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Topaz已將其Gigapixel AI調整大小軟體更新為版本4。
Keith撰寫了一篇較長的評論文章,內容涉及AI Gigapixel以及它與他的大幅面印刷有何關係。
將照片拉近多達600%,同時完美保留圖像質量。從一張簡單的iPhone照片建立80 x 60英吋的精美列印。



Topaz Gigapixel AI 4.4.4的功能:

以下是安裝Topaz Gigapixel AI 4.4.4 可以體驗的一些令人驚奇的功能,請記住功能可能有所不同,並且完全取決於您的系統是否支援它們。


應用名稱已從“ Topaz A.I. Gigapixel”到“ Topaz Gigapixel AI”。由於安裝需要,一些位置或資料夾可能仍顯示舊名稱。

在16位色深下,TIF / TIFF檔案僅支援最大輸出解析度22000 x 22000。這是需要的,以防止檔案大小超過4 GB。這是TIF / TIFF檔案容許的最大大小
修改後的邏輯會影響JPG / JPEG和TIF / TIFF檔案如何儲存到磁碟以及元資料如何從源檔案傳輸到輸出檔案的模式
由於發現了效能問題,因此刪除了“保留元資料”控件。 JPG / JPEG和TIF / TIFF檔案的元資料將被保留。將來計劃對PNG檔案提供元資料支援。

【AI調整放大照片】Topaz Gigapixel AI 4.4.4 網址:

Topaz have updated their Gigapixel AI resizing software to version 4. The new version offer improved speed and image quality with improved resizing and workflow. Keith has written a longer review covering AI Gigapixel and how it’s relevant to his making of large prints. Beautiful photo enlargements using machine learning enlarging your image without losing detail has always been impossible… until now. Upscale your photos by up to 600% while perfectly preserving image quality. Create a beautiful 80 x 60 inch print from a simple iPhone photo. Or transform your DSLR photos into sharp and ultra-detailed 100MP images.

After being trained with millions of sample images, Gigapixel can now enlarge your images with a surprising level of quality. Gigapixel performs around 2 million operations per pixel to get you results with as much detail and sharpness as possible. Breathtakingly sharp prints. High-resolution cropping in post-production. iPhone photos that look like they came out of a DSLR. No matter why you’re enlarging your photos, you always want the best possible quality for your results.

Features of Topaz Gigapixel AI 4.4.4

Below are some amazing features you can experience after installation of Topaz Gigapixel AI 4.4.4 please keep in mind features may vary and totally depends if your system support them.

Two new AI networks – one faster, one higher quality
More natural looking processed images and less artefacts
More settings and customisation for your image
A significantly faster saving speed
Nicer look and cleaner workflow
Bug fixes – like no more grid on your processed images!
Application name has been changed from ‘Topaz A.I. Gigapixel’ to ‘Topaz Gigapixel AI’. A few places or folders may still show the old name due to installation needs.
Revised application icons
Revised application splash screen
Improved processing models
Moved the ‘Preview’ button from the bottom of the application to be next to the ‘Clear All’ and ‘Open’ buttons above the file list
Alignment of the ‘Input’ and ‘Output’ labels has been adjusted
The ‘Noise & Blur Reduction’ control has been split into 2 controls: ‘Suppress Noise’ and ‘Remove Blur’. Each of these controls now has 5 level settings
Revised ‘About’ dialog window
Revised ‘Graphics Information’ dialog window
When PNG is the output file type, colour profile will automatically be set to sRGB
The ‘Preferences’ window has been reorganised with groups for Application and Processing
The ‘Stop’ button should be more responsive when pressed. Additionally, the ‘Processing’ message will display ‘Stopping’ to inform the user
TIF/TIFF files will only support a maximum output resolution of 22000 x 22000 at 16-bits of colour depth. This is needed to prevent the file size from exceeding 4 GBs. This is the maximum allowed size for TIF/TIFF files
Revised logic that affects how JPG/JPEG and TIF/TIFF files are saved to disk and how metadata is transferred from the source file to the output file
Revised message box dialogs throughout the application. This unifies the look and feel across platforms
Revised language on the File Logging popup window
When on the ‘Resize By Scale’ tab, when scaling to a custom value, the label now reads: “Custom Scale (0.20 to 6.00)”
The ‘Keep Metadata’ control has been removed due to performance issues identified. Metadata for JPG/JPEG and TIF/TIFF files will be preserved. Metadata support for PNG files is planned in the future.