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MetaRaw Adobe Camera Raw在Photoshop和Photoshop Elements的外掛程式延伸功能。
它可以讓你開啟相機原始檔案與Adobe Camera Raw,這通常是不支援它,並容許應用使用Adobe Camera Raw中作為一個過濾器,圖像層。
在Photoshop Elements MetaRaw提供了自動鏡頭校正和色差刪除功能的Adobe Camera Raw。
此外, MetaRaw內含它自己的原始轉換器,Adobe Camera Raw它有幾個優點。

Adobe Camera Raw中開啟RAW檔案通常不支援
在Photoshop和Photoshop Elements應用的Adobe Camera Raw中作為一個過濾器
應用自動鏡頭校正和Adobe Camera Raw中刪除色差在Photoshop Elements 10和11
開啟相機原始檔案,Adobe公司的Adobe Camera Raw中DNG轉換和MetaRaw的的自己的轉換器之間選取。
自動處理輸出與Adobe Camera Raw中的Adobe DNG轉換器和MetaRaw的轉換
產生的圖像是高達0.3萬像素大於的Adobe Camera Raw
支援170個型號的相機和13張RAW的檔案副檔案名,不支援最新版本的Adobe Camera Raw
比Adobe Camera Raw的預設設定中保留了更多的陰影和高光細節
比Adobe Camera Raw中從攝影機的X-反式感知器,如產生更自然的圖像富士X- PRO 1, X- E1 , X100S和X20 。
它的輸出看起來頗為相似, Adobe Camera Raw
選項開啟原始圖像在Photoshop和Photoshop Elements中沒有顯示「相機原始資料」對話框。


Adobe公司的Photoshop CS2 CS6和CC
Adobe公司的Photoshop CS1 (使用Camera Raw 2.4更新)
Adobe Photoshop Elements中的4至11
Adobe Photoshop元素3 (使用Camera Raw 2.4更新)

MetaRaw Camera Raw中過濾外掛程式,它容許應用使用Adobe Camera Raw中作為一個過濾器, 8位和16位每通道支援下列圖像模式: RGB ,灰階, CMYK ,實驗室。

Adobe公司的Photoshop CS3 CS6
Adobe Photoshop元素6至11


【文章標題】: (Photoshop外掛應用程式)MetaRaw 1.01 for Adobe Photoshop
【文章作者】: 錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/photo-video/
【錄影.剪接.編輯教學課程】: http://por.tw/photo-video/video_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/photo-video/
【版權聲明】: (原創)錄影.剪接.編輯教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
MetaRaw 1.01 for Adobe Photoshop

MetaRaw extends the functionality of the Adobe Camera Raw plugin in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. It lets you open camera raw files with Adobe Camera Raw, which are normally not supported by it, and allows applying Adobe Camera Raw as a filter to image layers. In Photoshop Elements MetaRaw provides automatic lens correction and chromatic aberration removal features for Adobe Camera Raw. Additionally MetaRaw includes its own raw converter, which has several advantages over Adobe Camera Raw.

Open raw files with Adobe Camera Raw that are normally not supported by it
Apply Adobe Camera Raw as a filter in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements
Apply automatic lens corrections and remove chromatic aberration with Adobe Camera Raw in Photoshop Elements 10 and 11
Choose between Adobe Camera Raw, Adobe DNG Converter and MetaRaw's own converter for opening camera raw files. If one of them does not support a certain raw file, one of the others is used automatically.
Automatically process the output of the Adobe DNG Converter and the MetaRaw Converter with Adobe Camera Raw
Advantages of the MetaRaw Converter:
Produces images that are up to 0.3 megapixel larger than those of Adobe Camera Raw
Supports 170 camera models and 13 raw file extensions that are not supported by the latest version of Adobe Camera Raw
Is able to open raw files from unknown future cameras (even without an update)
Preserves more shadow and highlight details at default settings than Adobe Camera Raw
Produces more natural looking images than Adobe Camera Raw from cameras with an X-Trans sensor, e.g. the Fujifilm X-Pro 1, X-E1, X100S and X20.
Produces more natural skin colors in some cases
Its output looks quite similar to Adobe Camera Raw
Option to open raw images in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements without displaying the Camera Raw dialog.

The MetaRaw format plugin, which provides extended raw file support, requires one of the following applications to be installed:

Adobe Photoshop CS2 to CS6 and CC
Adobe Photoshop CS1 (with Camera Raw 2.4 update)
Adobe Photoshop Elements 4 to 11
Adobe Photoshop Elements 3 (with Camera Raw 2.4 update)

MetaRaw's Camera Raw Filter plugin, which allows applying Adobe Camera Raw as a filter, supports the following image modes: RGB, Grayscale, CMYK, Lab with 8-bit and 16-bit per channel. It requires one of the the following applications to be installed:

Adobe Photoshop CS3 to CS6
Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 to 11

The MetaRaw dialogs are available in English or German language.

(Photoshop外掛應用程式)MetaRaw 1.01 for Adobe Photoshop | Home Page: http://thepluginsite.com/products/metaraw/

(Photoshop外掛應用程式)MetaRaw 1.01 for Adobe Photoshop| Size: 1.4 MB
