你完善你的工作,並上傳新版本,讓來自世界各地的創意的即時反饋。
‧同步設定,工作,你喜歡上任何電腦的模式 – Mac或PC。同步您的工作區設定,以創意雲 – 內含Adobe Illustrator CC 的喜好,預置,畫筆和庫 – 讓他們去你要去的地方。

‧未內嵌圖像,已放置和內嵌在Adobe Illustrator中CC檔案輕鬆解除內嵌圖像。你可以迅速使可用於內嵌在你從別人那裡收到的作品進行編輯或提取檔案的圖像。
‧延伸的連結面板選項,取得有關在連結面板放置任何檔案的詳細完整的訊息。所有放置的元素 – 圖像,圖形和文字 – 出現在連結面板,在這裡您可以比以往更好地控制追蹤他們。
‧效能系統,與精度,速度,以及大型,複雜的檔案堅如磐石的穩定工作。與在Mac OS和Windows的原生64位支援,Adobe的美科利效能系統使您可以訪問所有的記憶體可以輕鬆地開啟,儲存和匯出大檔案和預覽複雜的設計。

‧漸變和透明度,相互作用與漸變直接在對像上,定義橢圓漸變的維數,在編輯的彩色,並調整不透明度。應用梯度招 – 沿長度方向,跨越的寬度,或在行程本身。

英特爾 奔騰 4或AMD Athlon 64處理器
Microsoft Windows 7與Service Pack 1或Windows 8和8.1
1GB的RAM(建議使用3GB)為32位; 2GB的RAM(建議使用8GB)為64位


【文章標題】: (向量繪圖軟體)Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 18.0.0
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 18.0.0

Adobe Illustrator CC 18 software is the industry standard vector-drawing environment for designing across media. Express your creative vision with shapes, color, effects, and typography. Adobe Illustrator CC works with speed and stability on large, complex files, and move designs efficiently among Adobe’s creative applications. Familiar tasks are now streamlined, from inline editing of layer names to precise color sampling. Adobe Illustrator CC software includes the Adobe Mercury Performance System, with native 64-bit support for Mac OS and Windows to power such tasks as opening, saving, and exporting large files and previewing elaborate designs. The new Touch Type tool of Adobe Illustrator CC gives you even more control over type: Move, scale, and rotate individual characters knowing you can change the font or copy at any time.

Adobe Illustrator CC Features:
• Touch Type tool. Design with type in a powerful new way. Characters can now be manipulated like individual objects. Experiment with moving, scaling, and rotating, knowing you can change the font or edit at any time. And you can now use multitouch devices as well as a mouse or stylus.
• Images in brushes. Paint with a brush made from a photo. Art, Pattern, and Scatter brushes can contain raster images, so you can create complex organic designs quickly – with simple brush strokes. As with all Adobe Illustrator CC brushes, your strokes can be reshaped and modified at will.
• Font search. Find the perfect font – fast. In the Character panel, type a style such as “bold” or “italic,” a font family, or any other part of a font name. You’ll get a filtered view that lets you see just the fonts that match your criteria.
• Sync Fonts. Sync Fonts will change the way you work with type. Quickly find the perfect font from the growing library of Adobe Typekit fonts, sync it to your system, and have it immediately available for use.
• Multiple-file place. Import multiple files into your Adobe Illustrator CC layout at the same time and with new control. Now you can define the location and scale of your files – images, graphics, and text – and use new thumbnail views to see where each file will go and how big it will be.

• CSS extraction. Hand-coding web elements such as icons and patterns can be frustrating. Now, create websites faster by letting Illustrator generate CSS code for you, even for a complete logo that includes gradients. Copy and paste the code right into your web editor.
• Sync Colors. Capture color themes out in the world with the Adobe Kuler iPhone app. Share your themes and explore thousands of others available on the Kuler website. Sync your favorite themes, and they’ll be accessible immediately in Adobe Illustrator CC.
• Area and point type conversion. Instantly switch between area type and point type. Text object conversion is now instantaneous so you can design freely in your text layouts. And you can work just as easily with imported type, switching formats at any time.
• Auto corners for pattern brushes. Get the corners you want without extra steps. Create pattern brushes swiftly with auto-generated corners that perfectly match the rest of the stroke. No need to tediously create special corners for your sharp angles.
• On-art Free Transform. Get hands-on with the power of the Free Transform tool. Move, scale, and rotate objects directly using a touchscreen device. Or use a mouse or other pointer right on the artboard to transform objects in a more immediate and intuitive way.

• Behance Integration. Save work directly from Adobe Illustrator CC to Behance to showcase finished projects or share a work in progress. As you perfect your work and upload new versions, get immediate feedback from creatives around the world.
• Sync Settings. Work the way you like on any of your computers – Mac or PC. Synchronize your workspace settings to Creative Cloud – including Adobe Illustrator CC preferences, presets, brushes, and libraries – so they go where you go.
• Faster type performance. Work faster with type, even in your most complicated, type-intensive designs. Text that wraps around objects and type that is set in multiple connected text frames now refreshes quickly when you make a change.
• File packaging. File packaging automatically gathers and saves the necessary fonts, linked graphics, and a package report into a single folder. Efficiently hand off Illustrator files to production or keep your working files organized by packaging up your project.

• Unembedded images. Easily unembed images that have been placed and embedded in an Adobe Illustrator CC file. You can quickly make images available for editing or extract files embedded in artwork you received from someone else.
• Expanded Links panel options. Get more complete information about any placed file in the Links panel. All of your placed elements – images, graphics, and text – appear in the Links panel, where you can track them with greater control than ever before.
• Sophisticated vector drawing tools. Create compelling vector graphics for print, web, mobile, and video. With precise shape-building tools, painterly brushes, and advanced path controls, you can experiment freely with intricate shapes, complex effects, and elegant typography.
• Mercury Performance System. Work with precision, speed, and rock-solid stability on large, complex files. With native 64-bit support on Mac OS and Windows, the Adobe Mercury Performance System lets you access all your RAM to easily open, save, and export large files and preview intricate designs.
• Multiple artboards. Organize and view up to 100 artboards of varying sizes, overlapping or on a grid. Quickly add, delete, reorder, and name. Save, export, and print independently or together.

