專業【影片拍攝錄影、剪接編輯、全能製作】技術秘技教學課程+技術諮詢 讓你快速學成! 要出頭天(如果你沒有雄厚資金、顯赫背景、超高學歷、出眾才能)那機會在那裡? 製作行銷影片爭取訂單,用影片簡介更具說服力,更容易打動人心 掌握影片製作關鍵技術→您必須有專業技術課程與有技術顧問可諮詢 專業錄影職業生涯20年 ! 【時代札記傳播公司】洪導演最新親授課程 參加了本課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 全部課程有售後註冊及技術顧問服務,學成後你就是:編劇、錄影師、剪接師、大導演! 傳授錄影機師拍攝運鏡技巧: 傳播公司專業攝影機全套教學,運鏡手法:Pan、Zoom、Cut、抬、移、跟、旋、綜合示範,進階專業錄影。 (無師不一定會自通!有拜師當然就一定會通) 你不用每星期跑補習班,趕著時間跟老師上課!百分之百的上課實際操作錄製的教學影片! 不論你是拍自己的影片作品,或是想『職業接案收費』當錄影師 萬一你碰到高難度無法處理的技術問題,老師可以以20年職業經驗當你的顧問及靠山,讓你完全無後顧之憂! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)

有趣的照片快照和視訊剪輯 Video Booth Pro


– 快照 – 捕捉你的特殊的目光也很容易。

– 錄製視訊短片順利和穩定。

– 如何增加一定的影響,它可能是多麼令人神往。
Take fun photo snapshots and video clips easily with your webcam using Video Booth. Add built-in smart effects to your photos and videos to make them fantastic and magnify the fun of sharing with friends as you can upload your works to website or YouTube directly.

– Take snapshots – capture your special look easily.
Video Booth makes it easy to take snapshots with your built-in or computer-connected cameras. Just launch this application, locate images, and click. Take a single picture or take four pictures in succession using the “Continuous Shooting” mode which makes your pictures more special. Before photo is snapped, Video Booth flashes your screen to let you know that it is taking the last display showing in the main window.

– Record video clips smoothly and stably.
With Video Booth, recording video clips by your webcam is fairly easy, just clicks away. What more importantly is that the video clips captured by Video Booth are very smooth and stable. Effects can be added to your video and make it more fun to upload to YouTube and to share with your family and friends.

– How about adding some effects and see how fascinating it could be.
Using the effects to transform your look, make your smiles fantastic or freaky. Snap a picture of yourself in outer space, or take a walk in a beautiful fall woods. Start your journey of fun with all these effects offered by Video Booth which work perfectly for snap shooting and video recording.

有趣的照片快照和視訊剪輯 Video Booth Pro
Homepage: www.my-video-booth.com

有趣的照片快照和視訊剪輯 Video Booth Pro
Size: 13.25 MB

視訊格式轉換器 Bigasoft WTV Converter v3.7.10.4633

Bigasoft WTV轉換器是理想的WTV轉換軟體轉換WTV檔案到任何所需的視訊格式,使您可以播放錄製的電視節目,媒體播放器,便攜式裝置,匯入到編輯工作流編輯,上傳到視訊網站分享,更多的。

Bigasoft WTV轉換器支援任何視訊格式轉換為AVI WTV,轉換WTV到MP4,轉換WTV WMV,轉換的WTV到MPEG,轉換WTV MPG,MOV,MKV,FLV,3GP,3GPP,的DivX,XVID,轉換WTV MPEG-1,MPEG-2,H.264,ASF,RM,WebM的VP8,MOD,TOD,MTS,TS,720P,1080P,高清視訊和更多。

Bigasoft WTV轉換器最佳設定視訊為各種便攜裝置,內含Zune播放器,Android手機,iPad的,的iPod,iPhone,蘋果電視,PSP,微軟Xbox 360,Wii遊戲機,智慧手機,黑莓,愛可視,創新公司的Zen,艾利,掌上電腦,PDA等。

