【網路開店購物網站架設】教學 課程 + 技術諮詢 每年超過2000億的『網路購物市場』在網路上等待您去賺! 打造很賺錢的購物網站 →您需要有一套完整的課程與技術顧問諮詢! 史上真正頭一遭 ! 由購物網站架站教學基地【總教頭】所釋出的獨門技術密技 ! 參加了本秘技課程,您無須再自我摸索曠日廢時→快速打通任都二脈 全部課程有售後註冊諮詢及密訓基地,學成後你就是:購物網站的頭家! 你不用每星期跑補習班,趕著時間跟老師上課! 百分之百的上課實際操作錄製的教學影片! 購物網站架站不必再求人! 不必網路搜尋找不到適合的購物網站架站軟體及架站教學! 不論您是學生、電腦使用者、美工、或是一般民眾,不論您是從事那一種行業都適合! 只要您有購物網站架站需求,或是您有心想精修這個領域,您都絕對需要這份函授課程! 購買本課程享有長達一年的技術諮詢與服務!


所有的寶貴的照片,顯著MMS和SMS訊息,重要的聯繫人和錄製的視訊在一轉眼間遺失了嗎?後悔的錯誤刪除或您的iPhone , iPad和iPod touch上的意外損壞?不管是什麼你的iOS裝置中的資料殺手,資料恢復的急救方法是在這裡 – Leawo iOS的資料恢復軟體。

– 直接恢復從iPhone,iPad及iPod touch上丟失的資料
– 從iTunes備份中檢索檔案,即使丟失或損壞的iOS裝置
– 恢復12類型的資料,內含照片,視訊,短信和MMS短信,聯繫人,通話記錄,記事本,日曆等。
– 完全支援所有iPhone,iPad及iPod touch機型, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C ,Air iPad , iPad的迷你2 (帶Retina顯示屏)和iPod touch上內含5
– 與所有的iOS版本,內含最新的iOS的7完全相容
– 由於各種原因格式化和損壞的資料,找回刪除
– 快速資料掃瞄和分析,多功能的檔案預覽,搜尋和過濾器


【文章標題】:(資料恢復軟體)Leawo iOS Data Recovery
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Leawo iOS Data Recovery

Lost all the invaluable photos, significant MMS & SMS messages, important contacts, and recorded videos in the blink of an eye? Stricken with the stupid wrong deletion or unexpected corruption of your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch? No matter what the data killers of your iOS devices are, the first aid method of data recovery is here – Leawo iOS Data Recovery software.

– Recover lost data from iPhone, iPad & iPod touch directly
– Retrieve files from iTunes backup even for lost or broken iOS devices
– Restore 12 types of data, including photos, videos, SMS & MMS messages, contacts, call history, notes, calendar, etc.
– Fully support all iPhone, iPad & iPod touch models, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPad Air, iPad mini 2 (with Retina display) & iPod touch 5 included
– Totally compatible with all iOS versions, including the lastest iOS 7
– Get back deleted, formatted & damaged data due to various reasons
– Fast data scan & analysis and versatile file preview, search & filter

(資料恢復軟體)Leawo iOS Data Recovery | Homepage: www.leawo.com/ios-data-recovery

(資料恢復軟體)Leawo iOS Data Recovery | Size: 19.2 MB




‧加載和重新解釋的Adobe Photoshop *層的PSD檔案





匯入Adobe Photoshop項目
另一個意想不到的是,你實際上可以從Adobe Photoshop PSD分層檔案重新建立項目。

訓練車輪關閉!一個完整的進階別C + +語法的語系是直接建立在軟體中。語系其中內含支援多型態,腳本完全是可選取的。



光反應器可以呼叫其他軟體,如Adobe Photoshop做的工作的一部分,在需要的時候自動更新的過程。

【文章標題】: (圖像編輯器)Mediachance Photo-Reactor 1.0 Public Beta
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Mediachance Photo-Reactor 1.0 Public Beta

Finally an image editor for 21st century! Photo-Reactor is a brand new highly optimized dynamic image editor and effect processor with absolutely unlimited possibilities and fantastic effects. Applying one static effects after another is so last century. Instead everything you do in Reactor is fully dynamic, always ready to be tweaked or rearranged.


In a Nutshell:
• A software that can truly create new image effects and processes
• Very visual
• Highly optimized, fast software for both 32 and 64-bit Windows platforms
• Self-Documenting Flow
• Versatile, any type of effects is possible from brilliantly adjusted photos to painting and graphics
• Easy way to share new effects
• Scriptable with high level language
• Loads and re-interprets Adobe Photoshop *.PSD files with layers
• Call other graphic applications from within the interface
• Extendable with SDK and plug-ins (such as QR Code Generator plug-in)

Extremely powerful
Once you start working with the software you will discover its huge power that lies in the logic of nodal editing and the simplification of effects.
It does look different at first sight, but in a short time things become very logical and you will realize how the old way of image editing is incredibly limited.

Grows with you but doesn't get old
You can use what you need and then slowly keep discovering new things as you progress. The software doesn't require you to learn everything right away. You can walk before you run.

Share and learn
You probably tried to repeat some effects from books or online tutorials where you had to follow many pages of step-by-steps.
That is all in the past. With Photo-Reactor the effect flow is self explanatory, it is not obfuscated in a pile of layers with multitude of mystery effects applied in completely unknown sequence.

Easy to Follow
It is very easy to follow how some advanced effects work. A simple click on any effect will show how the image processing at that stage and you can easily trace the idea of the effect object by object.

Import Adobe Photoshop projects
Another unexpected feature is that you can actually re-create project from Adobe Photoshop PSD layered files. That is right, just import PSD file and the layers will turn into a Photo-Reactor flow.

Scripting for the adventurous types
The training wheels are off! A full high level c++ syntax language is build directly in the software. The fast language supports polymorphism, inheritance or multidimensional arrays among other things. You have no idea what this all means? No problem, the scripting is completely optional.

Extendable by third parties
We created a very easy to use SDK, but even more importantly the software itself can generate the source code project for its plug-in where you set up everything visually and then fill-up the blanks with your image processing. The interface, the sliders and data serialization is all done for you.

Add a new dimension to your creative tool-box
Designer professionals, home users or educational institution can appreciate the new creative dimension that Photo-Reactor opens.

Plays nice with others
Photo-Reactor can call other software such as Adobe Photoshop to do part of the work and automatically update the process when needed.

(圖像編輯器)Mediachance Photo-Reactor 1.0 Public Beta/Homepage: www.mediachance.com

(圖像編輯器)Mediachance Photo-Reactor 1.0 Public Beta/Size: 23.37 MB / 23.87 MB



你進行網上銀行交易或電子商務使用加密的128位SSL(安全套接字層),Zemana AntiLogger獨特的主動式防護,防止您的個人訊息被竊取,

老大哥在看著你嗎?黑客和間諜軟體可以抓住你的攝像頭的控制,甚至把它關閉!不用說,Zemana AntiLogger可以防止這一點。

即使你通過監視鍵盤輸入的鍵盤記錄器記錄。這對於安全上是無用的,Zemana AntiLogger有按鍵記錄器保護作用!

正如你可以採取一個螢幕捕捉,screenlogger惡意軟體捕捉螢幕上你最脆弱的時刻,例如,當你堵在敏感資料,比如銀行帳戶訊息VirtualKeyboard。 Zemana反螢幕記錄器識別這個可疑活動的模式,超越標準,基於簽名的防記錄算法。


惡意軟體喜歡你的註冊表,你的物理記憶體(RAM),和其他敏感地區,所以它可以注入惡意代碼,抓住控制您的電腦。 Zemana AntiLogger防止這一切,確保您的機器心臟。

– SSL記錄器保護
防止盜竊交換的資料通過安全連線(HTTPS / SSL)
– 按鍵記錄器保護
– 螢幕記錄儀保護
– 攝像頭記錄儀保護
– 剪貼簿記錄器保護
– 系統防禦

‧KeyCrypt SDK更新至版本1.6.1.246


【文章標題】: (反記錄器)Zemana AntiLogger
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Zemana AntiLogger

Anti-Logger, developed to thwarts attacks from various kinds of malware threats, proactively protects your "Information Security" without needing a signature-based algorithm by using powerful anti-action methods. Anti-Logger prevents attacks from all known forms of malware which are designed to perform information theft. Anti-Logger uses a proactive and unique way to detect potentially harmful applications which have not already been recognized or identified by anti-virus programs. Consequently, it protects your "Information Security" from a wide range of threats. Anti-Logger employs a brand new and powerful protection method against unknown malwares which cannot be caught by well-known and very commonly used security software. To examine closely the superior power of Anti-Logger, and to test the various protection modules, or to understand how your security software protects your system, visit"simulation test program" pages.

SSL Logger protection: (WORLD FIRST!)
128-bit encryption reliably secures data during online shopping and high-value financial transactions. Unfortunately, a new generation of spyware grabs your data just before it becomes safely encrypted!
Zemana AntiLogger's unique proactive protection prevents your personal information from being stolen while you are conducting online banking transactions or e-commerce using an encrypted 128-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer).

