專業【商業商品攝影技術】教學 課程 + 技術諮詢 讓你快速學成! 用鏡頭讓商品自己說話,商品照片就是:賣相(影響網購業績與訂單!) 由商品攝影教學函授課程密訓基地【總教頭】所釋出的獨門技術密技 ! 參加了本課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 專業攝影總教頭【二十年的職業攝影秘技私授】讓你快速【出師】 教你自製攝影輔助器材: 教學中也教導學員如何利用垂手可得的物件來自製實用的攝影輔助器材,例如:反光板、透光柔光幕、背景紙、攝影台等。 教你完全能自如控制拍攝成果: 以淺顯易懂的方式解說曝光補償與白平衡,讓學員可以輕鬆控制光與影,調整商品的色調與明暗。 比對式的創新教學法: 透過【失敗照片】與【成功範例】的比對,讓學員能理解差異的原因,進而規避易犯的錯誤,累積正確的專業商品攝影技術。 二十年的專業經驗承傳:為了突顯被設商品的特色,教學時針對場景的選擇與擺設的方法做了精闢的解說,提供學員參考的方向。 讓你拍出專業的最佳效果:透過具體的實拍案例來解說佈景、照明、構圖等要點,因此學員可已配合自己想要拍攝的物品來學習各種技巧。 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)



和它的最好的部分是,你將有巨大的樂在其中。 Photo Blend是新一代的照片剪輯軟體,從幾張照片合併對像為單一成分的目的而設計的。

●專為一個目的 – 混合照片是從底層向上設計是一個照片合成軟體。所有這些工具都是為了說明與任務。
●寬容遮罩 – 幾乎一半的軟體是專門為掩蔽設計,但即使我們都喜歡魔術棒,從曲線或面膜從順面膜經典的遮罩工具,只需塗抹面膜用畫筆接近物體的邊緣。 Photo Blend是非常寬容的。
●自動色彩飛度 – 無需彩色校正圖像,使它們具有相同的彩色。 Photo Blend會自動為你做的。它是完全動態的,當你搬移場景的環境光的物體被重新計算以獲得最佳的色彩配合。
●全部無損 – 在照片混合一切都可以在任何時間調整,然後在其他任何時間改回。
●邏輯的使用者介面 – 設計照片混合從頭開始有不繼經典的照片編輯器的範例,會以最適合該任務的介面。沒有必要去一個一個的找選單,所有最常用的工具,分為兩個邏輯部分的介面上 – 組合模式和屏蔽源模式。
●為增加樂趣額外的工具 – 製作成分應該是有趣的,我們喜歡加入液化工具來變更表達人的臉,或建立一個人的整個漫畫。
●工作草稿上,出口在全部 – 為了加快速度,在設計過程全部在一個易於使用的圖像草案的工作完成。當它的時間來匯出Photo Blend會重複上一個全尺寸的圖像的所有步驟,以建立最好看的輸出。
●現場工具 – 使用魔術棒或是面膜從色相建立現場面膜,你可以直觀地設定該工具的公差用完後。您可以使用推/拉工具搬移和形狀的面具,就好像它是一個粘土。
●影子對像 – 不進行正確的對象陰影建立,可信成分只是工作的一半。從可以通過搬移滑塊,可以被塑造的有關角度來看一個複雜對象的陰影中加入簡單的陰影,它已擁有這一切功用。
●色彩調整 – 每個對象都有一套非破壞性的色彩調整。


【文章標題】: (照片剪輯軟體)Mediachance Photo Blend 3D 2.2 Final
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Mediachance Photo Blend 3D 2.2 Final

Photo Blend is uniquely designed software to quickly combine parts of different photos into a new photo montage or composition and to create new exciting photo mash-ups. With its original features such as automatic color adjustment it will give you more time to focus on the creative and artistic aspect of the whole process. And the best part of it is that you will have tremendous fun doing it. Photo Blend is a new generation of photo montage software, designed from the ground up for the purpose of combining objects from several photographs into single composition. Photo Blend employs few fantastic features that are unique among photo editors.

● Designed for a purpose — Photo Blend was designed from the ground up to be a photo composition software. All the tools are made to help with the task.
● Forgiving Mask — Virtually half of the software is dedicated to masking, but even though we have all the classic masking tools like Magic wand, Mask from Curve or Mask from Hue, simply painting the mask with a brush close to the edge of object is usually the best start. Photo Blend is very forgiving.
● Auto-Color Fit — No need to color correct the images so they have same colors. Photo Blend will automatically do that for you. And it is fully dynamic, as you move the object around the ambient light of the scene is recalculated for best color fit.
● Fully Non-destructive — Everything in Photo Blend can be adjusted at any time and then changed back at any other time.
● Logical UI — Designing Photo Blend from scratch has the benefit of not following classic photo editor paradigms but to best fit the interface for the task. There is no need to hunt in menus, all the most used tools are right on the interface divided into two logical parts — the Composition Mode and the masking Source Mode.
● Extra tools for added fun — Making composition should be fun and we added tools like Liquify to change the expression on ones face or to create a whole caricature of a person.
● Working on Draft, exporting in Full — To speed things up, the designing process is all done on a easy to work with Draft images. When it is time to export Photo Blend will repeat all the steps on a full size images to create the best looking output.
● Live Tools — Using Magic Wand or Mask From Hue creates live mask where you can visually set the tolerance of the tool after it is used. You can use Push/Pull tool to move and shape the mask as if it was a clay.
● Shadow Objects — Creating believable composition without making correct object shadows is just half of the job. From Simple shadows that can be added by moving a slider to a complex object shadows that can be shaped with regards to perspective, Photo Blend has it all.
● Color Adjustments — Each object has set of non-destructive color adjustments as well.

(照片剪輯軟體)Mediachance Photo Blend 3D 2.2 Final | Home Page http://www.mediachance.com/photoblend/index.html

(照片剪輯軟體)Mediachance Photo Blend 3D 2.2 Final | Size 12.6 MB / 12.9 MB


PictureCode Photo Ninja照片忍者是一個專業級的RAW轉換器,可提供出色的細節,圖像質量出色,和一個獨特的,自然的外觀。














【文章標題】:(RAW轉換器)PictureCode Photo Ninja 1.1.2b (x86/x64)
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
PictureCode Photo Ninja 1.1.2b (x86/x64)

Photo Ninja is a professional-grade RAW converter that delivers exceptional detail, outstanding image quality, and a distinctive, natural look. If you think this is "just another RAW converter", you're in for a surprise. Photo Ninja is truly special, with unique capabilities for improving and optimizing your digital images. Click on the items below to learn more about this powerful tool, and read why serious photographers are adopting it into their workflows.

Adaptive lighting
Photo Ninja's intelligent illumination control can lighten shadows, overcome backlighting, and tame excessive contrast, with a natural, artifact-free result.

Detail enhancement
Our one-of-a-kind local contrast adjustment makes detail "pop" without halo artifacts. It also works in reverse for a nice smoothing effect.

Highlight recovery
World-class technology can salvage many overexposed images, with convincing recovery of blown-out highlight regions.

Noise Ninja® 3.0
The gold standard for noise reduction lives on in Photo Ninja. Noise Ninja 3.0 is our best noise reduction technology yet.

Color enhancement
Improve skin tones, enhance foliage, deepen the sky, and create your own color "looks" with hue-selective color enhancements.

Black and white processing
Create monochrome and split-tone images quickly and easily, with flexible control over tonal interpretation.

Chromatic aberration correction
Automatically analyze and remove complex lateral chromatic aberration prior to demosaicing, with outstanding results.

Color correction
Balance neutrals in a single click. Achieve consistent color with on-location lighting profiles.

Distortion correction
Fix keystoning and correct complex lens distortion.

Advanced demosaicing
For cameras with weak antialiasing filters, Photo Ninja can reduce maze artifacts and moire patterns.

Point-and-go browser
Navigate through your image collection quickly and easily with Photo Ninja's streamlined, integrated browser.

Release history

(RAW轉換器)PictureCode Photo Ninja 1.1.2b (x86/x64) | Home Page: www.picturecode.com

(RAW轉換器)PictureCode Photo Ninja 1.1.2b (x86/x64) | Size: 12.3 mb / 16.3 mb

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8


All My Movies是為那些厭倦了管理自己的家庭電影收藏的人。它是一個易於使用的DVD目錄程式。
你可以用它來編目您的個人收藏的DVD ,光碟,錄影帶等。 ..你不需要輸入所有電影的細節,它將從網際網路電影資料庫自動下載所有的細節!基本上,所有使用者所要做的就是將DVD或掃瞄硬碟機。
該計劃將提取所有電影訊息 – 片名,導演,演員,描述,類型,語系,字幕等,如果不存在,該訊息可從線上電影資料庫匯入,就像IMDb.com只需點擊一下滑鼠或手動輸入。


它對於一個電影收藏家是最好的軟體產品。來製作自己的電影目錄吧!該專案是Vista相容的。用All My Movies你可以編目你的Blu-ray和HD DVD光碟!


– 簡單的電影細節匯入永遠不同的語系不同的網際網路電影資料庫。其他網際網路電影資料庫的外掛程式為我所有的電影支援
– 延伸人的詳細資料。自動尋找演員的生日,電影作品和傳記藏漢作為演員的照片。
– 有能力使用UPC / EAN條形碼加入的DVD。只需輸入(或用特殊的掃瞄器掃瞄)條碼號和All My Movies自動下載的訊息。CueCat條形碼掃瞄器的全面支援。
– 大封面圖片和電影的海報來自像Amazon.com和DVDEmpire.com網際網路資料庫匯入
– 能夠到您的收藏儲存到如PDA或智慧手機搬移裝置
– 支援DACAL DC – 300光碟庫II器件
– 能夠直接從程式中播放電影。可以用作視訊playlister
– 第三方外掛程式的支援。有外掛程式的電影細節從電影目錄和MovieTrack軟體匯入
– 從其他格式( CSV文字格式, MS Excel檔案, AMC檔案)匯入視訊採集。易遷移
– 清除您的視訊的庫存與漂亮的統計概述
– 換膚的使用者介面。您可以使用標準的Windows XP主題為皮膚
– 直接從您的電影DVD或AVI檔案捕獲劇照,並將其張貼到它可以說明你使用你的視覺記憶記得電影和評價電影的畫面質量資料庫
– 使用任何資料庫欄位的快速搜尋電影 – 片名,導演,年份,演員,流派,描述等
– 匯出您的視訊採整合HTML (多個模板可供您也可以建立你自己的) ,純文字或Microsoft Excel格式,這樣你就可以把它放在你家的網頁或匯入到其他一些軟體
– 密碼保護你的電影資料庫
– 一個簡單的方法來與朋友們分享你的電影資料庫。打動他們!
– 易於使用的貸款經理

– 補充:見過,願望清單和個人標示特性的電影搜尋( F3 )函數
– 新增:能夠批次更新細節未填充者只
– 增加:從MS Excel和文字輸入的價格和媒體計數能力
– 補充說:「媒體計數」點擊現在在電影方面的細節
– 補充說:「媒體數」欄位可用於匯出為HTML表, MS Excel和純文字
– 補充說:「死亡年」欄位人的卡片
– 新增:改變螢幕快照為了在電影卡對話的能力
– 新增:對沙丘的玩家,首先標題字母劃分的新目錄。也嘗試使用媒體標籤欄位作為storage_name :/ /連結
– 補充:在偏好項編輯自訂欄位名稱與按兩下的能力
– 修正:未成年IMDB進口問題
– 從kinopoisk.ru提高進口
– 修正:匯入自訂從MS Excel和CSV欄位
– 固定:從Filmweb.pl獲得電影細節

【文章標題】: (DVD目錄程式)All My Movies 7.7 Build 1418
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
All My Movies 7.7 Build 1418

All My Movies™ is intended for those who are tired of managing their home movie collection. It is an easy to use DVD catalog program. You can use it to catalogue your personal collection of DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes, etc… You do not need to type all movie details, All My Movies™ will download all the details from the internet movie database automatically! Basically, all a user has to do is to insert a DVD or scan a hard-drive. The program will extract all movie information – title, director, actors, description, genre, languages, subtitles, etc. If absent, this information can be imported from online movie databases, like IMDb.com with one mouse click or entered manually.

