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通過AirX用iPhone / iPad / iPod touch的,它也可以支援藍光播放。

它是強大的和傑出的。 Mac的藍光播放器能夠支援所有Mac機型,內含不僅MacBook Pro的,空氣,Mac mini的,但也iMac和Mac Pro的。
‧完美支援藍光解密,並能去除AACS,BD +不限制
Mac的藍光播放機可以讀取商業藍光光碟,以及在不同地區發佈的最新的藍光電影移除BD +以及AACS加密。

【文章標題】: (藍光播放器)Mac Blu-ray Player
【文章作者】: 【訂單王】超級網路秒殺成交法教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/page/
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/page/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【訂單王】超級網路秒殺成交法教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Mac Blu-ray Player

Mac Blu-ray Player is the world's first universal media player for Mac&PC. It can also support Blu-ray playback on iPhone/iPad/iPod touch via AirX. It can play any format of movie, video, audio, music and photo. Adding DTS5.1 into it, Mac Blu-ray Player can bring your More Mac or PC to the most popular Blu-ray HD video enjoyment.

• The first Blu-ray player that can support both Mac&PC system
Mac Blu-ray player, the world’s first blu-ray player for Mac, is the unique video conversion tool that supports both Mac and Windows systems. It is its birth that finishes the history that Mac cannot play Blu-ray disc. It is powerful and distinguished. Mac Blu-ray player is able to support all mac models, including not only macbook pro, air, mac mini, but also imac and mac pro. Therefore, with this blessing tool, current Mac users are available to enjoy their favorite bluray movies in fun on their beloved Mac devices.
• Perfect supporting Blu-ray decryption and is capable of removing AACS, BD+ without limitation
With advanced Blu-ray decryption and processing capability, Mac Blu-ray Player can decrypt any Blu-ray discs successfully as well as DVD. The Mac Blu-ray Player is possible to read commercial Blu-ray discs released in different regions, as well as removing BD+ and AACS encryptions from latest Blu-ray movies. It allows users loading commercial blu-ray discs directly from Blu-ray Disc and Blu-ray Folder. Also, Mac Blu-ray Player is able to play DVD discs. It supports DVD decryption and DVD menu.
• Outstanding universal performance and all media formats supported.
Mac Blu-ray player is a universal media player that can play not only movies, videos, audios but also music and photos. What's more, Mac Blu-ray Player can support all media formats existing today, including Blu-ray, DVD, VideoCD, MOV, MKV, AVI, FLV, WMV, MP4, MPEG, RMVB, MP3, WMA, AAC, AC3 and more. Although there are complex codecs and hardware acceleration techniques working in the background, we tried to keep the front end simple enough for users with any level of computer knowledge.
• Support playback of Blu-ray or DVD movies in ISO image format
Mac Blu-ray player plays not only Blu-ray or DVD discs but also their ISO files. If there is a movie in ISO format in your computer, open the Mac Blu-ray Player and click on the “Open file” button. An interface then will pop up. You can select the file you want watch and start playback directly. It is easy to understand and navigate. Despite of the complex codecs and hardware acceleration techniques working in the background, we tried our best to present the most simple and convenient front for users.

(藍光播放器)Mac Blu-ray Player | Homepage: macblurayplayer.com

(藍光播放器)Mac Blu-ray Player | Size: 39.79 MB