• Gradients and transparency. Interact with gradients directly on objects, defining the dimension of elliptical gradients, editing colors, and adjusting opacity. Apply gradients to strokes – along the length, across the width, or within the stroke itself.
• Variable-width strokes. Draw strokes with variable widths, quickly and smoothly adjusting at any point. Create and save width profiles and apply them to any stroke, or use variable-width presets.
• Crisp graphics for web and mobile. Create and align vector objects precisely on your document’s pixel grid for clean, sharp raster graphics. Use text anti-aliasing options for precise control over individual text frames.
• Image Trace. Convert raster images to editable vectors with a powerful tracing engine that provides exceptional control over colors and shapes. Get clean lines, accurate fitting, and reliable results using simple, intuitive options.
• Pattern creation. Easily create seamlessly tiled vector patterns. Experiment freely with different kinds of repeating vector patterns that can be edited at any time for maximum design flexibility.

System requirements
Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor
Microsoft® Windows® 7 with Service Pack 1 or Windows 8 & 8.1
1GB of RAM (3GB recommended) for 32 bit; 2GB of RAM (8GB recommended) for 64 bit
2GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
1024×768 display (1280×800 recommended)
Internet connection and registration are necessary for required software activation, membership validation, and access to online services.*

(向量繪圖軟體)Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 18.0.0 | Homepage: www.adobe.com

(向量繪圖軟體)Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 18.0.0  | Size: 1.74 GB


CoolUtils Total Image Converter容許您拍攝的圖像,並建立一個新的具有不同大小或格式,或執行任務的圖形檔案與點擊巨大的批次。

 ImageConverter是一個獨一無二的 – 它支援幾乎所有流行的格式(JPG , GIF,BMP , PBM,PGM , PCX , PNG , PPM , TGA , TIF , WMF,EMF ) 。

CoolUtils Total Image Converter總圖像轉換器,可以調整大小,旋轉或執行對映和改變彩色解析度。如果有圖像的清單進行轉換,用我們的批次處理。你會得到幾百轉換或點擊調整大小的圖像! ImageConverter是一個用於將圖像以最合理的價格最好的解決專案。

·共有圖像轉換器支援幾乎所有的圖像格式(見清單 – > ) 。它的所有功能於一身的為那些誰不想浪費時間和精力尋找10個不同的轉換器來處理不同格式的解決專案。
· 3種模式的處理
·首先,是經由深思熟慮的使用者介面。二,總圖像轉換器無縫整合到Windows 。這意味著,你可以在你的桌面上選取檔案,並用滑鼠右鍵按鈕的滑鼠點擊。你會看到在非標準的Windows跳出選單中的ConvertTo項目。而且也有指令行支援。從其他程式中的指令行運行總計圖像轉換器。


【文章標題】: (圖像轉換器)CoolUtils Total Image Converter 1.5.114
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地都它會提醒你為每次轉換的最佳設置所有的問題。請點擊這裡
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
CoolUtils Total Image Converter 1.5.114

Total Image Converter allows you to take an image and create a new one with a different size or format, or perform the task for huge batches of graphic files with one click. It is invaluable for web designers and other IT professionals. Total Image Conver

Total Image Converter helps you to convert image sizes and formats. A must-have utility for all web designers. ImageConverter is unique – it supports almost all popular formats (JPG, GIF, BMP, PBM, PGM, PCX, PNG, PPM, TGA, TIF, WMF, EMF). All you have to do is to set the required size or format and Total Image Converter automatically does the rest.

Total Image Converter allows you to take an image and create a new one with a different size or format, or perform the task for huge batches of graphic files with one click. It is invaluable for web designers and other IT professionals.

Total Image Converter helps you to convert image sizes and formats. A must-have utility for all web designers. ImageConverter is unique – it supports almost all popular formats (JPG, GIF, BMP, PBM, PGM, PCX, PNG, PPM, TGA, TIF, WMF, EMF). All you have to do is to set the required size or format and Total Image Converter automatically does the rest.

With Total Image Converter, you can also resize, rotate or perform mirror images and change color resolutions. If you have lists of images to be converted, use our batch processing. You'll get hundreds of images converted or resized with one click! ImageConverter is the best solution for converting images at a most reasonable price.

Here are some key features of "Total Image Converter":
· All image formats
· Total Image Converter supports almost all image formats (see the list ->). It's all-in-one solution for those who do not want to waste time and effort searching for 10 different converters to deal with different formats.
· Batch conversion
· If you have hundreds of images to be converted, you can use its batch file convert option. Just check the files that you want to process or just press Select All button to save your time. Get any amount of image files converted or resized in one click!
· 3 ways of handling
· First, there is well-thought user interface. Second, Total Image Converter seamlessly integrates into Windows. That means that you may select the file in your desktop and make right-button mouse click. You will see ConvertTo item in the standart Windows popup menu. And there is also Command line support. Run Total Image Converter from the command line within other programs.
· Built-in viewer and thumbnails
· Total Image Converter has built-in viewer. You may easily view your images inside the program before or after the conversion. You can either work with detailed list of files (name, size, type, modify, attributes) or with their thumbnails.
· Resize, rotate, crop, mirror
· With Total Image Converter you can also resize, crop, rotate or mirror images and change the color resolution (include convert to black and white color) of your graphics. Besides, you may adjust White Balance and make gamma correction. Adjust or set Brightness, Contrast or Saturation, apply shadow or use some filter. All this done when converting your image with Total Image Converter!
· Watermarking
· Total Image Converter lets you apply watermarks to your images! You may add your comment, logo or date to a single photo or a bunch of them.
· No special knowledge required
· Even if you never dealt with image converters before you will master the program in seconds. The program will itself ask you all the questions about the conversion settings and in case you are at a loss it will advise you the best setting for each conversion. Click here to make a quick tour on the program and see how simple it is to use it.