All My Movies™ is really a multilingual video organizer application. It now supports English, Russian, Greek, Dutch, French, Belorussian, Latvian, Polish, Serbian, Italian, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish, Spanish, Korean, Danish, Chinese, Slovak and German languages.

The best software product for a movie collector. Make your own movie catalog today! The program is Vista compatible. You can catalog your Blu-ray and HD DVD discs with All My Movies™ too!

The movie organizer's main features are:
– Easy movie details import from the different internet movie databases on different languages. Additional internet movie databases are supported with the plugins for All My Movies
– Extended person's details. Automatically lookup for the actor's birthdays, filmography and biography aswell as the actor's photo.
– Ability to add DVDs using UPC/EAN barcodes. Just enter (or scan with a special scanner) barcode numbers and All My Movies™ downloads all the rest of the information automatically. Cheap CueCat barcode scanners are fully supported.
– Large cover image and movie posters import from internet databases like Amazon.com and DVDEmpire.com
– Ability to save your collection to mobile devices like PDA or smartphone
– Supports DACAL DC-300 CD Library II device
– Ability to play movies directly from the program. Can be used as video playlister
– Third party plug-ins supported. There are plugins for movie details import from Ant Movie Catalog and MovieTrack software
– Import video collection from other formats (CSV text format, MS Excel files, AMC files). Easy migrating
– Clear overview of your video inventory with nice statistics
– Skinnable user interface. You can use standard Windows XP themes as skins
– Capture stills directly from your movie DVDs or AVI files and post them to the database which can help you remember the movie using your visual memory and evaluate the quality of the movie's picture
– Fast movie search using any of the database fields – title, director, year, actors, genre, description, etc
– Export your video collection to HTML (several templates are available or you can create your own) , plain text or Microsoft Excel format, so you can place it on your home web page or import into some other software
– Password protect your movie database
– An easy way to share your movie database wit
h friends. Impress them!
– Easy to use loan manager

What's New in This Release:
– added: seen, wishlist and personal marks criterias to the Movie Search (F3) function
– added: ability to batch update the details for unfilled persons only
– added: ability to import price and media count from MS Excel and text
– added: "media count" is clickable now in the movie details area
– added: "media count" field is available for export to HTML table, MS Excel and plain text
– added: "death year" field to the person's card
– added: ability to change screenshots order in the movie card dialog
– added: new catalog for Dune players divided by first title letters. Also trying to use Media Label field as a storage_name:// link
– added: ability to edit custom field names in Preferences with double click
– fixed: minor IMDb import issue
– improved import from kinopoisk.ru
– fixed: import custom fields from MS Excel and CSV
– fixed: getting movie details from Filmweb.pl

(DVD目錄程式)All My Movies 7.7 Build 1418 | Home Page – www.bolidesoft.com

(DVD目錄程式)All My Movies 7.7 Build 1418 : 16.18 MB


配備先進的高清晰度( HD )視訊轉換技術, Xilisoft高清的視訊轉換器可以很容易地轉換高清視訊格式如AVCHD (MTS ,M2TS ) , H.264/AVC , MKV ,MPEG-2 ( TS ) ,DivX的高清WMV , MPEG-4和快速時間。
坐下來,讓Xilisoft HD的轉換器為你做的工作,轉換高清視訊標準清晰度( SD ) ,甚至是升級的SD視訊到高清!除了高清視訊格式之間的轉換,視訊轉換器還可以提取和轉換的音訊檔案,從各種視訊拍攝照片,甚至設定輸出檔案的大小。

等常用高清視訊轉換器將自動檢驗多核心CPU ,多核心配置任務,自動獲得高的視訊轉換速度。

支援高清AVCHD (MTS ,M2TS ) , MKV ,高清ASF ,高清AVI , H.264/AVC ,高清快速的時間,高清MPEG- 4 , WMV HD等影片,和一般的AVI ,MPEG,WMV等視訊和音訊, MP4 , 3GP , FLV , RM , MOV , MP3 ,WMA和AAC 。

要獲得美妙的好萊塢電影場景,高清轉換器可以捕捉視訊圖片通過設定持續時間和拍攝間隔,並將它們儲存為JPG,GIF, BMP ,PNG檔案。










為您提供一個內建的播放器(這是調整大小,可作為一個獨立的播放器具有4:3和16:9縮放模式) ,預覽視訊和拍攝快照您想要的電影場景,將它們儲存為圖片檔案。





iPod, iPod nano上, iPod的經典的iPod shuffle ,iPod的觸摸
‧ iPhone , iPhone 3G ,蘋果電視
Xbox ,Xbox 360遊戲機
一般MP4播放器:愛可視,創新公司的Zen ,艾利和等。
‧ Window搬移裝置:掌上電腦,戴爾Axim X51 ,惠普iPaq hw6500系列等。


視訊 – AVI , MPEG , WMV , MP4 , FLV , MKV , H.264/MPEG-4的DivX, XVID , MOV , RM , RMVB , M4V , VOB , ASF , 3GP, 3G2 , SWF , H.261 , H. 264 , DV , DIF , MJPG , MJPEG , DVR -MS ,螺母, QT , YUV , DAT , MPV , NSV
AVCHD視訊(*。 MTS , M2TS) , H.264/MPEG-4 AVC ( MP4) , MPEG2高清視訊( *。 MPG , MPEG ) , MPEG -4 TS高清視訊( * 。 TS ) , MPEG – 2 TS高清視訊(*。 TS ) ,快速的時間,高清視訊( * 。 MOV ) , WMV高清視訊( * 。 xwmv ) ,音訊視訊交錯高清視訊( * 。 AVI )
音訊 – MP3 , WMA , AAC , WAV , CDA , OGG , FLAC , APE , CUE , M4A , RA , RAM , AC3 , MP2 , AIFF , AU , MPA , SUN AU格式

視訊 – AVI , MPEG , WMV , MP4 , FLV , H.264/MPEG-4的DivX , XVID , MOV , RMVB , ASF ,3GP , 3G2 , SWF , VOB , TS
H.264/MPEG-4 AVC ( MP4) , MPEG2高清視訊( *。 MPG , MPEG ),MPEG- 4 TS高清視訊(*。 TS ) , MPEG – 2 TS高清視訊(*。 TS ) ,快速實時高清視訊( MOV ) , WMV高清視訊( WMV ) ,音訊視訊交錯高清視訊( * 。 AVI )
音訊 – MP3 , WMA , AAC , WAV , OGG , M4A , RA , AC3 , MP2 , AMR , SUN AU格式


【文章標題】: (視訊轉換器)Xilisoft HD Video Converter 7.7.2 Build 20130915
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Xilisoft HD Video Converter 7.7.2 Build 20130915

Equipped with advanced High-Definition (HD) video conversion technology, Xilisoft HD Video Converter can easily convert HD video formats such as AVCHD (mts, m2ts), H.264/AVC, MKV, MPEG-2 (ts), DivX, HD WMV, MPEG-4 and Quick Time. Sit back and let Xilisoft HD Converter do the job for you, convert from HD videos to Standard-Definition (SD), or even upgrade an SD video to HD! Besides converting among HD video formats, the Video Converter can also extract and convert audio files, capture pictures from various videos and even set the output file size.

Key Features:
Support multi-core CPU
With auto detection of multi-core CPU, Xilisoft HD Video Converter will distribute tasks on multi-core automatically to get high video conversion speed.

The widest range of formats support
Support HD videos like AVCHD (mts, m2ts), MKV, HD ASF, HD AVI, H.264/AVC, HD Quick Time, HD MPEG-4, and HD WMV, and general videos and audios like AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, FLV, RM, MOV, MP3, WMA and AAC.

Video-to-picture conversion
To get wonderful Hollywood movie scenes, the HD converter can capture pictures from videos by setting duration and capture interval, and save them as JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG files.

Legible format system
All formats have been classified by device for quick search and the HD converter assembles HD video formats in a group for you to choose conveniently.

Custom parameters of profile
Diverse parameters for video, audio and picture prof
iles are classified for easy navigation and can be easily and freely customized for both novices and advanced users. You can save the profile whose parameters have been customized for future use.

Several formats for one file
With Xilisoft HD Video Converter, you can add many profiles in multiple formats to one source for simultaneous output. It's fast and convenient to get kinds of profiles at one time.

Adjustable file size
Xilisoft HD Video Converter supports converting video with any file size you need by entering the value of the file size in the Bitrate Calculator.

Convert any segment and split file
Any segment of one video can be converted by setting start time and duration. Or split file into several files by customizing file size or split time with Xilisoft HD Video Converter.

Run the HD converter in background
Xilisoft HD Video Converter supports running the HD converter in the background to save more time and space.

After done actions
Automatically shutdown action among several after done actions: exit, hibernate and standby lets you just sit and have a cup of coffee.

Multithreading and batch conversion
The MTS/M2TS/TS video converter supports multithreading and batch file conversion to convert multiple files at one time to cut back on the conversion time.

Preview and snapshot
Offers you a built-in player (which is resizable and can be used as a stand-alone player with 4:3 and 16:9 zoom modes) to preview videos and take a snapshot of your desired movie scenes and save them as picture files.

Power Management
Allows you to manage your system power in this HD video converter.