Webcam Logger protection: (WORLD FIRST!)
Is Big Brother watching you? Hackers and spyware can seize control of your webcam, even when it's switched off! Needless to say, Zemana AntiLogger prevents this.

Key Logger protection:
Keyloggers record whatever you type by monitoring the keyboard. This renders most security useless, but not Zemana AntiLogger!

Screen Logger protection:
Just as you can take a screen capture, screenlogger malware snaps the screen at your most vulnerable moments, e.g., when you are plugging in sensitive data such as bank account information with VirtualKeyboard. Zemana Anti-Screen Logger spots this suspicious activity in ways that go beyond the standard, signature-based anti-logging algorithms.

Clipboard Logger protection:
Copying, cutting and pasting sends potentially sensitive data to your Windows clipboard where malware can get at it. Fortunately, Zemana AntiLogger deals with all attempts at malicious monitoring, including memory capture.

Webcam Logger protection: (WORLD FIRST!)
Is Big Brother watching you? Hackers and spyware can seize control of your webcam, even when it's switched off! Needless to say, Zemana AntiLogger prevents this.

System Defense:
Malware likes to get at your registry, your physical memory (RAM), and other sensitive areas so it can inject malicious code and seize control of your PC. Zemana AntiLogger guards against all this, securing the very heart of your machine.

Key Features:
– SSL Logger Protection
Prevents theft of data exchanged via secure connections (HTTPS/SSL)
– Key Logger Protection
Prevents all harmful applications from logging your keystrokes(thereby stealing your passwords and account info)
– Screen Logger Protection
Prevents harmful applications from capturing your computer screen.
– WebCam Logger Protection
Prevents any harmful applications from monitoring your Web Camera.
– ClipBoard Logger Protection
Prevents harmful applications from taking snapshots of your clipboard.
– System Defense
Tracks down Windows operating system activity in real-time t
prevent detrimental actions from various malware and spyware programs.

• KeyCrypt SDK updated to version
• Indonesian language file added
• Brazilian Portuguese language file updated
• Chinese language file updated
• Korean language file updated

(反記錄器)Zemana AntiLogger | Home Page: www.zemana.com

(反記錄器)Zemana AntiLoggerр / Size: 19.85 MB


Ashampoo Snap 7是螢幕捕捉快照,加入註釋和說明,並與您的朋友分享了他們最聰明的模式。使用它您可以在幾秒鐘內捕捉螢幕圖像和視訊,捕捉矩形區功能變數,使用自由形式捕獲的最大的彈性,使用定時器的時間間隔拍攝。

使用視訊模式可以建立視訊並為您量身定做的演示。拍攝電影序列或電腦遊戲(在一個視窗) ,並將其儲存為高品質的視訊檔案。您也可以產生類似的視訊教學網站軟體或演示。視訊和演示可以儲存在不同的格式使用不同的編解碼器。新夢幻般的功能,如游標和縮放效果,可在視訊拍攝。另外一個錄音可以隨時隨地暫停和恢復,例如,應用程式之間進行切換,或準備螢幕內容。當然,你並不限於主螢幕了,因為Ashampoo Snap 4還支援多顯示器環境。



無論是工作,上學或在您的閒暇時間 – 在任何時間建立截圖和視訊,並和你的同事,同學或朋友,為您的熱忱產生驚豔的結果。


‧使用的Ashampoo Snap作為一個編輯器開啟和編輯等圖像和視訊




【文章標題】:(螢幕捕捉工具)Ashampoo Snap 7.0.6
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Ashampoo Snap 7.0.6

Ashampoo Snap 7 is the smartest way to capture screenshots, add notes and annotations and share them with your friends. With Ashampoo Snap 7 you capture images and videos right from your screen in seconds, capture rectangular regions, use free form capture for maximum flexibility, use timers for interval capturing.

The new video mode
Use the video mode to create videos and demos tailored to your needs. Capture film sequences or computer games (in a window) and save them as high-quality video files. You can also produce demos like video tutorials for software or presentations of websites. Videos and demos can be saved in different formats using various codecs. New fantastic features, like cursor and zoom effects, are available during video capture. Furthermore a recording can be paused and resumed anytime, in order to, for example, switch between applications or prepare the screen content. Of course, you are not limited to the main screen anymore, because Ashampoo Snap 4 also supports multi-monitor environments.

Even more editing tools for your screenshots
Create perfect-looking screenshots of your entire screen content or specially selected parts. After making a screenshot, an intuitive editor opens automatically and provides you with extensive editing tools, with which you can make your shots even more individual and original. Enhance your screenshots with, for example informative hints, arrows, texts, graphics, shapes, stamps and lots more, in order to convey facts or other topics in your shots easier and more illustrative.

Whether for work, for school or in your spare time – create screenshots and videos in no time and fill your colleagues, classmates or friends with enthusiasm for your amazing results.

• Video capture for movies
• Video capture for applications
• Choose video capture area, add your own voice
• Use Ashampoo Snap 3 as an editor to open and edit other images and videos
• Accurate scrolling capture printing
• Automatic filenames
• New editing tool for filling areas with color
• Capture freestyle shapes
• Unique mouse tools
• User assistance wizards
• Multilanguage interface

New features:
• All new video capture technique with new effects/options
• New cursor and zoom effects for video capture
• Support of more codecs/containers for video encoding
• Support of multi-monitor environments
• Pause the video recording
• Improved highlighting tool (more than one area)
• Objects, for example arrows, texts, shapes etc., are now editable
• High-quality objects (anti-aliasing etc.)
• Support of the Ashampoo Photo Commander format for import and export
• Stamps and graphics that can be added to screenshots
• Import/export of the whole application configurations in one INI file
• Send several screenshots as a single PDF file by e-mail

(螢幕捕捉工具)Ashampoo Snap 7.0.6 | Home Page: www.ashampoo.com

(螢幕捕捉工具)Ashampoo Snap 7.0.6 | Size: 36 MB





SCRATCH提供了一個獨特的構造檢視你的擊球支援多個側端播放任何數量的格式,在任何解析度和色彩分級5k和超越 – 甚至混合2D和Stereo/3D。嘗試無限數量的版本,而不必每次編譯。




– 射擊版本:從頭構建管理多個版本的相同的2D或3D拍攝,為了便於比較,在同一時間軸
– 向量油漆
– 字幕支援
– 應用第三方外掛程式來建立一個廣泛的視覺效果
– 直接輸出:實時幀速率轉換,圖像解析度縮放和精度幀使用兩個DVI和SDI介面的顯示器,投影機和磁帶甲板工具
– 多次交付:在不同的解析度,圖像格式和幀建立備用版本,從單一來源

– 實時的,非破壞性的小學和國中的彩色分級
– 頭彩色分級的Avid藝術家彩色「面板系列,切線波和正切CP200面板介面和支援
– 源混合色彩空間的工作流程方面的調整
– 符合和自動分級
– 2D和形狀的追蹤
– 基於向量,色度和亮度鍵控
– 控制鍵高超的鬥智
– 綜合直方圖,波形,向量和色彩曲線檢視
– 集團拍攝,複製/貼上彩色等級和參考庫
– 關鍵幀和動畫曲線
– 匯入和儲存1D和3D LUT的原色等級的基礎上

– 想像一下,一個完整的立體工作流程提供了一致,直觀的反饋一致,彩色分級和整理過程期間的創造力。立體圖像對版本控制和實時播放各種各樣的立體輸送系統將自動連結
– 檢查和調整立體聲私人鏈路和收斂控制
– 雙三次固定3D立體影像的控制
– 位置相對螢幕平面元素
– 立即審查決定立體聲
– 松下3D立體攝像頭,支援自動流解復用


– 經得起未來考驗的先進和腳本的XML的後端,可讓您的工作流程:
– SCRATCH自動化,最大限度地提高生產力
– 延伸通過HTML從頭遠端審查和評論
– 整合從頭通過XML與其他工具,在您的工作流程,如核彈
– 加強與第三方工具從頭通過一個強大的外掛程式體系結構
– 內建SQL資料庫支援全方位的元資料
– 自動交付輸出格式,元資料和LUT /職系的基礎上設計模板




【文章標題】: (電影成像和數字後期製作工具)ASSIMILATE SCRATCH 7.0.754 (x64)
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!

SCRATCH is the most comprehensive digital cinema imaging and workflow tool for digital post-production workflows. Designed to meet the unique DI workflow challenges of independent and documentary filmmakers, as well as boutique post-production houses, SCRATCH brings together playback, conform, editing, color grading, titling, compositing and finishing into a single, consistent interface that maximizes both creativity and productivity.

Hundreds of feature and documentary productions have relied on SCRATCH not only because it was first to support native RED and files, but because it is the only DI tool that offers the quality, real-time performance and breadth of features needed to meet the unique challenges presented by uncompromising quality vs. realistic budgets.

