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Corel Painter Essentials 5可以很容易地在任何技能水平創造了驚人的藝術。輕鬆素描,畫或畫上一個空白的畫布與那些自訂選取,適合初學者。想要做一些真正不同的和令人興奮的照片嗎?發現無與倫比的照片,繪畫和複製成影像檔工具,在你的眼前將改變你的照片,變成令人印象深刻的藝術。探索各種各樣的繪畫風格,畫筆,每次拍照效果可以讓您建立一個真實的手繪的樣子。這是最自然的模式來展現你獨特的個性和風格。












(繪畫素描工具)Corel Painter Essentials 5.0

【文章標題】:(繪畫素描工具)Corel Painter Essentials 5.0
【文章作者】: 錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/photo-video/
【錄影.剪接.編輯教學課程】: http://por.tw/photo-video/video_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/photo-video/
Corel Painter Essentials 5.0

Corel® Painter® Essentials™ 5 makes it easy to create amazing art at any skill level. Easily sketch, draw or paint on a blank canvas with award-winning Natural-Media® brushes that are custom selected for beginners. Want to do something really different and exciting with your photos? Discover unmatched photo-painting and cloning tools that will transform your pictures into impressive art right before your eyes. Explore a wide variety of painting styles, brushes and photo effects that let you create an authentic, hand-painted look every time. It's the most natural way to show your unique personality and style.

New Features:

Revolutionary Particle brushes
Discover incredible brushes that let you revel in creative chaos or take complete control. Enhance a photo-clone painting with unique photo effects or create a unique masterpiece with physics-based brushstrokes that spring, flow, glow and gravitate onto your canvas.

Jitter brushes
Enhance the realism and randomness of your digital brushes. Now, you have access to a variety of Jitter brushes across several brush categories and can experience an array of unexpected results.

Mirror painting
With Mirror painting, every stroke you make is copied onto the opposite side of your canvas. Not only does this new tool greatly increase your precision and accuracy when painting symmetrical objects, but it also saves you a lot of time!

Kaleidoscope painting
Go where traditional painting can't! This exciting new tool allows you to create beautiful kaleidoscope effects on canvas. Use your choice of media to paint electrifying patterns and colors, and see amazing results when you add a blending tool to the mix.

User Interface
The new user interface in Painter Essentials was inspired by the professional tools found in Painter 2015, but was built for beginners. Easily choose to get started with Drawing and Painting or Photo Painting. You'll find all the tools you need to create incredible photo effects and original art.

Brush Tracking Utility
Now you can control and customize pressure-sensitive memory to virtually any brush. A visual power curve captures every movement and every line on your canvas, just like you would with real world art materials.

2 in 1 mobile painting interface
With Real-Time Stylus & Windows Tablet PC plus Intel's 2 in 1 tablet device support, you can paint on the go and find new inspiration anytime, anywhere. Your Tablet PC will automatically detect when you are in Tablet mode and change the interface for you.

Navigator panel
Navigating your canvas and working with large images just got easier. Use the Preview window to drag and change your focal point on the canvas—perfect for moving to a different area of the image without having to switch tools or adjust the zoom level.

(繪畫素描工具)Corel Painter Essentials 5.0 | Homepage: www.corel.com

(繪畫素描工具)Corel Painter Essentials 5.0| Size: 211 MB