Several languages
Support multiple languages: German, Chinese, English, Japanese, French and Spanish.

Output Device Support:
• iPod, iPod nano, iPod classic, iPod shuffle, iPod touch
• iPhone, iPhone 3G, Apple TV
• PSP, PS3
• Xbox, Xbox 360
• General 3GP support mobile phone, BlackBerry, etc.
• General MP4 players: Archos, Creative Zen, iRiver, etc.
• Window Mobile device: Pocket PC, Dell Axim X51, HP iPaq hw6500 series, etc.

Input File Format Support:
Video – AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, FLV, MKV, H.264/MPEG-4, DivX, XviD, MOV, RM, RMVB, M4V, VOB, ASF, 3GP, 3G2, SWF, H.261, H.264, DV, DIF, MJPG, MJPEG, DVR-MS, NUT, QT, YUV, DAT, MPV, NSV
AVCHD Video (*.mts, *.m2ts), H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (*.mp4), MPEG2 HD Video (*.mpg; *.mpeg), MPEG-4 TS HD Video (*.ts), MPEG-2 TS HD Video (*.ts), Quick Time HD Video (*.mov), WMV HD Video (*.xwmv), Audio-Video Interleaved HD Video (*.avi)

Output File Format Support:
Video – AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, FLV, H.264/MPEG-4, DivX, XviD, MOV, RMVB, ASF, 3GP, 3G2, SWF, VOB, TS
H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (*.mp4), MPEG2 HD Video (*.mpg; *.mpeg), MPEG-4 TS HD Video (*.ts), MPEG-2 TS HD Video (*.ts), Quick Time HD Video (*.mov), WMV HD Video (*.wmv), Audio-Video Interleaved HD Video (*.avi)
Audio – MP3, WMA, AAC, WAV, OGG, M4A, RA, AC3, MP2, AMR, SUN AU Format

(視訊轉換器)Xilisoft HD Video Converter 7.7.2 Build 20130915 | Home Page: www.xilisoft.com

(視訊轉換器)Xilisoft HD Video Converter 7.7.2 Build 20130915 | Size: 37.3 MB



 PhotoStudio 6 是強大的照片編輯軟體,它採用了一系列先進的工具裡面一個非常友好的使用者介面,過濾器和特效。

‧大型圖像檔案至30,000 x30,000像素和48點陣圖像,還支援從掃瞄器捕獲

【文章標題】: (照片編輯軟體)ArcSoft PhotoStudio
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
ArcSoft PhotoStudio

PhotoStudio 6 is powerful photo editing software featuring an array of advanced tools, filters and special effects inside a very friendly user interface. Beginners will appreciate the straight-forward design, while advanced users will love the performance and control. The program includes everything you need to manage, enhance, print, and get creative with your digital photos!

Here are some key features of "ArcSoft PhotoStudio":
• Offers an array of advanced photo editing tools to help you edit and enhance digital photos
• Essential tools include Simple Selection, Magnetic Lasso, Photo Cloning, Photo Enhancement, Multi-Layer Support, Brush and Stamp, Text Layer, Transform, and Print
• Advanced correction tools include Auto-Exposure, Auto-De-Noise, Record Macro, Scratch Removal, and Equalization
• Auto-align function is provided to help with shaky hands and blurred photos
• High Dynamic Range (HDR) combines the same three images with different exposure levels into one eye-popping, vibrant, and detailed image
• Additional tools are provided to manually enhance your photo: Smoothness, Detail, Saturation, Contrast, and Brightness
• Supports importing and editing popular RAW file formats by Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, Adobe (DNG), Sony, Kodak, Olympus, and more
• Large image files up to 30,000 x 30,000 pixels and 48-bit images captured from your scanner are also supported
• Extract an object from its background with the Magic-Cut function
• Apply Face-Beautify tools to look younger
• Set up a macro to easily apply and process many photos at once using pre-recorded effect(s)
• Provides a powerful browser to help you browse, search, and organize files
• Embedded with the tags and ratings functions, and includes a convenient calendar view
• A professional print module comes with easy-to-use customized templates
• Arranges photos for printing in different sizes on one or many pages

(照片編輯軟體)ArcSoft PhotoStudio | Home Page: www.arcsoft.com

(照片編輯軟體)ArcSoft PhotoStudio | Size: 34.9 Mb

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8






‧ Windows主題風格完全整合的工作區,為使用者提高工作效率
‧支援照片格式: JPEG,GIF , PCX , TGA, PNG和TIFF點陣圖,
‧支援音樂格式: MP3 ,WMA,WAV和Midi
   4.52版 – 2013-10-01
‧修正:一些當地的音樂檔案後,移除或刪除由程式建立0位元組檔案,修復bug 。


【文章標題】: (螢幕保護製作軟體)Acme Photo ScreenSaver Maker 4.52
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Acme Photo ScreenSaver Maker 4.52

Acme Photo ScreenSaver Maker is a professional photo screen saver software. It is easy to build an excellent cool effect screen saver with your own photos and music fast. No particular skill needed, no complicated settings, whether you are a screen saver beginner or a professional, this screen saver maker of choice for you will make your screen saver software experience more rewarding.

Using this tool, you can create self-install screen savers which are compatible with most Windows platform, distribute and share your screen savers with family, friends or people on the web. Try this screen saver software and have fun today!

• make screen savers with cool effects easily and fast
• fully integrated workspace with Windows theme style for user to work efficiently
• supports photo format: Bitmap, Jpeg, Gif, Pcx, Tga, Png and Tiff
• supports music format: Mp3, Wma, Wav and Midi
• display photos/play music in sequence or random order
• customizable screen saver background and image mask
• static caption for each photo
• word phrase of headline can be displayed dynamically
• 40 kinds of cool smooth transition effect
• 10 kinds of dynamic headline effect
• display lyric with the support of Lrc format file
• custom Icon and Logo image for the final screen saver
• build single self-install screen saver file
• distribute and share screen savers on the web
• explore this screensaver software to find more…

Version 4.52 – 2013-10-01
• Fix: after some local music files were removed or deleted, fix the bug of creating 0 byte files by the program.

(螢幕保護製作軟體)Acme Photo ScreenSaver Maker 4.52/Home Page: www.acme-photo-screensaver-maker.com

(螢幕保護製作軟體)Acme Photo ScreenSaver Maker 4.52/ 1.83 MB

ОС: Windows All



通過Zoner Photo Studio還提供了不少樂趣(如油畫和色調分離)的影響,以高度專業(例如幀圖像和文字) 。
支援的檔案格式: BMI , BMP , CR2 ,CRW ,DIB , GIF , ICO , JPE , JPEG , JPG , MAC , MDM ,MRW , NEF ,ORF , PCD , PCX , PNG,PSD , PSP , RAW ,RLE , TGA , THM , TIF , WPF , EMF , WMF , ZBR , ZCL ,ZMP 。
當支援DirectX安裝在電腦上,通過Zoner Photo Studio 8也可以顯示以下多媒體格式: ASF,AVI, M1V , MOV , MPE , MPEG , MPG , QT , WMV , AIF , AIFF , AU , MID , MIDI , MP3 , MP3 , MPA , RMI , SND , WAV , WMA 。
豪華版內含備份CD , 3D眼鏡,以及通過Zoner抽獎5免費!立即購買,下載和安裝試用版和解鎖使用許可證代碼。
收到您的CD大約一個星期後,拿起你所購買,安裝, CD ,然後解鎖使用許可證代碼。
下面是一些主要特點「通過Zoner Photo Studio專業」 :

什麼是在Zoner Photo Studio 16中的新功能:
* RAW和JPG檔案的自動分組
*完全無限的空間為您的照片的Zonerama Web畫廊

【文章標題】: (圖片修復編輯工具)Zoner Photo Studio Pro
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Zoner Photo Studio Pro

Zoner Photo Studio also provides effects from fun (e.g. oil painting and posterization) to highly professional (e.g. framing and text-in-image). Supported file formats: BMI, BMP, CR2, CRW, DIB, GIF, ICO, JPE, JPEG, JPG, MAC, MDM, MRW, NEF, ORF, PCD, PCX, PNG, PSD, PSP, RAW, RLE, TGA, THM, TIF, WPF, EMF, WMF, ZBR, ZCL, ZMF, ZMP. When DirectX support is installed on a computer, Zoner Photo Studio 8 can also display the following multimedia formats: ASF, AVI, M1V, MOV, MPE, MPEG, MPG, QT, WMV, AIF, AIFF, AU, MID, MIDI, MP3, MP3, MPA, RMI, SND, WAV, and WMA. The Deluxe version includes a backup CD, 3D glasses, and Zoner Draw 5 for free! To pick up your purchase immediately, download and install the trial version and unlock using your license code. To pick up your purchase after receiving your CD roughly a week from now, install from that CD, then unlock using your license code.
Here are some key features of "Zoner Photo Studio Professional":
· Acquire photos from your camera, scanner, card, or screen
· Fix pictures fast with Quick Fix
· Save time with convenient batch operations
· Quickly find all photos and pictures on your hard drive
· Create panoramas and 3D photos easily
· Use a wide array of edits and effects
· Add GPS photo locations and see them on a map
· Publish to the web easily and directly
· Templates for calendars, greeting cards, and more
· Save money with the Paper Saver
· Enjoy the fresh, easy-to-use interface

What’s New in Zoner Photo Studio 16:
* Quicker, easier work with our Compare Photos function
* Automatic grouping of RAW and JPG files
* Improved work with the Catalog—useful new sorting presets
* Intuitive map work, easy assignment of GPS coordinates to a photo
* Automatic display of photos’ locations on a map, and of how many are at each location
* Content-aware resizing: adjustment of a picture’s size and aspect ratio that takes into account its important and unimportant parts * Editing controls are now all together in one place (the Side Panel) and have one look-and-feel
* Easier to use with touch screens
* Automatic sharing on Facebook and Zonerama
* Completely unlimited space for your photos on the Zonerama web galleries

(圖片修復編輯工具)Zoner Photo Studio Pro | Home Page: www.zoner.com

(圖片修復編輯工具)Zoner Photo Studio Pro | Size: 53 Mb

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8



1。選取你的主畫面(圖像遠看) ;
2。選取磚(選取一個或多個圖片資料夾,你會有更多,更好) ;
3。點擊構建馬賽克! (或選取您自己的設定) ;
4 。搬移,調整大小或更換瓷磚完美拼貼
5 。儲存檔案photomosaic 。



它,充分發揮你的創造力!這個小工具的可能性幾乎是無止境的。從寫真壁紙海報大小的蒙太奇照片馬賽克, Artensoft照片馬賽克精靈會打動你的朋友,招待你的家庭成員所有世代。


它,是完全獨立的攝影鑲嵌的軟體,不需要任何第三方軟體工作。該工具將產生現實的馬賽克,您無需有任何設計師或照片編輯技巧。你只需要一台Windows PC和幾張照片。

【文章標題】: (照片馬賽克軟體)Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard 1.6.118
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard 1.6.118

Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard builds perfect photo mosaics out of your own images in just seconds. Have great fun with friends and family, produce perfect photo gifts, and make unique posters in five easy steps! Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard is great for designing and printing photo wallpaper, producing exclusive collages, and building photo montages that look great from afar and perfect from up close.