Bigasoft WTV轉換器所提供的各種選取以滿足您的獨特需求,如視訊作物,電影修剪,合併多個視訊剪輯,分割視訊,圖片或文字的水痕加入和調整,並調整寬高比的選取,解析度調整和。

視訊格式轉換器 Bigasoft WTV Converter v3.7.10.4633主要特點:

Bigasoft WTV轉換器的典型應用:
·WTV AVI轉換器 – 轉換的WTV到AVI享受WTV PS3遊戲機,Wii,DS,WTV燒錄DVD,播放DVD媒體播放器和多
·WTV的MP4轉換器 – 轉換,WTV轉移WTV到iTunes,Zune播放器,iPad的,的iPod,iPhone,微軟Xbox,Android手機在旅途中享受錄製的電視節目。
·WTV WMV轉換器 – 轉換WTV上播放Windows媒體播放器,進口到Window Movie Maker中編輯和更多。
·WTV MPEG轉換器 – 轉換的WTV到MPEG插入到PowerPoint中,燃燒的WTV到DVD

·Bigasoft WTV轉換器是一個聰明的NVIDIA CUDA WTV轉換器,完全支援NVIDIA®(英偉達™)CUDA技術。基於CUDA的WTV轉換器會自動啟用NVIDIA CUDA加速和轉向的轉換由CPU GPU的WTV兌換和提供了10倍的加速轉換。




·Bigasoft WTV轉換器,使水印WTV視訊時尚的文字或圖片從本地磁碟。



Bigasoft WTV Converter is ideal WTV conversion software to convert WTV files to any desired video format so that you can play the recorded TV shows on media players, portable devices, import to editing working flows for edit, upload to video sites for sharing and many more.

Bigasoft WTV Converter supports converting WTV to any video formats including convert WTV to AVI, convert WTV to MP4, convert WTV to WMV, convert WTV to MPEG, convert WTV to MPG, MOV, MKV, FLV, 3GP, 3GPP, DivX, Xvid, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, ASF, H.264, RM, WebM, VP8, MOD, TOD, MTS, TS, 720p, 1080p,HD videos and more.

Bigasoft WTV Converter presets optimized videos for a variety of portable devices including Zune, Android phones, iPad, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, PSP, Xbox 360, Wii, Smart Phones, BlackBerry, Archos, Creative Zen, iRiver, Pocket PC, PDA, etc.

Various options to fit your unique needs are provided by Bigasoft WTV Converter, such as video crop, movie trimming, merge several video clips, split video, add and adjust picture or text water mark, and adjust aspect ratio selection, the resolution adjustment and more.

Key Features:

Bigasoft WTV Converter typical applications:
· WTV to AVI Converter – Convert WTV to AVI to enjoy WTV on PS3, Wii, DS, for burn WTV to DVD, play DVD on media players and many more
· WTV to MP4 Converter – Convert WTV to transfer WTV to iTunes, Zune, iPad, iPod, iPhone, Xbox, Android phones for enjoy recorded TV on the go.
· WTV to WMV Converter – Convert WTV to play on Windows Media Players, import to Window Movie Maker for edit and more.
· WTV to MPEG Converter – Convert WTV to MPEG to insert to PowerPoint, burn WTV to DVD

WTV conversion to H.264 codec video 10X Speedup:
· Bigasoft WTV Converter is a smart NVIDIA CUDA WTV Converter that totally supports NVIDIA CUDA technology. The CUDA based WTV Converter will automatically enable the NVIDIA CUDA acceleration and shift the conversion by CPU to GPU WTV Conversion and provides 10X speedup conversion.

Trim at will:
· The WTV Converter allows you to trim only your wanted segment by setting the start time and the end time or simply drag and drop Time scissor to locate start time and end time.

Crop videos:
· You can easily crop your recorded TV videos to remove black bars and focus video by the WTV Video Converter.

Merge videos:
· The wonderful WTV converter can merge several WTV files as an integrated video file for you to enjoy.