Designed for file based workflows.
ASSIMILATE was the first DI partner to natively support RED, so it’s no surprise that SCRATCH is the most mature, reliable tool you can buy for digital workflows. SCRATCH offers a unique CONstruct™ view of your shots supports multiple, side-by-side playback and color grading of any number of formats in any resolution to 5k and beyond – even mix 2D and Stereo/3D. Try an unlimited number of versions without having to render each time.

Digital tools for the entire post-production workflow.
SCRATCH delivers real-time data management, to dailies playback and review, extremely flexible conform, advanced color grading, unlimited versioning, titling, compositing, finishing and mastering to a variety of formats, SCRATCH is your one-stop solution throughout the entire post-production pipeline.

Fast, and highly interactive.
SCRATCH delivers the raw performance that inspires a new level of collaboration with your clients. Play and review multi-resolution shots side-by-side and in real-time. Experience incredibly fluid, responsive grading and finishing sessions, and use the time you save to refine your scenes and create the looks that set you apart.

Unmatched flexibility.
SCRATCH is highly extensible. Seamlessly integrate with other tools in your workflow such as Nuke, extend dailies sessions for remote review and comment or create the kind of automated workflows and client tools that, until now, only the biggest facilities could a

Powerful finishing tools
– Shot Versioning: SCRATCH CONstruct manage multiple versions of the same 2D or 3D shots within the same timeline for easy comparison
– Vector paint
– Subtitling support
– Apply third-party plug-ins to create a wide range of visual effects
– Direct Output: Real-time tools for frame-rate conversion, image-resolution scaling and frame-accuracy to monitors, projectors and tape -decks using both DVI and SDI interfaces
– Multiple Deliverables: Create alternate versions in different resolutions, image formats and framing, all from a single source

Fast, highly interactive color grading
– Real-time, non-destructive primary and secondary color grading
– Heads-up color grading interface and support for Avid Artist Color panel series, Tangent Wave and Tangent CP200 Panels
– Source-side adjustments for mixed color space workflows
– Match and auto grading
– 2D and shape tracking
– Keying based on Vector, Chroma or Luminance
– Controls for finessing keys
– Integrated Histogram, Waveform, Vectorscope and Color Curve views
– Group shots, copy/paste color grades and reference libraries
– Key frames and animation curves
– Import and save 1D and 3D LUTs based on primary color grades

Stereo 3D workflow support
– Imagine the creativity of a full stereo workflow that provides consistent, intuitive feedback during the conform, color grading and finishing process. Stereo image pairs are automatically linked for versioning and real-time playback to a wide variety of stereoscopic delivery systems
– Check and adjust stereo with dedicated link and convergence controls
– Bicubic controls for fixing 3D stereo images
– Position elements relative to the screen plane
– Immediately review decisions in stereo
– Panasonic 3D stereo camera support with automatic stream de-muxing

Flexibility and extensibility
– Future-proof your workflow with an advanced and scriptable XML back-end that allows you to:
– Automate SCRATCH to maximize productivity
– Extend SCRATCH via HTML for remote review and comments
– Integrate SCRATCH via XML with other tools in your workflow such as Nuke
– Enhance SCRATCH with third party tools via a robust plug-in architecture
– Built-in SQL database supports a full range of metadata
– Automate deliverables by designing templates based on output format, metadata and LUTs/grades

(電影成像和數字後期製作工具)ASSIMILATE SCRATCH 7.0.754 (x64) | Home Page: www.assimilateinc.com

(電影成像和數字後期製作工具)ASSIMILATE SCRATCH 7.0.754 (x64) | Size: 116.7 Mb

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7 (x64)



Efficient Address Book是一家專業的,優雅的和方便的聯繫人管理軟體程式。

為什麼要選取Efficient Address Book?






高效的筆記已經內嵌了一個功能強大的文件編輯器類似MS- Word中,可以用來寫筆記。你可以插入圖片,情感,表格等,讓您的筆記更加豐富多彩,生動。


語系:英語,保加利亞語,克羅地亞語,捷克語,丹麥語,荷蘭語,波斯語,芬蘭語,法語,法語(加拿大) ,德語,希臘語,匈牙利語,印度尼西亞語,意大利語,韓語,立陶宛語,挪威語,波蘭語,葡萄牙語,葡萄牙語(巴西) ,俄語,繁體中國,斯洛文尼亞語,西班牙語,瑞典語,泰語,中國傳統,土耳其語,烏克蘭語


【文章標題】:(通信錄管理軟體程式)Efficient Address Book Pro 3.70
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Efficient Address Book Pro 3.70

Efficient Address Book is a professional, elegant and handy contact management software program.
It supports endless levels of contact groupings and helps you manage the information of even thousands of contacts rapidly. You can add birthday and anniversaries to a contact and the program will remind you of them on time, so you can better create and keep networking and build customer relationships. By setting importance of your customers, you can always focus on key persons. Custom fields fully meet your special business requirements. The product saves you a lot of time by features such as flash find, fast input of contacts from the same company, copy and paste of contacts as well as bulk import.
Besides, there are various unique features such as the product can display contact list in card view, you can add unlimited number of photos to a contact and you can edit all the fields of a contact profile, etc. A major feature of the Efficient address book software is you can not only add text, but also insert attachments, tables, pictures and URLs to the comment of a contact, just like Microsoft Word does, so it can truly record and track all information of this contact! Besides, you have up to 8 interface styles of different tones of color to choose from!

Why Choose Efficient's Notes Software?

All-In-One Notes Software
Efficient Notes is a professional All-In-One notes management software program. With our powerful notes organizer, you only need to manage your memos, notes and desktop sticky notes in one interface and one file.

Multiple Interface Styles
8 interface styles are provided to meet your individual needs! They have various tones of color like blue, green or metallic, and have Vista standard and XP standard windows appearances separately.

Portable Edition Available
The portable edition is designed to run from a USB flash drive. Now, with the USB drive, you can manage your notes on different computers (such as one at home and another at work), and do not need to worry about data synchronization!
Free Download Now >>

Free Edition Available
To meet different requirements from our friends, we provide a professional edition together with a free edition. You can upgrade from the free edition to the professional one at any time. Click here to download our free notes software now >>

Easy to Search
Efficient Notes has powerful search capabilities so you can quickly find your information.

Powerful Document Editor
Efficient Notes has embedded a powerful document editor similar to MS-Word, which can be used to write your notes. You can insert pictures, emotions, tables and etc. to make your notes more colorful and vivid.

Information Safety Safeguards
There is a Recycle Bin in this notes management software, you do not need to be worried that you may delete some important information by mistake. The functions of Backup and Restore can help you conveniently save and migrate data.

Languages: English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, Finnish, French, French (Canadian), German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Ukrainian

(通信錄管理軟體程式)Efficient Address Book Pro 3.70  / Homepage: http://www.efficientnotes.com/

(通信錄管理軟體程式)Efficient Address Book Pro 3.70  / Size: 11.1 Mb

ОС: Windows XP and Windows Vista/7/8
























【文章標題】: (改善和調整你的電腦的效能)Advanced System Optimizer 3.5.1000.15127
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Advanced System Optimizer 3.5.1000.15127

Advanced System Optimizer is a system tweaking suite that includes more than 30 tools to improve and tweak your PC`s performance, to keep your system running smoothly, speedily, and error free. It offers an attractive and easy to use interface that organizes all tasks into categories and provides graphical statistics whenever possible. The tools include junk file cleaner, memory optimizer, system information, system files backup, file encryption, safe uninstaller, duplicate file finder, windows transparency manager and much more. Advanced System Optimizer also includes a small SMTP server for direct mail sending, an Internet tracks eraser with cookie manager and secure deletion, and even a desktop sticky notes application. Overall, a great bundle that offers a wide range of system tools, as well as some extras that are not commonly found.

Smart PC Care (New)
One-Click Solution

Game Optimizer (New)
Play games in a disturbance free environment

Driver Updater (New)
update out dated and required drivers

System Protector (New)
Protection against malware, spyware, trojans

Disk Tools (New)
Check disks at startup

Backup Manager (New)
backup your important files and documents

PC Fixer (New)
fix the common problems instantly

Disk Optimizer (New)
Defrag hard disk and for optimized performance

Undelete (New)
Recover accidently deleted data

Secure Encryptor
password protect your personal files

Registry Cleaner
Clean Registry Errors

Registry Optimizer
Defrag registry for better performance

System Cleaner
clean junk data and free up disk space

Disk Explorer
Displays disk usage by files and folder

Uninstall Manager
remove the unneeded programs

Memory Optimizer
Free unused allocated memory for better utilization

Privacy Protector
Clean hidden privacy exposing traces

Secure Delete
permanently delete private data

System & Security Advisor
Fine tune system settings

Duplicate Files Remover
remove duplicate files

Startup Manager
remove unneeded programs from startup

(改善和調整你的電腦的效能)Advanced System Optimizer 3.5.1000.15127 | Home Page www.systweak.com

(改善和調整你的電腦的效能)Advanced System Optimizer 3.5.1000.15127 / Size: 14.3 MB


HardCopy Pro是一個多功能的,易於使用的Windows 95,98,ME,NT4.0,2000和XP的螢幕捕獲實用工具。

‧圖像可以儲存,複製,編輯,列印,傳送電子信件,傳送到任何目的地(如MS Word)



【文章標題】:(螢幕捕獲工具)DeskSoft HardCopy Pro 4.1.2
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
DeskSoft HardCopy Pro 4.1.2

HardCopy Pro is a versatile, easy to use screen capture utility for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000 and XP. It can capture rectangular screen areas and whole windows. The captured images can be cropped very easily and the color depth can be changed to any desired value from monochrome to true color. Images can be printed, saved, copied to the clipboard, emailed, edited with any image editing program, etc. Many options allow the customization of all these actions to individual user needs.