(圖像轉換器)CoolUtils Total Image Converter 1.5.114 | Home Page www.coolutils.com

(圖像轉換器)CoolUtils Total Image Converter 1.5.114 / Size: 9 Mb



IcoFX是一個屢獲殊榮的專業圖示和游標編輯器。這是一個圖示建立,提取和編輯全功能於一身的解決專案。它的設計與Windows XP和Windows Vista,Windows 7和Macintosh圖示支援透明度。



層為基礎的圖像編輯( IFX圖片)
建立/修改圖示庫( ICL)和游標庫( CUL )
動態參數:大小抖動,傾角抖動,抖動寬度,高度抖動,不透明度抖動,抖動色相,飽和度抖動,亮度抖動, X / Y軸的抖動






尋找邊緣(垂直) ,尋找邊緣(水平) ,邊緣增強,邊緣檢驗,邊強,邊弱,輪廓



使用網格和拉近高達10000 %編輯小圖像
從圖像建立贏/ Mac的圖示



‧匯入和匯出: PNG,JPEG , TIFF,GIF , JPEG 2000 , BMP
‧開啟和儲存: ICO , CUR , ANI , ICNS , ICL , CUL , IFX
‧節選自: EXE,DLL , OCX , Mac二進位, AppleSingle , AppleDouble

版本2.6 ( 2014年1月14日)
+為動畫PNG檔案支援( APNG )
+加入了144×144 ( xxhdpi )大小到Android圖示對話框(營業執照)
+ 「批次建立圖像」對話框可以建立從IFX檔案的圖像(營業執照)
– 刪除GIF幀提取對話框。開啟檔案,代替。

【文章標題】: (圖示和游標編輯器)IcoFX Software IcoFX 2.6
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
IcoFX Software IcoFX 2.6

IcoFX is an award winning professional icon and cursor editor. It is an all-in-one solution for icon creation, extraction and editing. It is designed to work with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Macintosh icons supporting transparency.
Image Processing

Layers-based image editing (IFX images)
Over 20 tools for selection, crop, painting, retouching, typing, measuring and navigation
Use over 40 filters
Adjust image size and resolution
Scale, Rotate, Flip (vertical or horizontal)
Fill images, layers or selections
Batch process
Extract icons or cursors from files
Export icons or cursors to image
Create icons or cursors from images
Resource editor
Create/modify icon libraries (ICL) and cursor libraries (CUL)
Modify icons/cursors inside 32 bit EXE files
Advanced brush settings
Size, angle, spacing, width, height
Dynamic parameters: size jitter, angle jitter, width jitter, height jitter, opacity jitter, hue jitter, saturation jitter, brightness jitter, x/y position jitter
Powerful multicolor gradients
Many predefined gradients
Gradient editor to create custom gradients


Tools: Rectangular, Elliptical, Lasso, Magic Wand, Move selected pixels
Move/Modify selection
Smooth selection
Inverse selection
Edit selection in Quick Mask mode
Crop tool
Tools: Brush, Pencil, Gradient, Fill, Line, Curves
Specify blend mode, opacity, brush for painting tool
Tools: Rectangle, Ellipse, Rounded Rectangle, Shape
Specify blend mode, fill of shapes
Tools: Eraser, Color Eraser, Blur, Sharpen, Brighten, Darken
Specify brush and strength
Text tool
Measuring and navigation
Color Picker, Hand, Zoom, Ruler

Image Adjustments

Color Balance
Brightness and Contrast
Fade Out
Transparent Color


Use over 40 predefined effects or create your own filter
Invert, Grayscale, RGB Channel Mixer
Emboss Color, Emboss Dark, Emboss, Emboss Light
Average, Blur, Blur Soft, Blur More, Motion Blur
Sharpen, Sharpen Less, Sharpen More, Directional Sharpen
Find Edges (vertical), Find Edges (horizontal), Enhance Edges, Detect Edges, Edges Strong, Edges Weak, Contour
Glow, Waggle, Pattern, Paint Dark, Paint Bright, Shake, Shake Less, Pale, Scene, Drop Shadow
Ability to create custom filter


Layers-based image editing (only for images)
Create new, duplicate, delete, rename, import or hide layers
Change blending mode for layer
Normal, Multiply, Additive, Color Burn, Color Dodge, Reflect, Glow, Overlay, Difference, Negation, Lighten, Darken, Screen, Exclusion, Hue, Saturation, Color, Brightness, Soft Light, Hard Light, Pin Light, Freeze, Heat, Subtractive.
Adjust layer opacity
Merge layers
Flatten image
Arrange layers

User Interface

Interface designed to work with small images
Dockable panels
Tools, Tool Options, Layers, Brushes, Swatches, Palette, Gradients, Colors, History, Explorer, Preview, Info panels
Quick Mask mode
Use grid and zoom up to 10000% to edit small images
Customizable shortcuts
Explorer panel to easily import images
Save/Load work spaces
Sidebar to view all the images in the icon
Create Win/Mac icon from image
Many customizable preferences


RGB, HSB, Gray color modes
Transparent color
Access to the palette of palette base images
Add, remove and pick colors from Swatches panel
Eyedropper allows picking colors from images

Supported File Formats
• Import and export: PNG, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, JPEG2000, BMP
• Open and save: ICO, CUR, ANI, ICNS, ICL, CUL, IFX
• Extract from: EXE, DLL, OCX, Mac Binary, AppleSingle, AppleDouble
• Capture: Ability to capture images from your desktop

Version 2.6 (14.01.2014)
+ Align buttons to the Move tool
+ Bevel dialog
+ Support for animated png files (apng)
+ Shadow dialog can create inner shadows
+ Added 144×144 (xxhdpi) size to Android icons dialog (Business license)
+ Added recent files to the resource editor windows
+ Gaussian blur dialog
+ Option to use optimized palette for 4 bit images
+ The "Batch Create Images" dialog can create images from IFX files (Business license)
– Removed gif frame extraction dialog. File is opened instead.