Building a photomosaic could not be made easier. The steps to create your very own photo mosaic are:
1. Select your master picture (an image to be seen from afar);
2. Select the tiles (choosing one or more folders with pictures will do; the more you have, the better);
3. Click to build the mosaic! (Or choose your own settings);
4. Move, resize, or replace tiles to perfect your collage, or simply skip to;
5. Saving your photomosaic to the file.

True Photo Mosaic
Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard builds true photo mosaics by carefully choosing, matching, and fitting each individual tile to form the master image. The photographic mosaic software does that without resorting to tricks such as blending cell images into a master image with color overlays. Instead, it solves a complex mathematical equation of fitting cell images the best possible way to produce stunning and very realistic mosaics.

Perfect Photo Collages    
Not satisfied with a photo mosaic created by Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard automatically? You can move, resize or replace individual tiles to perfect the collage.

Unlimited Photographic Possibilities
Unleash your creativity with Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard! The possibilities provided by this little tool are nearly endless. From photo wallpaper to poster-size montages and photo mosaics, Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard will impress your friends and entertain your family members of all generations.

Photoshop Not Required
Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard is fully stand-alone photographic mosaic software that does not need any third-party software to work. The tool will produce realistic mosaics without you having to have any designer or photo editing skills. You’ll just need a Windows PC and a few photos to make the mosaic of.

(照片馬賽克軟體)Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard 1.6.118| Homepage: www.artensoft.com/ArtensoftPhotoMosaicWizard/

(照片馬賽克軟體)Artensoft Photo Mosaic Wizard 1.6.118| Size: 9.3 MB

隨著全景軟體Easypano,你可以儲存和列印您最喜愛的全景圖像,以及將它們發佈到HTML 5 VR上觀看您的iPhone / iPad的全螢幕HTML基於快閃記憶體VR,獨立的SWF,QTVR和基於Java的VR後,你綜合熱點,谷歌地圖等。


全景軟體Panoweaver專業版和批次版,你可以拼接成360 * 180幾步,為您提供一個捷徑資料,是一家專業從事全景拼接球形全景圖像。魚眼圖像魚眼圖像有三種類型:完整的圓形魚眼圖像,鼓魚眼圖像和全畫幅魚眼圖像。

可以與任何裝置用相機拍攝的圖像,並將其匯入到全景軟體Panoweaver 360或部分得到充分的全景圖像。您還可以多行圖像拼接高解析度全景。只要確保有相鄰圖像之間的重疊區功能變數。

您不僅可以節省你的全景圖像虛擬旅遊軟體Tourweaver進行進一步的編輯,你可以publsih與全景Easypano軟體成不同格式的虛擬旅遊。最流行的Flash和HTML 5,除了QTVR都支援。



它永遠不會是更容易在Facebook上分享您的全景,無需任何編碼在全景軟體Easypano Panoweaver隱藏於公開的整個巡迴賽。到www.iEasypano.com虛擬旅遊,免費託管平台,您可以上傳您的全景,然後分享它,點擊幾下。






【文章標題】: (全景軟體)Easypano PanoWeaver Professional 8.60.130719
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Easypano PanoWeaver Professional 8.60.130719 + Rus

Panoweaver, the user-friendly panorama software, is not only a professional photo stitching tool but also a great Flash panorama publisher. The professional panorama software can automatically stitch any type of photo into high quality full 360 degree or partial panoramic image, supporting HDR creation and manual stitching by inserting matching points. With Easypano panorama software, you can save and print your favorite panoramic images as well as publish them into HTML 5 VR for viewing on your iPhone/iPad, Full screen html based Flash VR, Standalone SWF, QTVR and Java based VR after you've integrated hotspots, Google map, ect.

Main Features Of Panorama Software Include

Fisheye Photo Stitching
With Professional Edition and Batch Edition of panorama software Panoweaver, you can stitch fisheye images into full 360*180 spherical panoramic image with a few steps, offering you a shotcut to be a professional in panorama stitching. There are three types of fisheye image: full circular fisheye image, drum fisheye image and full frame fisheye image.
Learn more about fisheye images and compatible equipment.
Learn how.

Normal & Wide-Angle Photo Stitching
You can take images with any device with camera and import them into panorama software Panoweaver to get full 360 or partial panoramic image. You can aslo stitch multi-row images for stitching high resolution panorama. Just make sure there are overlapped area among the adjacent images.
Learn more about the compatible equipment.
Learn how.

Panorama Publishing
Not only can you save your panoramic image for further editing in virtual tour software Tourweaver, you can publsih it with Easypano panorama software into a virtual tour with different formats as well. The most popular Flash and HTML 5 in addition to QTVR are all supported.
Learn how.

Little Planet Effect
The artistic little planet panorama is also one of main points of this professional panorama softwware. You will find it easy to get such artistic effect and convert between little planet panorama and normal view.
Learn how.

Have some unexpected objects in your photos? Now you can use Mask feature to cover all those things before stitching them togethers. This anti-ghost tool provided by this newly edition of panorama software will help you address the problem that happens in overlapped pictures and offer you perfect panorama.
Learn how.

Share at Facebook
It will never be easier to share your panorama on Facebook by embeding the whole tour without any coding in Easypano panorama software Panoweaver. You can upload your panoramas onto www.iEasypano.com, a free virtual tour hosting platform, and then share it with a few clicks.

Bing Map/Google Map
Bing map and most of its features have been supported by panorama software Panoweaver and open to all the users. Google map is limited to those who have already had valid API keys. See how to get Bing Map API key and Google Map API key.

Raw & HDR Image Stitching
For professionals, the wonderful feature offered by professional panorama software Panoweaver might be one of your favorites. Stitching raw images and HDR images will bring you more real panorama with perfect experience.

Tripod Removing
You may not know this, but it's true that Easypano panorama software will save you a lot of time to retouch your panorama in Photoshop.
You can remove the tripod automatically after converting it into cubic panorama. It is simple and easy.

More Others
They are a lot more reasons you will like this great panorama software and photo stitching software as it provides you with a lot more useful features, which will make your panorama more compelling and more competitive, such as hotspot, 3D music, customizable toolbar and context menu, different blenders, to name just a few. Complete feature list.

(全景軟體)Easypano PanoWeaver Professional 8.60.130719  | Homepage:: http://www.easypano.com/panorama-software.html

(全景軟體)Easypano PanoWeaver Professional 8.60.130719 / Size: 71.09 MB


你可以集中操縱,就像昂貴的鏡頭,背景虛化,Alien Skin Bokeh鏡頭模擬器Photoshop外掛程式。

特倫斯泰,背景虛化的設計師,著名的背景虛化的亮點,如佳能EF85公厘f/1.2鏡頭II和微距尼克爾105mm f/2.8微距鏡頭的鏡頭進行了仔細的實驗。

【文章標題】: (鏡頭模擬器)Alien Skin Bokeh Revision 24197 (x86/x64)
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Alien Skin Bokeh Revision 24197 (x86/x64)

Finally, you can manipulate focus just like fast expensive lenses with Bokeh, Alien Skin’s lens simulator Photoshop plug-in. Bokeh can draw attention to your subject by manipulating focus and depth of field after the shot has been taken. From changing the depth of field to placing a radial sweet spot and adding a vignette, Bokeh provides many techniques for realistic blurring and altering the mood of a scene.

Bokeh is the only software that accurately simulates the distinctive blurring and creamy highlights of real lenses. Terence Tay, Bokeh’s designer, performed careful experiments with lenses famous for their bokeh highlights, such as the Canon® EF 85mm f/1.2 II and the Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8. The result is a photo-realistic look, in contrast to the unnatural blur from other software.

(鏡頭模擬器)Alien Skin Bokeh Revision 24197 (x86/x64)/Homepage: http://www.alienskin.com/bokeh/index.aspx

(鏡頭模擬器)Alien Skin Bokeh Revision 24197 (x86/x64)/: 56.69 MB


Athentech Perfectly Clear, Photoshop外掛程式瞬間讓你點擊照片修正完善。只需加載外掛程式和​​您所選取的照片將會自動糾正。
它適用於8位和16位的圖像在Photoshop (轉換使用Adobe Camera Raw) 。所有相同的修正和預設可在我們的單機也可在我們的外掛程式。

1。最簡單和最快的模式來提高拍攝的照片 – 節省您的時間,
2。最高質量的照片,你能想像 – 我們稱之為卓越的照片。
想像一個世界,在那裡,你將不得不採取這種照片的樂趣和興奮,不用花費數小時對它們進行編輯和修復他們的負擔。你現在想像一個非常清晰的世界 – 智慧軟體系統的世界裡,做的東西甚至比編輯您的照片 – 點擊糾正所有的照片 – 它完全自動。比方說,你剛剛拍攝的500張照片。現在想像批次處理所有500幅圖像在Photoshop中使用動作。自動!清透的世界。
「這形象已得到糾正與清透。我曾使用Photoshop – 在Photoshop中,花了超過10分鐘,許多調整 – 亮,銳化,改變對照度等調整 – 現在只要一點擊,瞬間清透!