Key Features:
• Captures rectangular areas, whole windows, the active window or the entire screen
• Easy cropping and adjustment of the color depth of captured images
• Mouse cursor can be captured
• Images can be saved, copied, edited, printed, emailed and sent to any destination (e.g. MS Word)
• Supported file formats: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF
• Timer for automatic captures
• Online help and manual in help file format
• and much more…

(螢幕捕獲工具)DeskSoft HardCopy Pro 4.1.2 | Home Page: www.desksoft.com

(螢幕捕獲工具)DeskSoft HardCopy Pro 4.1.2 | Size: 1.5 MB


jv16 PowerTools的是最終的Windows改善和效能改善工具套件。

【文章標題】: (Windows改善工具套件)jv16 PowerTools 2013 Final
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
jv16 PowerTools 2013 Final

jv16 PowerTools is the ultimate Windows optimization and tuneup utility suite. The bottom line is that it keeps your computer running smooth and fast and greatly improves its overall stability. The program allows users to remove hidden traces of previously uninstalled software, to clean the Windows registry for optimal performance and stability, and to fix many registry-based problems with a single mouse click. The highly improved multilingual user interface allows the software to be used in all major languages, while automatic backup and safety features make the program very safe to use.

(Windows改善工具套件)jv16 PowerTools 2013 Final | Home Page www.macecraft.com

(Windows改善工具套件)jv16 PowerTools 2013 Final: 12.48 MB







自動加密硬碟機 – 內含使用者資料,操作系統,暫存檔和刪除的檔案,最大的資料保護上的所有訊息。





應用程式有一個友好的使用者介面,並不需要時刻注意。不需要額外的技能都需要使用這個軟體。 GiliSoft全磁碟加密可以保證您的電腦安全,隱私和完整的資料保護免受不良的訪問。



【文章標題】: (資料安全工具)GiliSoft Full Disk Encryption 3.1.0
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
GiliSoft Full Disk Encryption 3.1.0

GiliSoft Full Disk Encryption's offers encryption of all disk partitions, including the system partition.Through password protecting a disk, disk partition or operating system launch, the program disables any unauthorized reading/writing activity on your disk or PC, restricts access and launch of specific disks and files. It provides automatic security for all information on endpoint hard drives, including user data, operating system files and temporary and erased files. For maximum data protection, multi-factor pre-boot authentication ensures user identity, while encryption prevents data loss from theft.

The value of Full Disk Encryption (FDE) technology grows with every report of a lost or stolen laptop or sensitive data record. The cost of exposing sensitive business or personal data is devastating. With so many incidents of data loss in recent years, both federal and state governments have taken action to hold companies accountable for protecting the sensitive information they handle. Laws that require disclosure of data breaches and assign liability in some cases reflect widespread concern for maintaining the highest possible protection of data.

Powerful new generation encryption software with computer boot authorization will fully protect your hard drives and flash disks, including the OS. It provides the ultimate security standard for encryption at the physical sector level. Based on the most secure technology, AES256, this product is an outstanding data security tool. Another great feature is the support of flash media and USB hard disk drives, so that no one will be able to access your data if you lose it.

Features and Benefits:

•Full Disk Encryption
Automatically encrypts all information on the hard drive – including user data, the operating system, temporary files and erased files, for maximum data protection.

•Pre-Boot Authentication
Ensures that only authorized users are allowed to access the endpoint. All valid credentials must be provided before the operating system will boot.

•Support USB Disk Encryption

The primary function of GiliSoft Full Disk Encryption is hard drive and flash memory encryption. Pre-boot authentication and encryption of the whole drive, including the system files, gives this software superiority over similar products.

•User-friendly interface

The application has a user-friendly interface and doesn't require constant attention. No additional skills are required to use this software. GiliSoft Full Disk Encryption can guarantee your computer security, privacy and complete data protection from undesirable access.

•Superior data security
FDE is a hardware feature incorporated into the drive to protect data where it is stored or data at rest.
Inside the drive is a complete computing system, including a CPU used for data encryption and decryption. Since FDE uses its own CPU, the user does not suffer performance issues as with software encryption.
FDE is transparent to the user and independent of the operating system; users don’t need to turn the encryption feature on and cannot turn it off. FDE is always encrypting and the data is always protected.
The FDE drive interface closely controls access to drive resources. There is no direct memory access and program memory is separate from data storage, minimizing the risk of any backdoor data breach.
FDE comes complete with its own memory, a multitasking operating system and an abundance of storage space, all in the hard drive’s closed computing environment.

(資料安全工具)GiliSoft Full Disk Encryption 3.1.0 | Homepage:: http://gilisoft.com/product-full-disk-encryption.htm

(資料安全工具)GiliSoft Full Disk Encryption 3.1.0 / Size: 1.6 Mb


Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution 10是為創造有吸引力的,專業的和功能性的網站,部落格和網上商店最通用和完整的軟體。


Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution 10完成的秘訣是,你不必花時間學習使用複雜的軟體:所有你需要做的就是按照5個簡單的步驟來建立高品質的網站。

1 。選取1500模板提供一個設計,或是從頭開始建立一個新的。
2 。將所有你想要的頁面,建立網站的結構。
3 。加入您的內容:文字,圖片,視訊,相冊,地圖,社交網路按鈕或任何其他類型的對象。
4 。使您的網頁的獨特和專業,這要歸功於許多先進的功能:網上商店,部落格,RSS源,會員的地區,多語系的站台,等..
5 。最後,讓你的網站在網上使用內建的FTP引擎。

你不需要任何其它軟體 – 它就已經擁有了一切。

如果你正在尋找為您的網站一些額外的想法,然後Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution 10可以讓你:瀏覽超過6000獨家及免版權費的照片,按鈕和圖形庫,準備使用的小部件的畫廊,等等。



【文章標題】: (網址專業軟體)Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution Multilangual
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution Multilangual

WebSite X5 is the most versatile and complete software for creating attractive, professional and functional websites, blogs and online stores. You don't need programming skills. It's easy to use, flexible and open to your customization.

You don't need any programming skills to create a website, all you need is a mouse! You work with a fully-visual intuitive interface, with plenty of previews of your work that are constantly updated in real time. WebSite X5 guarantees simplicity of use, flexibility and maximum customization so that you can create exactly the website you want.

A Websites In 5 Steps
The secret of WebSite X5's success is that you don't have to spend time learning to use complicated software: all you have to do is follow the 5 easy steps to create top quality websites. Each step has been designed to help you obtain professional results with the minimum effort.

1. Choose a design from the 1,500 templates available, or create a new one from scratch.
2. Create the site's structure, adding all the pages you want.
3. Add your contents: text, pictures, videos, photo galleries, maps, social network buttons or any other type of object.
4. Make your pages unique and professional, thanks to the many advanced features: online stores, blogs, RSS feeds, members' areas, multi-language sites, etc…
5. And lastly, get your website online using the built-in FTP engine.

Save time and effort, because WebSite X5 includes everything you need to create eye-catching and fully-comprehensive websites. There's a specific tool for every job, from editing images and photos, to creating buttons, to automatically generating menus, right up to going online with the built-in FTP engine. You don't need any other software – WebSite X5 has it all.

If you're looking for some extra ideas for your website then WebSite X5 can help: browse through more than 6,000 exclusive and royalty-free photos, buttons and graphic libraries, a gallery of ready-to-use widgets, and much more.