(圖示和游標編輯器)IcoFX Software IcoFX 2.6 /Homepage: www.icofx.ro

(圖示和游標編輯器)IcoFX Software IcoFX 2.6 /Size: 12.76 MB



探索多維光譜顯示的音訊資料, UNMIX音訊檔案到分立元件層,採用多種智慧編輯工具。過程中提取的各層中分別在無限數量的模式。


SpectraLayers Pro讓音訊複製和貼上功能融入全新的尺寸。



VST效果可以應用到單個層。 SpectraLayers還可以通過全層,甚至頻寬有限的選取,層內,直接向其他私人音訊編輯程式,如音響鍛造。


SpectraLayers Pro可以錄製音訊。因你的需要直接錄製到許多新的層,更換任何選取層新錄製的音訊。

閱讀:AAC,AIFF,蘋果的核心音訊格式(CAF),蘋果無損(ALAC),FLAC,MP3,RAW / PCM,Real Media格式(RM),太陽(AU,SND),視

訊(AVI, MXF,MP1,MP2,MP4,MKV,QuickTime的,VOB,WMV),Ogg Vorbis格式,波浪,WMA
寫:AAC – 256kbps的 – 24位PCM,AIFF音訊格式,蘋果的核心(CAF),蘋果無損(ALAC),FLAC,MP3 – 320kbps的,波 – 24位,波 – 32位

RAW / PCM 32位,Ogg Vorbis格式 – 320kbps的WMA

MicrosoftRWindowsRVista的R32位或64位SP2或Windows 7 32位或64位SP1
雙核處理器(四核處理器推薦)2 GB RAM
2 GB的可用硬碟空間(暫存檔)
NVIDIA的GeForce GTX 2XX系列或更高285.62或更高版本的驅動程式。
 400或更高的Quadro(或Quadro FX X700或更高)285.62或更高版本的驅動程式。
AMD / ATI的Radeon HD 47XX或更高的GPU催化劑驅動11.7或更高版本的。如果使用的FirePro GPU,FirePro的統一驅動程式8.85或更高版本。
Internet Explorer 8或更高版本,火狐10或更高版本,或谷歌Chrome 13或更高版本(用於檢視說明)

【文章標題】: (音訊編輯工具)Sony SpectraLayers Pro 2.0.22
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Sony SpectraLayers Pro 2.0.22

SpectraLayers is an extraordinary audio editing platform that features unprecedented sound shaping capabilities combined with a truly unique workflow. Explore audio data on a multidimensional spectral display. Unmix audio files into discrete component layers using a variety of smart editing tools. Process extracted layers individually in an unlimited number of ways.

SpectraLayers is an essential application for engineers, sound designers, audio-for-video editors, archivists, and professionals who demand the deepest audio analysis tools. SpectraLayers brings today's most advanced editing tools to an eminently affordable and approachable platform—available for both Mac and PC.   

Smart editing tools
Three configurable tools: Harmonics, Frequency, and Area, predict what your desired selection should be. Dial them in to
highlight only what you need, quickly, cleanly, and intuitively.

Layer-to-layer copy/paste
SpectraLayers Pro takes audio copy and paste functionality into whole new dimensions. Shuttling blocks of sound between
layers can be used in analysis and repair tasks as well as for radically creative arranging and rearranging of sound.  

View, modify, and draw tools
SpectraLayers Pro turns sound into a three-dimensional world of eye candy that can be entered and operated on using
configurable tools. From research science to mad science, they are indispensable for achieving the ideal edit every time. 

Three-step audio extraction
You're never more than three easy steps away from a new audio layer in SpectraLayers Pro. Click below to see an example of
how you can reach directly into the core DNA of a sound and extract it out to develop new audio life forms. 

VST effects
VST effects can be applied to individual layers. SpectraLayers Pro can also pass whole layers, and even bandwidth-limited
selections from within layers, directly to other dedicated audio editing programs like Sound Forge Pro.  

Noise reduction
You'll never again see unwanted noise in the same light after working with it in SpectraLayers Pro. Click below to nvestigate a comprehensive noiseprint-based noise reduction exercise that was accomplished in mere minutes.

Recording audio
SpectraLayers Pro can record audio. Record directly into as many new layers as you need. Replace audio in any selected layer
with newly recorded audio.

Supported File Formats
Read: AAC, AIFF, Apple Core Audio Format (.caf), Apple Lossless (.alac), FLAC, MP3, RAW/PCM, Real Media (.rm), Sun (.au,
.snd), Video (AVI, MXF, MP1, MP2, MP4, MKV, Quicktime, .vob, .wmv), Ogg Vorbis, Wave, WMA
Write: AAC – 256kbps, AIFF – 24-bit PCM, Apple Core Audio Format (.caf), Apple Lossless (.alac), FLAC, MP3 – 320kbps, Wave –
24-bit, Wave – 32-bit, RAW/PCM 32-bit, Ogg Vorbis – 320kbps, WMA   

SpectraLayers system requirements
Microsoft® Windows® Vista® 32-bit or 64-bit SP2 or Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit SP1
Dual-core processor (quad-core processor recommended) 2 GB RAM
2 GB of free hard disk space (for temporary files)
Supported NVIDIA or AMD/ATI GPU with 512 MB or more RAM:
NVIDIA: GeForce GTX 2xx Series or higher with driver 285.62 or later. Quadro 400 or higher (or Quadro FX x700 or higher) with
driver 285.62 or later. 

AMD/ATI: Radeon HD 47xx or higher GPU with Catalyst driver 11.7 or later. If using a FirePro GPU, FirePro unified driver 8.85 or later is required. 

1280×720 display resolution
Windows-compatible audio hardware
Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox 10 or later, or Google Chrome 13 or later (for viewing help)

(音訊編輯工具)Sony SpectraLayers Pro 2.0.22 | Home Page: www.sonycreativesoftware.com

(音訊編輯工具)Sony SpectraLayers Pro 2.0.22 | Size: 51.95 MB

ОС | OS: Windows Vista/7/8





【文章標題】: (設計夢想中的花園應用程式)Artifact Interactive Garden Planner
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Artifact Interactive Garden Planner

Design your dream garden with this very easy to use program. Arrange plants, trees, buildings and objects using an easy to use 'drag and drop' interface. Use tools to quickly create paving, paths and fences. Then produce a high quality color print out of your design.