Add watermark:
· Bigasoft WTV Converter enables to watermark WTV videos by stylish text or by picture from your local disk.

Adjust output file size:
· You can adjust the output file size by setting the video or audio bitrates with the smart WTV file converter.

Support import file by folder and batch conversion:
· Just drag the folder where your WTV files are; the WTV Converter will fast load all your WTV video files and the smart WTV Converter will automatically convert them one by one.

視訊格式轉換器 Bigasoft WTV Converter v3.7.10.4633
| Home Page www.bigasoft.com

OC/OS: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7

視訊格式轉換器 Bigasoft WTV Converter v3.7.10.4633 | Size 10.77 MB

Adobe After Effects又發佈新的版本了!
此次最新版本是:Adobe After Effects CS6 v11.0.0.378

Adobe CS6 來了, Photoshop、Premiere Pro 等軟體功能還是持續進化,但是介面跟操作方式變得更加簡單與平易近人,因應平台的多元化,這次在 InDesign、Dreamweaver 上的許多新功能,也特別強調行動裝置內容製作的便利性。

又到了兩年一度的Adobe Creative Suit產品大更新時間,新的CS 6總共包含了14個應用程式,又依包含的軟體不同,分為四組套件銷售,在14個應用程式中,Acrobat X、Flash Builder 4.6是唯二沒更新的軟體,Photoshop、InDesign、Illustrator、Dreamweaver、Flash、Premiere Pro、AfterEffects等都有大小不一的更新。

Adobe After Effects CS6
After Effects CS6最大功能改進就是新增了SpeedGrade影片調色器,製作最佳影片效果。
可以用After Effects CS6在影片中加上3D立體圖的特效。

在動作影像設計流程中,Adobe After Effects CS6藉由一個可採用光跡追蹤的全新3D合成技術、功能強勁的設計流程,不僅提升影像品質,而且可簡化和加速整個流程。專業創意人士現在可以在After Effects中加入擠壓、斜面的文本和圖形,透過After Effects的原生圖層加入著色技術,更可免除傳統需由外加3D工具所需的來回作業時間。Adobe全新的「Ray trace 3D」著色器可運用NVIDIA® OptiX™光跡追蹤引擎來顯示逼真的物質、精確的成影效果、淺淡的倒影、景深,以及動態模糊。全新的光跡追蹤技術也可讓流程變得非常互動,當採用NVIDIA GPU加速時,可比只用雙HEX核心CPU的系統,以快27倍的速度形成最終畫面。(註1)

Digital Spatula公司資深創意總監Steve Taylor表示:「我每天都用After Effects,而且我的工作內容有九成都是大量的動作影像和影音編輯的後製工作。自從用了配備NVIDIA Maximus技術的工作站系統執行加入3D光跡追蹤功能後的After Effects,我可以用更少的時間得到更多的產出,也讓我有更多時間思考如何在設計中加入更多創意。我再也不需要為了轉用另一個3D軟體而打斷設計流程,現在可以直接加入吸引人的的動畫3D文本和標誌。After Effects CS6不僅更快、功能更強,更有效率且更容易使用,更重要的是,讓我更專注於提升製作品質。」

Premiere Pro CS6、AfterEffect CS6:數位影音解決方案

Adobe® After Effects® CS6 software lets you deliver cinematic visual effects and motion graphics faster than ever before with new Global Performance Cache. Extend your creativity with built-in text and shape extrusion, new mask feathering options, and the fast, easy-to-use 3D Camera Tracker. Create visual effects faster in Adobe® After Effects® CS6 software with Global Performance Cache, which optimizes and keeps your previews so you can beat deadlines instead of waiting for frame updates. Boost your creativity with a new 3D engine for text and shape extrusions, a 3D camera tracker, and variable-width mask feathering.
New Features:

Global Performance Cache

Create more in less time. With new Global Performance Cache, your previews are saved and ready when you are — no more waiting for the application to catch up. This revolution “under the hood” makes After Effects extremely fast and responsive by taking full advantage of the power of your computer’s hardware for visual effects and motion graphics.

