專業【商業商品攝影技術】教學 課程 + 技術諮詢 讓你快速學成! 用鏡頭讓商品自己說話,商品照片就是:賣相(影響網購業績與訂單!) 由商品攝影教學函授課程密訓基地【總教頭】所釋出的獨門技術密技 ! 參加了本課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 專業攝影總教頭【二十年的職業攝影秘技私授】讓你快速【出師】 教你自製攝影輔助器材: 教學中也教導學員如何利用垂手可得的物件來自製實用的攝影輔助器材,例如:反光板、透光柔光幕、背景紙、攝影台等。 教你完全能自如控制拍攝成果: 以淺顯易懂的方式解說曝光補償與白平衡,讓學員可以輕鬆控制光與影,調整商品的色調與明暗。 比對式的創新教學法: 透過【失敗照片】與【成功範例】的比對,讓學員能理解差異的原因,進而規避易犯的錯誤,累積正確的專業商品攝影技術。 二十年的專業經驗承傳:為了突顯被設商品的特色,教學時針對場景的選擇與擺設的方法做了精闢的解說,提供學員參考的方向。 讓你拍出專業的最佳效果:透過具體的實拍案例來解說佈景、照明、構圖等要點,因此學員可已配合自己想要拍攝的物品來學習各種技巧。 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)


Photomizer Pro是一個可靠的解決專案,數位照片專案改善。
功能強大且易於使用的!酒吧高Photomizer 1套 – 新Photomizer提高到一個新水平,提出了著名的高效功能的前身,並完成了眾多的過濾器和附加主要的和次要的變化。

– 除了新的過濾器,改進的使用者介面和非常特殊的復古功能,Photomizer Pro提供了以下改進:
– 新!降噪:Photomizer Pro可以去除噪聲,例如在不利的光線條件下採取的快照。
– 新!神器過濾器:該過濾器消除文物,這期間發生的阻塞和JPEG壓縮圖像。
– 新!加入的噪音/粒:需要性的去噪。相反,一些攝影迷甚至自己的照片加入噪聲。
– 新!支援底片:另外的共同格式JPG,BMP,TIFF和RAW(*。原材料,*。CRW,*。ORF,* .3 FR,*。NEF *。RAF,MRW,*。NRW, DNG *。CR2,*。ARW,X3F,RW2)Photomizer現在還支援輸入格式底片。
– 批次轉換:全自動批次操作模式,完整的照片集。新:所有的原始路徑儲存在存儲過程中。
– 追蹤修訂版自動校正和色彩調整:更徹底改進的自動校正改善您的照片,現在可以適應和自動色彩調整的力度。
追蹤修訂為Photomizer Pro – 追蹤修訂版的基本功能:整個已知功能的前身,其中自動目的識別(圖像部分只有那些被操縱,這有助於改善整體印象),全自動的算法調整,色調,白平衡,重新銳化,色調控制和飽和度,更高的清晰度和明暗校正。同樣提高了行之有效的感人功能(增加清晰度和色彩強度,墊彩色補償,去除霧等負面天氣影響以及消除不受歡迎的彩色轉換)。
– 支援的輸出格式:節省存儲空間的Web應用程式,搬移裝置和螢幕上播放以及BMP永久歸檔的高清晰度的JPG。
– 非破壞性圖像編輯:原照片中的所有步驟不變
– 手動改善:個別編輯單張照片的附加選項 – 在全螢幕幕模式下。
EXIF / GEO:從數位相機拍攝的照片的EXIF和GEO資料的讀取和顯示。
– 眼見為實 – 尤其是在攝影。用自己的照片測試Photomizer,會讓自己感到驚訝。
– 附加功能,Photomizer的Pro提供了一個HDR模擬器和縮放改善單元:
– 建立類似的圖像令人驚訝的HDR-HDR-模擬器 – 即使只用一個形象!高動態範圍圖像的創造,你通常需要三個像那些特殊相機建立的圖像,三種不同的曝光。 Photomizer只需要一個產生這樣的效果,而其他兩個內定會自動計算。
– 縮放改善單元,確保您的圖片最有效上顯示的定義介質。舉例來說如果你有一個數位相框,你的照片最適列高顯示 – 不干擾黑網吧!同時也適合電視播放器影院解析度2560 x 1080像素!
– 攝像頭或其他可能的外部攝影機的圖像捕捉。