(網址專業軟體)Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution Multilangual | Home Page: www.websitex5.com

(網址專業軟體)Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution Multilangual | Size: 348.4 MB

ОС | OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8


Tourweaver 7作為業界領先的虛擬旅遊軟體,使得前進了一大步,支援Flash 11播放引擎,3D對象,谷歌地圖的街景檢視,會講多種語系的旅遊,以及繼承自它的前身功能噸。


HTML5虛擬旅遊可以被視為對平板電腦和智慧手機,內含Android裝置和iPad / iPhone。
更多的功能,如陀螺儀的效果,Firefox和Chrome等,都支援在HTML5虛擬旅遊。退房的Flash和HTML 5遊覽之間的差異。






虛擬旅遊軟體Tourweaver 7的主要功能內含:

這兩個地圖的支援和專業版的Easypano虛擬旅遊軟體,可以加入熱點和行動。谷歌街景是支援HTML 5中旅遊。
在這個新版本的虛擬旅遊軟體,支援3D建模對象,在跳出的視窗和主視窗。它應該是在格式.3 DS。
這是新增加的功能通過虛擬旅遊軟體Easypano Tourweaver。
專業虛擬旅遊軟體的說明下,Flash VR和SWF中可以很容易地插入你的網頁。
獨立的EXE可以燒錄到光碟,傳送給您的客戶。 HTML5為iPhone / iPad的虛擬之旅

在這個版本中,一些API和JS API已經開放,從而使您能夠進一步定制您的虛擬之旅沒有limit.AS API – JS API



【文章標題】: (虛擬旅遊軟體)Easypano Tourweaver Professional 7.50.130427
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Easypano Tourweaver Professional 7.50.130427

As the industry leading virtual tour software, Tourweaver 7 makes a great step forward by supporting Flash 11 Player Engine, 3D object, Google map street view, multilingual tour, as well as tons of features inherited from its predecessor. With this version of 360 virtual tour software, you can share your virtual tour onto your Facebook account and you can also publish HTML5 virtual tour for your iPhone and iPad. Full featured free trial version is also provided as usual. With its user friendly and powerful features, this Edition of virtual tour software gives you the possibility to customize your virtual tour to the largest extend with your creativity. Google map street view, 3D object, online video, Flash movie, multilingual presentation, in addition to open APIs make your virtual tour the most competitive one in a shortest time.

Leading features of virtual tour times

HTML5 Virtual Tour for Android and iOS
Html5 virtual tour can be viewed on tablets and smart phones, including Android devices and iPad/iPhone. More features, such as Gyro effect, firefox and chrome, etc, are supported in Html5 virtual tour. Check out the differences between Flash and HTML 5 tours.

Are you still complaining about the crawling speed when loading your virtual tour online? It’s time to speed up. JpegXR, supported in v
tual tour software, Tourweaver7.5, guides you into a fast-paced virtual tour zone.

Fly-out media
If you would like to draw viewers’ attention onto any item in your virtual tour, fly-out it. Fly-out media, a new feature in virtual tour software, Tourweaver7.5, helps to view the virtual tour in detail.

Gyro effect
Would you like to "drive" your virtual tour, feeling like locating into the virtual tour? Gyro effect, supported in Tourweaver7.5, our latest virtual tour software, makes the virtual tour rotate automatically when your hands move.

Hotspot perspective effect
Are you dedicated to creating virtual tour that is extremely close to reality? If so, you must be very frustrated when the hotspot is floating above scenes. It just doesn’t looks like real. Hotspot perspective effect, supported in our virtual tour software, can help you.

GPS data is used to locate your scene on Google map in this virtual tour software. You can know the longitude and latitude of scene as soon as it is imported into virtual tour software. Thus, the virtual tour can be more interactive with reality.

Main features of virtual tour software Tourweaver 7 include:
Functions comparation chart between HTML5 and Flash tour

Google/Bing Map
Both maps are supported and hotspot and action can be added in professional edition of Easypano virtual tour software. Google street view is supported in HTML 5 tour only. Google map is available to those who have alread had valid Google map API keys.
Share on Facebook
Just by a few steps, you can share your virtual tour on Facebook with your friends. Easypano provides free hosting at www.ieasypano.com for users of Easypano virtual tour software.
FLV for Loading Window
You can use FLV file in loading window. With this feature in professional edition of virtual tour software Tourweaver, the tour won't play before the FLV has finished playing.
Hotspot and Radar
Hotspot / Polygonal hotspot can be added to scene, map and Google map in the professional virtual tour software. Radar can indicate and show the location of the scene on map andthe position of the scene currently being played.
Selection tool
Normal and Flash thumbnails, Listbox and Combobox can list virtual tour scenes for selection view. Not only scenes, but also map and movie can be listed in the virtual tour created by Easypano virtual tour software Tourweaver.
Popup Window
Popup window helps to make virtual tour more interactive. Almost all the tour components can be added on popup window, and place a button on MainWindow to trigger the popup. This is really great feature provided by professional edition of virtual tour software only.
Media components
Flash and Video can be used to show rich content. Flash (*.swf) and Video (*.flv) can be added to virtual tour skin (on MainWindow), popup window and scene image.
Description components
Use Text, Image and TextArea to show information. They can show description for each scene, map, movie and component hint as well as trigger various actions.
3D Object
With this newly edition of virtual tour software, 3D modeling object is supported in Popup window and Main window. It should be in the format of .3ds.
HD AVI Virtual Tour
You can export, with professional edition of Easypano virtual tour software, your virtual tour into High definition video format, which can be played on your TV and any other displays direcly. FLV virtual tour is also supported.
Multilingual Tour
You can add six languages to the same tour: English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish and Italian. This is the newly added feature by Easypano virtual tour software Tourweaver.
Virtual tour formats
With the help of professional virtual tour software, Flash VR and Swf can be easily inserted in your webpage. Standalone exe can be burned to CD and sent to your clients. HTML5 virtual tour for iPhone/iPad
Customization of right-click menu
Company Name and website address can be added to right-click menu of the virtual tour created by professional edition of Easypano virtual tour software. This is quite helpful for leading more visits to the specified website.

Open AS API and JS API
In this version, some API and JS API have been open, which enable you to further customize your virtual tour without limit.AS API – JS API

Control buttons
Buttons, movie controller, compass,speed controller and sound controller (new feature in 6.50) are supported.Various actions can be applied to button.

Day to Night
Experiencing "Day to Night" or "Seasonal Transition" in same place

(虛擬旅遊軟體)Easypano Tourweaver Professional 7.50.130427 | Homepage:: www.easypano.com

(虛擬旅遊軟體)Easypano Tourweaver Professional 7.50.130427/ Size: 104.21 Mb



當您使用Ashampoo Anti-Virus 2014保護您的資料,你不必犧牲了安全速度和舒適度。
憑藉強大的自動化實時保護和頻繁的更新, Ashampoo的反病毒軟體提供了對所有常見的網路安全威脅,已知和不明的可靠保障。


‧按訪問後衛: ,中和過程中的檔案操作感染嘗試。
‧ Web防護:防止訪問惡意網站


‧ Internet清潔:刪除你的上網痕跡和刪除Internet暫存檔,清除瀏覽器快取,並清除您的瀏覽歷史記錄。
‧ HOSTFILE檢查:掃瞄您的Windows HOSTFILE不需要的DNS重定向
‧ ADS掃瞄器:掃瞄NTFS磁碟機的不可見的資料流,並刪除它們
‧ LSP的瀏覽器:管理的Winsock -層和網路活動

‧ WindowsRXP操作系統版(Service Pack 2 )
‧ Windows Vista™的版(Service Pack 1 )
‧Windows R 8和Windows R 8.1



【文章標題】: (反病毒軟體)Ashampoo Anti-Virus 1.0.5 Multilanguage
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Ashampoo Anti-Virus 1.0.5 Multilanguage

You don't have to sacrifice speed and comfort over security when you protect your data with Ashampoo Anti-Virus 2014. With powerful automated real-time protection and frequent updates, Ashampoo Anti-Virus 2014 offers reliable protection against all common Internet security threats, known and unknown. And it does so in a very discrete and unobtrusive manner without restricting your freedom of use.

Security Components
• Real-time protection: Neutralizes attacks as they happen
• Behavior Blocker: Monitors application behavior and prevents even not yet classified threats such as zero-day exploits
• On-Access Guard: Neutralizes infection attempts during file operations.
• Multi-Engine Scanner: Combines two scan engines for maximum accuracy
• Customizable whitelist to exclude files from scan
• Web protection: Prevents access to malicious websites
• Game mode: Handles all security issues automatically to ensure uninterrupted gameplay
• Self-protection: Vital program parts are encrypted to prevent the circumvention of security measures

User Interface
• Intuitive overview page with quick access to all program areas
• Logically arranged tabs
• Flat widget hierarchy without complex nested dialogs

System Utilities
• File Wiper: Protect your privacy and permanently erase files and folders to render them unrecoverable for file restoration tools. It is also possible, to overwrite empty hard disk space to prevent restoration of already deleted files.
• Internet Cleaner: Remove your Internet traces and delete temporary Internet files, clear your browser cache and erase your browsing history.
• Hostfile Checker: Scans your Windows hostfile for unwanted DNS redirects
• ADS Scanner: Scan NTFS drives for invisible data streams and remove them
• StartUp Tuner: Improve the startup time of your PC and disable unnecessary Autostart entries.
• LSP Viewer: Manage Winsock-Layers and network activity

OS Compatibility
• Windows® XP (Service Pack 2)
• Windows Vista™ (Service Pack 1)
• Windows® 7
• Windows® 8 and Windows® 8.1

