【訂單王】超級秒殺成交法『一頁定江山』行銷賺錢術+(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成! 這是想要在網路上快速賺錢的必修課程 (你不用委曲求全,花十幾萬到對岸去學半套的!) 全套密技整合教學:撰寫單頁文案、頁面美工、嵌入影片、表單程式與資料庫(如何執行才會有成效?) 密訓基地501萬訪客最期待的課程:【訂單王】超級秒殺成交法『一頁定江山』行銷賺錢術! 由密訓基地總教頭親自經驗推,公開創業成功的方法! 參加了本秘技課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 讓您網站能擁有流量與訂單! 想要成功就是要跟成功者學習: 學校老師無法教你如何賺大錢的真本事! 因為老師不是經營者,老師是:領薪水的勞方,不是資方。 要買五.六百頁的『天書』學網路創業賺錢: 書局是『公開場所』裡面的書大家都可以看,一旦被公開的方法,就會競相仿效,行不通啦! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)


獨特的Directory Opus,其中內含檔案​​管理器,它是一個程式,不像之前在Windows平台上看到的任何東西。

你可以相信,一旦你掌握了基本知識,Directory Opus 目錄作品的獨特設計可以讓你很容易地擴大自己的能力,通過利用該程式的功能強大的底層架構。

‧支援CD / DVD燒錄
‧支援最新的Windows 7功能內含了JumpLists和索引搜尋
‧完全可配置的使用者介面 – 工具列,鍵盤快速鍵,更可以定制,以滿足您的需求
‧支援在32位和64位版本的Windows XP,Vista和Windows 7

Directory Opus 新目錄作品:
‧圖書館:Windows 7庫,內含圖書館系統提供Windows XP和Vista使用者的延伸支援。
‧Windows 7的特點:充分利用Windows 7的新功能,如跳轉清單的變化。

【文章標題】: (檔案管理器)Directory Opus Final
【文章作者】: 【訂單王】超級網路秒殺成交法教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/page/
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/page/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【訂單王】超級網路秒殺成交法教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Directory Opus Final

Directory Opus 10 is a program unique amongst file managers, unlike anything seen before on the Windows platform. We have combined the knowledge gained from more than twenty years experience in the development of file managers with the latest design concepts to provide more power in one package than ever before. But, you don’t need to worry about all this! You can take immediate advantage of the program straight out of the box. You will find Opus immediately familiar.

File management, integrated ZIP handling and FTP transfers, viewing images and performing all those previously difficult to handle file operations under Windows have never been easier! And you can be confident that once you have mastered the basics, the unique design of Directory Opus will allow you to readily expand your abilities by taking advantage of the program’s powerful underlying architecture.

Key Features:
• Single or dual file displays, with single or dual trees, make navigating and manipulating files a breeze
• Folder tabs let you keep multiple folders open and switch quickly between them
• Integrated viewer pane lets you preview many common image and document file formats
• View and edit file metadata (EXIF, MP3, PDF, etc)
• Sorting, grouping, filtering and searching has never been easier
• Color code or rate your files and folders to make them easier to find
• Batch renaming including the option for a fully scripted rename using metadata
• Support for FTP, Zip, 7-Zip, RAR and many other archive formats
• Built-in tools including synchronize, duplicate file finder, image converter and uploader and more
• Print or export folder listings, copy file listings to the clipboard, calculate folder sizes
• Queue multiple file copies for improved performance
• Support for CD/DVD burning
• Support for the latest Windows 7 features including jumplists and indexed search
• Fully configurable user interface – toolbars, keyboard hotkeys and much more can be tailored to suit your needs
• Efficient, multi-threaded, modern design
• Supports Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 in both 32 and 64 bit versions

New in Directory Opus 10:
• File Management: Changes affecting core file management tasks (appearance and behaviour of the file displays).
• Archives: Changes relating to archive handling (improvements to Zip and support for additional formats like 7zip, etc).
• Searching and Filtering: Changes relating to searching and filtering the file lists (including integrated Windows Search support).
• File Copying: Changes relating to copying and moving files (including the addition of Copy Queue functionality).
• Metadata: Changes relating to the display and editing of metadata (including the new Metadata Pane).
• Libraries: Expanded support for Windows 7 Libraries, including making the Libraries system available to Windows XP and Vista users.
• Navigation: Changes to folder navigation tasks.
• Folder Tree: Changes to the Folder Tree (improved performance on networks, FTP integration and additional options controlling the appearance).
• FTP: Changes to the FTP client including improved support for additional proxy types.
• Windows 7 Features: Changes to take advantage of new Windows 7 functionality like Jump Lists.
• Utility Panel: Changes relating to the Utility Panel.
• Cosmetic Improvements: Changes that are largely cosmetic.
• Preferences: Changes that affect the Preferences system.
• Viewer and Preview Panel: Changes that affect the image viewers.
• Image and Audio Formats: Support for additional image and audio formats in file displays and viewers.
• Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous changes and improvements.
• Functions: Changes to Opus function scripting.
• Raw Commands: Changes to the internal command set.

(檔案管理器)Directory Opus Final| Homepage: www.gpsoft.com.au

(檔案管理器)Directory Opus Final | Size: 25.77 MB / 40.72 MB