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DxO Labs公司,適應您的特定裝置,這種獨特的功能是特別用在團體照或婚紗照。



進行更正,並儲存變更,瞧! – 現在您的主電腦應用程式顯示修改後的圖像! DxO的觀點是改善使用的AdobeR的PhotoshopRCS3,CS4(32位和64位),CS5(32及64位),CS6(32及64位)和AdobeRPhotoshopR中的LightroomR3和4。


您可以重新定位你的相機垂直以及水平 – 便真正實現了精確的效果。



【文章標題】: (照片修復調整工具)DxO ViewPoint v1.2.0.11
【文章作者】: 錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/photo-video/
【錄影.剪接.編輯教學課程】: http://por.tw/photo-video/video_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/photo-video/
【版權聲明】: (原創)錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
DxO ViewPoint v1.2.0.11

DxO ViewPoint combines ease of use with professional and precise features in order to help you easily correct distorted geometric elements in your photos. The application can perform multiple adjustments so that the items in your photos are restored to their original proportion. The Loupe tool allows you to precisely place anchor points to solve problems with keystoning and tilted horizons.

Make buildings plumb again
Recreate the original shapes of buildings. Converging vertical and horizontal lines once again become parallel, unnatural-looking facades regain their normal appearance. This feature helps you restore a natural look to your landscape, architectural, and urban photos.

Restore the natural proportions of your subjects
Restore the natural proportions of the people on the edges of your photos in just one click. DxO ViewPoint automatically corrects stretched-out faces or distorted body shapes that can occur when you shoot with a wide-angle lens (a phenomenon known as “volume anamorphosis”). This exclusive feature from DxO Labs, adapted to your specific equipment, is particularly useful for group or wedding photos.

Your images corrected in just a few clicks
Trace the lines that you want to correct: the keystoning correction tool lets you fix your photo in seconds! Easily define straight lines so as to reestablish the proper shapes of the most complex forms, and enjoy unparalleled results for your entire photo in just one click. Use the Loupe tool to precisely place your anchor points: slider settings are accurate at all zoom levels to help you achieve the best possible corrections.

Choose the version that best meets your needs
Enjoy 3-in-1 DxO ViewPoint! You can use DxO ViewPoint as a standalone application AND as a plugin for PhotoShop AND as a plugin for Lightroom at the same time. Directly apply corrections to your photos using the standalone application. Launch the program, open the photos you want to change, and make your corrections in just a few clicks!

Preserve your work environment and your reflexive work habits while enriching your Adobe® solution. Used as a plugin, DxO ViewPoint integrates seamlessly with Adobe® Photoshop®CS and with Adobe®Photoshop® Lightroom®. Open an image in your compatible host application and apply your your usual settings. Then launch DxO ViewPoint directly from the Filters menu in Adobe® Photoshop® or from Photo in Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom®. Make your corrections and save your changes, and voila! — your host application now displays your modified image! DxO ViewPoint is optimized for use with Adobe® Photoshop® CS3, CS4 (32 & 64 bits), CS5 (32 & 64 bits), CS6 (32 & 64 bits) and Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 3 and 4.

A level horizon regardless of shooting conditions
Restore equilibrium and authenticity to your photos by straightening out an unintentionally tilted horizon. The natural visual cues are put back in their proper place and your eyes can once again enjoy an image with a precisely-leveled horizon line. Conversely, you can use this tool to creatively change the orientation of the horizon to produce a dynamic or calming effect, according to your own tastes.

Fine-tune the position of your camera
Virtually shift the angle at which you shot your photo. The shift point of vi
ew tool lets you change your shooting angle after the fact so that it is perfectly in line with the image you want to produce. You can reposition your camera vertically as well as horizontally – a real plus for achieving a precise effect.

Maximize the visible field after correction
Keep the maximum of the visible field in your photos regardless of the corrections you apply. Correct keystoning, straighten the horizon, shift the point of view: the automatic cropping feature systematically optimizes the visible field. A DxO Labs exclusive.

Impeccable, undistorted images from center to edges
Give harmonious proportions to the subjects in your group or wedding photos taken with a wide-angle lens. Use the Volume Anamorphosis tool to automatically correct the distortions on the edges of your images. All the subjects in your photos will appear properly balanced and well-proportioned.

(照片修復調整工具)DxO ViewPoint v1.2.0.11| Home Page: www.dxo.com

(照片修復調整工具)DxO ViewPoint v1.2.0.11| Size: 224.77 Mb

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
