專業【影片拍攝錄影、剪接編輯、全能製作】技術秘技教學課程+技術諮詢 讓你快速學成! 要出頭天(如果你沒有雄厚資金、顯赫背景、超高學歷、出眾才能)那機會在那裡? 製作行銷影片爭取訂單,用影片簡介更具說服力,更容易打動人心 掌握影片製作關鍵技術→您必須有專業技術課程與有技術顧問可諮詢 專業錄影職業生涯20年 ! 【時代札記傳播公司】洪導演最新親授課程 參加了本課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 全部課程有售後註冊及技術顧問服務,學成後你就是:編劇、錄影師、剪接師、大導演! 傳授錄影機師拍攝運鏡技巧: 傳播公司專業攝影機全套教學,運鏡手法:Pan、Zoom、Cut、抬、移、跟、旋、綜合示範,進階專業錄影。 (無師不一定會自通!有拜師當然就一定會通) 你不用每星期跑補習班,趕著時間跟老師上課!百分之百的上課實際操作錄製的教學影片! 不論你是拍自己的影片作品,或是想『職業接案收費』當錄影師 萬一你碰到高難度無法處理的技術問題,老師可以以20年職業經驗當你的顧問及靠山,讓你完全無後顧之憂! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)


使用ACDSee 17 ,您的照片將是完美的圖片。





‧救援ACDSee的專利LCE (照明和對照度增強)技術太亮或太暗的照片。


‧照片共享。使用ACDSee ,有這麼多的方法,要做到這一點,從社交媒體到電子信件到ACDSee的365雲。


【文章標題】: (圖片管理軟體)ACDSee 17.0.41
【文章作者】: 錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/photo-video/
【錄影.剪接.編輯教學課程】: http://por.tw/photo-video/video_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/photo-video/
【版權聲明】: (原創)錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
ACDSee 17.0.41

Managing your growing photo collection has never been this easy. And with so many ways to edit your shots like a pro, you’ll be proud to share your best through the cloud and social media. With ACDSee 17, your photos will be the picture of perfection.

Browse fast
• There's no need to import your photos into a separate library. Browse your collection right away, in real time. Sort by date, event, edited state, or other criteria for super-fast scanning.

Organize your way
• Create categories, add hierarchical keywords, and rate your photos. Tag images and assign color labels, and bring them all together for further editing or sharing. You can even organize your photos as you import them from your camera or storage device.

Find any photo
• Enter single words or phrases, search only specific folders, narrow it down by your camera's file information, or find that one special image with the Quick Search bar. Build detailed searches and save them for ongoing use.

View images super fast
• Put ACDSee's legendary speed to work for you. Check out your latest shots, examine details, and enjoy full-size, fully dazzling views.

Get the best light and color
• Rescue photos that are too light or too dark with ACDSee’s patented LCE (Lighting and Contrast Enhancement) technology. Instantly lighten shadows and reduce highlights in one click, or adjust individual sliders to fine tune every aspect.

Brush on edits
• The Edit Brush makes it super easy and fast to apply any editing effect to a specific part of your photo. Correct exposure, change the color, adjust details, or add a special effect.

Share your shots
• Photos are meant to be shared. With ACDSee there are so many ways to make that happen, from social media to e-mail to the ACDSee 365 cloud.

(圖片管理軟體)ACDSee 17.0.41 | Homepage: www.acdsee.com

(圖片管理軟體)ACDSee 17.0.41 | Size: 64.72 MB