(反病毒軟體)Ashampoo Anti-Virus 1.0.5 Multilanguage/Homepage: www.ashampoo.com

(反病毒軟體)Ashampoo Anti-Virus 1.0.5 Multilanguage/Size: 226.56 MB


WinASO註冊表改善工具是一種Windows先進的註冊表清理和改善的工具 ,使您可以安全地清理,並用幾個簡單的滑鼠點擊修復註冊表問題。它會掃瞄Windows註冊表並在註冊表中找到不正確或過時的訊息。通過在Windows註冊表修復這些過時的訊息,你的系統將運行得更快,無差錯。通過幾個簡單的步驟, WinASO註冊表改善工具會掃瞄你的整個登入的任何無效的項目,並提供發現的錯誤的清單。然後,您可以選取清裡每個項目或是自動進行備份後的全部修復。 WinASO註冊表改善工具可以修復IE瀏覽器的設定,內含IE首頁,IE視窗標題,等你的Windows註冊表中儲存,當您使用您的電腦不斷增長的每一秒!它不斷地記錄所有的訊息和軟體,硬體和系統設定的變更。隨著時間的推移,你的註冊表會積累了大量過時的,多餘的和無效的項目和註冊表孔,從而嚴重影響電腦的效能的。但編輯和清理註冊表項目不僅是一個費時的工作,而是一個高風險的。不當修改註冊表項可能會影響系統的運行,甚至會造成嚴重的系統損壞。



WinASO註冊表改善工具將解決所有導致系統不穩定, PC錯誤,死機,系統變慢,內含但不限於註冊表中的錯誤:

掃瞄歷史記錄和由Windows , IE瀏覽器產生的痕跡,火狐, Flash播放器,媒體播放器,以及更多的其他應用
一鍵清理所有的Windows或Internet暫存檔, Cookie,快取,網址,帳號和密碼等。



加快加載的Internet Explorer網頁









一些有用的系統工具列在一起為您提供便利,以說明您更好地管理您的電腦訊息,如磁碟清理,磁碟碎片整理程式, DirectX診斷工具,註冊表編輯器等。



【文章標題】:(註冊表改善工具)WinASO Registry Optimizer
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
WinASO Registry Optimizer

WinASO Registry Optimizer is an advanced registry cleaner and optimizer for Windows that allows you to safely clean and repair registry problems with a few simple mouse clicks. It scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. By fixing these obsolete information in Windows registry, your system will run faster and error free. With a few easy steps, WinASO Registry Optimizer will scan your entire registry for any invalid entries and provide a list of the errors found. You can then choose to clean each item or automatically repair them all after making a backup. WinASO Registry Optimizer can restoring Internet Explorer setting, including IE Home Page, IE Window Title, etc. Your Windows registry keeps growing every second when you use your computer! It continuously records all the information and changes of software, hardware and system settings. Over time, your registry will be accumulated with a large number of obsolete, redundant and invalid entries and registry holes, which seriously affect your PC performance. But editing and cleaning registry items is not only a time-consuming job, but a highly risky one. Improperly modifying registry items may affect your system running or even cause severe system damages.

Registry Cleaner
Advanced scanning algorithm that scans the entire registry in seconds
Comprehensive error report listing registry errors in 20 categories
Allows user to sort the error report according to 10 different attributes
Powerful registry fixer that quickly fixes all registry problems with just a simple click
Provides more freedom by allowing user to select items to fix

WinASO Registry Optimizer will fix all the registry errors that cause system instability, PC errors, crashes, system slowdown, including but not limited to:
Invalid User software settings Invalid class keys
Invalid system software settings Invalid fonts
Invalid browser helper objects Invalid start-up programs
Invalid custom control settings ActiveX
Errors in uninstall sections Obsolete history lists
Shared DLL errors Invalid file paths
Sound and AppEvents errors Invalid file extensions
Startup popup window Invalid software locations
Invalid System settings Windows services error
Invalid help and resources Invalid virtual devices
Empty registry keys Invalid device drivers

Privacy Cleaner
Scan history records and traces generated by Windows, IE, Firefox, Flash Player, Media Player, and more other applications
One-click to clean up all the Windows or internet temporary files, cookies, cache, URL, account and password etc.
Protect your privacy. With Privacy Cleaner, your personal information will not be left behind in the computer you used
Boost system speed and improve PC performance

System Optimizer
The built-in System Optimizer allows you to optimize your system settings, and as a result, boosts your system speed and improves system performance.

The System Optimizer will optimize the following settings to speed up your system:
Automatically end hung applications
Enable UDMA66 support
Optimize Internet connection
Force Windows to Unload DLLs from Memory
Speed up Windows refresh
Speed up browsing remote computers
Speed up loading internet explorer pages
Speed up the menu show delay
Boost up the Windows prefetcher service

Short-cuts Cleaner
Quickly identify and clean up redundant shortcuts that point to non-existent or invalid files

Registry Defrag
Quickly analyze your registry
Automatically backup, defragment, compact and optimize your registry with a powerful defragmenting algorithm

Startup Manager
Instantly detect and list all the programs that run at system startup
Allow you to easily edit, disable, enable or delete the startup programs

Uninstall Manager
Clearly list all the installed programs on your computer
Allow you to quickly remove any unwanted programs to free-up disk space and improve system efficiency

IE Manager
Easily repair your IE problems as well as settings changed by the malicious websites
System tools
A number of useful system tools are listed together for your convenience to help you better manage your computer, such as Disk Cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, DirectX Diagnostic Tool, Registry Editor, etc.

(註冊表改善工具)WinASO Registry Optimizer | Home Page www.winaso.com

(註冊表改善工具)WinASO Registry Optimizer / Size: 8.26 MB



不管你喜歡什麼音樂壓縮機,你可以保持您的音樂收藏標籤組織和重新命名,因為它是唯一的標籤編輯器和組織者,具有完整的原生支援:MP3(ID3v1標籤,ID3v2.2,ID3v2.3和在ID3v2.4標籤) ,MusePack MPC/ MP+(APEv1,APEv2和ID3v1標籤),Windows媒體WMA,ASF和WMV檔案的Ogg Vorbis格式/ FLAC/ Speex語音(Vorbis的意見),蘋果的iTunes和iPod的AAC(M4A)檔案,內含MP4,M4A無損和保護M4P檔案,最流行的無損編解碼器,內含猴子的音訊,FLAC,WAV包,OPTIM青蛙,真音響,蘋果,Windows Media無損的WAV。


標籤更名一個簡單而直觀的模式支援多種檔案和標籤標準,所以你可以與音樂元資料,並沒有去想檔案的編解碼器和標籤版本 – 標籤和重新命名它。

支援WMA/ ASF修正了在某些系統上

【文章標題】: (標籤編輯器)Tag&Rename 3.7.0 Beta 4
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Tag&Rename 3.7.0 Beta 4

Tag&Rename is a music files tag editor that easily handles all popular digital audio formats. No matter what music compressor you prefer, you can keep your music collection organized with Tag&Rename since it is the only tag editor and organizer which has full native support for: mp3 (ID3v1, ID3v2.2, ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 tags), MusePack mpc/mp+ (APEv1, APEv2 and ID3v1 tags), Windows Media wma, asf and wmv files, Ogg Vorbis/Flac/Speex (vorbis comments), Apple iTunes and iPod aac (m4a) files including mp4, lossless m4a and protected m4p files, most popular lossless codecs including Monkey's Audio, Flac, Wav Pack, Optim Frog, True Audio, Apple, Windows Media lossless and Wav.

Tag&Rename supports many additional tag fields including lyrics, cover art, rating, mood, disc #, part of a compilation, album artist, classical music fields (Composer, Conductor, etc.), file related URL's and so on. With Tag&Rename, you can:
manually edit music files tags
automatically fix and complete file tags using online freedb database
load titles and cover art from amazon.com server
get tags data from file names and its folders structures
rename your music files and folders according to its music information in a batch
create play lists
export files information to CSV, HTML, XML and text formats and more

Tag&Rename supports many files and tags standards in an easy and intuitive way, so you can work with music metadata and not have to think about files codecs and tags versions – Tag&Rename does it all.

New in this version:
Shell extension menu now support selection group of files/folders
Tag Editor window width made resizable now
any file list column now can be used as a "filter"
fixed bug in wma/asf support on some systems
minor fixes

(標籤編輯器)Tag&Rename 3.7.0 Beta 4 – http://www.softpointer.com/tr.htm

(標籤編輯器)Tag&Rename 3.7.0 Beta 4: 5.92 MB





*增加了支援為Windows 8.1



【文章標題】:(系統調整工具)WinUtilities Pro 10.65
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
WinUtilities Pro 10.65

WinUtilities is a system tweaking suite that includes more than 20 tools to improve and tweak your PC's performance. It offers an attractive and easy to use interface that organizes all tasks into categories and provides graphical statistics whenever possible. The tools include Junk File Cleaner, Registry Cleaner, Memory Optimizer, System Information, Registry Backup, File Encryption, Safe Uninstaller, Duplicate File Finder, File Shredder and much more. WinUtilities also includes an Internet Tracks Eraser with Cookie Manager and Secure Deletion. Overall, a great bundle that offers a wide range of system tools with extra benefits which are not easy to find.

