專業【影片拍攝錄影、剪接編輯、全能製作】技術秘技教學課程+技術諮詢 讓你快速學成! 要出頭天(如果你沒有雄厚資金、顯赫背景、超高學歷、出眾才能)那機會在那裡? 製作行銷影片爭取訂單,用影片簡介更具說服力,更容易打動人心 掌握影片製作關鍵技術→您必須有專業技術課程與有技術顧問可諮詢 專業錄影職業生涯20年 ! 【時代札記傳播公司】洪導演最新親授課程 參加了本課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 全部課程有售後註冊及技術顧問服務,學成後你就是:編劇、錄影師、剪接師、大導演! 傳授錄影機師拍攝運鏡技巧: 傳播公司專業攝影機全套教學,運鏡手法:Pan、Zoom、Cut、抬、移、跟、旋、綜合示範,進階專業錄影。 (無師不一定會自通!有拜師當然就一定會通) 你不用每星期跑補習班,趕著時間跟老師上課!百分之百的上課實際操作錄製的教學影片! 不論你是拍自己的影片作品,或是想『職業接案收費』當錄影師 萬一你碰到高難度無法處理的技術問題,老師可以以20年職業經驗當你的顧問及靠山,讓你完全無後顧之憂! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)


ArcSoft ShowBiz是一個容許你建立和編輯視訊檔案軟體。程式的介面是直觀的。



·ArcSoft ShowBiz內含一個Storyboard和時間軸模式。安排剪輯和照片,加入一個過渡,下降很酷的效果和音樂在故事板模式。
·建立和編輯您的3D相機,攝影機,或雙鏡頭網路攝像頭,支援左右,上下,紅青色格式拍攝的3D影像。分享你的最終的影片上傳到YouTube 3D頻道。作為一個3D檔案匯出,或寫入到DVD / AVCHD /藍光光碟。

【文章標題】: (建立和編輯視訊檔案軟體)ArcSoft ShowBiz
【文章作者】: 錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/photo-video/
【錄影.剪接.編輯教學課程】: http://por.tw/photo-video/video_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/photo-video/
【版權聲明】: (原創)錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
ArcSoft ShowBiz

ArcSoft ShowBiz is a software that allows you to create and edit video files. The interface of the program is intuitive. You can start by using the "drag and drop" method to add audio, video and image files. In the right side of the screen, you can preview the respective files but you can also import them from external devices.

So, you can add text (title, title and subtitle, tags, credits), transitions ("Alpha Artists", dissolves, motion, slides, special, wipe), effects (e.g. crop, color adjust, filters, orientation, pan and zoom), but you can also record audio from a microphone (i.e. narration). In the context menu, you can set the duration of the tracks, apply fade transition to all pieces or select "Stretch to fit", as well as access advanced editing tools. Furthermore, you can adjust white balance, temperature, hue, saturation, brightness, contrast and levels, straighten, reverse, or you can apply an automatic adjustment. Once your masterpiece is complete, you can preview the final video, as well as publish it online, export it to file (in the AVI, MOV, MP4, MPEG1, MPEG2 or WMV format), transfer it to an external device (e.g. iPod, iPhone) or create a disc.

Here are some key features of "ArcSoft ShowBiz":
· Perfect each frame in your movie. Add effects, texts, transitions, titles, or even narration to make your movie a masterpiece. Adjust colors by changing the hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast. Apply the Anti-Shaking tool for smoother playback. Use the Denoise tool to reduce the noise level in a video. Use Rotate & Flip to correct position and Crop & Trim to get rid of unwanted parts.
· Storyboard and Timeline mode;
· ShowBiz includes both a Storyboard and Timeline mode. Arrange the clips and photos, add a transition, drop in cool effects and music in Storyboard mode. Stretch the Timeline to add effects and audio at a precise point. Hide a track to focus on a specific layer and mute the audio in Timeline mode. Adjustable screen and thumbnails allows for easy viewing of multiple tracks and your source files.
· Create and edit 3D images captured from your 3D cameras, camcorders, or twin-lens web cams Supports left-right, top-bottom, and red-cyan formats. Share your final movie by uploading to a YouTube 3D channel. Export as a 3D file, or write to a DVD/AVCHD/Blu-ray disc.
· Gives you the tools to perfect your movie by adding a superb soundtrack. Compose your ideal soundtrack using multiple audio tracks. Fade out music as your voice-over track fades in. Increase the audio playback speed, and adjust the volume, incrementally.

(建立和編輯視訊檔案軟體)ArcSoft ShowBiz | Size: 126.18 MB

(建立和編輯視訊檔案軟體)ArcSoft ShowBiz | Home Page: www.arcsoft.com

ОС | OS: Windows XP (SP2 or SP3), Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8