• Very easy to use interface
• Save and Load your own designs.
• Use a wide range of generic plant shapes to design your garden, so you dont need to be a botanist to use it
• Produce a professional looking print out of your plan
• Use tools to quickly create paving, fences and paths.
• Generate a report of all the plants and objects in your garden
• Create a library of custom plants

(設計夢想中的花園應用程式)Artifact Interactive Garden Planner | Home Page http://smallblueprinter.com/garden/index.html

(設計夢想中的花園應用程式)Artifact Interactive Garden Planner | Size 4.5 MB



Auslogics BoostSpeed​​ – 加快您的電腦和網際網路連線的理想解決專案。
提高上網速度,改善您的Internet Explorer,Firefox和電子信件程式。

隨著加快PC BoostSpeed






BoostSpeed​​將檢驗大多數流行的「PC-slowers」​​ – 捆綁軟體(如電驢或Kazaa)悄悄地下載到您的電腦的惡意軟體和間諜軟體,佔用了際網路流量,並拖慢系統。

BoostSpeed​​不同的軟體產品,內含Microsoft Office,網際網路瀏覽器(如Internet Explorer,Mozzila),電子信件用戶端(如Outlook),ICQ,MSN Messenger,媒體播放器和其他可以提高效能。



【文章標題】:(系統改善工具)AusLogics BoostSpeed
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
AusLogics BoostSpeed

Auslogics BoostSpeed – the ideal solution to speed up your computer and Internet connection. This powerful Windows optimizer will boost Internet connections, tweak Windows to its peak performance, clean and defrag disks and the registry. It's a great way to speed up your PC and keep it clean and optimized. Start programs faster. Speed up computer start time. Increase Internet speed, optimize your Internet Explorer, Firefox and E-mail programs. Boost Speed will clean up disks and the Registry to speed up your computer and tweak Windows to its peak performance.

Speed Up PC With BoostSpeed
Modify Windows settings, file system and services to greatly increase system performance. Increase startup and shutdown speed, disable annoying CD autorun and error reporting features. BoostSpeed will keep monitoring your system for possible optimizations and let you know if such optimizations are possible. You can also run the System Optimization Wizard to periodically optimize your PC.

Speed Up Internet
Adjust your PC for faster images, music and software downloads, increased browsing speed and reliable Internet connections. View your download speed and graphs. To gain additional performance boost you can also turn on DNS Optimization.

Block Banner Advertisements
Tired of annoying banner advertisements accompanying many web sites? Now you can eliminate advertisements and also speed up your Internet browsing with BoostSpeed Banner Killer! You can add your own web sites to the black list to block them from showing their advertisements.

Keep Disk and Registry Clean
Get rid of junk on the disks and registry of your PC. Remove hazardous and space-wasting files left by untidy programs and crashes of your system. Dramatically increase the performance of your PC by cleaning, optimizing and defragmenting local disks and registry.

Optimize Memory and Appearance
Badly written applications constantly steal memory without giving it back. That's why your PC becomes unstable with time and you have to reboot. BoostSpeed automatically frees up computer memory to gain additional performance boost. You can also manually recover memory and clipboard.

Keep your PC fast and safe
BoostSpeed will detect most of the popular "PC-slowers" – bundle-software (such as eDonkey or Kazaa) which silently download malware and spyware to your computer, taking up internet traffic and slowing down the system. This will also keep your system safe from prying eyes of spyware programs.

Boost Software Products
BoostSpeed can improve performance of different software products, including Microsoft Office, Internet browsers (such as Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozzila), E-mail clients (Outlook, The Bat), MSN Messenger, ICQ, Media Player and others.

System Optimization Tools
Greatly increase your PC startup speed with Autorun Manager, where you can disable or remove the programs which try to load up when Windows starts up. Force-uninstall unwanted software products which take up space on your computer and slow it down.

Networks Tools
Keep your connection alive while you're away, synchronize your computer clock with atomic clock over the Internet, lookup domain names and IP addresses, measure your Internet connection speed. Troubleshoot and improve your Internet connection and local network with an excellent selection of network management tools.

(系統改善工具)AusLogics BoostSpeed | Home Page www.auslogics.com

(系統改善工具)AusLogics BoostSpeed / Size: 15.58 MB


在Rhino 5有什麼新的功能?
在Rhino中的對象建立繼續得到加強。Rhino 5增加了幾十項改進現有的工具,一些新的指令,以及新的輕量級的擠壓對象。

– 直子對象的操作
– 薄壁炮轟
– 支援更多的指令歷史
– 許多新的和增強的指令

Rhino 5介面內含新的工具,用於編輯和建立對象,內含:
– 對像操縱部件
– 對像選取增強
– 對像捕捉增強
– 工具列與標籤
– 標籤對接面板

Rhino 5個進球
– 速度提升
– 快速視口顯示配置
– 擴大和加強工作的顯示模式
– 擴大和加強演示和編譯顯示模式
– 外掛程式支援增強的顯示模式

大多數設計項目高品質的演示是關鍵。Rhino 5增強了基本編譯器的編譯工具和外掛程式編譯支援。內含主要的改進:
– 編譯
– 材料,紋理和環境
– 瀏覽次數(相機)
– 照明
– 網修飾符
– 編譯後效果
– 動畫

– 更多的控制權註釋風格
– 歷史維度支援
– 資料欄位中的文字和領導人
– 區功能變數和曲線長度尺寸
– 追蹤修訂雲
– 等距意見
– 繪製順序
– 更多的頁面佈局控制
– 列印校準
– 高解析度視口捕獲




– 傳輸數字化和網格模型掃瞄到Rhino拍攝的3-D資料。
– SketchUp和Modo的許多應用,如交換網資料。
– 匯出網格進行分析和編譯。
– 匯出網格進行原型設計和製造。
– 轉換NURBS網格顯示和編譯。



Rhino 5增強支援:
– 大型點雲。 3-D掃瞄器已成為更快,更便宜,使巨大的掃瞄檔案更常見。 Rhino的64位支援和增強的圖形協處理器支援這些大型點雲工作成為可能。
– 雷射雷達捕捉農業,考古,保護,地質,土地利用規劃,測繪,交通,再加上風力發電場,太陽能發電站,細胞塔部署改善的3-D地形資料。Rhino 5 RhinoTerrain,這些新的使用者提供私人工具的外掛程式,如增加了強大的支援。


– 64位Rhino容許與巨大的檔案,而不運行記憶體。
– 新型輕質擠壓對像節省大量的記憶體,提高顯示速度。
– 雙精度網格準確地代表和地面形式顯示一個大的城市,如3-D地形。
– 提高了顯示速度更快的圖形卡利用。
– 主要增強層,塊和分工作業管理。


【文章標題】: (模型建立編輯工具)Rhinoceros 5.5 Corporate Edition x86/x64
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Rhinoceros 5.5 Corporate Edition x86/x64

The Rhino 5 development process started more than five years ago with one overriding goal—to remove as many of your workflow bottlenecks as possible. That meant making Rhino faster and able to handle much larger models and project teams, in addition to making thousands of large and small improvements.
What's new in Rhino 5?
Object creation in Rhino continues to be enhanced. Rhino 5 adds dozens of refinements to existing tools, some new commands, and the new lightweight extrusion objects.

