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(建築建模和顯示三維3D設計)ArchiTECH PC 8.0.16 使用者介面友好:

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【文章標題】: (建築建模和顯示三維3D設計)ArchiTECH PC 8.0.16
【文章作者】: 【訂單王】超級網路秒殺成交法教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/page/
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/page/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【訂單王】超級網路秒殺成交法教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
ArchiTECH PC 8.0.16

ArchiTECH.PC offers a broad-spectrum software solution for floor plan and 3D designing, modelling, and displaying of architectural projects. ArchiTECH.PC is one of the rare, independent design applications that includes all aspects of architectural design and display, concentrated into a single program.

Exceptionally user-friendly
It is simple to use, as it builds on the work methods architects are familiar with, so that they can easily find expression for their knowledge and experience. Because it is easy to understand, no special computer knowledge is needed in order to use ArchiTECH.PC.

Complex visibility
In this program, the model to be built can be accessed through what are called views. The views are display and/or editing windows. A view can be a floor plan editing, section, detail plan, perspective or photorealistic 3D image, or plan sheet, which is comprised of several plans to be printed on a single sheet. Several kinds of displays of individual floors of a model can be requested: structural engineer plan, bricklayer plan, electrical plan… Display by trade branch can be placed on the plan sheet independent of one another or in unified form.
Integrated connection during modification of the projects
The program handles modifications to the projects in an integrated manner, thanks to the built-in database. This ensures that all the modifications made to one view are automatically applied to the other views, as well (detail plans, sections, elevations, display plans, list generating, plan sheet…).

"A picture is worth a thousand words", especially for those who are not experts. With ArchiTECH.PC, it is possible to show the building in several ways, in an instant : section, elevation, axonometric, and perspective views…and what’s more, all of these can be displayed in several ways (wire frame, hidden line depiction…). The project’s understandability can be further increased with photorealistic pictures or 3D animations.

(建築建模和顯示三維3D設計)ArchiTECH PC 8.0.16 | Homepage:: http://www.edicad.com/Produits.aspx

(建築建模和顯示三維3D設計)ArchiTECH PC 8.0.16  Language:  (English)

(建築建模和顯示三維3D設計)ArchiTECH PC 8.0.16 / Size: 196.65 Mb