3D Camera Tracker

Track 3D elements with complete control over depth of field, shadows, and reflections. Automatically analyze and place 3D track points onto 2D footage in the background while you work.

Ray-traced, extruded text and shapes

Extrude fully ray-traced text and shapes natively and take full advantage of reflections, environment maps, and more.

Variable mask feathering

Create a separate set of splines to precisely control mask feathering. Get the exact shape you want with the proper degree of softness at any point along the mask edge, resulting in a big boost to creative flexibility.

Integration with Adobe Illustrator

Instantly convert Illustrator vector art (AI and EPS format) into shape layers. Easily animate vector art in 2D or extrude to 3D.

Rolling Shutter Repair

Remove rolling shutter artifacts such as skew and wobble without forcing stabilization.

New and updated effects

Enhance your creativity with 90 new and updated built-in effects, including the complete 16- and 32-bit CycoreFX HD suite.

Avid AAF and FCP 7 XML file import with Pro Import AE

Import and work with files created in Apple Final Cut Pro 7 or earlier versions, as well as Avid Media Composer and Symphony, letting you integrate After Effects with professional production workflows.

mocha for After Effects CS6

Launch mocha for After Effects CS6 directly within After Effects CS6*.

Adobe® After Effects® CS6 官方網頁http://www.adobe.com/products/aftereffects.html

3GP視訊轉換器 Bigasoft 3GP Converter v3.7.10.4633

Bigasoft 3GP轉換器可以改變電影轉換成3GP,MP4,以說明您最喜愛的電影手機,PDA。

3GP視訊轉換器 Bigasoft 3GP Converter v3.7.10.4633主要特點:

Bigasoft 3GP轉換器,你可以看你喜歡的電影和電影在不同的手機(三星,摩托羅拉,LG,黑莓,諾基亞,蘋果,HTC等)和掌上電腦輕鬆。
3GP轉換器可以轉換所有流行的視訊格式(AVI,MPEG,WMV,MP4,MKV,H.264,DIVX的時,Xvid,MOV,RM,M4V,VOB,ASF,3GP等),3GP,3G2,3GPP, MP4高質量的視訊。同時,你也可以轉換AVI到3GP,MP4,3GP,MPEG到3GP,WMV 3GP 3G2轉換器的使用。
‧支援Windows Vista和Windows 7
支援所有的Windows,內含Windows 7中,Windows XP中,Windows Vista中,和Windows 2000。

*微軟®Windows®2000的Microsoft®Windows®XP,Windows Vista®中時,Windows®7
* 1GHz的英特爾®/ AMD處理器或以上
* 512MB RAM或更高
* 30MB可用硬碟空間用於安裝
Bigasoft 3GP converter can change movies into 3GP, MP4 to help you enjoy favorite movies on mobile phones, PDAs. The 3GP converter supports various mobile phones (Samsung, Motorola, LG, BlackBerry, Nokia, Apple, HTC, etc.) and handheld computers. It can convert all popular video formats (AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, MKV, H.264, DivX, Xvid, MOV, RM, M4V, VOB, ASF, 3GP, etc.) with high video quality. Moreover, it also extracts audio tracks from movies.

Key Features:

• Watch on cell phones
With Bigasoft 3GP converter, you can watch your favorite movies and films on various mobile phones (Samsung, Motorola, LG, BlackBerry, Nokia, Apple, HTC, etc.) and handheld computers with ease.
• Hear sounds on cell phones
The 3GP Video Converter helps you to hear and share fantastic songs no matter where you are.
• Convert to 3GP
The 3GP converter can convert all popular video formats (AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP4, MKV, H.264, DivX, Xvid, MOV, RM, M4V, VOB, ASF, 3GP, etc.) to 3GP, 3G2, 3GPP, MP4 with high video quality. Meanwhile, you can also convert AVI to 3GP, MP4 to 3GP, MPEG to 3GP, WMV to 3GP using the 3G2 converter.
• Extract music from films
The professional converter extracts music from movie file to help you hear music from music videos or films on your cell phone.
• Edit video effort
The versatile 3GPP converter can adjust video effects like video cut, trim, crop, merge, clip and so on to help you make your unique creative movie with ease.
• Batch conversion
Automatically turn off your computer after long time batch conversion makes your life easier.
• Pause during conversion
It may also manually pause and resume while converting.
• Preview before conversion
Adjust output video effects like cut video into small pieces, remove black edge of movie to best watch on your cell phone.
• Easy to use
With the user-friendly interface, Bigasoft Audio Converter is suited for both veterans and beginners you can complete your conversion as easy as 1-2-3.
• Support multi-language
Support multi-language like English, German, French, Chinese and Japanese now.
• Support Windows Vista and Windows 7
Support all Windows including Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 2000.

System Requirements:
* Microsoft® Windows® 2000, Microsoft® Windows® XP, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7
* 1GHz Intel®/AMD processor or above
* 512MB RAM or more
* 30MB free hard disk space for installation
* Super VGA (800 x 600) resolution, 16-bit graphics card or higher

3GP視訊轉換器 Bigasoft 3GP Converter v3.7.10.4633
Homepage – www.bigasoft.com

3GP視訊轉換器 Bigasoft 3GP Converter v3.7.10.4633 Size: 11.73 MB

Skype視訊錄影 Evaer Video Recorder for Skype (轉換成AVI影片)


Evaer – 優秀的Skype的視訊和音訊錄像機功能:
– 捕捉原Skype的視訊和音訊資料的記錄與高品質。
– 支援記錄單的Skype視訊通話,Skype的螢幕共享會話和多達10種模式的Skype群組視訊通話。
– Skype視訊通話直接錄製到您的硬碟側端或單獨的檔案模式。
– 記錄單獨的MP3音訊檔案,視訊通話是可選的。
– 選取視訊壓縮您的需求。
– 自動聊天答覆。
– 易於使用的友好的使用者介面。
– 免費下載嘗試免費升級。

Recording your Skype video and audio calls into AVI movies. Easy to use for your Skype video and audio interviews, conferences, podcasts, or family VoIP calls. Evaer records Skype with capturing original media data and there is no data loss. It is not a screen-capture recorder, video quality is not affected at all if you resize Skype video windows while recording.

Evaer – excellent Skype video & audio recorder features:
– Capture original Skype video and audio data to record with high quality.
– Support recording single Skype video call, Skype screen sharing session and up to 10 ways Skype group video calls.
– Directly record Skype video calls to your hard disk with side-by-side or separate files mode.
– Record separate MP3 audio file in the video calls is optional.
– Choose the video compressor by your requirement.
– Automatic chat reply.
– Easy to use with friendly UI.
– Free download to try and free to upgrade.

Skype視訊錄影 Evaer Video Recorder for Skype (轉換成AVI影片)
| Home Page www.evaer.com

Skype視訊錄影 Evaer Video Recorder for Skype (轉換成AVI影片) / Size: 11,09 MB

滿足您喜愛MP3下載 Hot MP3 Downloader

滿足您喜愛的MP3下載 – Hot MP3下載是對您最好的音樂下載應用程式

滿足您喜愛MP3下載 Hot MP3 Downloader主要特點:


Meet your favorite mp3 downloader – Hot MP3 Downloader is the best music downloading application for you, which can make over 100 million music available to your PC and any other portable devices such as iPod, iPhone, etc. Only 1-click, get your entire genres of complete hot music now!