• Recovers deleted files on NTFS and FAT volumes
• Cleans disks from information that clogs your system and reduces the performance of your computer
• Scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the Windows Registry
• Helps you to easily manage program execution at windows startup
• Erases all traces of activity on your computer, save spaces and protect your privacy
• Splits any type of file into smaller pieces and rejoin them to the original file
• Erases files and make sure that no data thief can get his hands on your sensitive data
• Protects any Windows executable file with a secure password
• Optimizes the Memory Management of Windows
• Helps you to free disk space by finding and removing duplicate files from your system
• Provides you with an easy way to address the invalid shortcuts and reports back to you so that you can remove it from your system
• Allows you to check your system's performance and manage the running processes
• Manages the programs installed on your system and uninstall unneeded software
• Shows you the detailed information for your computer hardware and software
• Back up and restore the Windows Registry
• Searchs the Windows Registry by a specific wildcard. then you can delete or export them
• Manages the BHOs that are currently installed
• Schedules your computer for log off, stand by, hibernate, or shutdown at a specific time
• Provides you an easy way to launch the utilities build in Windows
• Organizes and manage your Windows Settings
• Configures the cleaning tasks that take place automatically

WinUtilities version 10.65
* Updated database for Process Security
* Updated database for History Cleaner for better privacy protection
* Updated multiple languages to the latest
* Updated and optimized multiple tools in Toolbox
* Added Support for Windows 8.1
* Fixed general bugs

(系統調整工具)WinUtilities Pro 10.65 | Home Page www.ylcomputing.com

(系統調整工具)WinUtilities Pro 10.65: 6 MB



Sudoku Up是高達數獨遊戲的高品質的集合。


– 數以千計的不同的
– 儲存,開啟和重新啟動遊戲。
– 玩家的選取。自訂網格和背景。
– 變化的背景使用bmp的定製圖像檔案。
– 無限層級的復原/重做功能。
– 圖表的統計資料與圖表,3D餅圖和條形圖和表格。
– 選項內含總場比賽,本屆會議上,一系列勝利,玩家贏得遊戲,玩家的分數和高的分數。
– 統計所有遊戲,贏了,輸了一場比賽,並略過遊戲。
– 選取音效和比賽贏了動畫。
– 可定制的工具列。
– 拉近的統計訊息。
– 還有更多…


【文章標題】:(遊戲軟體)Sudoku Up 2014 v7.0 (by TreeCardGames)
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Sudoku Up 2014 v7.0 (by TreeCardGames)

Sudoku Up is a high-quality collection of Sudoku Puzzles.
Sudoku Up Solitaire includes millions of different puzzles to keep you entertained for years to come… No need to search for other sources of Sudoku! Sudoku Up includes five difficulty levels to challenge you. Enjoy the detailed statistics of each game with graphs, 3D pie and bar charts, and tables to estimate your skill level. Options include total games, current session, series of wins and losses, player's games won, players' scores and hi-scores, statistics for all games, won and lost games, and skipped games.
For Sudoku lovers, Sudoku Up is a guaranteed pleasure. Each game is fun and exciting, and will keep you entertained for years to come…
If you like Sudoku puzzles, then you'll love Sudoku Up!

Main Features are:
– Thousands of different Sudoku games!
– Save, Open and Restart games.
– Player's options. Customize Grids and Backgrounds.
– Change backgrounds by using .bmp customized image files.
– Unlimited levels of the undo/redo feature.
– Chart your statistics with graphs, 3D pie and bar charts and tables.
– Options include total games, current session, series of wins, players' games won, players' scores and hi-scores.
– Statistics for all games, won and lost games, and skipped games.
– Choose sounds and Game Won animation.
– Customizable Toolbars.
– Zoom in on statistics.
– And much more…

(遊戲軟體)Sudoku Up 2014 v7.0 (by TreeCardGames) | Home Page: www.sudokuup.com

(遊戲軟體)Sudoku Up 2014 v7.0 (by TreeCardGames)| Size: 19.4 MB


快速批處理檔案,編譯您的批處理檔案轉換成實際的程式( EXE格式) 。
該程式可以運行在Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista中,沒有任何限制。

快速批處理檔案編譯器也可以讓你設定。 EXE檔案中的各種資源,比如其描述,公司名稱,版本訊息,甚至應用程式的圖示。



【文章標題】:(檔案編譯器)Abyssmedia Quick Batch File Compiler
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Abyssmedia Quick Batch File Compiler

Quick Batch File Compiler convert your batch files into actual program (.EXE format) in one click. This program may be run on Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista without any limitations. An .EXE file is much harder to casually reverse-engineer, so this could be a way to conceal a particular batch file's operations from an end user. Content of your batch file will be encrypted and protected from changes.

Quick Batch File Compiler also lets you set various resources in the .EXE file, such as its description, the company name, version information and even the application icon. In additional, you may include any files to compiled exe file and use it during execution.

Main Features:
* Open context help for batch commands by pressing F1 in editor
* Embedded files: you can embed files to the compiled executable. This files will be decompressed before script execution and delected on exit.
* Can create Ghost applications without DOS window.
* Allows you to select application icon
* Allows you to edit Version Info for EXE-file.
* Protects contents of a batch file from the non-authorized change
* Hides contents of a batch file from viewing.
* It is not necessary to be the programmer to create the program
* It is very useful to installation and automation tasks
* Highlight command's syntaxis inside built-in editor
* Can compile any batch file to exe format compatible with 2000/XP/2003/Vista.
* All compiled files royalty-free

(檔案編譯器)Abyssmedia Quick Batch File Compiler | Homepage: www.abyssmedia.com

(檔案編譯器)Abyssmedia Quick Batch File Compiler | Size: 1.1 Mb



EditPad Pro是一個強大和靈活的文本編輯器或字處理器。
旨在使文本編輯盡可能的方便,使用的EditPad Pro來編輯文本文件,將節省您大量的時間和挫折。


【文章標題】:(文本編輯器和字處理器)EditPad Pro 7.3.1 Retail
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
EditPad Pro 7.3.1 Retail

EditPad Pro is a powerful and versatile text editor or word processor. Designed to make text editing as convenient as possible, using EditPad Pro to edit text files will save you a lot of time and frustration.

(文本編輯器和字處理器)EditPad Pro 7.3.1 Retail | Homepage: www.editpadpro.com

(文本編輯器和字處理器)EditPad Pro 7.3.1 Retail | Size: 12.1 MB






【文章標題】:(格式化恢復軟體)Active Unformat Professional
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Active Unformat Professional

Unformat hard drive is a software utility created to solve almost all data loss scenarios due to logical failure. It can recover deleted files on a disk or restore deleted or damaged partitions and volumes. As well as recovers data after using the FORMAT command.

Key Features:
New! Support for large HDDs
New! Advanced recovery by folder/by file
New! Improvements in scan algorithms
Restores formatted HDD, USB & Flash drives
Recovers data from NTFS, FAT32, FAT file systems
Automatic operability for user convenience
Simple and well thought-out interface design
USB connected disks and flash drives
Memory cards accidently formatted in cameras, smart phones, MP3 Players, etc.
PC hard drives: ATA, SCSI, SATA, SSD and SAS hard drives

(格式化恢復軟體)Active Unformat Professional | Homepage: www.lsoft.net/unformat.aspx

(格式化恢復軟體)Active Unformat Professional | Size: 144.5 MB


Chris-PC Game Booster,是克裡斯電腦的優秀新產品,讓您得到其完整的硬體潛力。我們很多人通過讀書,聽音樂和大多數人通過玩遊戲放鬆。它是一個軟體工具,旨在為那些從他們的PC硬體想要得到最大限度的人,才能發揮自己喜愛的遊戲。窗戶是專為通用用途,故有像使用硬體的集中特定部分遊戲的具體專案均表現不佳。

Chris-PC Game Booster的行動以這樣一種模式,它能夠更快地訪問記憶體, CPU / GPU ,存儲磁碟和記憶體快取設定不同的參數的Windows註冊表和配置檔。此外,它調諧在這樣一種模式,以獲得所需要的一個線上遊戲者配置的細長的安裝Windows網路參數。


沒有升級到昂貴的新硬體( CPU / GPU / RAM)的需要在遊戲中改進的圖形使用者體驗:更高的顯示幀速率,更流暢的動畫圖形和更好的讀/寫訪問時間存儲磁碟機;
沒有遊戲修改更新:遊戲反作弊機制,不會把Chris-PC Game Booster作為作弊軟體。
增加所有,如電纜,DSL的U-verse , FiOS光纖和撥號上網連線類型的速度。

Chris-PC Game Booster 2.10 :
– 改進的速度調整為Windows 8.1更新1 。



【文章標題】: (電腦遊戲助推器)Chris-PC Game Booster 2.10
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Chris-PC Game Booster 2.10

Chris-PC Game Booster is a an outstanding new product of Chris P.C. srl that will rocket your PC and get its full hardware potential. Many of us relax by reading books, listening to music and most of us by playing games. And yes, Chris-PC Game Booster is a software tool meant for those who want to get the utmost from their PC hardware in order to play their favorite games. Windows is built for generic usage and therefore has average to poor performance for specific programs like games that use intensively specific parts of the hardware.