外掛程式顯示微調如果你想為你的「前」和「後」的照片,這樣你就可以很容易地確定任何人。這裡是個好訊息。微調是一個非常清晰的照片和即時樂趣。這是唯一的所有修正系統獨立運作。因此,神奇的是,你調整你的照片,是可單獨控制。這意味著,例如,如果你要調整曝光,你不會弄亂照片或是如果你想調整的清晰度,你將不會影響彩色等經驗獨立控制的魔力 – 微調照片(以秒為單位) 。您還可以快速選取另一個預設自動適用於您的照片或建立自己自訂的。
所以完全清除的Photoshop外掛程式是快速,容易的 – 這是有關於節約大量的時間和投入的樂趣,也是利潤。重新投入拍攝……和同時獲得高品質的照片 – 卓越的照片最關鍵的是非常清楚'糾正'照片 – 它不'加強'照片,糾正的照片是卓越的。


Athentech Perfectly Clear應用10項專利和正在申請專利的過程中非常精確和嚴謹的模式,複製眼睛如何集光,克服你的相機的15種模式扭曲你的照片。相機是否是昂貴,它仍然體現的限制,例如,需要克服的單孔徑。它使得其改正,同時避免陷阱,所有其他編輯和增強軟體介紹。它保證質量 – 通過自動校正應用12更正了一套全面的,它是「智慧」的 ,足以適用於那些需要改進某個特定的照片。

【文章標題】: (照片修正軟體)Athentech Perfectly Clear 1.7.1 for Adobe Photoshop
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Athentech Perfectly Clear 1.7.1 for Adobe Photoshop

Perfectly Clear Photoshop Plug-In instantly gives you one click photo correction perfection. Simply load the Plug-in and your selected photo will be automatic corrected. It works on both 8 bit and 16 bit images within Photoshop (raws are converted using Adobe Camera Raw). All the same corrections and presets available in our stand-alone are also available in our Plug-in.
Perfectly Clear promises:
1. The easiest and fastest way to improve every photo you take – saving you time, and
2. The highest quality photos you can imagine – what we call superior photos.
Fast and Easy
Think back and remember your excitement at taking your first great photo. Wasn’t that fun? Now contrast that with today’s world where the fun of taking photos has been marred by having to spend minutes to hours to days editing your photos and enhancing them and sorting them and storing them …
Imagine a world where you would have the fun and excitement of taking great photos and not have the burden of spending hours trying to edit them and fix them. You’re now imagining a Perfectly Clear world – a world where a smart software system does something even better than edit your photos – a world where one click actually corrects all of your photos – fully automatically. Let’s say you’ve just shot 500 photos. Now imagine batch processing all 500 images using Actions in Photoshop. Automatically! A Perfectly Clear world.
“This image was corrected with Perfectly Clear. it looks like the one that I worked on using Photoshop — it took over 10 minutes in Photoshop, and many adjustments — brighten, sharpen, change the contrast and other tweaks — and only 1 click and instant with Perfectly Clear!“
-Carl Whitt, Pro Photographer
The Plugin displays for you the ‘before’ and ‘after ‘ photo so you can easily determine if you want to fine tune any of them. And here’s the good news. Fine tuning a Perfectly Clear photo is fun and instant. Here’s why. It’s the only system where all corrections function independently. Therefore the magic is you’re tweaking your photos with independent controls. This means that if, for example, you want to tweak the exposure you won’t mess up the photo’s vibrancy, or if you want to tweak the sharpness you won’t affect the color etc. Experience the magic of independent controls – fine tuning photos in seconds. You can also quickly select another preset to apply automatically to your photo or create your own custom one.
So Perfectly Clear Photoshop Plug-in is all about quick, easy and fast – it’s all about saving vast amounts of time and putting the fun, and yes profit, back into photography … and it’s also about getting high quality photos – superior photos to any other method. The key is that Perfectly Clear ‘corrects’ photos – it doesn’t ‘enhance’ photos. A corrected photo is superior to an “enhanced” photo, and not by a little but by a lot, and here’s why.

Perfectly Clear means Superior Quality Photos
There are multiple reasons why a Perfectly Clear photo is superior to other photos. Perfectly Clear reproduces what the eye sees by “adding back” the eye function that a camera lacks. By better reproducing what the eye sees, Perfectly Clear photos elicit enthusiastic responses from
participants, audiences and photographers alike. Photography is the art of eliciting emotion, and Perfectly Clear does it best.
"Cameras don’t match human vision. They don’t perceive and record depth and dimension information. And they don¹t record anywhere near as much "metadata" as we associate with our visual memories. Rising to these capabilities is a huge challenge. But ultimately, whether we realize it or not, we as users expect nothing less from our cameras than to equal what we see with our eyes, and we won¹t be satisfied until we get it. In this dawning age of images-as-language, the integrity of visual information, how well it reproduces our perception of reality, and the richness of context associated with it (who, what, when, where and why) are what determines the value of that visual information.
-Alexis Gerard, author of “Going Visual”, and co-founder of 6Sight imaging conferences."
This is only possible because Perfectly Clear applies 10 patented and patent pending processes in a very precise and rigorous way, replicating how the eye gathers light and overcoming the 15 ways your camera distorts your photos. Whether a camera is expensive or off the shelf, it still embodies limitations such as the single aperture which need to be overcome. Perfectly Clear makes its corrections while avoiding the pitfalls that all other editing and enhancement software introduce. And Perfectly Clear ensures quality through the auto – correction applying a comprehensive suite of 12 corrections, yet it is ‘smart’ enough to only apply the ones that a particular photo needs to be improved.
Quality award winning photos demands the three things Perfect Photos need: accurate colors, perfect exposure emulating the human eye and preservation of color nuances and details.

(照片修正軟體)Athentech Perfectly Clear 1.7.1 for Adobe Photoshop | Home Page: www.athentech.com

(照片修正軟體)Athentech Perfectly Clear 1.7.1 for Adobe Photoshop: 53.08 MB



多國語系的支援,土耳其,瑞典,亞美尼亞語,英語,德語,意大利語,越南語,日語,匈牙利語,捷克語,羅馬尼亞語,塞爾維亞語,西班牙語,芬蘭語,法語,希伯來語,荷蘭語,葡萄牙語(巴西和葡萄牙),中文(繁體和繁體) ,印尼,俄羅斯,波蘭和丹麥的支援。
自動旋轉的水印圖像的基礎上的取向EXIF標籤 – 由許多現代化的相機寫入到圖像。


此圖片水印軟體的Windows XP,Windows Server 2003中,Windows Vista中,Windows Server 2008中,Windows 7的 – 安裝NET Framework 2.0或更高。

【文章標題】: (水印圖像軟體)TSR Watermark Image Software
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
TSR Watermark Image Software

If you want to watermark your photos, you can use either text or another picture as the source of the watermark. If you want to add the watermark to the background, you can set the logo or the text to be more or less transparent, and place it wherever you want the watermark to be on the image. TSR Watermark is available in multiple languages, currently translated languages is Turkish, Swedish, Armenian, English, German, Italian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Hungarian, Czech, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Romanian, Serbian, Dutch, Portuguese (Brazil & Portugal), Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Indonesian, Russian, Polish and Danish – please contact me if you can help translate the product to your language!

Multilanguage support, Turkish, Swedish, Armenian, English, German, Italian, Vietnamese, Japanese, Hungarian, Czech, Romanian, Serbian, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hebrew, Dutch, Portuguese (Brazilian & Portugal), Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Indonesian, Russian, Polish and Danish is supported.
Add multiple watermarks to each image.
Save each images at multiple output folders, this way you can easyli generate thumbnails etc. in one run.
Add text watermark that is either normal, embossed, chiseled or watermarked with a border.
Automatically rotate the watermarked picture based on the orientation EXIF tag – this is written to the image by many modern cameras.
Add the text used to watermark the image to the EXIF information in the resulting file.
Keep or drop EXIF information in jpeg files (Camera model/lense model/etc. etc.)
Output the watermarked photo to JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, GIF file format.
Specify the quality of the watermarking output when saving as jpeg images
Angle the text you use for your photo watermarking
Insert background watermark in digital images, pictures, photos
Resize images while watermarking the image/photo
Watermark your photos using either another image, photo or picture
Watermark your photos using your own text in the color and style you want to.
Maintain directory structure in destination directory or combine all batch watermarked images into one directory
Skip or overwrite existing watermarked images/photos in destination directory
Command line option to automatically load a profile and batch watermark all photos.
Automatically check for new version of the TSR Watermark Image Software

You can even use this program instead of photoshop to watermark your images, this is a quicker and more easy way of getting a watermark on all your images. Also use the watermarked image in Word, Excel or images used in pdf files can be made with this watermarking software.

This image watermark software works with Windows XP, Windows server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows server 2008, Windows 7 – with .NET framework 2.0 or higher installed.

(水印圖像軟體)TSR Watermark Image Software| Homepage: www.watermark-image.com

(水印圖像軟體)TSR Watermark Image Software| Size: 2.1 MB


1CLICK DVD複製 – PRO是一種快速,易於使用的,功能齊全的軟體,DVD影片複製到DVD光碟。
使用複製預設或更先進的功能,選取什麼樣的內容會被複製多少將用於壓縮。有了1CLICK DVD COPY – PRO,只需點擊一下滑鼠,你可以做一個完美的複製。

為了複製1CLICK DVD複製的DVD已撰寫使用這些新的計劃,現在利用國家的藝術CPRX技術,以確保最高程度的完成時,存檔備份。

Windows 8的相容。
複製預置 – 一鍵預設為每種類型的DVD覆制。
一部電影複製到您的硬碟機 – 偉大的筆記本電腦。

Windows Vista中,Windows 8中,7或Windows XP(SP2或更高)
多達9 GB可用硬碟空間DVD映像和臨時DVD檔案


【文章標題】: ( DVD複製軟體)1CLICK DVD Copy Pro
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!

1CLICK DVD COPY – PRO™ is a fast, easy-to-use, full featured software for copying DVD movies onto DVD discs. The latest version now incorporates CPRx™ technology to ensure the highest level of success copying the latest generation of DVD movies. You now have complete control over the final copy. Use the Copy Presets™ or the more advanced features to select what content will be copied and how much compression will be used. With 1CLICK DVD COPY – PRO, you can make a perfect copy with just one click.

In order to copy a DVD which has been authored using these new schemes, 1CLICK DVD COPY now utilizes state of the art CPRx technology to ensure the highest level of success when making an archival backup. Just as we've become accustomed to relying on anti-virus software to keep us protected against the latest viruses, we must also rely on new updates of CPRx to ensure we can copy the latest DVD releases. With 1CLICK's update notification feature, you can rest assured that you will be notified every time a new version of the software is available.

Key Features
Windows 8 Compatible.
CPRx technology for copying new DVD movies.
Copy Presets – One click preset for each type of DVD copy.
Preview the movie, extras and menus.
Include or exclude movie and menus based on preview.
Select individual audio, video, and subtitles streams.
Control the amount of video compression used.
Make additional backup copies without re-copying the DVD.
Copy Episodic DVD Movies, TV Series, etc.
Copy a movie to your hard drive – great for laptops.
Supports copying of Multi-Channel Audio (Dolby Digital 5.1, DTS).
Supports both NTSC and PAL DVD movies.
Supports Dual Layer media.
Free software updates for a year.
Free technical support. (April 3, 2013)
CPRx updated (version 1091) for DVDs for new movies.
Fixed: Burn engine could cause BSOD error when drive opens on some computers.
Improved: Finalization of DVD during burning has been updated for some newer burners.