Key Features

100 MILLION MP3 Available
Over 100 million mp3 waiting for your discovery and download.
Show You the Top 100 HIT SONGS
Recommend USA AIRPLAY HOT 100 every week.
14 Catalogs, Versatile Styles
Various catalogs for your favorites, such as Jazz, R&B, classical, pop, indie, etc. Quick search supports.
Shut out Any Malware
Guaranteed to eliminate any form of malware (viruses, spyware, adware, etc). Only safe and clean files.
Higher Bitrate, Better Sound Quality
Provide you better music at a higher bitrate of up to 320kbps.
Support iPod, iPhone and All Other Digital Players
Hot MP3 Downloader is compatible with any digital players: iPod, iPhone, PSP, PDA, cell phone, etc.

滿足您喜愛MP3下載 Hot MP3 Downloader | Home Page www.hotmp3downloader.com

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/Se7en

滿足您喜愛MP3下載 Hot MP3 Downloader | Size 7.1 MB

視訊影片加入浮水印軟體 Aoao Video Watermark Pro 2.6




視訊影片水印軟體 Aoao Video Watermark Pro 2.6 特點:

1 – 將文字新增到您的視訊,文字等豐富的設定不透明度,旋轉文字,字型選項,等等。
2 – 插入coypright的符號C,R和TM視訊。
3 – 支援卷動文字。

1 – 容許你加入圖片水印到您的視訊。
– 超過200圖像水印樣品。
3 – 支援動畫圖像水印。

1 – 容許你建立直線段,曲線,矩形和圓形的視訊,,你可以slao加入一個箭頭的形狀。
2 – 常用設定 – 彩色,寬度,透明度,旋轉等。



1 – 另外,作為一款視訊轉換軟體,支援12個視訊格式,內含AVI,MP4。 MPEG,WMV,MKV,MOV,FLV,SWF,3GP等。



Video Watermark Software focus on protecting and watermarking your video file.
Did you worried your video will be unauthorized using and sharing, When people watching your video, do you want to let viewers know the video's source? You may need to add identity and ownership information to your video, ensure that viewers know the source.

Video Watermark Software can help you to do that
Video Watermark Pro allows you to embed text, image, logo, sign (include animated) to your video in batch mode. Video Watermark has simple operation, friendly interface and high speed process, so the processing of watermarking becomes very easy and fast. you can finish it with few clicks,and you do not need waiting long time, It is an excellent solution to protect and annotate your video.

Video Watermark Pro
• Put text watermark to video.
• Put image watermark to video.
• Put shape watermark to video.
• Video effect.
• Watermarking videos in batch mode.
• Video conversion.
• Video snapshot.
• Auto updating.


Insert text watermark to video
1 – Adding text to your video, rich settings like text opacity, rotate text, font options, etc.
2 – Insert coypright symbols C, R and TM to video.
3 – Support scroll text.

Insert image watermark to video
1 – Allow you add image watermark to your video.
2 – Over 200 image watermark samples.
3 – Support animated image watermark.

Insert shape watermark to video (just pro edition)
1 – Allow you create line segment, curve, rectangle and round shape to video, you can slao add a arrow to your shape.
2 – Common settings – color, width, opacity, rotate, etc.

Timeline editing
Adding watermark with timeline editing, accurately control watermark show time and hidden time for every second.

Video effect
Make rich video effect like brightness, contrast, mosaic, blur, sharpen, noise, old film, etc.

Video conversion
1 – Also as a video conversion software, support 12 video formats in include AVI, MP4. MPEG, WMV, MKV, MOV, FLV, SWF, 3GP, etc.

Support batch watermarking
Just once setting, you can watermarking all of your video.

Layer concept
All of watermarks base on layer editing, you can create many different watermark to different layer, and you can set mix effect of every layer.