Chris-PC Game Booster goes in action setting different Windows parameters in registry and configurations files in such a way that it allows faster access to RAM memory, CPU/GPU, storage disks and cache memory. Furthermore it tunes the Windows network parameters in such a way as to obtain the slim setup needed for an online gamer profile.

Chris-PC Game Booster has many key features like:
Improved graphical user experience in games without the need of upgrading to expensive new hardware (CPU/GPU/RAM): higher display frame rates, smoother graphics animations and better read/write access times to storage drives;
Better online multiplayer games experience, without network lags.
No game patching: Anti-cheat mechanisms of games will not treat Chris-PC Game Booster as a cheating software.
Restore option to previous Windows settings: Convenient for keeping compatibility with other programs that you use frequently.
Increases the speed of all internet connection types such as Cable, DSL, U-Verse, Fios and dial-up.
Advanced software based over-clocking feature which enhances memory speed, CPU prioritization of full screen applications and internet speed for games.
Optimizes your computer hardware with 1 click to allow games to run faster and increases the speed of your internet connection for faster downloads and speed.
Simple and intuitive interface.

Chris-PC Game Booster 2.10:
– Improved speed tweaks for Windows 8.1 update 1.

(電腦遊戲助推器)Chris-PC Game Booster 2.10 | Homepage: game-booster.chris-pc.com

(電腦遊戲助推器)Chris-PC Game Booster 2.10 | Size: 1.7 MB


SweetScape010 Editor是一款專業級的文字編輯器,十六進位編輯器,它能夠快速,輕鬆地編輯任何檔案或電腦上的磁碟機。結合了一個易於使用的介面編輯工具的整個範圍,它是任何人以文字或二進位檔案工作的寶貴工具。其中它最強大的功能是幾乎解析使用二進位模板的任何二進位檔案的能力。相反,通過長距離的十六進位位元組,與傳統的十六進位編輯器瀏覽,二進位模板可以被理解的檔案。模板是很容易編寫,並且可以用來完全解析的任何資料格式,如BMP或ZIP檔案(模板,用於讀取這些檔案包括在 010 Editor)。

二值模板類似於一個C / C+ +結構,但實際上是作為程式運行。一個變量在模板中聲明的每一次,該變量被映射到一個檔案中的一組十六進位位元組。在該檔案中的資料可以被讀出或寫入通過修改變量。因為模板是作為程式運行,如果,或while語句以及函數或複雜的表達式可以使用。當模板運行時,所定義的變量可以使用該模板的結果被編輯,如左圖所示。新的模板可以被新增到 010 Editor,甚至可以構成為,當一個檔案被載入時自動運行。

‧檢視和編輯您的硬碟機上的任何二進位檔案(檔案大小無限制)和文字檔案,其中內含Unicode檔案,C / C+ +原始碼等。



【文章標題】:(文字編輯器)SweetScape 010 Editor 5.0.2
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
SweetScape 010 Editor 5.0.2

SweetScape 010 Editor is a professional-grade text editor and hex editor designed to quickly and easily edit any file or drive on your computer. Combining an easy-to-use interface with a whole range of editing tools, 010 Editor is a valuable tool for anyone working with text or binary files. One of the most powerful features of 010 Editor is the ability to parse virtually any binary file using a Binary Template. Instead of browsing through a long range of hex bytes as with traditional hex editors, Binary Templates allow a file to be understood. Templates are easy to write and can be used to completely parse any data format, such as BMP or ZIP files (Templates for reading these files are included with 010 Editor).

A Binary Template looks similar to a C/C++ structure, but is actually run as a program. Every time a variable is declared in a Template, that variable is mapped to a set of hex bytes in a file. Data in the file can then be read or written by modifying the variable. Because the Template is run as a program, if, for, or while statements as well as functions or complex expressions can be used. When a Template is run, the defined variables can be edited using the Template Results, as shown on the left. New Templates can be added to 010 Editor and can even be configured to run automatically when a file is loaded.

• View and edit any binary file on your hard drive (unlimited file size) and text files including Unicode files, C/C++ source code, etc.
• Unique Binary Templates technology allows you to understand any binary file format.
• Find and fix problems with hard drives, floppy drives, memory keys, flash drives, CD-ROMs, processes, etc.
• Analyze and edit binary data with powerful tools including Find, Replace, Find in Files, Binary Comparisons, Checksum/Hash Algorithms, Histograms, etc.
• Powerful scripting engine allows automation of many tasks (language is very similar to C).
• Import and export your binary data in a number of different formats.

(文字編輯器)SweetScape 010 Editor 5.0.2 | Homepage: www.sweetscape.com

(文字編輯器)SweetScape 010 Editor 5.0.2 | Size: 13.24 MB



– 屬性:
– 開啟資料夾:
– 更名標題:
– 在際網路上搜尋進入:
– RAM的用法:
– 結束程式:
– 終止程式:
– 設定優先級:
– 設定優先級(粘):
– 托盤圖示:

·大大提高了遊戲PC的配置檔:現在還改善Steam遊戲還加入了NVIDIA SLI和AMD CrossFire支援
·新增支援英特爾Haswell的處理器(例如酷睿i7 4770K或酷睿i5 4670K)

【文章標題】: (系統設定管理)Outertech Cacheman 7.70
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Outertech Cacheman 7.70

Cacheman is a Windows software designed to speed up your computer by optimizing several caches, managing RAM and fine tuning a number of system settings. Auto-Optimization makes it suitable for novice and intermediate users yet it is also powerful and versatile enough for computer experts. Backups of settings ensure that all user modifications can be reversed with a single click. Cacheman takes Memory Management to the next level. You can define which applications have the most importance to you. When your system runs out of RAM Cacheman will take it away from non essential programs and give it to the important ones. This is a drastic improvement to the default Windows memory management. You can even limit the RAM a specific application can use. Cacheman Auto-Optimize is a one-click function which will examine your system and apply automatically best settings and system tweaks in order to improve performance and stability. You can also make your computer more suitable for a specific task by selecting individual Auto-Optimization profiles like "Gaming Computer" or "Network Server".

Process Management functions offered by Cacheman:
– Properties:
displays the properties dialog of the selected process executable
-Show window:
brings the main window of the selected process to front
– Open folder:
opens the folder of the process executable with Explorer
– Rename Title:
changes the caption of the selected process main window
– Look up entry on Internet:
opens your default web browser and looks up information about the selected process
– Lower RAM usage:
moves non active parts of the selected process from RAM to Paging File
– End Process:
closes the main window of the selected application (normal exit)
– Kill Process:
eliminates the selected process from memory, use only on crashed applications that do not respond
– Set Priority:
sets the level of CPU Priority of the selected process, processes with higher Priority will get more CPU time and run faster, but slow down reaction times of other processes
– Set Priority (sticky):
same as Set Priority with the difference that the priority will survive a computer reboot or a program restart
– Tray Icons:
Cacheman displays upto three icons in the Windows Tray Area.

Changelog 7.70:
· Greatly improved Gaming PC profile: now optimizes also Steam games; also adds NVidia SLI and AMD CrossFire support
· New Digital Audio Workstation optimization profile
· Improved basic profile
· Added support for Intel Haswell processors (for example Core i7 4770K or Core i5 4670K)
· Processes can now be hidden from the information tab
· Hotkeys added for often performed information tab functions

(系統設定管理)Outertech Cacheman 7.70 | Home Page: www.outertech.com

系統設定管理)Outertech Cacheman 7.70| Size: 3.60 Mb

 ОС | OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8



訊連科技WaveEditor – 音效的記錄,分析和編輯,內建的音訊編輯程式容許您剪下,分割和合併錄音,



【文章標題】: (音訊編輯程式)CyberLink WaveEditor
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/sale/
【購物網站架站教學課程】: http://por.tw/sale/cmmerse-4-all/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/sale/
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
CyberLink WaveEditor

CyberLink WaveEditor – a program for recording, analysis and editing of sound, built-in audio editor allows you to cut, split and merge your recordings, add to them the sound effects and filters, etc etc. The program is also present writer drives, allowing you to create your own audio CD which may be listened to on the computer, a home player.

In CyberLink WaveEditor, you can perform the following functions:
• import audio files in a variety of formats.
• download audio files from the Freesound web service.
• record custom audio using a microphone or other input device.
• crop and trim out unwanted portions from audio files with ease.
• full control over the adjustment of an audio file's master volume.
• apply a number of useful effects to audio files, including distortion, reverb, dynamic range compression, vocal removal, and more.
• import and apply custom VST plugin effects to your audio files.
• mix multiple audio tracks into one customized audio file.
• create CDs with the custom audio in your library.

(音訊編輯程式)CyberLink WaveEditor www.cyberlink.com

(音訊編輯程式)CyberLink WaveEditor 28.51 MB