Editing complex models is faster and easier with hundreds of new and enhanced commands including:
– Direct sub‑object manipulation
– Thin‑wall shelling
– History support for more commands
– Dozens of new and enhanced commands

The Rhino 5 interface includes new tools for editing and object creation, including:
– Gumball object manipulation widget
– Object selection enhancements
– Object snap enhancements
– Toolbars with tabs
– Tabbed docking panels
and much more…

The Rhino 5 goals included
– Speed improvements
– Quick viewport display configuration
– Working display modes expanded and enhanced
– Presentation and rendered display modes expanded and enhanced
– Display mode plug‑in support enhanced

High‑quality presentation is critical to most design projects. Rhino 5 has enhanced the rendering tools in both the basic Rhino renderer and in support of plug‑in renderers. Including major enhancements to:
– Rhino Renderer
– Materials, textures, and environments
– Views (cameras)
– Lighting
– Mesh modifiers
– Post-rendering effects
– Animation

Every type of physical product design relies on technical illustration and 2‑D drawing to concisely communicate ideas, specifications, and instructions to people in design, development, and fabrication. Our goal for Rhino 5 is to make it easier to create 2‑D drawings and illustrations for every discipline in every notation system and visual style used around the world. Major areas of enhancement include:
– More control over annotation styles
– History support for dimensions
– Data fields in text and leaders
– Area and curve length dimensions
– Revision clouds
– Isometric views
– Draw order
– More page layout controls
– Print calibration
– High-resolution viewport capture

Digital Fabrication and 3‑D Printing
As you may know, the Rhino development project started nearly 20 years ago to provide marine designers with tools for building computer models that could be used to drive the digitally controlled fabrication equipment used in shipyards.

We continue to focus on the fact that designs are only useful once they are built and in the hands of consumers. With the cost of digital fabrication and 3‑D printing technology dropping quickly, more and more designers now have direct access to 3‑D digital fabrication equipment.

While we are not experts on all the many fabrication, manufacturing, or construction processes, we do focus on making sure that Rhino models can be accurate enough for and accessible to all the processes involved in a design becoming a reality.

Mesh Tools
Robust mesh import, export, creation, and editing tools are critical to all phases of design, including:
– Transferring captured 3‑D data from digitizing and scanning into Rhino as mesh models.
– Exchanging mesh data with many applications such as SketchUp and Modo.
– Exporting meshes for analysis and rendering.
– Exporting meshes for prototyping and fabrication.
– Converting NURBS to meshes for display and rendering.

3‑D Capture
Capturing existing 3‑D data is often one of the first steps in a design project. Rhino has always directly supported both 3‑D digitizing hardware and 3‑D scanned point cloud data. Rhino V5 has enhanced support for:
– Large point clouds. 3‑D scanners have become faster and cheaper, making huge scan files more common. Rhino's 64‑bit support and enhanced support for graphic co‑processors has made it possible to work with these large point clouds.
– LIDAR captures 3‑D terrain data for agriculture, archaeology, conservation, geology, land use planning, surveying, transportation, plus wind farm, solar farm, and cell tower deployment optimization. Rhino 5 added robust support for plug‑ins, such as RhinoTerrain, that provide specialty tools for these new Rhino users.

Design realization requires high‑quality 3‑D models in every phase of design, presentation, analysis, and fabrication. Rhino 5 includes new tools and enhancements to help ensure that the 3‑D models used throughout your process are the highest possible quality.

Large Projects
More than 25 new commands and major enhancements for working with large teams organize, manage, and administer massive projects and huge files, including:
– 64‑bit Rhino allows working with huge files without running out of memory.
– New lightweight extrusion objects save significant memory and improve display speed.
– Double-precision meshes accurately represent and display ground forms such as the 3‑D topography of a large city.
– Display speed is improved by taking advantage of faster graphic cards.
– Major enhancement to Layer, Block, and Worksession management.

Nine new import/export file formats, more than 50 new compatibility enhancements, and more than 150 minor bug fixes. Also, the updated openNURBS libraries allow hundreds of other applications to read and write Rhino's native 3DM files.

(模型建立編輯工具)Rhinoceros 5.5 Corporate Edition x86/x64 | Home Page: www.rhino3d.com

(模型建立編輯工具)Rhinoceros 5.5 Corporate Edition x86/x64 | Size: 80.5 / 102 Mb

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8









【文章標題】: (資料自動追蹤工具)ManicTime Professional
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
ManicTime Professional

Auto tracking of computer usage
Manictime sits in the background and records your activities, so you can just forget it is there and focus on your work. When you are finished you can use collected data to accurately keep track of your time.

Keep track of your work hours
After you have finished working, you can use MT to keep track of your hours. That means no more "punch-clock" like software, where you always forget to start or stop the clock. Just sit back and do your work. After you are finished, you can easily use collected data to accurately keep track of your time.

Simple and intuitive UI
During the course of the day average user can switch back and forth between applications more than a 1000 times, which means ManicTime gathers a lot of data. Using our timeline technology Manictime presents the data in an easy to understand way. You can drag on the timelines to select time or just mouse over to see hints about underlying data.

Local storage
Gathered data can sometimes be sensitive and you don't want it sent over the wire and shared. That is why all the data Manictime gathers is stored locally on your computer and you can delete it any time you want. Having a local database also enables you to use ManicTime offline, without an Internet connection.

Powerful statistics
See which applications you use the most or on which web sites you spend the most time. Also easily figure out how much time you spent working on projects to accurately bill your clients or just keep track of your work.