System Requirements
Windows 8, 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP (SP2 or greater)
Up to 9 GB available hard disc space for DVD images and temporary DVD files
DVD reader (DVD writer required for burning DVDs)

( DVD複製軟體)1CLICK DVD Copy Pro | Home Page: www.lgsoftwareinnovations.com

( DVD複製軟體)1CLICK DVD Copy Pro | Size: 7 MB



保持組織的每一步的模式! MAGIX相片管理,為您提供一個功能強大的程式中最重要的特點。


‧獎金! MAGIX網上相簿進階的

【文章標題】: (相片管理器)MAGIX Photo Manager 12 Deluxe
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
MAGIX Photo Manager 12 Deluxe

The all-rounder for your photos: Optimize, organize and present! In one clearly designed interface MAGIX Photo Manager 12 Deluxe combines everything you need for creating image archives, optimizing photos and presenting your slideshows on a PC or on the go.

Stay organized every step of the way! MAGIX Photo Manager 12 Deluxe provides you with the most important features in one powerful program.

This program has a clear, user-friendly interface that combines everything you need for creating image archives, optimizing photos and presenting your slideshows on a PC or on the go.
• Optimize & Enhance
• View & Present
• Manage & Organize
• Protect & Archive

Quick optimization
• 1-click & realtime optimization (non-destructive)
• NEW! Realtime photo effects for even more image design
• Transfer optimizations from one image to several other images.
• IMPROVED! Edit panorama montages and video clips
Flexible search options
• Find the best photos fast
• Face recognition & person search
• Find similar & duplicate images
• Sort by category, rating and date
Archive, back up & burn
• On PC, CD & DVD
• BONUS! MAGIX Online Album Premium
• with unlimited storage space
• Restore deleted files
• Password protection
Present & share
• IMPROVED! Multimedia shows with photos, videos and music
• NEW! Display photos with GPS data on online maps
• USB output to digital picture frames & mobile devices
• NEW! Integrated myphotobook print service e.g. for personalized photo gifts

(相片管理器)MAGIX Photo Manager 12 Deluxe | Home Page: www.magix.com

(相片管理器)MAGIX Photo Manager 12 Deluxe| Size: 449.73 MB

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8






‧沒有繪畫技能要求 – 使用簡單,見效快,易於學習滑塊
‧完全相容與Photoshop CS4 64位和與之相隨的速度優勢
‧的Photoshop CS4相容 – 黃玉簡化與Photoshop CS4完全相容Mac和Windows上。黃玉簡化也是完全相容Windows 64位的Photoshop CS4。
‧智慧濾鏡 – 黃玉簡化是一個聰明的過濾器,並支援非破壞性編輯使用Photoshop智慧對象。
‧多核心改善 – 黃玉簡化改善與多個CPU處理速度更快的電腦。

【文章標題】: (黃玉簡化外掛程式)Topaz Simplify 4.0.1 for Photoshop Datecode
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Topaz Simplify 4.0.1 for Photoshop Datecode 20.06.2013

The Topaz Simplify plug-in transforms regular photos into beautiful watercolors, line art, and photorealistic paintings. The unique size-based technology in Topaz Simplify processes the photo like a true artist would: it eliminates clutter and leaves behind only the essence of the photo. By selectively removing unnecessary image clutter, Simplify helps you create a bold and powerful piece of art in just a few clicks.

Instead of providing cookie cutter photo to art filters, Topaz Simplify opens a floodgate of artistic possibilities by giving you ultimate control over the most important element in art: simplicity. Use Simplify for anything from reducing distractions in a realistic photograph to completely transforming your photograph into a painting.

Artistic: Completely transform your photos into dazzling watercolors, line art, paintings, cartoons, and drawings with just a click of a button. Because you get complete control over the degree and style of image simplification, there are infinite variations of art that you can create from any single photo.
Realistic: Eliminate unnecessary clutter from your photographs to create stunning photorealistic masterpieces. With distracting details gone, the viewer is left with the true and impactful essence of the photo. Adjusting opacity and selectively applying Topaz Simplify will leave your viewers breathless at the natural beauty of your photo, unhindered by unnecessary image elements.
Presets: Take advantage of Topaz Simplify's extensive presets system. Use one of many built-in presets to jump start your creativity, save your own often-used settings, and download others from the community.
Workflow: Topaz Simplify is fully 64-bit compatible, works in 16-bit color, is available for Aperture and Lightroom, and can be used as a Smart Filter. It is also fully multi-core optimized and blazing fast.

Stunningly Simple Photo to Art
Turn any regular photo into a masterpiece of art with the sophisticated Topaz Simplify plug-in tool for Photoshop. Blur the distinction between photographic realism and art to give your viewers something truly unique to look at: Topaz Simplified photo pieces are the beautiful result of the marriage between the vision of a digital photographer and the handiwork of a master painter.
Topaz Simplify Features
Topaz Simplify creates artistic simplification and edge effects on regular photos in a unique way.
• Instantly transform your photos into breathtaking art with this innovative Photoshop plug-in
• Take control of the artistic process with infinitely customizable and malleable options
• No drawing skill required — use simple, quick, and easy-to-learn sliders
• Maximize your productivity by taking advantage of a host of included presets and save your own favorite settings for later use
• Harness a new and unique style that instantly sets you apart as a photographer and artist.
• Take advantage of multiple CPUs for faster processing
• Operate in both 8-bit and 16-bit
• Use as a Photoshop Smart Filter for convenient and non-destructive editing
• Fully compatible with Photoshop CS4 64-bit and the accompanying speed benefits
• Topaz Simplify supports both 8-bit and 16-bit RGB color modes.
• Photoshop CS4 Compatible — Topaz Simplify is fully compatible with Photoshop CS4 on both Mac and Windows. Topaz Simplify is also fully compatible with Windows 64-bit Photoshop CS4.
• Smart Filter — Topaz Simplify is a smart filter and supports non-destructive editing by using Photoshop smart objects.
• Multi-Core Optimized — Topaz Simplify is completely optimized for computers with multiple CPUs for faster processing.

Simplify 4.0.1 for Photoshop Datecode / WebSite: http://www.topazlabs.com/simplify/

(黃玉簡化外掛程式)Topaz Simplify 4.0.1 for Photoshop Datecode  / Size: 38.6 MB

ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7





【文章標題】: (圖像瀏覽器和轉換)Aha-Soft AhaView 4.43
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Aha-Soft AhaView 4.43

AhaView is a handy image viewer and converter. AhaView displays images in all popular formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, ICO, CUR, ANI, PCX, PSD, TGA etc. AhaView has a thumbnail mode and lets you quickly browse through numerous image files, open any of them full-size with a double mouse click, and convert images to JPEG, PNG, GIF and BMP formats. AhaView can help you to create icons from images. Simply click the folder you wish to view, and all image files are immediately displayed as thumbnails. Highlight the thumbnail to display a larger image. Double-clicking the thumbnail will open the corresponding image in the full-screen mode. You can run a slide show to automatically browse in full-screen mode all images stored in certain folders. You can check image properties in the taskbar and assign your descriptions to images stored on your hard drive. You can also move, copy, duplicate and rename files, create icons and copy images to the clipboard.

With AhaView you can:

Browse images in thumbnail mode
View images in full-screen mode
Convert images to BMP, GIF, JPEG, TGA, TIFF, XPM and PNG formats
Create icons from images
Attach descriptions to files
Show a sequence of images as a slide show
Explore image properties
Copy images to the clipboard
Copy, move, duplicate and rename files
Print images
Use command line interface

(圖像瀏覽器和轉換)Aha-Soft AhaView 4.43| Home Page http://www.aha-soft.com/ahaview/index.htm

(圖像瀏覽器和轉換)Aha-Soft AhaView 4.43| Size 6 MB


FotoWorks XL是一個複雜的應用程式,使用者可以編輯和轉換他們最喜愛的照片。功能廣泛有非常清晰的影像軟體,而且便於搬運。
影像軟體提供了豐富的圖像編輯和列印功能,以及批次處理。簡單而專業的照片編輯軟體FotoWorks XL現在免費測式。


– 斯普利特燈
– 救助
– 剪
– 等離子
– 海報
– 海報效應
– 模糊
– 噪音彩色
– 噪音單音
– 機芯
– 馬賽克
– 扭
– 魚
– 紅色
– 綠色
– 藍色
– XRed
– XGreen
– 紋波齒

NEW!完全相容Windows 8的



【文章標題】: (影像軟體)FotoWorks XL 2013 v12.0.3 Multilanguage
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
FotoWorks XL 2013 v12.0.3 Multilanguage

FotoWorks XL is a complex application which allows users to edit and transform their favorite photos. The extensive functions of the imaging software are clearly arranged for easy handling. The imaging software provides extensive image editing and printing functions as well as batch processing. Convince yourself and test the photo imaging software FotoWorks XL now for free. The simple and professional photo editing software FotoWorks XL.

Photo Editing Software- Functions:
* Photo Editing
* Preview Original and edited picture
* Batch processing for editing and saving
* Brightness photo editing software
* Color and Contrast Correction
* Sepia Effekts photo editing software
* Black and White Effects
* Color Correction RGB photo imaging software
* Rotate and Flip pictures
* Remove Red Eyes
* Sharpen / Blur
* Cut and Crop Pictures

– Split-Light
– Relief
– Shear
– Plasma
– Posterize
– Poster-Effect
– Blur
– Noise Color
– Noise Mono
– Movement
– Mosaic
– Twist
– Fisheye
– Red
– Green
– Blue
– XRed
– XGreen
– XBlue
– Ripple tooth

NEW! Fully Windows 8 compatible
NEW! Performance improvement of Highresolution photos
NEW! Many new effects (E.g., Peeters, engraving)
NEW! Advanced Lightingtools
NEW! Optimized image handling

Version 12.0.3
-FIX: Various small bug fixes (23.05.2013)

Version 12.0.2
-FIX: Improved compatibility with Dateiverknpfungen (10.04.2013)
-Bugfix: separate folders on multiple startup of image editing software (10.04.2013)

(影像軟體)FotoWorks XL 2013 v12.0.3 Multilanguage | Home Page – www.mediakg.com

(影像軟體)FotoWorks XL 2013 v12.0.3 Multilanguage: 33.01 MB



享受更加豐富多彩的圖像,通過觸摸平板的彩色!在電腦上移除錯誤和灰塵 – 全自動!



– 全自動改善掃瞄幻燈片和底片
– 自動目的識別
– 重新調整音調
– 重新銳化和對照度改善
– 通過重新激化亞光色的彩色密集型照片!
– 全自動改善色調控制和飽和度,白平衡,亮/暗校正校正
– 去除不受歡迎的彩色轉換,霧等。

【文章標題】: (掃瞄軟體)Engelmann Media Photomizer SCAN Multilanguage
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Engelmann Media Photomizer SCAN Multilanguage

With our professional Photomizer SCAN software you easily edit your scanned photos, scanned slides and even your scanned negatives. Enjoy more colorful images by touching up flat colors! Remove errors and dust at the PC – fully automatically!