【文章標題】: (數位照片專案改善)Engelmann Media Photomizer Pro
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Engelmann Media Photomizer Pro

Photomizer Pro is a reliable solution designed for optimizing digital photos. Powerful and easy-to-use! Photomizer 1 sets the bar high – the new Photomizer Pro jumps over it, raises the known efficient functionality of the predecessor thanks to many internal improvements to a new level and completes it with numerous filters and additional minor and major changes.

Further highlights
– In addition to the new filters, the capable profiles, the improved user interface and the very special retro function, Photomizer Pro provides the following improvements:
– New! Denoise: Photomizer Pro can remove noise, for example in snap shots that were taken under unfavorable light conditions.
– New! Artifact filters: This filter eliminates artifacts, which occur during de-blocking and JPEG-compression of images.
– New! Adding of noise/grain: Denoising is not always desired. In contrast, some fans of photography even add noise to their photos. Photomizer Pro can do this for you now, no matter which degree of noise or grain or even fractal noise.
– New! Support of negatives: In addition to the common formats JPG, BMP, TIFF and RAW (*.raw, *.crw, *.orf, *.3fr, *.nef, *.raf, *.mrw, *.nrw, *.dng, *.cr2, *.arw, *.x3f, *.rw2) Photomizer Pro now also supports negatives as input format.
– Batch conversion: Fully automatic batch mode for manipulation of complete photo collections. New: If requested, all original paths are kept during storage.
– Revised auto correction and color adjustment: The improved auto correction optimizes your photos even more thoroughly and the intensity of automatic color adjustment can now be adapted.
– Revised basic functions: The entire known features of the predecessor were revised for Photomizer Pro, among them automatic object recognition (only those image parts are manipulated, which help optimize the overall impression), fully automatic algorithms for readjustment of tonality, white balance, re-sharpening, hue control and saturation, higher definition and bright-dark correction. Likewise improved were the proven touching-up functions (increase in definition and color intensity, compensation of mat colors, removal of fog and other negative weather influences as well as the elimination of undesired color casts).
– Supported output formats: memory-saving JPG for web applications, mobile devices and for playback on screens as well as BMP for permanent archiving in high definition.
– Non destructive image editing: The original photo remains unchanged in all steps
– Manual optimization: Additional options for individual editing of single photos – also in full-screen mode.
EXIF/GEO: Reading and display of EXIF- and GEO-data from digital camera photos.
– Seeing is believing – particularly in photography. Test Photomizer Pro with your own photos and let yourself be surprised.
– As additional functions, Photomizer Pro provides an HDR-simulator and a scaling optimization unit:
– Create amazingly HDR-similar images with the HDR-Simulator – even when using just one image! For creation of a High Dynamic Range image you normally require three images with three different exposures like those created by special cameras. Photomizer Pro only needs one to generate this effect while the other two are automatically calculated internally.
– The scaling optimization unit ensures that your pictures are most efficiently displayed on a defined medium. If for instance you have a digital picture frame, your pictures are automatically adjusted to the display – without disturbing black bars! Also suitable for TV-players with cinema resolution 2560 x 1080 pixels!
– Capturing of images from webcams or other external cameras possible.

(數位照片專案改善)Engelmann Media Photomizer Pro| Home Page: www.engelmann.com

(數位照片專案改善)Engelmann Media Photomizer Pro | Size: 34.46 MB

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 (32- and 64-Bit)