(資料自動追蹤工具)ManicTime Professional | Homepage: www.manictime.com

(資料自動追蹤工具)ManicTime Professional | Size: 8 MB


NewsletterDesigner Pro – 簡單和自動化的通信和促銷電子信件的完美解決專案。
你有沒有想過,以建立具有專業外觀的HTML電子信件通信,公告,廣告,邀請,公告等?進一步看 – 這裡的解決專案, NewsletterDesigner Pro是超級易於使用,不需要任何HTML或寫程式知識。

‧傳送通過如Outlook,Outlook Express或Windows Mail
‧新! – 微軟ROutlook 97/2000/XP/2003/2007的直接支援
‧新! – NewsletterDesigner提供英語和德語!
‧新! – 新的設計可能性!

【文章標題】:(簡單和自動化的通信和促銷電子信件)NewsletterDesigner Pro 11.1.7
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
NewsletterDesigner Pro 11.1.7

NewsletterDesigner Pro – The perfect solution for easy and automated newsletter and promotional e-mails. Have you ever wanted to create a professional looking HTML E-mail newsletter, announcement, advertisement, invitation, bulletin, etc? Look no further — here’s the solution, NewsletterDesigner Pro. NewsletterDesigner Pro is super easy to use and does not require any HTML or programming knowledge. This a great communication tool for professionals, small and home businesses and home users. Just imagine the impression you will make with your clients, friends and/or family.
Design your newsletter like the professionals. You can easily integrate Pictures, Links and Design Elements. NewsletterDesigner Pro also includes Ready-to-use Templates and Layouts for your Newsletters. Corporate users can create Templates in your very own design and use them for every newsletter. You even can produce newsletters by company department or individual personnel for a more personal touch.

Funktionsumfang von NewsletterDesigner pro:
Erstellen von professionellen HTML (Rich Media) Newslettern
Einbindung von Grafiken (Kopfgrafik, Trenngrafik, Impressum-Grafik)
Erstellen von Textblöcken für die Newslettermeldungen
Einbindung von Bildern für jede Newsmeldung
Integration von Links auf Internetseiten
Automatischer Start von Outlook-Express mit dem fertigen Newsletter
direkte Unterstützung von Microsoft® Outlook 97/2000/XP/2003/2007
NEU! Optionales Inhaltsverzeichnis einblendbar
NEU! Bilder können links- oder rechtsbündig positioniert werden
NEU! mehrsprachige Version (Englisch/Deutsch)

NewsletterDesigner key features:
• Create professional HTML e-mail (RichMedia e-mail)
• Save and load e-mail-Templates
• Send via Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Mail
• Create without any HTML knowledge
• Integrate your own graphics (Header, Footer and Separator)
• Integrate your Web links into a Newsletter
• Picture for every News block
• NEW! – Direct support of Microsoft® Outlook 97/2000/XP/2003/2007
• NEW! – NewsletterDesigner available in English and German!
• NEW! – New design possibilities!

(簡單和自動化的通信和促銷電子信件)NewsletterDesigner Pro 11.1.7| Homepage: www.mediakg.de/products/m_ge_newsletterdesigner.html

(簡單和自動化的通信和促銷電子信件)NewsletterDesigner Pro 11.1.7 | Size: 10 MB









【文章標題】:(密碼管理器)SuperEasy Password Manager Pro
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
SuperEasy Password Manager Pro

Strong passwords are paramount to security. What identity cards do in real life, passwords do on the Internet. According to experts, secure passwords should therefore contain at least 8 or 10 or even better 11 characters and consist of upper- and lowercase letters, digits and special characters that make no sense overall. Terms found in dictionaries or common names are unsuitable as passwords. Furthermore, each account should have its own password that should not be stored in the browser. Since such passwords are intrinsically hard to remember, SuperEasy Password Manager is the ideal solution.

No annoying memorization and constant typing Your master password is all you need. During registration or login procedures, SuperEasy Password Manager Pro automatically detects when a password is required and generates a secure password on-the-fly.

Memorize only a single password and leave the rest to SuperEasy Password Manager Pro.

Your master password is all you need. During registration or login procedures, SuperEasy Password Manager Pro automatically detects when a password is required and generates a secure password on-the-fly. Furthermore, SuperEasy Password Manager Pro automatically fills in forms with your personal information, if desired.

All Features
• Fill out forms instantly
• Log In automatically
• Manage web accounts
• Integrated password generator
• Manage app accounts
• Create encrypted identities
• Create encrypted memos
• Virtual keyboard
• Encrypted backups of your passwords

(密碼管理器)SuperEasy Password Manager Pro / Homepage: www.supereasy.net

(密碼管理器)SuperEasy Password Manager Pro / Size: 18.21 MB



Tipard MXF Converter轉換器是一個專業的,多功能的應用程式,它支援MXF轉碼片段,以相容的檔案格式,它可以被看作你的便攜裝置,像iPad,Galaxy Tab,Kindle Fire。
此外,如果你想與索尼拉斯維加斯的Adobe Premiere,AVID媒體作曲家,Windows Movie Maker中或其他編輯軟體編輯MXF,你容許這些編輯軟體可編輯格式轉換的MXF檔案。


索尼拉斯維加斯進行編輯,轉碼MXF檔案的Adobe Premiere和Avid


【文章標題】: (檔案轉換器)Tipard MXF Converter 6.2.22
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Tipard MXF Converter 6.2.22

Tipard MXF Converter is a professional and multi-functional application, which supports transcoding MXF footages to compatible file formats which can be viewed on your portable devices, like iPad, Galaxy Tab, Kindle Fire. Moreover, if you want to edit mxf with Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere, Avid Media Composer, Windows Movie Maker or other editing software, you are allowed to convert your MXF files to these editing software editable formats. With this flexible MXF software, you can also make personalized videos and convert MXF files to other audio/video files, like MP4, MOV, MPG, 3GP, MKV, AVI, WMV, FLV, VOB, AAC, AC3, etc.

Tipard MXF Converter is also a 2D to 3D converter, with this converter,you can easily convert TS, MTS, M2TS, TRP, TP, MXF video to 3D video formats. As a 2D to 3D converter, three types of 3D videos are provided for you to choose: Side-by-Side 3D video, Top-and-Bottom 3D video and Anaglyph Red/Cyan 3D video. Moreover, you can customize the 3D videos with numerous editing features for better visual effect.

