【訂單王】超級秒殺成交法『一頁定江山』行銷賺錢術+(技術諮詢) 讓你快速學成! 這是想要在網路上快速賺錢的必修課程 (你不用委曲求全,花十幾萬到對岸去學半套的!) 全套密技整合教學:撰寫單頁文案、頁面美工、嵌入影片、表單程式與資料庫(如何執行才會有成效?) 密訓基地501萬訪客最期待的課程:【訂單王】超級秒殺成交法『一頁定江山』行銷賺錢術! 由密訓基地總教頭親自經驗推,公開創業成功的方法! 參加了本秘技課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 讓您網站能擁有流量與訂單! 想要成功就是要跟成功者學習: 學校老師無法教你如何賺大錢的真本事! 因為老師不是經營者,老師是:領薪水的勞方,不是資方。 要買五.六百頁的『天書』學網路創業賺錢: 書局是『公開場所』裡面的書大家都可以看,一旦被公開的方法,就會競相仿效,行不通啦! 傳授秘技、直接有效!(精準、快速、無學不會的擔憂....)

它可以捕捉矩形螢幕區功能變數,整個對象,視窗或螢幕,它可以取得圖像從TWAIN相容的資料源(例如掃瞄器,數位相機等),所拍攝的圖像可以很容易裁剪和色彩深度可以改變任何從單色到真彩色的所需值。圖像可以列印,儲存,複製到剪貼簿,傳送電子信件收件人,MS Word或任何圖像編輯等SmartCapture支援所有主要檔案格式,圖像處理(例如縮放,翻轉,旋轉,彩色置換,反轉,改善調色板,抖動等),多顯示器,全自動化,捕獲精靈,捕獲配置檔,多層次復原和更。許多選項容許個人使用者的需求定制的所有行動。 SmartCapture不僅是一個最強大的螢幕捕獲實用程式 – 它也被設計是最使用者友好的工具!

(螢幕捕捉工具)DeskSoft SmartCapture 3.1.0 主要特點:
‧多顯示器支援(的Windows 98,ME,2000和XP)
‧圖像的目的地:儲存,列印,複印,電子信件,編輯MS Word中,傳送
【文章標題】: (螢幕捕捉工具)DeskSoft SmartCapture 3.1.0
【文章作者】: 【訂單王】超級網路秒殺成交法教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/page/
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/page/
【版權聲明】: (原創)【訂單王】超級網路秒殺成交法教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
DeskSoft SmartCapture 3.1.0

SmartCapture is the professional, easy to use screen capture tool for Windows! The clear and intuitive user interface and powerful features make it the ideal utility for everyone who wants to capture any contents of the Windows desktop. It can capture rectangular screen areas, whole objects, windows or screens and it can acquire images from Twain compatible data sources (e.g. scanners, digital cameras, etc.) The captured images can be cropped very easily and the color depth can be changed to any desired value from monochrome to true color. Images can be printed, saved, copied to the clipboard, sent to an email recipient, MS Word or any image editor, etc. SmartCapture supports all major file formats, image manipulations (e.g. resize, flip, rotate, color replace, invert, optimized color palettes, dither, etc.), multiple monitors, full automation, capture wizards, capture profiles, multi-level undo and much more. Many options allow the customization of all actions to individual user needs. SmartCapture is not only one of the most powerful screen capture utilities available – it was also designed to be the most user-friendly tool of all!

Key Features:
• Capture modes: rectangle, window, active window, screen, area, fixed size
• Capture the mouse cursor
• Multiple monitor support (Windows 98, ME, 2000 and XP)
• Separate Hot-Keys for different capture modes
• Twain data source support (scanners, digital cameras, etc.)
• Image sources: capture, paste, load, acquire from Twain compatible data source
• Image destinations: save, print, copy, email, edit, MS Word, send
• Supported file formats: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF
• Transparency support for GIF and PNG files
• Photocopy
• File conversion
• User definable profiles for each task
• Color conversion: 1, 4, 8, 24 Bit, color or grayscale
• Color reduction: dither or nearest color, optimized or standard color palettes
• Color replace, invert, auto invert
• Brightness, contrast
• Image geometry: resize, flip, rotate
• Print size support (dimensions and DPI)
• Undo and redo (multi-level)
• Automation, script support
• Clipboard text accumulator, URL launcher
• Print multiple images on one page (collect mode)
• Header and footer on printed pages
• Clear image areas
• Now with full 64 bit support

(螢幕捕捉工具)DeskSoft SmartCapture 3.1.0 | Home Page www.desksoft.com

(螢幕捕捉工具)DeskSoft SmartCapture 3.1.0: 1.6 MB