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建立讓人要求被一次又一次地看著驚艷的視訊。新增專業風格和能源與轉場,字幕,和視訊效果。輕鬆上傳在YouTube 和Facebook 完成的電影,而無需離開應用程式。捕捉你的世界,並分享它 – 與電影製片廠。














【文章標題】:(視訊編輯器)Sony Vegas Movie Studio 13.0
【文章作者】: 錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/photo-video/
【錄影.剪接.編輯教學課程】: http://por.tw/photo-video/video_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/photo-video/
【版權聲明】: (原創)錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Sony Vegas Movie Studio 13.0

Create stunning videos that beg to be watched again and again. Add professional style and energy with transitions, titles, and video effects. Easily upload your finished movies on YouTube™ and Facebook™ without leaving the application. Capture your world and share it — with Movie Studio.

Video editing
Movie Studio is the first step in making beautiful movies. Personalize your videos with text animations, scrolling credits, and more. You can adjust your video to play in slow or fast motion, or you can reverse your video, as well as apply advanced effects like green screen and picture-in-picture!Add movie magic

Add flair to your movies with transitions and text tools. Access built-in dissolves and wipes to stylishly transition from one scene to another, or use the new Titles & Text plug-in to animate your text events. Make your words drop from above or shake like an earthquake. It’s easy to make your movies shine.

Shoot for perfection
Easily restore dull, washed-out footage, apply brightness and contrast, stabilize shaky video, balance colors, and remove red-eye from photos. Movie Studio includes sophisticated image-restoration and color-correction tools for a variety of tasks.

Real-time effects
Studio software includes over 500 customizable transitions, filters, and effects to add a professional look to your movies. All of the video effects can be adjusted over time. You can even animate the effect, so it changes with every frame on the timeline.

Easily importing
Quickly import digital photos and video from a variety of digital devices, including HDV and AVCHD™ camcorders, smart phones, and DSLR cameras.

Audio tools
Movie Studio includes powerful audio tools that enable you to create movies that sound as good as they look. Use the software to create custom music soundtracks, remove unwanted noise from video footage, apply effects to a single audio event, use track envelopes to control audio volume and panning, record and edit live audio, and more!

Add music
Use your favorite song to create a soundtrack for your movie! Simply import music from CDs or MP3 audio files directly into the program and then drop them on the timeline.

Restore audio
Remove clicks, pops, and other unwanted noise from your music and audio clips to ensure the highest fidelity soundtrack for your video project.

Easy live recording
Record your own audio such as voiceovers, music, and narration to be included in your project. Movie Studio provides ten audio tracks, any of which can be used to record. You can also create different versions of your recording that you can later choose from to include in your project.

ACID loop support
For easy video scoring and audio mixing, Movie Studio includes Sony Sound Series Loops & Samples support. Sony Sound Series features royalty-free music and sound samples that contain special metadata which allows them to automatically match the existing project tempo and key.

(視訊編輯器)Sony Vegas Movie Studio 13.0 т | Home Page: www.sonycreativesoftware.com

(視訊編輯器)Sony Vegas Movie Studio 13.0  | Size: 462/470 MB