視訊影片水印軟體 Aoao Video Watermark Pro 2.6  Homepage: www.video-watermark.com

視訊影片水印軟體 Aoao Video Watermark Pro 2.6  Size: 14.41 MB

影片後期製作 Blackmagic Design Davinci Resolve v9.0




 DaVinci Resolve系統上運行Linux的稀巴爛時,這個限制,因為它是基於Linux電腦集群的高效能GPU卡,因此所有處理總是實時的。


開始的Mac OS X在一台電腦上,以便降低成本,然後再升級到Linux的額外功率高的解析度為2K或4K,3D立體故事片,或原RED檔案實時調色的。

如果您需要調整,重新定位或拉遠任何拍攝,然後DaVinci Resolve的​​所有這一切全RGB光學質量實時。




DaVinci Resolve的​​內含世界上最強大的3D對像追蹤鎖定電動窗™螢幕上的對象是完美的。沒有更多的時間浪費關鍵幀的一代!只需拖放一個電動窗™注入了一針,開啟3D追蹤,然後按播放。


每個節點都有YRGB處理原發性和繼發控制電梯,伽瑪,增益,色調,飽和度,亮度,校準印表機燈,亞光散焦圖像散焦,三維物體追蹤,YSFX,自訂曲線™,軟夾,高亮,圓矩形和多邊形電動窗™,再加上新的Power Curve™視窗全面貝塞爾控制及獨立的內定和外部的柔軟性。只有達芬奇有這樣一個令人興奮的創意選項探索,當然,這一切都是實時的!

DaVinci Resolve的​​內含世界上最強大的3D對像追蹤鎖定電動窗™螢幕上的對象是完美的。

隨著最新的完全立體的3D故事片,Linux版DaVinci Resolve可以輕鬆地處理這些新的製作流程需求。

DaVinci Resolve的​​原始RED檔案實時可實現全面的無限分級,這樣你就不會受限於前分級耗時的編譯時間。
DaVinci Resolve的​​讀取和瀏覽檔案,直接從您的磁碟陣列,SAN或捕獲的視訊輸入檔案。
從大範圍的檔案格式,例如原生DPX,CIN,QuickTime的,DNxHD處理和原生RED R3D 4K全拜耳所有的實時選取。

DaVinci Resolve是專門用來處理所有類型的源材料在繁忙的後期製作設施。
DaVinci Resolve的​​讓你檢視斷線對時間軸來快速檢視並修復任何問題。

DaVinci Resolve的​​配備了著名的畫廊等級和劇照可以加載和回憶瞬間。

DaVinci color correctors are the standard in post production since 1984. There are thousands of colorists worldwide who understand the performance, quality and workflow of DaVinci and love it as their trusted partner in creativity. DaVinci is the name behind more feature films, television commercials, documentaries, episodic television production and music videos than any other grading system.

Clients Demand DaVinci!

When you're in a room full of demanding clients with conflicting ideas, colorists know that only DaVinci has the quality, real time performance, creative features, and powerful control panels to make euphoric clients who love to keep coming back. That's why clients always ask for DaVinci by name.

Realtime by Design

Computer based solutions are always limited to the computer you're running on. DaVinci Resolve when running on Linux smashes this limitation, because it's based on a cluster of Linux computers with high performance GPU cards, so all processing is always real time.

Scale as You Need!

Start with a single computer on Mac OS X for lower cost, then upgrade to Linux for extra power for high resolutions such as 2K
or 4K, stereoscopic 3D feature films, or real time grading of raw RED files. It's all possible with DaVinci!

Optical Quality Processing

DaVinci supports flat gamma, linear or log images with equal ease and quality. If you need to resize, reposition or zoom any shot, then DaVinci Resolve does it all in real time at full RGB optical quality. Pan, tilt, zoom, rotate plus more.

Engineered to Perfection!

DaVinci processing quality is so revolutionary it won an Emmy™ award for contributions to the television industry! All image processing is handled in the deepest 32 bit floating point accuracy, so even if you wind down one layer to almost black, you can still wind the following layer back up with no loss of quality. All effects, power windows, tracking, primaries and secondaries all operate at the highest bit depths, even when processing in real time. That's the engineering perfection clients demand.

Mind Blowing Creative Options

Every node has full YRGB processing with primary and secondary controls; lift, gamma, gain, hue, saturation, luminance, calibrated printer lights, matte defocus, image defocus, 3D object tracking, YSFX, Custom Curves™, soft clip, highlight, circle, rectangle and polygon Power Windows™.

