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Video Enhancer能使視訊增強實現超解析度,讓您增加您的視訊解析度最高質量

這時,我們就可透過 Video Enhancer 軟體,來針對這類的情況做修正,讓我們的影片可以更清楚點。

使用超過220 VirtualDub的過濾器:去隔行,降噪,消除馬賽克,色彩校正,穩定,銳化,視覺效果等在多處理器系統

Video Enhancer implements super-resolution approach allowing you to increase resolution of your video with maximum quality (you can convert your SD video to good looking HD!), use over 200 VirtualDub filters (remove noise, deinterlace, stabilize shaky video, fix brightness, perform color correction and many more) and re-compress processed video with any codec.

Infognition Video Enhancer allows you to:
Increase resolution of your video with video Super Resolution technique, where each frame is upsized using information from a number of neighbor frames to extract maximum details for outstanding results. All the other resize algorithms use information from one current frame only. Now you can convert low res standard definition (SD) video to high definition (HD) quality!
Use more than 220 VirtualDub filters for powerful and flexible video editing: deinterlacing, denoising, deblocking, color correction, stabilizing, sharpening, visual effects etc. On multiprocessor systems, dual core or hyperthreading CPUs, Video Enhancer performs much faster than VirtualDub because all filters, decoders and coders work in separate threads, simultaneously.
Open any video which can be played in your system and re-compress it with any video codec (DirectShow, DMO and Video for Windows) installed in your system.
With Video Enhancer you can perform all these tasks together or just some of them.

User interface in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese (euro and Brazilian), Italian, Dutch, Norwegian, Russian, Greek and Turkish.

Video Enhancer v1.9.7 官方網站: http://www.thedeemon.com/VideoEnhancer/