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– 屬性:
– 開啟資料夾:
– 更名標題:
– 在際網路上搜尋進入:
– RAM的用法:
– 結束程式:
– 終止程式:
– 設定優先級:
– 設定優先級(粘):
– 托盤圖示:

·大大提高了遊戲PC的配置檔:現在還改善Steam遊戲還加入了NVIDIA SLI和AMD CrossFire支援
·新增支援英特爾Haswell的處理器(例如酷睿i7 4770K或酷睿i5 4670K)

【文章標題】: (系統設定管理)Outertech Cacheman 7.70
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Outertech Cacheman 7.70

Cacheman is a Windows software designed to speed up your computer by optimizing several caches, managing RAM and fine tuning a number of system settings. Auto-Optimization makes it suitable for novice and intermediate users yet it is also powerful and versatile enough for computer experts. Backups of settings ensure that all user modifications can be reversed with a single click. Cacheman takes Memory Management to the next level. You can define which applications have the most importance to you. When your system runs out of RAM Cacheman will take it away from non essential programs and give it to the important ones. This is a drastic improvement to the default Windows memory management. You can even limit the RAM a specific application can use. Cacheman Auto-Optimize is a one-click function which will examine your system and apply automatically best settings and system tweaks in order to improve performance and stability. You can also make your computer more suitable for a specific task by selecting individual Auto-Optimization profiles like "Gaming Computer" or "Network Server".

Process Management functions offered by Cacheman:
– Properties:
displays the properties dialog of the selected process executable
-Show window:
brings the main window of the selected process to front
– Open folder:
opens the folder of the process executable with Explorer
– Rename Title:
changes the caption of the selected process main window
– Look up entry on Internet:
opens your default web browser and looks up information about the selected process
– Lower RAM usage:
moves non active parts of the selected process from RAM to Paging File
– End Process:
closes the main window of the selected application (normal exit)
– Kill Process:
eliminates the selected process from memory, use only on crashed applications that do not respond
– Set Priority:
sets the level of CPU Priority of the selected process, processes with higher Priority will get more CPU time and run faster, but slow down reaction times of other processes
– Set Priority (sticky):
same as Set Priority with the difference that the priority will survive a computer reboot or a program restart
– Tray Icons:
Cacheman displays upto three icons in the Windows Tray Area.

Changelog 7.70:
· Greatly improved Gaming PC profile: now optimizes also Steam games; also adds NVidia SLI and AMD CrossFire support
· New Digital Audio Workstation optimization profile
· Improved basic profile
· Added support for Intel Haswell processors (for example Core i7 4770K or Core i5 4670K)
· Processes can now be hidden from the information tab
· Hotkeys added for often performed information tab functions

(系統設定管理)Outertech Cacheman 7.70 | Home Page: www.outertech.com

系統設定管理)Outertech Cacheman 7.70| Size: 3.60 Mb

 ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