Nodes for Unlimited Creativity!

DaVinci uses node based image processing where each node is a separate color correction, power window or effect. Nodes are similar to layers, but much more powerful because you can change the connections between the nodes.

World's Greatest 3D Tracker!

DaVinci Resolve includes the world's most powerful 3D object tracker that's perfect for locking Power Windows™ to on screen objects. No more time wasting key frame generation! Just drop a Power Window™ into a shot, turn on 3D tracking and press play.

Nodes for Unlimited Creativity!

DaVinci uses node based image processing where each node is a separate color correction, power window or effect. Nodes are similar to layers, but much more powerful because you can change the connections between the nodes. Join nodes sequentially, or in parallel to combine grades, effects, mixers, keyers, custom curves in any order for mind blowing creative styles, that are totally unhindered by technical limitations. You can reconnect nodes in any order for all types of exciting and cutting edge creative looks.

Mind Blowing Creative Options

Every node has full YRGB processing with primary and secondary controls; lift, gamma, gain, hue, saturation, luminance, calibrated printer lights, matte defocus, image defocus, 3D object tracking, YSFX, Custom Curves™, soft clip, highlight, circle, rectangle and polygon Power Windows™, plus the new Power Curve™ windows with full bezier control and independent inside and outside softness. Only DaVinci has such a mind blowing range of creative options to explore, and of course it's all real time!

World's Greatest 3D Tracker!

DaVinci Resolve includes the world's most powerful 3D object tracker that's perfect for locking Power Windows™ to on screen objects. No more time wasting key frame generation! Just drop a Power Window™ into a shot, such as someone's face, turn on 3D tracking and press play. 3D object tracking automatically follows the objects movement, position and size, even if it's tracking someone's face and they turn their head sideways! 3D object tracking uses 1 to 99 tracking points for real time perfect tracking lock.

Innovative Stereoscopic 3D!

With the latest feature films in full stereoscopic 3D, DaVinci Resolve on Linux easily handles these new demanding workflows. With stereoscopic hardware you can grade and view two eyes at the same time, all in real time with no rendering and no proxies. Each eye can have its own or a common grade and you can change the position of each eye to change the stereoscopic effect. It's easy to group shots and grade multiple clips at the same time by selecting the clips in a group or use a quad play head to review up to four clips at one time.

Grade Raw RED Files in Realtime!

DaVinci Resolve allows full unlimited grading of raw RED files in real time so you're not limited by time consuming rendering before grading. DaVinci Resolve reads and browses files direct from your disk array, SAN or files captured from the video input. Choose from a huge range of file formats such as native DPX, CIN, QuickTime, DNxHD and native RED R3D in 4K with full de-bayer all in real time. You can even work with TIFF, JPEG, TGA and BMP and up to 16 channels of audio!

Get Your Job Done Fast!

DaVinci Resolve is designed to handle all types of source material common in busy post production facilities. Get the job done fast as you can automatically link color correction metadata to the master grade. Load an EDL for an instant conform of your timeline and you can grade multiple versions of the edit all at the same time. DaVinci Resolve lets you view the offline against the timeline to quickly see and fix any problems. EDLs are handled in A or C mode and if you don't have an EDL, then the DaVinci Automatic Scene Detector can create one for you fast!

Gallery Stills and Grades Library

DaVinci Resolve features the famous Gallery where grades and stills can be loaded and recalled instantly. That's perfect for keeping your grades consistent all the way through the job and keeping all of your grading presets in one easily accessible place. You can even pull Gallery grades and stills from other sessions! Gallery grades and stills can be saved at any time with the simple click of a button, and you can even build a custom effects library of your own!

影片後期製作 Blackmagic Design Davinci Resolve v9.0 | Homepage:: http://www.blackmagic-design.com/products/davinciresolve/

影片後期製作 Blackmagic Design Davinci Resolve v9.0 / Size: 171.5 Mb