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複製帶有CSS加密保護的電影 AnyDVD

與AnyDVD&AnyDVD HD是一個驅動程式,解密的DVD電影在後台自動。
借助於AnyDVD,市面上的覆制工具,諸如CloneDVD,品尼高即時複製,InterVideo DVD – 複製等,才能夠覆制帶有CSS加密保護的電影。您可以移除的RPC區功能變數代碼,從而使電影的自由,可於任何DVD播放機和任何DVD播放軟體。借助於AnyDVD,你可以看不符合的每一個DVD播放軟體播放任何區功能變數碼的電影! AnyDVD是能夠除去不需要的電影功能,內含字幕和禁止的訊息,如版權和聯邦調查局警示。它也容許你啟動一個外部應用程式每次插入或取出光碟,或防止「PC-friendly'software自動啟動,當你插入一個視訊DVD。 AnyDVD的解密不只是DVD的:與AnyDVD還容許你播放,覆制和翻錄保護的音樂光碟!解密是不是所有的AnyDVD的報價。您可以控制​​您的DVD磁碟機的驅動速度,讓您降低噪音水平,看電影時,在您的PC上。您甚至可以調整你的顯示器NTSC和PAL顯示器的顯示頻率。

複製帶有CSS加密保護的電影 AnyDVD 的特點:

– 在後台自動運行
– 刪除加密(CSS)和地區代碼(RPC)從DVD
– 移除模擬覆制保護(Macrovision)
– 刪除的功能,例如強制字幕和警示
– 解密,而不需要將資料儲存到你的硬碟
– 解密「飛」
– 防止自動啟動的DVD影碟上的「PC-友好的軟體
– 讓你的顯示器的重整率調整為NTSC和PAL顯示器
– 在碟片插入與取出時容許執行外部程式
– 讓你的DVD磁碟機的速度控制
– 相容所有的DVD碟片
– 適用於所有的DVD磁碟機,無論區功能變數碼
– 相容所有的DVD覆制,例如CloneDVD,和所有的DVD播放軟體
– 透明的操作系統:DVD碟片可以在網路上共享和複製的指令提示符或Windows資源管理器等
– 被證明是穩定與快速,不需要任何ASPI驅動程式
– *全新特色AnyCDDA:播放,覆制和翻錄受保護的音訊CD

與AnyDVD HD具備與AnyDVD相同的功能,但完整的HD-DVD(高清晰度DVD)的支援的附加功能,內含解密HD-DVD電影光碟。可以讓您的數字顯示連線觀看電影,沒有HDCP相容的圖形卡和HDCP相容顯示器。不需要購買昂貴的顯示器。太好了!播放的碟片在您的電腦通過PowerDVD Ultra,否則不運行(發行由Studio運河,溫斯坦的公司,Kinowelt,最佳釋放)。 AnyDVD HD是使用媒體中心/家庭影院電腦的嚴肅家庭影院迷「必須有」的效用。

AnyDVD HD的另一項驚人功能是「魔力檔案置換™」。重新製作任何商業電影碟片利用簡單的XML腳本。這些腳本會「魔術」般地置換的物理磁碟上的檔案。您可以自訂光碟,只要你喜歡,甚至沒有先在硬碟上製作一份覆制!與AnyDVD自帶的UDF 2.5檔案開膛手,不需要在Windows XP下安裝第三方UDF 2.5檔案系統。

複製帶有CSS加密保護的電影 AnyDVD 的特點:
– 與AnyDVD相同的功能
– 刪除HD-DVD的加密(AACS)
– 通過數字顯示連線觀看電影,沒有HDCP相容的圖形卡和HDCP相容顯示器。
– 通過PowerDVD Ultra,否則不要運行在PC上播放的光碟。
– 去除使用者禁止操作,你可以選取語系和字幕軌,而無需通過光碟的選單。
– 去除父母限制。
– 容許你去除或是略過發行商徽標與警示訊息。
– 「魔力檔案置換™」你可以利用簡單的XML腳本重新製作任何商業電影碟片。
– 使用媒體中心/家庭影院電腦的嚴肅家庭影院迷「必備」的工具。
– 內含一個UDF 2.5檔案開膛手,不需要在Windows XP下安裝第三方UDF 2.5檔案系統。

– 與AnyDVD相同的功能
– 移除藍光DVD的加密(AACS)
– 刪除從藍光DVD的區碼
– 通過數字顯示連線觀看電影,沒有HDCP相容的圖形卡和HDCP相容顯示器。
– 使用媒體中心/家庭影院電腦的嚴肅家庭影院迷「必備」的工具。
– 內含一個UDF 2.5檔案開膛手,不需要在Windows XP下安裝第三方UDF 2.5檔案系統。

