專業【商業商品攝影技術】教學 課程 + 技術諮詢 讓你快速學成! 用鏡頭讓商品自己說話,商品照片就是:賣相(影響網購業績與訂單!) 由商品攝影教學函授課程密訓基地【總教頭】所釋出的獨門技術密技 ! 參加了本課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 專業攝影總教頭【二十年的職業攝影秘技私授】讓你快速【出師】 教你自製攝影輔助器材: 教學中也教導學員如何利用垂手可得的物件來自製實用的攝影輔助器材,例如:反光板、透光柔光幕、背景紙、攝影台等。 教你完全能自如控制拍攝成果: 以淺顯易懂的方式解說曝光補償與白平衡,讓學員可以輕鬆控制光與影,調整商品的色調與明暗。 比對式的創新教學法: 透過【失敗照片】與【成功範例】的比對,讓學員能理解差異的原因,進而規避易犯的錯誤,累積正確的專業商品攝影技術。 二十年的專業經驗承傳:為了突顯被設商品的特色,教學時針對場景的選擇與擺設的方法做了精闢的解說,提供學員參考的方向。 讓你拍出專業的最佳效果:透過具體的實拍案例來解說佈景、照明、構圖等要點,因此學員可已配合自己想要拍攝的物品來學習各種技巧。 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)













【文章標題】: (賀卡設計軟體)AVS Disc Creator
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Belltech Greeting Cards Designer 5.5.0

Create nice greeting cards easily using Greeting Card Designer, with your own photos, clip arts, call-outs, smiles, ready-made verse, color blends and more. Create quarter-fold or half-fold cards for any occasions.

This software is good for Birthdays, Weddings, New Year, anniversaries or any special occasion. Also use background pictures, shapes like heart, call-out, moon, sun etc., color blend effects to make your card a special one.

Design personalized cards for Birthdays, Wedding, New Year, anniversaries or any special occasion. The program comes with many card templates, clip art, background pictures to get you started. For fast output, you just choose a template, personalize the messages and print, that's all; Also, use shapes like heart, call-out, moon, sun etc. to make your card even more interesting.

Product Highlights:
• Quick and Easy Design: Why bother going to store spending hours looking for a perfect greeting card and then buying something that you don't like? Use our software to create your personalized greeting card. Choose from readymade greeting, verse and then modify the way you like, select and draw shapes and text; resize, tilt, change color, fill with gradient color or do anything with your design elements to make the right card.

• Use your own clip-arts, logo and photos: We supply you with many graphics that you can use, but don't think that it is all you can use. Get your own picture, family photo, clip-art and design the card you want.

• Choose any layout: With is application you can create quarter-fold or half-fold cards. In quarter-fold you also choose create quarter-side-fold or quarter-top-fold cards.

• Use templates and graphics: You can start with the card templates, background and clip-arts, then move on to advanced features like color blends, image edit etc. Simple to use yet so powerful!

• Convenient Design tools: Draw rectangle/triangle/circle or use freehand lines and shapes to create callout and designs.

• Card Background: Use the supplied backgrounds or use your own.

• Use Color blends: You can now have shapes with a blends of 2 colors. There are many bleding combinations you can do. The created blend is not a static background image, but a filled shape whose color-blend and texture you can choose or edit later.

• Printing papers: Supports most standard greeting card papers(Half-fold and quarter-fold) from Avery and other suppliers.

(賀卡設計軟體)AVS Disc Creator Page: www.belltechsystems.com

(賀卡設計軟體)AVS Disc Creator 25.63 MB