The easy-to-operate software impresses with a clear user interface. You see the original picture, preview and work surface directly on the monitor. The results of the optimization are displayed in real time. Simply save all changes – ready. Have you digitalized your slides, negatives, APS-films, raw scans or medium format pictures and do you now want to make more of your pictures? If you have a slide scanner and are not satisfied with the scanned results, Photomizer Scan is your perfect solution.

Photomizer Scan Highlights
– Fully automatic optimization of scans, slides and negatives
– Automatic object recognition
– Re-adjustment of tonality
– Re-sharpening and contrast optimization
– Color-intensive photos through re-sharpening of matt colors!
– Fully automatic: optimization of hue control and saturation, correction of white balance, bright/dark correction
– Removal of undesired color casts, fog etc.

(掃瞄軟體)Engelmann Media Photomizer SCAN Multilanguage | Home Page: www.engelmann.com

(掃瞄軟體)Engelmann Media Photomizer SCAN Multilanguage | Size: 12.52 MB

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8





– 可視化目錄
– 拖放
– 支援圖像和視訊從100+相機
– 評價和比較高品質的原始圖像
– 快速進口
– 螢幕大小的預覽
– 隨時隨地搜尋檔案
– 離線工作流程
– 分層關鍵字

– RAW格式
– Windows和Macintosh
– 行業標準的元資料
– ICC色彩配置檔
– 拖放標籤
– 批次轉換腳本
– 備份和歸檔
– 共享目錄

– 基本的圖像編輯
– 先進的圖像編輯
– 色彩管理
– 多顯示器光表

– 專業的演示範本
– 匯出和重用資產
– 幻燈片放映
– 網路畫廊

【文章標題】: (專業的照片管理器)Phase One Media Pro
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Phase One Media Pro

Phase One Media Pro is a professional photo manager that makes it easy to manage your photo and video assets. Built to be fast and intuitive, it is a powerful photography assistant that will supercharge the way you find, organize, and share your images and videos wherever your files are stored. Media Pro supports photo and video files from more than 100 different cameras and is built to manage large photo libraries.


Effortless organization
– Visual catalogs
– Drag and drop importing
– Support for image and videos from 100+ cameras
– Evaluate and compare high quality raw images
– Fast import
– Screen-size previews
– Find files anywhere
– Offline workflow
– Hierarchical keywords

Seamless workflow integration
– Raw formats
– Windows and Macintosh
– Industry-standard metadata
– ICC color profile
– Drag and drop tagging
– Batch conversion and scripting
– Backup and archiving
– Shared catalogs

Image editing
– Basic image editing
– Advanced image editing
– Color management
– Multi-Monitor light table

Professional presentations and delivery
– Professional presentation templates
– Export and repurpose assets
– Slide shows
– Web galleries

(專業的照片管理器)Phase One Media Pro / Homepage: www.phaseone.com

(專業的照片管理器)Phase One Media Pro 100.13 MB

ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7/8



PhotoFiltre Studio是一個完整的圖像修飾程式。它可以讓你做簡單或進階圖像調整和應用上的過濾器種類繁多。
 PhotoFiltre Studio也有層管理器(帶Alpha通道),先進的畫筆,噴嘴(或管),紅眼校正,批次模組和大量的其他功能強大的工具。


【文章標題】: (圖像修飾程式)PhotoFiltre Studio X 10.8.0
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
PhotoFiltre Studio X 10.8.0 + Rus

PhotoFiltre Studio is a complete image retouching program. It allows you to do simple or advanced adjustments to an image and apply a vast range of filters on it. It is simple and intuitive to use, and has an easy learning curve. The toolbar, giving you access to the standard filters with just a few clicks, gives PhotoFiltre Studio a robust look. PhotoFiltre Studio also has layer manager (with Alpha channel), advanced brushes, nozzles (or tubes), red eye corrector, batch module and lot of other powerful tools. Its wide range of filters allows novice users to familiarize themselves with the world of graphics. You can find the standard adjustment functions (Brightness, contrast, dyed, saturation, gamma correction) and also artistic filters (watercolor, pastels, Indian ink, pointillism, puzzle effect).

Main features:
• Allow to apply various filters
• Two types of vectorial selections
• The Layers
• Automatic Stoke and Fill option
• The Erase Tool
• Automatic Transparent Gradient tool
• Red Eye correction feature
• Animated-GIF generator
• The PhotoMasque module
• Add, substract selection
• Create 32×32, 48×48 and 64×64 icons
• Integrated image Explorer

(圖像修飾程式)PhotoFiltre Studio X 10.8.0  | Home Page www.photofiltre-studio.com

(圖像修飾程式)PhotoFiltre Studio X 10.8.0 / Size: 11.02 MB


隨著全景軟體Easypano,你可以儲存和列印您最喜愛的全景圖像,以及將它們發佈到HTML 5 VR上觀看您的iPhone / iPad的全螢幕HTML,獨立的SWF,QTVR和基於Java的VR後,你綜合熱點,谷歌地圖等。


全景軟體Panoweaver專業版和批次版,你可以拼接成360 * 180幾步,為您提供一個捷徑資料,是一家專業從事全景拼接球形全景圖像。魚眼圖像魚眼圖像有三種類型:完整的圓形魚眼圖像,鼓魚眼圖像和全畫幅魚眼圖像。

可以與任何裝置用相機拍攝的圖像,並將其匯入到全景軟體Panoweaver 360或部分得到充分的全景圖像。只要確保有相鄰圖像之間的重疊區功能變數您還可以用多行圖像拼接高解析度的全景。

您不僅可以節省你的全景圖像虛擬旅遊軟體Tourweaver進行進一步的編輯,你可以publsih與全景Easypano軟體成不同格式的虛擬旅遊。最流行的Flash和HTML 5,除了QTVR都支援。



它永遠不會是更容易在Facebook上分享您的全景,無需任何編碼在全景軟體Easypano Panoweaver隱藏於公開的整個巡迴賽。到www.iEasypano.com虛擬旅遊,免費託管平台,點擊幾下您可以上傳您的全景,與大家分享。





【文章標題】: (全景照片拼接工具)Easypano PanoWeaver Professional 8.60.130530
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Easypano PanoWeaver Professional 8.60.130530 + Rus

Panoweaver, the user-friendly panorama software, is not only a professional photo stitching tool but also a great Flash panorama publisher. The professional panorama software can automatically stitch any type of photo into high quality full 360 degree or partial panoramic image, supporting HDR creation and manual stitching by inserting matching points. With Easypano panorama software, you can save and print your favorite panoramic images as well as publish them into HTML 5 VR for viewing on your iPhone/iPad, Full screen html based Flash VR, Standalone SWF, QTVR and Java based VR after you've integrated hotspots, Google map, ect.

Main Features Of Panorama Software Include

Fisheye Photo Stitching
With Professional Edition and Batch Edition of panorama software Panoweaver, you can stitch fisheye images into full 360*180 spherical panoramic image with a few steps, offering you a shotcut to be a professional in panorama stitching. There are three types of fisheye image: full circular fisheye image, drum fisheye image and full frame fisheye image.
Learn more about fisheye images and compatible equipment.
Learn how.

Normal & Wide-Angle Photo Stitching
You can take images with any device with camera and import them into panorama software Panoweaver to get full 360 or partial panoramic image. You can aslo stitch multi-row images for stitching high resolution panorama. Just make sure there are overlapped area among the adjacent images.
Learn more about the compatible equipment.
Learn how.

Panorama Publishing
Not only can you save your panoramic image for further editing in virtual tour software Tourweaver, you can publsih it with Easypano panorama software into a virtual tour with different formats as well. The most popular Flash and HTML 5 in addition to QTVR are all supported.
Learn how.

Little Planet Effect
The artistic little planet panorama is also one of main points of this professional panorama softwware. You will find it easy to get such artistic effect and convert between little planet panorama and normal view.
Learn how.

Have some unexpected objects in your photos? Now you can use Mask feature to cover all those things before stitching them togethers. This anti-ghost tool provided by this newly edition of panorama software will help you address the problem that happens in overlapped pictures and offer you perfect panorama.
Learn how.

Share at Facebook
It will never be easier to share your panorama on Facebook by embeding the whole tour without any coding in Easypano panorama software Panoweaver. You can upload your panoramas onto www.iEasypano.com, a free virtual tour hosting platform, and then share it with a few clicks.

Bing Map/Google Map
Bing map and most of its features have been supported by panorama software Panoweaver and open to all the users. Google map is limited to those who have already had valid API keys. See how to get Bing Map API key and Google Map API key.

Raw & HDR Image Stitching
For professionals, the wonderful feature offered by professional panorama software Panoweaver might be one of your favorites. Stitching raw images and HDR images will bring you more real panorama with perfect experience.

Tripod Removing
You may not know this, but it's true that Easypano panorama software will save you a lot of time to retouch your panorama in Photoshop. You can remove the tripod automatically after converting it into cubic panorama. It is
simple and easy.

More Others
They are a lot more reasons you will like this great panorama software and photo stitching software as it provides you with a lot more useful features, which will make your panorama more compelling and more competitive, such as hotspot, 3D music, customizable toolbar and context menu, different blenders, to name just a few. Complete feature list.

(全景照片拼接工具)Easypano PanoWeaver Professional 8.60.130530 | Homepage: http://www.easypano.com/panorama-software.html

(全景照片拼接工具)Easypano PanoWeaver Professional 8.60.130530  / Size: 68.80 MB



魔術DVD複印機是一件很容易的和強大的DVD複製軟體,它可以複製任何DVD電影到空白的DVD沒有任何質量損失,或壓縮DVD9電影適合4.7 GB的DVD。

– 複製DVD電影到空白的DVD在1:1模式
– 4.7 GB的空白DVD壓縮DVD9電影
– 分割DVD9電影兩個4.7 GB空白的DVD沒有任何質量損失
– 複製主電影或指定標題
從硬碟機 – DVD電影複製到硬碟機和燒錄DVD電影
– 移除所有限制的DVD(CSS,地區,RCE,索尼ARCCOS,PuppetLock)
– 高速,在20-40分鐘內複製一個完整的DVD光碟在1:1模式
– 使用非常簡單,只是通過點擊


【文章標題】: (DVD複製軟體)Magic DVD Copier 8.0.0
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Magic DVD Copier 8.0.0

Magic DVD Copier is a very easy and powerful DVD copy software, which can copy any DVD movie to blank DVD without any loss of quality, or compress a DVD9 movie to fit on a 4.7 GB DVD. You need only insert your DVD movie and a blank DVD then press Go, everything will happen automatically and complete within 20-60 minutes. You can then enjoy the new DVD on any PC or Home DVD Player. Magic DVD Copier can also copy DVD movies to hard drive without any loss of quality. You can then enjoy them anytime without DVD discs.