Transcode MXF files for editing in Sony Vegas, Adobe Premiere and Avid
Convert MXF, TS, MTS, M2TS, TRP, TP video to other popular formats
Convert 2D videos to 3D videos
Crop, merge, watermark and trim video for better visual effect
English/French/German/Japanese four interface languages

(檔案轉換器)Tipard MXF Converter 6.2.22 | Homepage: www.tipard.com/mxf-converter/

(檔案轉換器)Tipard MXF Converter 6.2.22 | Size: 24.2 MB




•儲物櫃不能被刪除的計算機上安裝文件夾鎖,文件夾鎖 T沒有正確的密碼卸載。
•用戶想用密碼保護他們的硬碟上的多個位置的文件夾,而不僅僅是在C:驅動器,可以很容易地保護他們的另一個分區上的文件通過複製 從一個地方到另一個,或通過簡單地使用鎖儲物櫃功能。
•文件夾鎖提供充分的可移植性,它甚至可以保護CD / DVD-RW,不只是USB閃存驅動器,記憶棒和軟盤。為了保護這些驅動器上的數據,你可以簡單地複製到該驅動器或刻錄你的儲物櫃。
•儲物櫃也可以在互聯網上通過電子郵件發送給某人。他們贏得了 T能夠看到您的加密文件,而您的密碼/權限。即使有人突破和檢查您的電子郵件附件,在兩者之間,他贏得了噸能夠解密,沒有正確的密碼或使用該信息。
•文件夾鎖完美的作品下一頁技術的Windows,即Windows Vista中/ 2003 / XP / 2000 / NT。它也完全兼容所有的磁盤驅動器類型,包括FAT16,FAT32,NTFS和EFS。
•減少文件大小和緊湊的設計,文件夾鎖只需要3.5 MB的硬盤空間 – 小巧,便於攜帶,易於保持。到最新的壓縮技術。 GUI和接口如此精心設計,它看起來像Windows XP中的一個組成部分。

【文章標題】: (文件的安全軟體)Folder Lock 7.2.2
【文章作者】: 【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/money/
【【正印家族】授權營運專案】: http://por.tw/money/new-E_learning/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/money/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【正印家族】授權營運專案密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Folder Lock 7.2.2

Folder Lock is fast file-security software that can password-protect, lock, hide, and encrypt any number of files, folders, drives, pictures, and documents in seconds. Locked files are undeletable, unrenamable, unmovable, hidden, and inaccessible. You can lock, scramble, or encrypt depending on speed and security. Folder Lock is fully portable, so you can protect your files on USB flash drives, disks, CD-RWs, notebooks, and hard disks, and it doesn't require installation on another PC. Folder Lock protects files in Windows, DOS, and Safe modes, even when you change your OS or boot from a disk. Folder Lock doesn't let you delete its own program folder, and it can't be uninstalled without the correct password. Additional options include Stealth Mode, Hacker Attempt Monitoring, Shred files, AutoLock, Auto Shutdown PC, Lock your PC, Erase PC tracks, 256-bit Blowfish Encryption and Context Menu in Explorer.

• Users have an option whether to Encrypt or Lock, choices useful for both power users and casual users. Those who want ultimate security, can choose encrypiton. those who want ultimate speed, can choose locking.
• There’s no longer the hassle of encrypting each and every file on different locations. Think how much time you will save simply by putting all your files and folders in one location. Convenient encryption and decryption happens on-the-fly.
• Both Encryption and Locking are exceptionally fast. No competitor is offering this speed while offering 100% secure 256-bit AES Encryption.
• The Lockers can’t be deleted on the computer where Folder Lock is installed and Folder Lock can be uninstalled without the correct password.
• Users who want to password protect folders on multiple locations on their hard disk, not just on the C: drive, can easily protect their files on another partition by copying the Lockers from one place to another or by simply using the Lock feature.
• Secure and very strong Encryption. A strong industry standard 256-bit AES Encryption is used to encrypt your files for maximum protection. It is one of the most trusted encryption algorithms used in United States Military.
• Folder Lock offers fully portability and it can even protect CD/DVD-RW, not just USB Flash Drive, Memory Stick and floppy disks. To protect data on these drives, you can simply copy or burn your Locker to that drive.
• Lockers can also be emailed to someone over the internet. They won be able to see your encrypted files without your password / permission. Even if someone breaks through and checks your email attachment in between, he won be able to decrypt or use this information without the correct password.
• Folder Lock works flawlessly on all Next Technology Windows, i.e. Windows Vista / 2003 / XP / 2000 / NT. It is also fully compatible on all disk drives types including FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and EFS.
• You can increase the size of your Locker by simply adding more files and folders into your Locker. Even if you are left with little space in your Locker, you can always increase its size.
• Brute force cracking is not possible, since the program delays for some time once a password is entered. This will prevent hackers who may try many different combinations of passwords to get through your files. The program also produces a load beep when an incorrect password is entered, to alert the administrator of possible hack attempt.
• Password Strength meter shows you the strength of the password as you type, while you
e setting a new password. Basic rule of thumb is to use a password that is easy to remember but hard one to guess.
• Folder Lock doesn save the password in the registry or the disk, preventing hackers and crackers.
• Folder Lock also offers Auto Protect and Auto Shutdown features, this setting automatically locks or shutdown if more than five incorrect passwords are entered to try to decrypt the files.
• Folder Lock erases tracks of users when they click the lock button. It deletes recent document history, find file and folder history and the data in clipboard when you close the Locker.
• Protects important files from viruses, hackers, crackers, trojans, malware, spyware, worms, malicious programs and scripts. Protects files from network computers if you do not want to share files on network. Also protects files from hacker tools when you connect to the internet.
• While using the Lock feature, users can choose to lock and hide their files simultaneously. Locked and Hidden files are unrenameble, undeletable, unmovable and totally inaccessible. There is no limit to the size of data or the type of files you can protect.
• With its reduced file size and compact design, Folder Lock takes only 3.5 MB of hard disk space – small, portable and easy to keep. Thanks to the latest compression techniques. The GUI and interface is so well designed, it looks like an integral part of Windows XP.
• Folder Lock isn required to run at all times. Moreover, it doesn save anything to the registry/run so that users do not have any memory problems or stability problems with the program.

(文件的安全軟體)Folder Lock 7.2.2| Home Page www.newsoftwares.net

(文件的安全軟體)Folder Lock 7.2.2/ Size: 9.2 MB