– 新(藍光):更新後的解密密鑰
– 新(DVD):支援新的防拷保護
– 修正了(DVD):開膛手「IFOProperties」錯誤與一些光碟

AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD is a driver, which descrambles DVD-Movies automatically in the background. This DVD appears unprotected and region code free for all applications and the Windows operating system as well. With AnyDVD's help copy tools like CloneDVD, Pinnacle Instant Copy, InterVideo DVD-Copy, etc. are able to copy CSS protected Movies. You can remove the RPC region code, thereby making the movie region free and viewable on any DVD player and with any DVD player software. With the help of AnyDVD you can watch movies with non matching region codes with every DVD Player Software you like! AnyDVD is capable of removing unwanted movie features, including subtitles and prohibition messages such as copyright and FBI warnings. It also allows you to launch an external application whenever you insert or remove a disc, or prevent 'PC-friendly'software from automatically launching when you insert a video DVD. AnyDVD decrypts not just DVDs: AnyDVD allows you also to play, copy and rip protected Audio CDs! Decryption is not all that AnyDVD offers. You can control the drive speed of your DVD drive, allowing you to reduce the noise level when watching movies on your PC. You can even adjust the display frequency of your monitor for both NTSC and PAL displays.

Features of AnyDVD:
– Works automatically in the background
– Removes encryption (CSS) and region code (RPC) from DVDs
– Removes analogue copy protection (Macrovision)
– Removes features such as forced subtitles and warnings
– Decrypts without the need to save the data onto your hard-disk
– Decrypts 'on the fly'
– Prevents automatic launching of 'PC-friendly' software on video DVDs
– Allows adjustment of your monitor refresh rate for both NTSC and PAL monitors
– Allows execution of external programs on disc insertion and removal
– Allows speed control of your DVD drives
– Compatible with all DVD media
– Works with all DVD-drives, regardless of region code
– Works with all DVD copying, such as CloneDVD, and all DVD player software
– Works transparently for the operating system: DVDs can be shared over the network and copied with the command prompt or with Windows Explorer, etc.
– Proven to be stable and fast and does not require an ASPI driver
– Features AnyCDDA: play, copy and rip protected audio CDs

AnyDVD HD comes with same functionality as AnyDVD, but with additional features for full HD-DVD (High Definition DVD) support, including decryption of HD-DVD movie discs. Allows you to watch movies over a digital display connection, without HDCP compliant graphics card and HDCP compliant display. No need to buy an expensive monitor. Sweet! Playback your discs on your PC with PowerDVD Ultra, which otherwise do not run (titles released by Studio Canal, The Weinstein Company, Kinowelt, Optimum Releasing). AnyDVD HD is the "must have" utility for the serious home theater enthusiast using a media center / home theater PC.

Another amazing feature of AnyDVD HD is "magic file replacement ™".
Remaster any commercial movie disc using simple XML scripts. These scripts will "magically" replace the files on the physical disc. You can customize discs as you like without even making a copy to harddisk! AnyDVD comes with a UDF 2.5 file ripper, no need to install 3rd party UDF 2.5 filesystem under Windows XP.

Features of AnyDVD HD:
– Same features as regular AnyDVD
– Removes encryption (AACS) from HD-DVDs
– watch movies over digital display connection, without HDCP compliant graphics card and HDCP compliant display.
– playback of discs on the PC with PowerDVD Ultra, which otherwise do not run.
– Removes user prohibitions, you can select the language and subtitle track without going through the disc's menu.
– Removes parental restrictions.
– Allows you to remove or skip Studio Logos and warning messages.
– With "magic file replacement ™" you can remaster any commercial movie disc using simple XML scripts.
– The "must have" utility for the serious home theater enthusiast using a media center / home theater PC.
– Includes a UDF 2.5 file ripper, no need to install 3rd party UDF 2.5 filesystem under Windows XP.

Features Blu-Ray:
– Same features as regular AnyDVD
– Removes encryption (AACS) from Blu-Ray DVDs
– Removes region codes from Blu-Ray DVDs
– watch movies over digital display connection, without HDCP compliant graphics card and HDCP compliant display.
– The "must have" utility for the serious home theater enthusiast using a media center / home theater PC.
– Includes a UDF 2.5 file ripper, no need to install 3rd party UDF 2.5 filesystem under Windows XP.

Changes in :
– New (Blu-ray): Updated decryption keys
– New (DVD): Support for new copy protections
– Fix (DVD): Ripper "IFOProperties 6" error with some discs

複製帶有CSS加密保護的電影 AnyDVD
  | Home Page: www.slysoft.com

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