Key Features:
– Copy DVD movie to blank DVD in 1:1 mode
– Compress a DVD9 movie to a 4.7 GB blank DVD
– Split a DVD9 movie to two 4.7 GB blank DVDs without any loss of quality
– Copy main movie or specified titles only
– Copy DVD movie to hard drive and burn DVD movie from hard drive
– Remove all the restrictions of DVD (CSS, Region, RCE, Sony ARccOS, PuppetLock)
– High speed, copy a full DVD disc in 1:1 mode within 20-40 minutes
– Very easy to use, just by one click
– Support almost all DVD Writers and blank DVDs (DVD-R,DVD-RW,DVD+R,DVD+RW,DVD+R DL,DVD-R DL)

What's New in Magic DVD Copier V8.0.0
• Improve the compressing procedure for some special DVDs which we fail to compress enough to fit for a 4.7GB disc.
• Fix the issue "Failed to calculate title size" in the Custom copy mode when copying some new protection DVDs like Oz the Great and Powerful, Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunter.
• Add fixes for the popular newly-protected DVDs, such as Oz the Great and Powerful, Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters, The Guilt Trip, The Last Stand, Jack Reacher,Tyler Perry's Temptation Confessions of a Marriage Counselor,Tyler Perry's The Haves and the Have Nots etc.
• Fix some minor bugs.

(DVD複製軟體)Magic DVD Copier 8.0.0/Homepage – www.magicdvdripper.com

(DVD複製軟體)Magic DVD Copier 8.0.0/: 6.78 MB














記得在任何時候,該計劃將讓您重新組織了另一種模式的歸檔檔案。 事實上,你不僅是從你的相機匯入圖片或您的電腦的任何資料夾中的圖片都可以做到這一點。




【文章標題】: (照片匯入工​​具)Smart Photo Import
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Smart Photo Import

Smart Photo Import is a small but flexible tool which helps you to manage your expanding digital photo collection. With Smart Import you can acquire photos from your preferred digital media device in a fast and effective way, organizing at the same time your pictures into folders on your computer. You choose the organizing criteria and the program does the rest. The import process is completely automatic. The program is able to use exif date informations to divide photos per each year, month or day of the shot. You can specify a subject for each import operation, as well as put your author signature in the imported file names. The software can handle not only your new digital shots from your camera, but also allows to reorganize any picture in any folder of your Pc. Just drag and drop the files and folders you wish to reorganize into the program's main window and then choose the organization criteria.

In a comfortable browser you can view the pictures on your media device or your hard disk. Small previews are available at your preferred size.

Smart Import is able to display more than 100 different file formats, plus other over 120 digital camera proprietary RAW formats

When you insert a new media device in your computer the program sensor will detect it and will be ready to import pictures. Double clicking on a thumbnail will open the picture viewer, that gives you a bigger preview for each photo.

On the top is displayed the source folder, while at the bottom you can select the destination folder where the files will be imported.

Digital photos coming from your camera have meaningless serial names.

If you are a photographer who takes hundreds pictures in a week or even in one day you may want to have a fast way to put your pictures on your computer, organize them and give them meaningful names.

Smart Import makes all this possible: lets you customize the name of the file and of the folders where the pictures will be imported.

Smart Import can use exif data to extract important details about the shots like exact date-time and add it right into the name of the imported files or folders. You can choose to automatically create folders for each day or month or year of the shots, to specify the subject of the photo-reportage and other rules to rename files.

Naming your pictures and folders with the year, month, day of the shot will greatly help you to find them again, and will create a perfectly organized archive on your pc. You will no longer need to spend hours doing this.

With one click you can choose the import options and you can preview how pictures will be imported.

Don't worry for mistakes! Even if you make a mistake you can undo the last import operation and files will be taken back and renamed in their original positions.

And remember at any time the program will let you to re-organized the archived files in another way. (should you come unhappy with the previous organization). In fact, you won't be limited to import pictures just from your camera: you can do this from and to any folder in your computer.

Just drag and drop files and folders from your Windows Explorer into the program. Then import them just as you would normally do for your card's pictures.

To mark pictures that need to be rotated is very easy: just click one of the two rotate buttons displayed for each picture. All rotations are performed lossless, as Smart Import never touches the pictures internal data and their exif information. Pictures that cannot be rotated lossless will not be changed: a copy will be rotated instead.

Smart Import also lets you to cr
eate a copy for each picture and have it converted into another graphics format.

Finally you can print your picture collections, just like an album, including most important file and exif information.

(照片匯入工​​具)Smart Photo Import | Home Page www.nwspro.com

(照片匯入工​​具)Smart Photo Import | Size: 3.55 MB



轉換和編輯視訊/ DVD,RIP和個人DVD燒錄,複製到手機。支援所有關鍵格式:
高清視訊(內含AVCHD,MPEG-2 HD和WMV HD),TOD,MOD,M2TS,AVI(DIVX,XVID等),MP4(內含索尼PSP和蘋果iPod),WMV,3GP,QuickTime(MOV ,QT),SWF,DVD,VOB,VRO,MPEG-1,2,4,H.263,H.264,實時視訊,DVR-MS,MKV,FLV及其他

高清視訊(內含AVCHD,MPEG-2 HD和WMV HD),TOD,MOD,M2TS,AVI(DIVX,XVID等),MP4(內含索尼PSP和蘋果iPod),WMV,3GP,的QuickTime(MOV ,QT),SWF,DVD,VOB,VRO,MPEG-1,2,4,H.263,H.264,實時視訊,DVR-MS,MKV,FLV等。
關鍵高清-支援的格式:AVCHD格式,高清的MPEG-2舞出我人生3D,WMV HD,TOD,MOD檔,M2TS檔,M2T,MTS,HDV。
‧微軟Windows 7支援
AVS Video Converter是相容的最新版本的Microsoft Windows。
外匯牌價匯率的視訊到iPhone格式的。 iPhone 3G和第一代iPhone手機都支援用於直接與沒有額外的應用程式上傳。
iPod,iPhone,PSP,PS3(HD支援)的Xbox(HD支援),手機,DVD/MPEG-4播放器(支援DIVX / XVID),便攜式媒體播放器。

寫:高清視訊(INC。BLU-RAY視訊,AVCHD,MPEG-2舞出我人生3D高清和WMV HD),AVI(DivX的,XVID,等等。),MP4(公司索尼的PSP,蘋果公司的iPod和愛可視),對WMV,3GP, 3G2,QuickTime(MOV,QT),SWF,FLV,DVD,MPEG-1,2,4,MPG,MJPEG,H.263,H.264,MKV,AMV MPEG1 DPG。

【文章標題】: (視訊轉換器)AVS Video Converter
【文章作者】: 商業商品攝影教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/design/
【商業商品攝影教學課程】: http://por.tw/design/photographing_Course/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/design/
【版權聲明】: (原創)商業商品攝影教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
AVS Video Converter

Convert and edit video/DVD, rip and burn personal DVDs, copy to mobiles. All key formats are supported:
HD Video (inc. AVCHD, MPEG-2 HD and WMV HD), TOD, MOD, M2TS, AVI (DivX, Xvid, etc.), MP4 (inc. Sony PSP and Apple iPod), WMV, 3GP, QuickTime (MOV, QT), SWF, DVD, VOB, VRO, MPEG-1, 2, 4, H.263, H.264, Real Video, DVR-MS, MKV, FLV and other

Features Overview
• Convert Video between Almost Any Formats
HD Video (inc. AVCHD, MPEG-2 HD and WMV HD), TOD, MOD, M2TS, AVI (DivX, Xvid, etc.), MP4 (inc. Sony PSP and Apple iPod), WMV, 3GP, QuickTime (MOV, QT), SWF, DVD, VOB, VRO, MPEG-1, 2, 4, H.263, H.264, Real Video, DVR-MS, MKV, FLV.
• Convert within Minimum Time
Benefit from batch and multithreading conversion. Convert several video files at once and burn them onto a DVD.
• Create Your Own DVDs
Use DVD menu templates. Split your movie into chapters. Watch them on your home DVD player.
• Manage HD-Camera Videos
Key HD-Formats are supported: AVCHD, MPEG-2 HD, WMV HD, TOD, MOD, M2TS, M2T, MTS, HDV. Edit, split, trim HD-videos, add text & effects and convert them to DVD or any other supported video format. Burn a DVD-disc and watch it on your DVD-Player.
• Microsoft Windows 7 Support
AVS Video Converter is compatible with the latest version of Microsoft Windows.
• Convert & Edit Your Blu-ray Video
Convert from/to Blu-ray format. Cut, apply effects, add ready Blu-ray menus and burn Blu-ray discs.
• Correct Aspect Ratio
Correct extended or flattened videos. Change aspect ratio and preview the result before conversion.
• Edit & Convert Subtitles
Change color, font and size of subtitles and convert them together with video.
• Convert Video for iPhone
Convert videos to iPhone format. iPhone 3G and 1st gen iPhones are supported for direct uploading with no additional application.
• Make Videos Ready for Website
Flash SWF, Real Video or WMV movies.
• Output Videos to Various Devices:
iPod, iPhone, PSP, Zen, PS3 (HD support), XBox (HD support), Archos, phones, DVD/MPEG-4 players (with DivX/Xvid support) and portable media players.
• Extract Audio and Images from Video
Save audio streams as audio files, save single frames as images.
• Multilingual Support
AVS Video Converter interface and tech-support are available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Dutch.

All key formats are supported:
Read: HD Video (inc. Blu-ray video, AVCHD, MPEG-2 HD and WMV HD), AVI (DivX, Xvid, etc.), DV AVI, MP4 (inc. Sony PSP, Apple iPod and Archos), WMV, 3GP, 3G2, QuickTime (MOV, QT), DVD, VOB, VRO, MPEG-1, 2, 4, TOD, MOD, MPG, DAT, VCD, SVCD, Real Video (RM, RMVB), ASF, ASX, MJPEG, H.263, H.264, DVR-MS, MKV, OGM, FLV, AMV, MTV, TS, M2TS, M2T, MTS, DPG, NSV, FLI, FLC, CDG, PPT, GVI, TRP.
Write: HD Video (inc. Blu-ray video, AVCHD, MPEG-2 HD and WMV HD), AVI (DivX, Xvid, etc.), MP4 (inc. Sony PSP, Apple iPod and Archos), WMV, 3GP, 3G2, QuickTime (MOV, QT), SWF, FLV, DVD, MPEG-1, 2, 4, MPG, MJPEG, H.263, H.264, MKV, MPEG1 DPG, AMV.

(視訊轉換器)AVS Video Converter | Home Page: www.avs4you.com

(視訊轉換器)AVS Video Converter | Size: 62.85 MB

ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8
